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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » I'm the Slut of the School by Kaitlyn Fetterman (electric book reader .txt) 📖

Book online «I'm the Slut of the School by Kaitlyn Fetterman (electric book reader .txt) 📖». Author Kaitlyn Fetterman

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I looked around my closet looking for something to wear to school. I finally picked a black tank top with a pink long sleeved, one shoulder shirt that had large gaps in the back. The jeans I put on had lots of holes and were really skinny.
My mom hated when I dressed like a slut, but to be completely honest, all the boys at school loved it and so did I. It was my way of saying I was somewhat a slut.
I had probably had sex with about 5 different guys and that was a record for the girls at my school, because I was 16 after all. Most of my friends loved when I would tell them every detail to my sex life, especially when I had my normal sex day with Zachary. I had no feelings for him, or at least as much as he did for me, which I could say wasn't much.
Meaningless sex to me, was the best kind of sex there was, though most people I know disagreed. I could never figure out what was the big deal about a one night stand, with no strings attached, though me and Zachary were different. Every Friday we had sex after school. My friends hated that but I sure as hell didn't, he fucked me good and hard.
I walked into my bathroom and brushed through my blonde hair one more time before walking out the front door and got in my car.
The drive to school was always a long one to me because I knew as soon as I got there, some random boy would walk up to me and we'd make out before class. I loved it. There were two bad things about that. First, they always thought that they would get some that night, or even become my boyfriend, I didn't do long term relationships. Then, everyone called you a bitch or a slut, not that I minded, just that the teachers always hated hearing it.
As I pulled into the parking lot, there was Zachary standing at the front of my parking spot with a smirk. That's when I remembered it was friday, and I'd be getting some tonight. I quickly pulled into the parking spot and got out of the car.
He walked over to me and sat me on the hood of my car. His hands running up and down my thighs, and I couldn't help but think about what he had planed for tonight. He was the best guy I had ever had sex with and coming from me, that meant a lot. He would always fuck me, fast and hard and every friday, he did it differently, I loved it.
"Can't wait till tonight" he growled. I smiled and pecked his lips, he wasn't the only one. "It's going to be the best time, yet"
"As long as you wear a condom, I don't care what you do"
He smirked. "Oh, I know, and that's why I always fuck you, as hard as you want. Though tonight, you might be in my room a bit longer"
I growled. "I don't like it long, I like meaningless sex and long and hard isn't meaningless"
He narrowed his eyes and put me back on the ground. "Well, I promise that it will be a little over an hour and that it will be the best"
I pressed my body against him. "Do your worst, Zachary, my body can handle it"
"Well, we will see about that" he chuckled.
My group of friends walked over to me and glared at Zachary before he walked off. Jamie and Ginger walked to my sides and started shrieking.
"You better tell us all about your interesting night, tonight. He sounded like he was going to fuck your brains out." Ginger said.
"Yeah." Jamie agreed. "Will he do it in the shower, on the floor, against a wall or on the bed? Or even on the couch?"
The day dragged on, because I knew tonight would be good and that I was going to have the time of my life with him. When the last bell rang I walked swiftly outside and into my car before most of the other students even got out to there car.
I sped down the road towards Zachary's house, my mind completely on him fucking me. Just his body was enough to make me groan, but when we were having sex my moans sometimes woke up his parents if they went to bed early.
When I pulled into his driveway, I didn't hear his music coming from his speakers so I knew I had gotten hear before him. I got out of my car and walked up to his front door, opened it using the key under the mat and went straight to his room. I laid out on the bed, like I always did and looked around his room.
Not all that much had changed in a week but, he did have his stack of condoms in the corner of his closet, instead of in his dresser. I wondered why but got interrupted by his car pulling in the driveway and I heard his laugh when he saw my car.
I quickly got in my sexy position and waited until I heard him come up the stairs. When I did I smirked and watched the door, when he walked in and saw me a smile grew on his face. He quickly came onto the bed but didn't start anything, he just sat there looking at me.
"Well, someone was a bit eager to get over here" he said.
I frowned and got on top of him, and sliding myself a bit down towards his waist, he didn't seem to notice. "I always am" I said leaning down so my lips were centimeters from his.
