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What is Romance?

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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Ten

Some time later Cat opened her eyes to a splitting headache, to see Eric lifting her out of his car, Cat was a little disorientated and confused.  “Eric? What…” “Shhh, it’s alright, Cat just relax.” She did just that, her head hurt to much to fight him, she couldn’t remember why this was a bad idea, she needed to get her thoughts together first, sighing Cat melted into Eric’s strong arms, letting his intoxicating scent wash over her, god he smelled good, hidden in her bedroom was a shirt she hadn’t given back to him, she hadn’t washed it, for the times she really needed him and he wasn’t there, the closest thing she had was his unwashed shirt.  Cat heard Eric open her front door, he must of taken the key from her handbag, he headed straight for the bedroom with Cat still in his arms, she heard him drop her handbag and keys on the side on his way. Eric knelt on the bed and carefully lowered her to the mattress, Cat clung to his shoulders as he tried to pull away, not really sure why, but she didn’t want to be alone, Eric was in her bedroom after what seemed like a lifetime, Cat just wanted someone to hold her, how she missed him, not caring right now how this wasn’t a good idea.  “Cat?” “Eric, please just hold me.” Sighing Eric followed Cat down on the bed, stretching out beside her, then pulled Cat to his side wrapping his arms around her.   Arching up to her lovers touch as he ran his hands down the side of her breasts, running her hands into his hair and pulling, moaning out loud, trying to move closer to a naked Eric… Naked! Eric! Cat froze, he was naked in her bed! So was she, how had she become naked, what the hell had she been thinking, that’s just it she hadn’t been, Cat tried to remember Eric bringing them here and getting into bed with her, when nothing! She would remember if he made love to her wouldn’t she? Cat snapped her eyes open to bright sunlight streaming through the bay windows. Cat felt like some time had passedand the position of the sun indicated that it was morning, she had slept hours, Eric was running kisses down her neck and his leg slid in between hers, one hand cupped her breast, while the other circled her bottom pulling her close to his morningerection, Cat almost closed her eyes, as her blood ran hot, No! She couldn’t let this happen, if Eric had feelings for Claudia and he was changing his life for her, she couldn’t be the other woman and destroy that, all that he had done in the last few months showed he was in love with Claudia. He had said to his mother that Cat had ended things, that was true, maybe as Claudia had said, Allison was giving Eric grief about Cat, maybe it was time Allison and Cat had a talk, Eric needed to get on with his life. Remembering the conversation last night between Allison and Eric. Suddenly Cat felt sick, She knew in her heart she was pregnant, all the pieces had clicked together yesterday after Allison had asked Eric if there was any chance, she knew she couldn’t tell Eric if he had found happiness with Claudia, a baby would totally wreck things for him, Eric would hate her,if she did anything to destroy his relationship, Cat put the thoughts of being pregnant in a box in her mind and closed the lid, she couldn’t think about that now, only when Eric was gone could she work through her thoughts. She moved her hands to his chest and pushed “No! We can’t do this!” Pushing harder away from Eric’s lovers touch, sighing Eric let her go and she swung her legs to the side of the bed pulling the sheet with her wrapping it around herself “You shouldn’t be here Eric, thank you for staying with me, but we can’t have sex it isn’t right.” Cat couldn’t look at him, her face was red with her embarrassment, being naked in bed with Eric when he was with someone else, just wasn’t right. She heard Eric moving rather than saw because she still had her back to him, the mattress lifted as he removed his body from it. Keeping her eyes down because she knew he was naked. “Why can’t we make love if you’re willing?” Cat almost gave a sarcastic laugh only holding back at the last minute, make love, really! had sex more like it, she didn’t want to get into a fight right now, she wanted him to leave, so she could open that box inside her mind and think about the impact that was going to have, so she replied still looking anywhere but him “ I’m not willing! Yes, my body might very well be, my mind isn’t, plus we shouldn’t be together not now, you have someone else in your life, it’s not right you being here, it wouldn’t be fair to Claudia.” Cat finished in a soft tone, hoping he would tell her that he and Claudia are not together and there was a good reason for the photo and blurb in the paper, Cat could hear Eric getting