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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » I'm the Slut of the School by Kaitlyn Fetterman (electric book reader .txt) 📖

Book online «I'm the Slut of the School by Kaitlyn Fetterman (electric book reader .txt) 📖». Author Kaitlyn Fetterman

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me feel like I was a girly girl, not a slut.
That night I didn't have any unexpected or unwanted visitors to my room, and I was happy about that. Only my brother came in once to ask for an extra pillow because he did something with his. I threw it at him which ended up in a pillow fight between me, Jamie and Ginger vs. him. I didn't know who won or if it even had a winner but at about eleven I went to bed.

I was running from Him, the man who raped me. Him, the man who I hated with most of my heart and would do anything to never see him again. Him, the man who I was running from, again.
"I will catch you, and when I do you better have and ambulance ready" he said out of breath.
I on the other hand wasn't out of breath at all but I couldn't figure out why. I shrugged and pushed myself to go faster. My destination was the basement in the tree house. We had made a 'basement' so that if we were hiding from something or someone we could hide in there, all we needed was the key.
I climbed the stairs as quickly as possible then searched my pockets for the keys. I didn't see it anywhere, or feel it. Dammit, I was dead meat. I had cornered myself in a small Tree House with a murderous man chasing me. I was so stupid at times.
I heard him climb up the stairs and I guarded my face with my arms hoping I wouldn't die. But the pain I was expecting never came. I unblocked my eyes to see someone standing in front of me, protectively. I didn't recognize him from the back but it looked like someone familiar.
After he had scared the murderer off, he turned around to show his beautiful face. It was my hero, Jay.

I woke that morning with a frightening view, my brother's face was right there blocking my view of anything. I slapped his cheek making a loud sound and moving his head to the side. He slapped me back and we continued this until my alarm went off. He moved off my bed and I was happy with that but then I noticed Jamie and Ginger weren't up yet. I got out of bed, woke them up and got in the shower before I could hear them complain. I was in the middle of my shower when I heard banging on the door, then it opened. Ginger did her make-up and Jamie brushed her hair. Thank god for opaque things.
After we finished getting ready, I grabbed my bag and we headed downstairs. My brother had just started eating and I had regretting running early. My dad came downstairs and hopped in his car with saying a word, he must be super late. The three of us got in my car and headed to school as fast as possible.
Jay was standing near my parking space when I pulled in and that alone put butterflies in my stomach. I walked over to him with Jamie and Ginger on either side of me and looked up to meet his gaze. Those eyes, would be an amazing weapon to just stare someone down with.
"Hey" I said.
"Do you even know my name?" he asked looking over at me.
I nodded. "Jay, why wouldn't I?"
"Well, everyone here says you sleep around and don't even bother remembering people's names. I was seeing if it was true"
I shook my head and cursed my bad reputation. "I know everyone's name, I don't know where you heard that from. I promise you I know people's names"
He shrugged. "Prove it"
"How? Do you want me to tell you everyone's name?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.
He nodded eagerly. "I was just going to ask you who was who but that works."
All day I told him everyone's name in the grade, and even some in higher grades though I didn't know anyone in lower ones. He thought it was pretty cool that I knew everyone, and in a way it was cool. You could walk down the hallway and say hi to people you never even talk to.
"You know, I would bet someone just made that rumor up. I'm sorry I believed it" he said as we walked to the last class. Wow, someone actually saying sorry to me, that was a first.
"Apology accepted" I said and walked into the changing rooms in Gym. He had told me that I didn't have to tell him everyone's name anymore but I did just to show off, which got a laugh out of him. I had to admit he was really nice, sweet, honest and everything Ethan was. This guy might have a chance.
Jamie and Ginger had tons of questions for me and that's why I dropped them off at their houses instead of coming back over to mine. I drove home slowly, not in any rush and it was nice to just calm down once in a while. Once I got home, my mom had me put the dishes and new groceries away which I got payed for.
I went upstairs and went straight to bed. I didn't fall asleep until after midnight but that night was the first in four days that I didn't dream.

