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Read books online » Romance » All Signs Point to You Part Two by Navaura Campbell (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖

Book online «All Signs Point to You Part Two by Navaura Campbell (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖». Author Navaura Campbell

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in an awkward, uncomfortable moment.

He sighed. Denise stared, not wanting to be harsh, but wanting him to explain why he was here. As if reading her thoughts, he stepped into the light illuminating the driveway by the porch light attached to the wall next to the door. "I came because I wanted to see you."

Denise sighed, "I'm sorry for yelling at you that day."

"You were wrong." His answer was point blank, green eyes flashing fire.

"I know. I was stupid for allowing Sherry to come at me like that. I actually believed her."

"I wish I had a recorder to let you hear how ridiculous you sounded." He laughed halfheartedly at this, his voice both amused and holding well to sarcasm at same time.

Denise lowered her view to the ground, embarrassed. "I know. I remember what happened."

He smiled. "Good."

"Jordan, I know why you came here."

A sigh was released, "Then I don't have to plunge into a heartfelt love confession?"

Denise found her gaze drifting to beautiful hands. She inhaled. This was hard for her to do, but she believed what Quin had pointed out. "No. You don't, but I have to tell you the truth. That's what Quinton suggested."

"Tell me the truth about what?"

Denise laughed, "Me." She sighed and sat down on the swing set attached to the porch. He sat down next to her, "Okay, I'm listening..."

Jordan glanced into her eyes as she explained herself.

Denise sighed a breath of relief. There, she'd spilled her guts.

"Wow. I had no idea you went through so much." Jordan stated.

"It's because of these things, that I never really got to fully discover myself."


"So..." She took a deep breath, willing the words to come. "...I want to get to know me, because if I don't, I will never be able to love you the way I should."

Jordan swallowed, "Denise, if you don't love me as much as I love you, then let me know now. I don't play games. You know."

"I know. I'm not saying that I don't love you and that I don't want to be with you, I'm just saying that I need to find out who I am and what I want."

"Do you not want me?"

Why was he making things so difficult? "Jordan, I do, but I don't want to do what I did that night. I just want to be sure."

Jordan sighed. "Ok, Denise, but as a warning, don't contemplate for too long, because I'm not going to let you hang me as a tag price. I don't belong on a sweater."

Denise brows furrowed in confusion. "What?"

"Don't wait too long, because you may not have that long." Jordan stated.

"Are you telling me that you are not going to wait for me?" Denise's voice was soft, distant.

He sighed. "Why does everything always have to be about you?"

"I'm not saying it does. I'm just saying that if you loved me, like you say you do, then maybe waiting wouldn't be bad."

Jordan stared at her, not liking what he was hearing. "If I love you, I would wait? Denise, that's ludicrous. Why do you expect me to wait, when you won't do the same for me? I love you, Denise, and although you say you love me, you are being selfish. You won't even give me the chance I deserve."

Denise sighed. "I just want to be put together. Is there a crime in that?"

"Why do you have to remove me from the picture in order to do that?"

"Jordan, you're not hearing me." Denise whined.

Jordan stood up, "Whatever Denise. Take what ever time you need, just don't expect me to wait around for ever, because that I will not do."

"Jordan, come on. It's only a little while." Denise tried to persuade.

Jordan smiled sarcastically, "So, tell me, would you wait for me?"

Denise expelled a breath. "Jordan...please."

Jordan shook his head, "You know, I actually defended you in front of Andrew, not to mention the fight with Lamont, and all of this for what? to break my heart and think only of your self. If that's the way you want it, fine. You want to be by yourself, go ahead, don't let me stop you."

“Jordan." Denise stated, watching as his form walk down the drive way. He continued on, not wanting to waste his time.

Denise sat there, wanting to grab her hair and pull until it came out. She laughed at this thought. Maybe, just maybe she was a little crazy.





Chapter Twenty Seven: Over rated



The Tigers were ahead four to one within the first quarter. Jordan threw the ball at Andrew, who went for the basket, bouncing the ball down the court. He traveled with him as far as he could go, and then stopped halfway to the goal. When Andrew got ready to shoot, a player from brown tried to block and ended up running into him. Andrew fell on the floor. Immediately Jordan went to where he was. The ref called a fowl on the other player. Rich Collins who'd been within the closest proximity, was already squatting down beside the young player and talking to him.

Jordan came upon them and squatted beside him. "You alright man?"

Andrew's face twisted in agony, the pain evident in his eyes. "I need help up, that's all."

Jordan looked down at Andrew's ankle. "Man, it's swollen."

"I can still play." He stated.

"I don't know, man, it looks like it may be broken."

"It's not broken, it's sprained."

Jordan disagreed. "Help me lift him up, Rich."

Rich grabbed one arm, Jordan grabbed the other.

"On the count of three, lift." Together they lifted.

As soon as they moved him from the floor, he let out a pain filled wail. Jordan sighed, "Man, you're on the bench for the rest of the night."

"Last time I recalled, I was the captain." Andrew stated.

"For tonight, I am. So, on the bench you go." They carried him to the bench, just as the referee announced that he would be out the rest of the game. The crowd awed.

