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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » I'm the Slut of the School by Kaitlyn Fetterman (electric book reader .txt) 📖

Book online «I'm the Slut of the School by Kaitlyn Fetterman (electric book reader .txt) 📖». Author Kaitlyn Fetterman

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bed, or vice versa, I'd be in heaven. My heaven.
"Nice to finally meet you as well." he said walking up to me and shaking my hand. His hand was warm and oddly the same size as mine.
I felt shivers run up and down my body when we touched. As soon as he pulled away, they were gone.
"Well, lets get up to the Tree House and get ready for the party" she said pulling us to the big oak tree. I hadn't been here in about three years but nothing had changed. The wood on the 'house' was still dark and shiny, while the inside was light and shiny. We had two couches, a table and a chest for games and whatever else we wanted.
"Nice" he commented when he got inside. I sat on my favorite black couch with blue pillows and he took a seat on the other end of it. Jamie gave me a dirty look but didn't say anything as she sat down on the other. It was black with yellow pillows. We didn't have good taste in color when we built it.
"It's bearable" she said. "It certainly isn't as bad as our first one, we ended up on the ground with the first party."
I laughed at the memory. "It was funny though, I landed on top of Ginger and she couldn't get up until she said the magic word. We were so pathetic back then"
She nodded. "Oh, yeah. I landed on Henry and he farted in my face, it isn't one of my favorite memories."
"Well, our first party in this house was amazing. I remember having someone spin the bottle and kiss the wall. I think that was Charlie but I'm not positive"
Jay chuckled. "You two are pretty funny."
I smiled at the compliment. I didn't get them often, except from Zachary. "We try to make all of our memories fun, so in later years we can look back at them and laugh. It's a great habit to get into"
We talked for awhile about old class memories or trips to the mall and the beach. When Ginger, Beck, Zachary, Jack and Andrew showed up we started playing Truth or Dare then Spin the Bottle. I had to kiss Zachary twice and even Beck again but the entire time was nice. Beck wouldn't let any of us drink but surprisingly I didn't want to because I wanted to show Jay that I was a regular teenager. I also didn't feel the urge to have sex with anyone but Jay, which for me was a big improvement. Zachary tried to get me to have sex with him, but I rejected him and he didn't talk to me the rest of the night.
When we all said our goodbyes I was looking forward to seeing Jay and the rest of them at school tomorrow. The trip back home was long, or at least it seemed long because it was practically ten. I couldn't remember the last time I was out that late at a party without getting drunk or fucked. Maybe I'll do this more often, it was fun remembering the night instead of it being a total blur.
My parents weren't waiting for me downstairs, only my brother and his girlfriend, Veronica. She was ugly and stupid if you ask me. They had been dating since 5th grade and not one time have they even thought about breaking up. Or so I thought. They were fighting about some money or something. I know I should have stopped and calmed them down before going upstairs but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
After I took a shower and got changed into my lace, purple, sexy nightgown and climbed into bed. About an hour after I got into bed, I climbed back out and went downstairs to break up the fight that was keeping me up.
"Why don't you two shut your pie holes and get some sleep?" I asked annoyingly from the top of the stairs.
My brother ignored my question. "Going to Zachary's bed?"
I knew he was talking about what I was wearing and I couldn't blame him for commenting. It was a light purple and was transparent except for my breasts, and had spaghetti straps. There was also some glitter on it but that wasn't major. "No"
"Well, good he'd rip that thing off before you even got inside" he teased. I stuck my tongue out at him. "And no we can't"
"Why don't you break up?"
They considered it then agreed and I went back to bed. Within twenty minutes I was sleeping.

