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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » I'm the Slut of the School by Kaitlyn Fetterman (electric book reader .txt) 📖

Book online «I'm the Slut of the School by Kaitlyn Fetterman (electric book reader .txt) 📖». Author Kaitlyn Fetterman

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no one but Zachary had ever reached and it was so close.
As he trust into me, I felt my climax and I leaned my head against the wall, moaning loud enough for his parents to hear.
And sure enough, his mom walked into his room and into the bathroom, with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Hello, mother" he growled.
"Hello, son. Would you like to explain why you are moaning, when you are in here alone?"
I felt his gaze on my back. "The water"
She shrugged and right as she was about to walk away, she turned back to face us. Good thing, he closed the curtain. "Don't get her pregnant"
I giggled as she left and he continued to trust into me. It felt surprisingly pleasant to have him in me, well his penis in me anyways.
He started going as hard and fast as he could and this was definitely the best sex I had ever had in my entire life! As soon as we were done he gave me a glass of wine and the rest of the night was a blur. Chapter 1- Issues

When I woke up I was in my own bed, and on the floor. I felt a sharp pain in my head and I knew it was the hangover from drinking last night. Whenever I drunk any wine no matter how much, I would get a headache the day after but it was worth it.
Zachary was one of the people at the party a few months ago that got me to like drinking, even though I was told by my parents not too. Though, that never stopped me before.
I got up off the floor and grabbed onto my head board for support because I knew the dizziness was next.
After, it passed I picked out a bright green spaghetti strap tank top and dark blue short shorts with a heart on one of the back pockets. These were my favorite shorts last year and they also got me the nickname of a slut.
When I walked into my bathroom, I brushed my long blonde hair and checked myself out in the mirror. I did in a lot of ways look hot. My long blonde hair, blue sparkling eyes, my beautiful clear pale skin and my perfect lips. Zachary used to compliment me on my eyes and hair everyday when we were dating in 7th grade but now, he doesn't seem to care.
I walked out of the bathroom, grabbed my bag, threw on some white flip-flops and a jean jacket before heading downstairs. My mom and dad were sitting on the couch with my brother sitting next to my dad. I sat next to my brother and watched my dad.
"Morning, Jess" dad said. "Where were you last night?"
I grinned. "Out with Zachary"
"You know we don't like Zachary!" he reminded me. "What exactly were you doing and where?"
"We were at his place" I said. "Having sex"
My brother laughed but my mom and dad frowned. "Your only 16, and you shouldn't be having sex"
I got up and glared at them. "I don't care! I fucking like it, and I am going to do whatever the hell I want! You are only my parents, you can't tell me what to do. If I want to do it, I will. If I want to get pregnant, I sure as Hell will"
"Sis, you have to calm down" my brother, Jacob warned.
"Shut up, Jacob! You are only 3 years older then me, I won't listen to you!" I snapped.
He got up and put an arm on my shoulder. "Come on, I'm driving you somewhere to calm down."
I frowned but followed him outside and into his car. "They get me so mad!"
He nodded and pulled out of the driveway. "I know. When Crystal was sixteen, she was the same way you are and now she's a striper. You can't get anything out of that, except sex almost every night and a little cash. Trust me sis, you don't want that"
I shook my head. "Don't you start too!"
"I'm only telling you because I don't want to see my little sister in a striper club just because they didn't focus in high school. I'm supposed to be a good role model to you, and if you turned out like Crystal I would get blamed."
"Selfish" I muttered. "And it wont be your fault I'm my own person"
He pulled off to the side of the road and glared at me "Listen, don't be a stupid slut anymore. It won't get you anything"
"Actually" I said. "It gets me a fucking lot, I get whatever I want whenever I want"
He sighed as if trying to figure how to change my attitude. "Sis, Zachary or whoever is fucking stupid! So change your fucking attitude and go back to how you were before Ethan"
"I don't know what the fuck your talking about but you seriously need to stop" I told him.
He pulled back onto the road and started the ride back home. "You know what I'm talking about and you know it"
The rest of the drive to the house was silent though, I know both our heads were going fucking crazy. I wanted to ask him how he thought it would be his fault or why Crystal is a fucking striper. That job was pretty intense and I wanted it someday, but I knew my parents would never agree. They liked me before Ethan, not after.