The Big Question

The past week had been pretty intense, and wild. Jay and I had become great friends and I haven't had sex since I met him. It was really weird not going to Zachary's every Friday but there are bigger things in life then sex. I had gotten everyone to start calling me by my actual name instead of the slut of just slut.
Jamie and Ginger were just waiting for the day Jay would step up and ask me out but I wasn't going to hold my breath. I still hadn't decided if I would even say yes considering I don't do long-term relationships. Ginger had been trying to help me get over that but so far it wasn't working. Jamie on the other hand was teaching me how to flirt which was new for me because to get a guy all I needed to do was ask. I never had to flirt. It was hard, and at least ten times I almost gave up, but she wouldn't let me.
It was Friday when she finished and we had to go to school, and now we were going to be late. Yes! Finally, something I'm good at, getting out of trouble.
I convinced the teacher the they were late and not us, I don't know how but I did. Jamie gave me a high five then turned to the teacher, smiled and started coping the notes she was writing on the board. I pretended to but I was really checking Jay out. His perfectly messed up dirty blond hair, beautiful dark chocolate eyes and his oh so perfect lips.
Suddenly, the announcements came through the speakers. "Jessica Hamilton, report to the office, Jessica Hamilton"
I asked the teacher if I could go, he gave me a pass and I walked slowly down to the office. I hadn't done anything, that I know of and none of the bed guys that I used to hang out with did. I had no idea what I did but I knew I was going to find out. Wait, I didn't do anything bad since Jay had got here so that he might like me. I can't get in trouble for something I didn't do, can I?
I shrugged as I opened the door to the office. It was green and red and in my opinion ugly. I walked up to the front desk and said my name. She pointed to an old man sitting in one of the chairs. He walked up to me smiled and shook my hand. Weird.
He motioned for me to follow him into the conference room and I took a seat at one end, with him across from me.
"Now, if my calculations are correct it has been exactly six months since your last birthday and six months until your next birthday, correct?" he asked. His voice was low and husky.
"Okay, so sometime today something is going to happen to you. When it does I want you to run into the woods and wait until someone starts chasing you, they will be the same as you. Then, they will explain everything" he said.
"Um..." I started but he was gone. I shrugged and walked back to class having so many questions in my mind.
The rest of the day flew by, and I was glad for that. After I dropped off my friends I drove home and just as I got out of the car I felt my bones stretching along with my muscles. I began to hear, see and feel more then I could seconds ago. Then, I was on four legs, had a tail and fur. I was a wolf. No way, I was a werewolf. Sweet!
I did what the man instructed by running into the woods. There were new scents that filled my nose and my brain thought they were other wolves, that was nice. I ran and ran until I heard someone chasing me. I slowed a bit but they couldn't catch up, I was a really fast werewolf. I finally just stopped and he went back to a human. He was naked at first but before I could get a good look he ran off then came back a minute later with shorts and a shirt on.
He had a slight tan on his huge muscular body and he reminded me of one of the boys at my school. His midnight black hair was a little ruffled and came down to the tip of his ears. Out of all his facial features his lips and eyes stood out to me. His eyes were the blue of the Ocean and his lips were just begging to be kissed. He stood with confidence and determination. All in all he was hot.
"Go shift so I can talk to you." he demanded pointing off into the woods. His voice was a sexy, deep and husky type of voice. So sexy!
I ran into the woods and somehow shifted back to human and I was naked when I did.
After I went home to put some clothes on, I ran back to where he was waiting, tapping his foot on the ground. I walked up to where I was standing before and he glared at me.
"Another girl, just great" he groaned. "I'm guessing your the new wolf around here"
"Yep, why?"
"Well, Logan won't be happy about this but he'll just have to deal. Come on, your now in this pack so follow me, and stay human" he said and took off to the left. I followed him easily and he stopped at a large log cabin in the middle of the woods. He entered the house and it was blue and white inside. There was a living room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms and workout room. He showed me to

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