He rolled onto me. "Ready to get fucked?"
I giggled. "When aren't I?"
He crushed his lips to mine, and I groaned making sure he knew I didn't enjoy him teasing me. He just smiled against my lips and pulled my shirt and tank top over my head in one quick yank then returned to kissing me. I groaned again but didn't push him away because I did like kissing but not when I knew I was getting some. He usually just yanked my clothes off, and I yanked his off and he fucked me, never ever do we kiss.
I pulled away, and stared into his eyes. "We never kiss"
He smiled. "Well, I'm changing that tonight, so stop complaining or you won't get anything tonight"
I sighed. "At least tell me, what we are doing differently tonight?"
"Without giving anything away, I'll just say we aren't staying on this bed"
I shrugged because I didn't remember one time that the entire time we were having sex, we were always on the bed. He brought his lips back to mine and smiled against my lips when I actually started kissing him back. Like usual I felt no sparks or anything as he slid his hands up and down my sides. He always liked yanking my shirt off and then my pants, and teasing me after but this was torture!
He never teased me this bad. I shook away those thoughts and tried to enjoy him. His lips broke away from mine but only to leave a trail of kisses down my neck and shoulder. He continued kissing down the valley of my breasts and right down to where my jeans were. He started unbuttoning then and unzipped then revealing my hot pink thongs. As he ripped my jeans off, his lips started at my right ankle and kissed a straight line all the way up to my shoulder and down my left side.
I was starting to get ticked off with him teasing me but right when I thought he was about to tease me some more, he cupped my breasts in his hands and licked, bit and sucked my nipple. It hardened under him causing him to groan. He left my right nipple alone and did the same to the other.
"Zachary" I growled.
He lifted his head and kissed my lips before pressing his lips to my ear. "Will you stop complaining?"
I sighed and laid back on the bed as he kissed from my chin to the top of my thong. I moaned when he slowly pulled my thong off, fulling exposing me to his eyes. He surprised me when he didn't even look between my legs. I sat up onto my elbows when he finally did something that resembled our normal routine. His hand was sliding down my stomach and in between my legs and he circled my nub with his finger making me moan.
His lips, tongue and teeth played with my skin, on my arms, stomach, legs and neck. When he finally stopped that I felt his finger slid into my slick passage and I moaned again. He pumped his finger slow and soft until I growled. He chuckled and added another finger, pumping his fingers in and out and back in again.
His lips kissed their way down my stomach and started licking wherever his fingers touched. He licked up all my juices and groaned as he started pumping his fingers again and again.
When he pulled then out again, he licked my juices and kissed his way back up to my throat.
"Much better then last time"
I flipped him over so I was on top of him. I ripped his shirt, pants and boxers off before licking my lips. I licked his tip then took him into my mouth. Making sure I enjoyed myself, I licked every millimeter of his penis and making sure he liked it too.
Once I was done he picked me up, so I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me into the bathroom. This was different, we never do any part of sex in the shower. Maybe, it would be better.
He carried me into the shower and crushed his lips to mine. The water didn't touch me with him in the way, though I was completely okay with that because I wasn't taking a normal shower, I was in here with Zachary.
"Now, are you ready?" he said placing me on the edge of the bathtub with his penis just above my waist.
I glared at him.
He brought his lips back to mine and sliding his finger back into my passage, just trying to annoy me.
That ticked me off. "Zachary, fuck me already!"
He didn't hesitate to take his finger away. "What position do you want tonight?"
I thought over all the positions I have ever done or wanted to try in my head. I wanted to try the doggie one with him but also wanted a different one. I shrugged and stared straight into his eyes. "Doggie"
I moved so my hands went onto the other side of the bathtub wall, making my ass fly up and I had to admit he probably had a nice view.
His hands grabbed my hips and I felt his tip stop as he touched me slightly. "Hard and fast or soft and slow?"
I growled and lifted my ass higher.
He groaned and pushed his penis into me. He trusted into me softly at first making me growl but when he started to speed up, my heart started flying. I remembered the person that was going to fuck me tomorrow, and I wondered if he was anything like this. Moan after moan, and groan after groan he only got faster and harder. I knew I was near my climax, which

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