dressed almost angryly, had he just remembered Claudia, was he angry with her for making him stay last night? Did he have plans with Claudia last night had she wrecked them, tears filled her eyes. Cat lifted her feet up on the bed and placed her head on her raised knees, not wanting to but she started to think of the baby she carried and Eric hadn’t gone yet, Cat couldn’t believe it, except for that first time they had been so careful, always using protection until Cat had started to take the pill, Eric had told her he wouldn’t be happy if she got pregnant on purpose, what he didn’t know was she had never wanted to be like her mother, a single parent, look at her now pregnant alone and the father of her baby was dating someone else, it was just her luck. When things had ended with Eric, Cat had stop taking the pill, and she had fallen pregnant straight away, over the last few months she had been so emotional that she hadn’t even noticed her missing periods, at least she knew who the father of her baby was!. Baby! She still couldn’t believe it, just didn’t seem real, she was carrying a little life inside her, she couldn’t tell anyonenot even Joanne, this will have to be her little secret, she didn’t know if she would keep it from Eric, understanding his feelings about children and her getting pregnant or any lover getting pregnant for that matter, she just didn’t know if she could, not yet anyway, maybe not ever, Eric didn’t know about her family history and would never understand this was anything but intentional. If he had ever asked her anything about her family she would always change the subject, their relationship had never been commitment based, so she shared bare facts, he knew she came from a foster care family, nothing of her real mother or the life she had led before going into foster care. Cat found she didn’t open up about that time to anyone. If their relationship had developed into more, she would have told him, but as the months went on Eric had spent less time with her. Eric had never grown to love her like the love she felt for him. “I think I better go” Eric said, making Cat look at him, she had been lost in her own thoughts, he was fully dressed now, standing on the other side of the bed, watching her frowning. Cat nodded  “Mum wants you to see a doctor, would you like me to get someone to come and see you here.”  Cat didn’t want anyone Eric knew to see her, quickly she said “No! I’ll go and see my normal doctor today, tell Allison everything is alright, it’s just the lasting effects of the flu, I’m just run down, I will take today off to see the doctor, then I might work out with Allison about taking sometime off.”getting away was just what she needed, adding “after I see the doctor, I’ll call Allison about the time off and arrange it with her.” She had plans to make. Nodding Eric agreed “ I don’t see that as a problem Cat, you do look unwell and you have lost a lot of weight, would you like me to fix you something to eat before I go?” Why was he being so nice? Cat wondered. The thought of food made her stomach roll, breathing in slowly, the last thing she needed was to throw up in front of Eric, with his mother’s question still ringing in his ears, he would guess she was pregnant indeed, Cat shook her head “ No thanks, I want to shower first, thanks for staying last night, I’m fine now, you have a office to get to, I promise to see a doctor today, then I’ll call Allison to reassure her I’m ok and arrange the time off.” Eric nodded, hands on his hips, he looked so handsome standing there clothes wrinkled, his chin covered in dark stubble, hair all over the place. “Make sure you do, Mum is really worried about you.”  His Mum was worried! not Eric, realising nothing had change between them with a sinking heart, they had spent their time here, never at Eric’s place, due to more chance of getting caught together by his mother or the press. Maybe she hadn’t ingrained herself in his life, was that why she was so easy to walk away from. Eric moved around to her side of the bed and kissed her cheek surprising Cat. “Make sure you look after yourself.” Eric said before leaving the bedroom, she heard the townhouse front door close a few seconds later. Cat touched the cheek Eric had kissed, he hadn’t touched anywhere else, it felt so final. Why did she feel so disappointed, she had needed him to go. Cat decided not to analyse her feelings anymore, laying a hand on her stomach. she was having a baby, Cat smiled. She may be an unmarried mother, she wasn’t anything like her own parent, she would love this baby and never let them feel unwanted, it was created by her love. Even if not by Eric’s, this child would not feel anything but loved and special. Better to have one parent who loved it than no love at all. Feeling sick, Cat jumped up and just made it to the toilet in time.

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