In the morning, I was up on my feet and dressed in a blue tank top and skinny jeans before my alarm went off. That was a first for me, I was usually still in bed when my third alarm went off. I wasn't about to waste about twenty minutes wondering why, I just brushed my hair and teeth before arguing with myself over what shoes to wear. I finally decided on a pair of silver three inch heels and went downstairs for breakfast. I had an omelette and two pieces of toast before getting in my car and driving to school.
When I parked in my parking space, I noticed Zachary standing there again today. What was that about? I only saw him on Friday's and I know today is not Friday. I shrugged and decided to just ignore him and walk over to Jamie and Jay. They were talking about there classes and which ones they had together. As I walked up Jamie asked me what classes I had today. Turns out, Jay is in most of my classes and the only classes he doesn't have with me, he has with Jamie. Great.
All day people were pointing at me and Jay and I know what they were saying but he didn't so I just ignored it. After awhile it did get annoying but, I didn't want to look bad in front of him, so I started a conversation with him. He was very easy-going.
At the end of the school day, Zachary needed a ride home so I gladly gave him one, not knowing what a big mistake that was. He wouldn't shut up.
"Why are you a slut?" he asked.
"I don't do long-term relationships so I don't get my heart broken."
"Why don't you stop? I mean you have a bad reputation at school and your parents hate you."
"Never will I Ever" I said. Did he seriously have to ask stupid questions? I hated it.
Chapter 3- Dreams

I wasn't sure where I was going or where I wanted to go but I was moving very quickly across the forest floor. Someone shouted my name from behind me but I ignored it, and kept running to my unknown destination. I was suddenly flying through the air and landed on the ground with a thud and groan from me. I quickly got up, brushed myself off and started running again, ignoring the pain in my legs.
I pulled myself to a stop when I got to our Tree House and climbed up the stairs, hiding inside. Still not knowing what I was hiding from, I crawled to the back of the Tree House and guarded my face with my hands. I heard loud banging on the stairs below, but they didn't bother me enough to see who it was.
No one came up the stairs, or at least I didn't see anyone in the little space between my arms.
Suddenly, medium-sized hands moved my hands away and held them back. The boy in front of me was smiling, almost laughing as he glared into my eyes. His eyes were a dark brown and he was slightly tan. I recognized him from somewhere but I couldn't place a name or where I had met him.
"Are you hiding from me or that wolf back there?" he said in a deep, husky voice. He motioned behind him with one of his thumbs.
"The wolf. It was following me for some reason and I ran up here so he wouldn't attack me" I explained.
He smiled and leaned into to kiss me. My heart-beat accelerated and there were butterflies flying in my stomach. Right before our lips touched I realized who it was. Jay.

I sat up after waking up from that strange dream. I didn't know I wanted to kiss Jay, I mean he was smoking hot and everything but I don't kiss anyone. As I got out of bed, I looked over at my alarm clock and surprisingly enough it hadn't gone off yet. Huh, weird.
After my morning routine, I was off to school. My mind kept fluttering off to that stupid dream. I kept telling myself it was only a dream but my heart didn't agree with that. I thought about that for a minute. If my heart wanted that dream to be real, then wouldn't that mean I liked Jay. No, no, no I don't like anyone, even Zachary who I had sex with once a week. Though, if I did like him that would explain the dream, not wanting him to find out that I was a slut and the weird feeling I got in my stomach when he was close.
That didn't make sense though, I have never had a crush on anyone in my entire life and now a new guy comes here and I like him. Stupid boy, I thought to myself.
The day dragged bye only because of my new theory which I still didn't know if I was right or not. Was it normal to have a crush on someone at sixteen? On the way back home, my head was filled with thoughts about my newfound 'crush'.
I called Ginger on my way home and invited her and Jamie over for a sleep over, though it was really for me to ask them about having a 'crush'. They would probably think I had lost my marbles or something because it was the first real girly talk we were going to have. After ten years you'd think we would have but they know that I hate all the girly stuff.
When they got here, I was in my room making the couch more of a bed. They walked in smiling and giggling like little seven year olds. After they got settled on the couch, I sat between them and plopped a movie into the DVD player. Ginger had picked one of my favorites; Men in Black 3. I had seen that movie in theaters and begged my mom to buy it for like five hours before she finally cracked. I had to admit I could get almost anything out of her, as long as I did my puppy dog eyes that Crystal had taught me when I was seven.
About half way through the movie Jamie turned it off and turned to look at me. She had a confused look on her face and I knew she had figured something out, I was busted.
"Out with it, you're hiding something and I want to know what it is." she said crossing her arms over her chest. She really wanted to know.
"Well..." I started, getting up off the couch. I walked around the couch and leaned on the back, glaring at

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