"See, they miss me already." Andrew smiled, loving the sound of his fans.

Jordan laughed, "Yeah, ok." The two boys sat Andrew on a bench and then after a first aid kit was found, the game was resumed.

Denise had to go to the bathroom. Getting up from the bench, she ran out into the hallway. She was making ample time, when she ran smack into someone. She was sent stumbling backwards. She caught herself before she fell. The girl came over to her and inquired, "Are you...Denise?"

Denise looked for a second, recognizing the girl's face, but having trouble placing her.

"It's me, Yari."

Denise raised both brows, "Oh, wow. You look so different. I mean, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be in college by now?"

Yari smiled, her hazel eyes mischievous. "I am. I go to Virginia Tech. Computer Tech major. It's my first year. How are you doing?"

"I'm good." Denise stared. Yari looked so different from the girl she'd seen at her party. Her tones were all earthy now, and she sported one of the biggest Afros Denise had ever seen. She was wearing a long sleeved brown dress, with matching boots and a pair of silvery earrings. The blush she wore was like a brick tone that blended well with her popcorn colored skin when lightly applied. She inhaled. "Wow girl. You definitely look college-y and what not."

Yari laughed. "College y? You mean sophisticated?"

"However you want to put it, that's what it is."

Together both girls laughed. "So, where were you headed?"

"To the restroom, the game ended the first quarter, so I'm taking a break."

"Oh, ok. I'll go with you."

Denise smiled, "That's cool."

They walked toward the rest room.

"So, are you and that guy still together?"

"No. We broke up."

"Really? Wow, how long ago?"

"About six weeks now." Denise stated precisely.

"I'm sorry."

Denise sighed, smiling- grateful for her sentiment. "Don't be, it was for the best."

"I mean, it's weird to me, because you two were so close. I thought you would stay together."

Denise cleared her throat as they reached the restroom. Pushing the door, she held it open. "Well, things don't always work out the way we plan."

"I know that's the truth." Yari agreed. "I thought me and Drew would stay together forever, but he left me for some white girl."

Denise went into one of the stalls. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. He said he didn't want to be with me anymore and then split."

"He must have been crazy, because you're a good chick."

Yari laughed, her voice strong and husky. "Yeah. Thanks. You may know him. He plays for the tigers."

Denise froze on the toilet. Tanya's boyfriend, Drew? She couldn't imagine that. "Really, what's his name?"

"Andrew Larson."

Denise bit on her bottom lip. She had no idea that Andrew had been dating Tanya and Yari at the same time. That was foul. She crinkled her nose.

After doing her business, she flushed the toilet and came out of the stall.

"Yeah," Yari sighed. "I was so in love with that boy, that I didn't see that one coming. I had absolutely no idea he was with both of us at the same time. He swore to me that it was only in the last two months of our relationship that he'd begun seeing her, but when I saw them together, they seemed to be more than comfortable with one another, if you know what I mean."

Denise went to the sink to wash her hands, staying quiet.

"But...that's over now. I've got a new interest and he's more than half the man to me that Drew refused to be. So, what are you doing after the game?"

"I don't have any plans."

"Well, a couple of the girls and I are going to the Rink after this, you want to chill with us?"

"What's the Rink?" Dispensing some paper towel free, she ripped her half and wiped her hands.

"It's a club."

"I can't get into clubs. I'm only sixteen."

"You will tonight. Besides, when was the last time you had some fun?"

Denise sighed. "With what I.D.?"

Yari smiled confidently, "I got this, wait a second." She grabbed her phone out of her purse and dialed a number.

Sebrea Alexi made her way through the throng of students to check out the guy who seemed to be the hero of the night. Apparently, The Tigers had only won three games against brown in a ten year span, and tonight was one of those nights. She scoped the player out; Tall, dark haired, tan skinned and beautiful green eyes. She nodded approvingly. She smiled. He was really cute. She hung back, waiting for him to come forward. When he finally got away from the crowd and made his way toward the exit, she said, "Excuse me."

He turned around and her eyes widened. Wow, he was more than cute up close. He scanned her up and down and then with suspicion in his expression, he came up to her, his stance seeming assured. "You look like trouble."

She smiled. "No, I'm not. I just wanted to say hi." Her french accent was thick.

He raised a brow. "Hi?"

"Yeah, I saw you out there on the court. You're a good player."

His brows furrowed. "Thank you."

"Yep." She waited for him to ask her name. After a minute, he sighed. "It was nice talking to you, miss, but I have to go."

"Alright, my name's Sebrea by the way." She called out.

Jordan paused. Obviously she wasn't going away. He turned his attention to her, offering a smile. She responded with her own grin.

"Sebrea, that's pretty. Where are you from?"

He lowered his bag to the floor, standing in front of her.

"France. My family moved here about two years ago."

"Wow. Impressive." This made him think of Denise for a second, but quickly he pushed her to the back of his mind.

"Yes, we came from Province France."

Jordan chuckled, causing her to put a hand to her chest. This was not a boy, but a man. He sounded, looked and behaved like a man. She was immediately taken in.

He said, "The best I'd be able to do is point out France."

Sebrea shrugged. "That's cool. I didn't know

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