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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Eighteen

Cat felt the light touch to her cheek, slowly opening her eyes, she smiled softly into Eric’s tender expression.  “I’m sorry” she whispered “I seem to be always falling asleep on you. “ Eric laughed “Thank god,  I know  it’s the pregnancy or my ego would be smashed to pieces by now. We are home.” Placing a lingering kiss on the corner of her mouth, he undid her seatbelt then his own. Getting out of the car he rounded it to help her out. They walked to the lift together. Once inside and heading for the penthouse he said “I started looking for a house.” Pulling her into his arms. Cat turned her head up to him. “Ok” Squeezing her close “You are ok with moving to the outskirts of Sydney?” Cat ran a hand down his face touching his lips. “Yes, I’d like somewhere with a garden.” He was thinking of Rachel she was sure. She wasn’t Rachel, the night life in Sydney held very little interest to her, Cat wanted somewhere to play with her children. Relieved Eric breathed out and lowered his head to kiss Cat’s lips. Hungrily she moved fully into his body, wrapping her arms around his neck and into his hair and standing up on her toes. Cat gave herself to the kiss sharing all her love for him. Thank god this was a private elevator. Groaning Eric lifted her up wrapping her legs around his waist and moved out of the lift she hadn’t even known had opened. Not breaking the kiss he walked them straight to the master bedroom. Setting her down he asked “Do you want a shower.” Thinking, Cat nodded “Yes.” “Ok, we will have it together.”Turning her to face the mirror. Cat watched as Eric undid her simple dress she had chosen to wear today. The caramel cream colour really set off her eyes and red hair. It was a very simple bias cut dress with spaghetti straps that hugged her body and fell to the floor.  Looking at Eric in his linen coloured suit and white shirt with no tie. They had dressed right for their beach wedding and had decided to have photos done before the service so they could head straight to the restaurant after. Cat watched as Eric leaned forward and planted a kiss on each bare shoulder. The only real flying her ointment today had been Claudia’s presence. Cat had not known she was going to be there and truly why would Eric invite an ex. It had been very insensitive of him. The shock she had gotten on seeing Claudia had nearly floored her. Today wasn’t the day to call him out on it but one day soon she was going to let him know how upset she had been.  Gasping as Eric unzipped her dress and moved his kisses to the exposed skin, he lifted both spaghetti straps over her shoulders and the dress pooled at her feet. Eric lifted his head to look at her reflection in the mirror. “Holy Fuck” He breathed out Taking in Cat’s strapless Demi silk and lace buster in a delicate shell colour, silk fine g-string that matched. Cat had never before worn a garter belt but when she had seen the set in the store she couldn’t help herself. “Good thing I didn’t see you dressing this morning, if I had seen you in this, we wouldn’t have made it to the service.” Eric moved his hand to the front of her body opening the clasps holding her thigh high stockings in place. “God you look sexy.” Eric whispered in her ear never taking his eyes from her body and his task in the mirror. Her blood was firing up and she moved against Eric. Her breaths came in little gasps.  “Are you going to still feel that way when I’m the size of a house.” Eric bit her ear playfully “All the more to hold. I told you before that knowing my seed is growing inside you is the biggest turn on.” Pushing his erection against her buttocks to prove his point. “Now if you had told me last year I would feel like this I would have laughed.” Finishing undoing the clips on Cats stockings, both front and back Eric fell to his knees behind her, rolling each stocking down and off her foot. Before kissing the back of each thigh. Standing back up he unclipped the garter tossing it onto his dresser, then worked at undoing the buster making quick work of it and her panties. She stood before him completely naked in her heels with dress pooled around them, while he was dressed still in his linen coloured suit.  Quickly toeing off her beige pumps. Cat turned removing Eric’s jacket from his wide shoulders letting the suit fall to the ground, slowly opening each button of his shirt, she placed a quick kiss to every new area she exposed moving until his shirt was falling to the ground on top of the jacket, Cat looked at him from beneath her lashes, his breathing was as erratic as hers, smiling sweetly she moved to his pants undoing and unzipping his pants letting them also fall. Eric stepped out of them kicking the discarded clothes behind him, Hooking her fingers through his underwear she pulled them down as she dropped to her knees taking him into her mouth in one swift move. “Fuck!” air rushed out of Eric’s lungs “ I thought you wanted a shower?” Pulling back Cat looked up at Eric while her hands played with his erect penis. Smiling a saucy smile Cat licked her lips saying “I do, but I think we are not dirty enough yet.” Before taking him in her mouth again.  “Yes!” he hissed out the word, placing both hands behind her head. He watched her.  She wrapped her hands around the base of his large penis as her mouth worked as much of his erection as she could, using her tongue as extra simulation, groaning Eric’s hips thrusted forward in an involuntary movement. She knew he was close, Cat ran a hand over his sack feeling it pull up. His hands gripped her arms pulling her away and up, dragging her against his hard body. His lips covered hers, his tongue plunging deep. His tongue swept into her mouth. Pleasure exploded throughout her body. Cat inhaled his scent sending her body heat higher, pooling in her womb. His hands were tight in her hair, forcing her head back to deepen the kiss, his rumbled groans of growing male arousal only sent her body shooting higher, his penis rocked against her pussy. A whimper escaped her “Eric. I need….” Eric pulled back moving his attention to her breast, his lips surrounded her nipple, his teeth nibbling, his tongue licking. Cat jerked forward as his fingers parted her pink folds, Cat gripped Eric’s shoulders like a lifeline. Eric ran his fingers around her engorged clit, making her hips writhe, fire in her burned hotter and her breasts were so sensitive from pregnancy causing a helpless scream to echo around the room, her body was stretched as her vagina clenched, her clit was swollen, the duel stimulation of Eric pulling at her nipple with his teeth and working her clit was to much, Cat screamed his name and passed out. Coming to as Eric turned the shower on, she was in his arms “ I fainted?” Cat said stunned  Eric turned and grinned at her “ it happens sometimes during intense intercourse” “Really! It hasn’t happened before.” Pushing the hair from her face “it could have something to do with you being pregnant. Your breasts are ultra sensitive at the moment.” Moving them under the spray of the shower. Eric made sure her hair wasn’t going to get wet. Cat worried her bottom lip “But you didn’t …..” looking at his still hard penis. Her body was sexily boneless but she still wanted him inside her, his balls tightened as she looked at him, moisture slipped from the head of his broad penis, Eric groaned roughly “it’s ok, I can wait.” Cat shook her head lifting her head, she whispered “I want you inside me.” Eric lifted her placing her back against the tiles, lining up the head of his erection, sliding it over her sensitive flesh, already swollen form her release, he was teasing her, “Eric please.” She begged then whimpered as he slammed home, he stilled inside her to catch his breath. Then his hips bunched starting a slow rhythm. It wasn’t enough “More.” Her head thrashed against the tile wall, she needed to orgasm again, her body was calling to her, needing release. He drove inside her hard before pausing again, groaning out “More, faster. Oh God.” Her channel clasping down on his penis in her need to reach the finish line, a male shout filled the room as Eric began to move in a pagan rhythm as old as time, one hand on the wall near her head and the other gripped her hip, as he began thrusting and driving his penis deep and hard, Cat sunk her nails into Eric’s shoulders as her body tightened and her channel milked him, crying out in release, Cat bit his shoulder. Eric tightened his hold as he churned his penis one last time before shouting his release, shooting his seed into her womb. Breathlessly saying a few minutes after “Let’s never tell anyone our wedding night happened in a shower.” Cat broke out in giggles. 

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