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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Secrets, Boys, and more secrets by Mo Mo Green (miss read books TXT) 📖

Book online «Secrets, Boys, and more secrets by Mo Mo Green (miss read books TXT) 📖». Author Mo Mo Green

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than me, she had to look up to meet my gaze. 

            She scowled and flashed perfectly white teeth "You better watch yourself. You don't want to see me angry."

           " Or what? You'll grow a few inches, develop muscles and turn green?" Sorry. but I wasn't who was easily intimidated. Except by someone with black hair and violet eyes, of course. 

                Kenzie sputtered as she tried to come up with a reply. I was willing to be tI was the first to stand up to her but I don't see Kat cowering in a corner and her threats. "I don't want to be late to class, so come find me later when you come up with whatever insult you think up."

            I breezed past her and saw Kyle at the end of the hallway. Wow he followed me. He spotted me and bounded into motion. I just could't catch a break. The bell rang and I hurried towards him. Yes, towards him. But thankfully before he could reach my I made it to class. 

           I was late again. Mr. Butthole made me stand in front of the class and apologize. It wouldn't have been so bad, but through the window in the center of the door, was a glaring Kyle. Only when I slid into my seat did I lose sight of him. No way could I explain what happened twice in the hallway. Well without bursting into flames of embarrassment. 

           I didn't see him for the rest of the day before lunch. Just before I reached the double doors Kenzie stepped in front of me. I barely stopped myself from slamming into her.

           "You're not going anywhere" she said. "Not this time!"

          "Do we really need to have another discussion?" I asked with a sigh. 

          "Yes we need to have 'another discussion'" She mimicked in a shrill voice. "I saw Kyle chasing you outside the bathroom. Why did you run from him?" "Are you trying to play hard  to get? Because it's a little late for that, the way I hear it you can't keep you're eyes off him." She said without trying to hide her fury.

           Heat burned on my cheeks. Kyle must have said something to his friends or they said something on their own. Either way people noticed.  "Why would you care?" I snapped " The way I hear hear it, you're not dating him anymore."

          I could have sworn a bomb detonated in her eyes. "You have no idea whats going on between me and Kyle!"

          "You're right it doesn't concern me," I said 

           She looked up fiercely "Earlier I told you I'd hurt you if you hurt him and that's still true, but now I'm telling you to stay away from him or I will wipe the floor with your face before I do the hurting." 

                Okay now that one pushed me over the edge just a little to far. "If you want me to cry and promise you to do whatever you want, then try a more original threat."

               All about the intimidation, she rose to her tiptoes so we were nose to nose and she said "I am capable of things you can't imagine."

             I had a smirk on my face "Right back at you."

             "That's brave talking, let's see you back it up" 

               "Let's see you back off, Love Button, before you burst a vessel." Said a familiar voice, which made my smirk wider.

            I caught a scowl on Kenzie's face before she turned around to look at Kat. " Alley Kat. Racing to the rescue of another stray?" Grinning Kat strolled to my side. "Yes I am. To your rescue, just so were clear. My Sam has skills. The first time I met her, there were people all around her moaning and groaning in pain. True story. And besides I don't wanna see her suspended after only four days because she did the entire school a favor and fed you your own teeth. Besides, Kyle's the one you should be chatting with. He practically ate her up with his eyes, in fact I'm surprised Sam doesn't have bite marks." 

         Kenzie balled up her fists and I stepped in front of Kat, just in case. No one hit my friend and lived to tell the tale. That was my new motto and I would forever embrace it.

          "You're in trouble now." Kat sang.

        Slowly Kenzie unfurled her fingers. "You're not worth it." She snapped at Kat.

        "Is that so? Well you should go ask Jason because apparently she is worth anything."

      Laughing Kat pulled her arm into mine and pinky waved at Kenzie as we walked away.

    Together we sat at an empty table in the back. "As you've probably figured out, there are only two people in this place that have the lady balls to stand up to her, and I'm one of them but I didn't think you would be the other," Kat said with her voice dripping with glee. "I am soo glad we met at an undisclosed location over the summer."

       "Me too." I noticed almost everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us silently. I rubbed my palms on my thighs. Had they over heard our conversation with Kenzie.