When he pulled into the driveway I saw Ginger pull in with her car behind us and quickly get out. She walked over to me once I was out of the car and smiled slightly. I knew what she was waiting for, the sex details last night, in detail. Since her and her boyfriend, Beck hadn't had sex yet, she wanted to hear about every detail of my sex life, even more if Zachary was involved.
We went up to my room and I sat on my bed with her on my couch. My room was mostly pink, orange and red with lots of rugs and posters. I really had two floors to my room because the bed and walk in closet were one step higher then the TV, couch and my dresser with non-slut clothes. I had a door to my bathroom on my bed floor and it also had two levels. One with the toilet and sink, the other with my huge bathtub that I had sex in. It was white and sky blue with some dark blue.
"So, how was it?" she asked.
I told her every detail from the unusual kissing to the drinking that I remembered. She gasped at the kissing and sighed and moaned as I told her what him inside of me felt like. She always wanted him to have sex with her, but when she met Beck, that wish was ruined.
My brother walked into the room and sat on the bed next to me, holding a bag with my name on it. He handed it to me and smiled. "This was on your car door"
I looked inside and saw one of my favorite drinks, Vodka laying on the bottom of the bag. When I took a better look, I noticed the bottle was empty. "Dick head"
"Um... Would you mind Beck coming over?" Ginger asked me. I had heard her phone go off but I didn't realize it was him.
"Sure, I love him and so do my parents" I said. Beck was one of my best-friends and had been since 5th grade, although I hadn't seen him as much since him and Ginger started dating.
It was about ten minutes before Beck actually showed up but it didn't bother me about the time considering I was shaving my legs the entire time. When he walked in I rinsed my legs off, threw my shorts back on and went over to my to sit on my bed. He didn't say anything when he saw me but I knew he was happy to see me, he always was. I turned my head when Ginger started kissing him and made a gagging noise. They ignored it.
"Enough!" I hissed. Beck pulled back instantly and jumped onto my bed next to me, like he always did.
"Hey Jess, long time no see!" he said pulling me into a hug. I heard Ginger growl but I only wrapped my arms around him. He knew that Ginger didn't like him hugging me because I was a 'slut' but he never cared. I teasingly nipped at his neck and he pulled away from me laughing.
"No shit! So, what's been happening?" I asked. He was always somewhat mature so I figured I would act the same. It bugged me though.
"Nothing much, and stop swearing it is very rude." he said hopping off the bed and scowling me.
"Fuck. Shit. Damn. Bitch. Ass. Stop telling me not to swear, I'll swear if I want to" I smirked.
He chuckled and slapped my cheek. "Not around me you don't. Anyways, I came because Ginger told me you were playing truth or dare, so can we play?"
Beck had always loved Truth or Dare because he would get people to strip down to their underwear because of the dares he gave them. We always played were if you didn't want to do a dare that you take off a piece of clothing. It was more fun. Me and Ginger exchanged looks then we both nodded. He smiled and laughed at the same time.
"Truth or Dare?" Ginger asked me.
"Who are you having sex with tonight?" she asked with a curious look in her eye. Beck frowned.
"Um... I don't remember his name. Nick or Nathan or something like that" I said.
We played Truth or Dare for about two full hours before Beck's dares started getting hard. I had never ever backed out on a dare before but when he told me to kiss him I hesitated before looking at Ginger.
"What!?" she shrieked. "Babe, what are you doing?"
"Seeing if she's a good friend. You should thank me" he smirked looking over his shoulder at her.
I had never backed down on a dare but I couldn't kiss my best-friends boyfriend. I mean I do go around sleeping with a lot of guys but I resisted myself from Beck because of Ginger. Beck was watching me intensely as I leaned towards him and pecked his cheek. He didn't say it had to be a real kiss, it just had to be a kiss.
He smirked but didn't say anything and we continued with the game. We played for another half hour or so before Beck and Ginger had to leave and I had to head over to what's-his-name's house.
I didn't even want to go over but the only reason I thought about it was because I wanted sex. Though, I could get sex anytime I wanted it, all I had to do was call Zachary and invite him over. He would know that I only wanted sex because we didn't talk much but he would still come.
About an hour before I had to be at the guy's house I called him and told him I wasn't coming and to go fuck some other chick. I usually don't talk

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