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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Cat giggled as Eric pushed her down on the bed pulling her camisole off, as he came down over her. “God! you are so sexy, I love you more everyday.” Eric groaned. Pushing her underwear down her legs, leaving her completely naked. They had an hour at most. The boys, Jack & Jarrod, now four years old had been taken to the beach by nanna Allison, with the help of the boy’s nanny Katie. Eric had insisted she had help but only when she needed it. So yes Katie was live-in and Katie’s room was right next to the boys. Cat loved motherhood but twin boys could be a handful.  Eric moved off the bed to remove his polo shirt and pants, Cat stretched out on the bed to watch her gorgeous husband strip. He told her he loved her at least once a day, Eric had found this easier to say, after saying it the first time.  “Let me see you.” Eric growled at her  Cat bent her knees, lifted her feet to the bed then spread her knees wide so he could see all of her, her confidence came from his love in her. His eyes darkened, as naked he came down on top of her, running his tongue over her nipple making her jump, he lifted his head to smile at her “Horny baby?” “Always for you.” Reaching up she pulled him down on top of her, During her pregnancy with the boys she had been wanton, Eric had loved every minute of it. Of course while she was in her final trimester they had to find some interesting positions, because her belly got in the way, Eric always made sure she was comfortable and he was always careful not to hurt her. She didn’t want gentle and considerate now, she wanted him hard, fast and a little naughty. She whispered in his ear what she wanted. Cat felt Eric’s penis grow in anticipation, pulling back he said “Why Mrs Logan, you have a dirty mouth. But I like it.” He helped her get up and turning her around onto her hands and knees, he was behind her, he slapped her ass, making her cry out and pant, heat pooled around her womb needing him inside her, she was hot and ready for him without a lot of foreplay. It had always been like that. He only had to touch her and her body would go zero to nuclear in an instant. She pushed back against him impatiently, needing him now.  Eric slapped her ass again. “No!” Sliding his fingers through her folds, she wanted his possession, his penis not his fingers “Eric. Now please.” Fighting the grip he had on her hip, she was wild, wanton. She lowered her head to her arm pressing back again. “Oh Cat, you do push a man.” Sliding his fingers in and out of her, Cat’s arousal was tearing through her. Urgent now for his penis Cat cried “We don’t have time for your games Eric, Fuck me.” One muscular arm wrapped around her hips to hold her in place, as Eric replaced his fingers with his shaft, working the broad head back and forth in the entrance of her vagina. She needed more “Please. Please.” Her body trembled needing the release only he could give, blood rushing through her veins.  “Say it.” Eric growled over her back  She knew what he wanted, he wanted to hear her say she loved him. but he was teasing her “You are so big,” Eric grunted, pushing into her deeper, but it wasn’t what she wanted, she wanted him out of control driving into her. “Say it.” Cat gave a secret grin, then panted “Your muscles are so hot.” Teasing again “Fuck it.” Eric snarled before tightening the arm around her hips and pounded into her, setting a hard driving rhythm it was what she needed, making her scream for more, she tightened her vagina on him, he groaned, slamming into her hard and fast, totally out of control, driving her over the edge. So she gave him what he wanted “I love you Eric.” His body jerked against her driving in once more, he cried out in release “Cat you are my world, I love you.” Falling on top of her. Breathless.  “You do play hard to get.” He said in her ear. Rolling them both over, so her back was to his front. Cat’s body still trembled from her climax.  “You like pushing your luck with time.” She counted, looking back at him Eric tightened his arm around her, leaning forward to kiss her nose. Then looked at the clock “we still have ten minutes.” Cat had asked Allison and Katie to only have the boys on the beach for one hour so they could be bathed then fed before bed. She had been preparing their dinner as Eric came home early from work, finding her alone in the kitchen. Sighing Cat rested her head against Eric’s chest she knew she needed to get up. “We are so lucky.” Cat loved the house they had found within 30 to 40 minutes drive to the office for Eric depending on traffic. The yard was large enough for two energetic boys. Eric made sure he was home more and worked less.  Eric smoothed his hand down her hip “I’m lucky, to have you and the boys in my life.” Smiling Cat turned in his arms to face him. “How would you feel about, adding to the happiness?” Eric lifted an eyebrow at her “You want another baby? Ok we can talk about that.” Cat smirked “Eric, it’s a little late to talk about it, you remember the flu I have 13 weeks ago, I was throwing up?” Eric’s eyes darkened, he always found it sexy when she was pregnant. “Well the pill didn’t work because I was throwing it up. Surprise!”  Touching her belly he asked “You’re pregnant?” “Yes, are you ok with this?” “Oh Cat baby, I love you and the boys. I just didn’t want to push you. We will have as many kids as you want.” Still touching her and her flat belly. Cat laughed “If this is a girl, then I’m happy. If it isn’t, we will try one more time to see if you have any female sperm at all. 4 is my limit, girl or no girl.” Hearing the laughter and noise of her children coming up the path to the back of the house from the beach Cat jumped out of bed. “Now get out of bed and go stop your children from finding me like this. I need a minute.” Eric laughed because the boys had almost found them a few times. Eric pulled on a t-shirt and stretch pants before kissing her “I love you, thank you.” He said before heading out the door. Cat smiled hearing two little excited voices scream “Daddy!” “Daddy’s home.” Cat walked into the bathroom to clean up before joining her family. Allison she hoped would spend the night or at least stay for dinner.  She hoped her pregnancy with this baby was as easy as the boys, after the attack Cat at spent the week in the hospital and then been released into Eric’s care with instructions for another week bed rest. Tilly had filled in for her nicely and in the end Cat had gone back to work until her 7th month of pregnancy with Tilly working by her side. Allison was starting to slow down as well wanting to spend more time with her grandchildren and had asked Eric on his thoughts of Jo taking over from her. Cat thought it was a great idea and told Eric so. He wasn’t happy about losing Jo as his current right hand man….woman whatever. Since Claudia’s abrupt departure, Jo had filled in that roll. Claudia hadn’t gone to trial for the attack on Cat, she had been deemed mentally unfit to stand. She was currently in a mental hospital and wouldn’t be released anytime soon. The court had added that when and if she was let go, she would always have to stay away from Cat and her children or end up straight in jail. With Claudia gone life was good and Eric had changed his life for her,  he was a great father and loved her like she loved him. It wasn’t just in his words but he expressed it in so many ways. 


The end

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