      My movements quickened when I spotted Kyle. He occupied the same table as usual. We locked gazes for several seconds. I expected a vision but none came. I don't know what he expected or if he expected anything at all, his expression stayed bland, until Kenzie reached his table and shimmied next to him. She cupped his jaw, her fingers caressing his cheeks. Frowning, he tugged out of her hold and the two got in a lox angry argument. He massaged the back of his neck, as to stop himself from strangling the girl.

       "And she's off for another mental vacation." Kat muttered. 

       "sorry." I replied.

       Ashely sat across from me "After that, you can't deny you're interested in him."

 Well great I have been so distracted, I missed her appearance. Sarah sat right next to her.

      "No, I'm not interested in him." I have quickly became obsessed with him. 

      "Oh." Ashely's shoulders dropped.

      "I thought you said I needed to stay away from him?" I asked confused.

      "I changed my mind," She said while twirling her hair. "I think you guys would make an awesome couple."

     I wasn't sure how to take that because she considered him the worst kind of trouble. 

     "Sammy, Sam, Sam," Kat tsked under her tongue. "Don't look so forlorn. You're making the right decision. Kyle once ate a pound of rusty nails and said they tasted like unicorn tears and fairy dust. True story. I was there."

      Sarah nodded encouragingly. "I wasn't there but I can believe it. Once I saw him body slam a teacher for daring to ask him the meaning of X minus Y."

       "He put the  guy in the hospital for three months," Ashely said while taping a finger nail against her chin. "Or was that a student he body slammed for daring to give an answer different than his?"

      "Probably both. He's body slammed enough people to start a new country. And there could be a neighboring city for all the people he has punched in the throat." Sara's delicate fingers fluttered to her own throat, as if she was experiencing sympathy pains. Then she added, "The last time he did that was the most awesome thing I've ever seen." She said grinning. "Oh, oh. It's still on YouTube, I think. Give me your number and I will send you a link."

         "Maybe Sam will luck out and Kyle won't actually body slam her," Ashely said.

        All the girls burst out laughing, causing Ashely's cheeks to redden.

      "She will be the first person he'll body slam, Kat said with a snicker. "He's probably already imagined it a thousand times already. 

           My own cheeks started heating up to a lovely shade of red. Even though I wasn't sure how much longer I will have a phone, I gave the girls my digits and took theirs. Thing was my Aunt and Uncle probably wouldn't continue to pay the bills. They forked through the money my dad left because my cellphone was the last thing my dad gave me and I would have freaked without it. It still has pictures of him in it, as well as his text messages. I haven't looked at a single photo or text because I just didn't have the heart. Not yet. One day, though, I would. I hoped.

      "Here. Eat this." Kat handed me half of her PB&J. "If I know my Sammy, and I'm pretty sure I do, you're going to go against my better judgement and Make a play for Kyle. And if you're going after someone like him, you will need to keep you're strength up."

        "I'm not going after him, but thanks for the sandwich." I had forgotten my lunch so I scarfed it down like it was heaven. "So are any of yo guys dating anyone?" 

         "I am!" Ashely beamed. "He graduated from here last year and he now goes to UA. I usually see him on the weekends."

      Sarah shrugged. "I usually keep my options opened the first week of school. It's like shopping really because you just look around until you find something you like."

        Kat laughed. "Don't lie to Sam. When she and Kyle get married in a beautiful prison ceremony, because we know that's were Kyle will end up, she will be able to help your cause." Kat beautiful hazel eyes swung to me. "She has been crushing on Bronx for two years."

      Her announcement hit me like a ton of rocks. He was the one with Jason when he met me after class on my first day. "But he's soo..."

     "Serial killer-esque?" Kat asked with an arched brow.

      Well yeah. But like I really have room to judge. Bronx might give off a serial killer vibe, but I was obsessed with the guy he calls his leader.

     "I tried to warn her," Ashely said "Many times."

      Sarah was the third girl to blush. She lifted her chin and said, "Bronx has made it more than clear that he's not interested in me, so what I feel doesn't really matter."

      "I have told you are better off so many times." Ashely reiterated. 

       Sarah continued. "Besides I have decided to say yes to John Clary and goon a date."

      "John Clary!" Kat and Ashely said in unison.


     "He's so perfect for you!"

      "Such a doll!"

     "He can tutor you in math and help you get a good grade!"

   I had nothing to offer. I didn't even know who Jon Clary was. As each of the girls launched a million questions at her, the bell rang to signal it was time to head to class. Poor Sarah. She looked so comfortable as if she was standing naked

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