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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » 내 첫 사랑 che cha sarang by Varaidzo Melissa Chidzuu (classic novels for teens TXT) 📖

Book online «내 첫 사랑 che cha sarang by Varaidzo Melissa Chidzuu (classic novels for teens TXT) 📖». Author Varaidzo Melissa Chidzuu

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make any difference? Ok, black it is then,” he felt the warmness of the fabric as Felicia laid the material into his open arms. “Is there anything else before I warm your food downstairs?” she was beginning to annoy him. “No, I’m barely dressed so could you please go out for a moment?” he sighed as he undid the buttons of the pajama shirt. “And Felicia, one more last thing before you go. Can you please call David my music instructor and tell him to make it here in ten minutes because there is something really important that I need to discuss with him?” August added.

“I’m sorry to inform you this but I had asked Mr. Langley to join you for supper this evening and he told me that he had an evening class with Miss Sibanda and you knew about it,” Felicia dropped a bombshell on him. So David was finally going to break the family rules? August smiled for a brief moment before noticing that Felicia was still waiting for an answer. “Can you please bring me the phone?” he asked quietly.





Chapter two

“Have you found yourself a girlfriend?” Itai nudged at her young brother impatiently. Having come back from a three months business trip to Paris, she’d invited him to lunch in her posh Selbourne Park mansion. “Who wants to know?” Alan asked coolly as he lit a cigarette. “I’m not joking if that’s what you think I’m doing?” Itai snatched the cigarette and stamped on it with her Jimmy Choo stiletto. “What’s your problem?” he snapped at her. “You are thirty for Christ’s sake! People are talking and some are even suggesting that you are gay and I know that’s preposterous cause you’re my brother. It hurts me, to be precise it hurts my ego and I think that you ought to do something, take some action,” Itai whined the usual way she did. It never ceased to amaze Alan that her sister never changed. She was as blunt as a knife when it came to her feelings, as beautiful as she was, she was boastful about it and ranked herself number one in Zimbabwe. “Ok, who sent you this time? If it’s Gloria tell her that I don’t like geeks. If it’s Valerie, tell her to get a breast reduction first cause I feel stuffy around her especially when she is in my face,” Alan said coldly. “Ok, where is it? I’ve searched your whole apartment for it and I’ve even gotten access to your empty vault but it’s not there,” Itai blurted out. “What are you talking about?” Alan felt amazed by her sister’s behavior. “The little black book, how many women have you slept with? A gorgeous guy like you should have some naughty fantasies written down. What are you hiding?” she pestered him until he was annoyed. “Nothing, I’m just waiting for the right woman that’s all,” he answered quietly. “Who could have been better than Vanessa Gorge? She was Miss South Africa and then Miss Face of Africa. Why did you reject her after she had knelt down before you by that race course? To be honest I really liked her and I believed deep down in my heart that she was the one for you,” Itai looked at Alan with so much concern. “She was just not my type Itai. One day and I mean soon, you will see her and the whole world will know but right now, I just want to be alone,” he said as he took out his vibrating cell phone, it was Josh calling him. “It’s Josh, I have to take this call,” he excused himself. Itai watched him as he walked out of the room to stand by the balcony outside. How she wished her mother hadn’t pushed her to have this little talk with him because deep inside, it was quite obvious that Alan would never change.


“Pass that ball boy! Yes, to the left and Limukani come out of the pitch, Simbarashe go in!” Shuvai barked the commands at the teenage boys during soccer practice in the afternoon. It really meant a lot to her because it meant that one of her boys could either get a scholarship if they won or would be a potential international player as a wild rumor was going around that a shareholder of Tottenham football club was going to be one of the spectators at this big tournament to be held on Saturday. The tournament was held every year but this was the first time Ihlathi High School had ever qualified for the finals and they were playing against Falcon College who surely had one of the best trainers and were even hosting the event. Besides the scholarship, there was the prize money of fifty thousand dollars which would surely do a lot for the school as big sponsors like Barclays bank, FEB Insurance Brokers and Econet were involved.

“Are you sick?” She monitored Limukani’s temperature with the back of her hand as he came off the pitch. “I’m dizzy, I’ll just go sit over there,” he brushed her hand off his forehead and headed for the girls by the shade. He was one of the boys who made it clear that they did not like her but he was one of her top players. The girls looked pretty as they giggled, they always did. How she envied the fact that they could have boyfriends and wear skirts. She looked at her worn out tracksuit for a brief moment and sighed. There was nothing she could possibly do rather than focus on her career as a physical education teacher and swallow all the complements women gave her without knowing that she was female. “Ma’am,” Themba alerted her all of a sudden. “Yes, what can I do for you?” she smiled, probably surprised by his look of great concern. “You are crying,” he said to her embarrassment. “Oh no, I’m a tough girl. I don’t cry!” she wiped the tears off her face quickly. “Something must have got into my eye, I guess it’s the dust,” she laughed nervously. “Ok guys we may stop for today! Come around here for a minute,” she looked at her watch as the tired boys sluggishly approached her. “Tomorrow, we are going to engage in a lot of different exercises but the main thing is going to be a marathon,” she announced in her usual deep voice. None of the boys were excited about the news but they did not dare to protest because they knew what would come if they did. “Good, we must be communicating! Then on Friday we are going to have a friendly match with Milton High School, they’ll be hosting us so I hope you’ll put on your best behavior because after that I am going to announce the first eleven for Saturday,” she eyed Limukani. “I assume that you have understood me quite well. You may go home,” she dismissed the boys and made her way to the hall to collect her bag. Another tiresome day was over but it was not the end until Saturday.

“It’s okay to have feelings ma’am. I won’t tell anyone that you were crying,” Shuvai almost took off when Themba spoke to her all of a sudden. She wasn’t expecting anyone to be at the hall because it was six o’clock and most of the students had run home especially her boys. “Themba, you shouldn’t sneak up on people like that!” she almost screamed at him as she caught her breath. “What can I do for you?” she asked closing her bag after making sure everything was in order. “I heard that you live in Nketa 8 and you usually walk home alone. Can I walk with you Miss?” he took her bag and slung it over his shoulder. “Sure,” she smiled impressed by the offer.


Itai smiled as she watched Avril run away from her quickly and into the arms of her father Yassin, who picked her up and wiped away the tears on her face. “Silly girl!” she exclaimed rolling her eyes at her. “What do you expect? You’ve been away for too long and we’ve been bonding nicely,” he kissed the baby on her cheeks and smiled as she giggled happily trying to pull his face. “I’m so jealous; it’s as if I’m the witch in this story. She screams when I touch her as if she can’t feel that I’m her mother. Do you think she has forgotten me?” Itai caressed her daughter’s arm. “It beats me, three months is a very long time to be away from home don’t you think?” Yassin put Avril on the floor and left her to wander off towards the door. “I know you also missed me but I’m back now baby,” she wrapped her arms around him from behind. “Really, I heard that your boy was here this afternoon,” he said accusingly. “Honestly Yassin, do I sleep with my brother?” she whispered in his ears. “He could have come tomorrow, I wanted to be the first one to see you not him,” he complained.

“I’m worried Yassin, in fact mom is the one who asked me to call him to the house so you see how difficult it was for me to turn her down,” she retreated from her husband and threw herself on the couch. “What did you talk about that your mother couldn’t tell him?” he asked in a concerned voice. “He’s thirty and he doesn’t have a girlfriend. I’ve tried to set him up with many girls, even Gloria has had her eye on him but he won’t budge,” Itai spoke hopelessly. “You mean Gloria Dhlakama? The reigning Miss Tourism Zimbabwe,” Yassin questioned unbelievingly. Itai just nodded her head and threw her eyes on Avril who was trying to open the balcony door. “I once told you that I saw him looking at my secretary lustfully and you wouldn’t believe me,” he emphasized a point. “Alan is not gay, he is just shy and misled by jealous friends!” Itai defended her baby brother. “Josh doesn’t seem like the jealous type to me, in fact he’s got a five year old daughter and is about to get married in a few days time,” he raised his eyebrows at Itai who spoke in a defeated voice. “Alan loves his freedom without doubt and honestly it has always bothered me but not to the extent of confronting him. The fact that mom is now having question marks is pushing me beyond my limits. I don’t want her to be disappointed again; she’s gone through enough troubles for once.”


Shuvai watched the game anxiously, not because her team wasn’t doing well but this young man kept staring at her, stealing long glances in fact. He was too good looking to be admiring her and this made her very uncomfortable. She was even too scared to go to the toilet to check upon herself. Despite the crazy guy, her team was leading by two goals to nil and it was nearly full time.

“We’ve been lovers for a long time Josh and I don’t know if I can let go of you,” Alan looked down on the ground. “I can’t continue going out with you when I get married to Alice and you understand that, don’t you? Even if I try, one day we will get caught and we’ll lose everything. I just wish you could find some one for yourself Alan,” Josh took his hand in his. “It’s quite easy for you to say because you are bisexual. I’ve never been with a woman before. I hate their boobs, their hips and pretty faces, I feel challenged by them. I just want to be with you Josh, get married but please don’t leave me,” he said desperately. “What about that pretty number over there? I saw you stealing a few glances at him,” Josh smiled. “He’s a work of art, isn’t he? But I’m not

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