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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Secrets, Boys, and more secrets by Mo Mo Green (miss read books TXT) 📖

Book online «Secrets, Boys, and more secrets by Mo Mo Green (miss read books TXT) 📖». Author Mo Mo Green

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in front of history class, giving a report on the Salem witch trails and using her body as a visual aid for the torture.

      I said my goodbyes and stood. When I turned , I bumped into someone and my hands landed on a hard chest as I sought to regain my balance. Whatever I meant to say next died as I quickly discovered my hands were on Kyle Holland. 

     I looked up..up...up.. and there he was. I inhaled sharply, caught the sent of sandalwood and almost moaned. He smelled just like he had during the.... Oh, sweet heaven. Was this a hallucination, too? Here, now? I dug my fingers into his chest. He was solid, warm. Which meant... this was real. This was happening.

    "Well, well," Kat said with to much glee. "you here to walk Sam to class or what, big boy?"

     A muscle ticked in Kyle's jaw as a sign of pure anger.

    "Well?" Kat prompted. 

   He looked at Kat. "Let go of Jason's leash. You're choking the life out of him."

 Her eyes narrowed to tiny slits. "He deserves to choke. He didn't keep little frosty in his pants this summer."

   "Yes he did," Kyle said calmly "now do you mind letting me talk to Kat alone."

   Kat looked at me. "Ali?"

     I gave her a weak smile. "I'm fine." And with that Kat walked off. 

  "You have Mrs. Heldermon next," He said with a statement and not a question.

  "Yes. How did you know?"

   He massaged the back of his neck, just like he done when he talked with Kenzie. Please tell me that wasn't a sign of irritation. "My class is in the same building, yesterday I saw you go into the room." He said. "Come on."

  And with that we kicked into motion. As we walked people turned to look at us. When we were out of eavesdropping range Kyle turned to me. "Whatever you're doing to me each morning," A hint of irritation in his voice. "Needs to stop."

    My gaze shot up to his face so fast, it almost gave me whiplash. "What I'm doing to you? How about what you're doing to me?"

    "What am I doing to you?"

 I almost laughed. Like I was going to mention my craziness without confirmation of his. "You tell me." Maybe he was talking about me eye stalking him like I first assumed. Neither of us said anything and I wanted to wait him out but my willpower lacked me. "So.. who did you fight?"

 There was only a beat of hesitation before he responded , "No one you'd know."

 We reached my class room. "Thanks for the escort but lets sooo not do this again sometime.," I muttered. 

   He stretched his arm out in front of me, flattening his palm against the door frame, blocking my escape.  "I'm sorry about Mackenzie."

    "I wasn't worried." I replied honestly.

  He had to stop himself from smiling "You should be, she can be a... Mean. Very mean."

    What had he stopped from calling her? I gave him a smirk. "I'm still not worried."

      Now he started smiling. "Have you ever been in a fight?" With a free hand he pinched a lock of my hair and rubbed the strands together. "You look like something out of a fairy tale."

    "The wicked witch?" I couldn't help but ask.

    "Please, the princess."

    Had he just given me a compliment? Couldn't have. I noticed to kids standing to the side, wanting to get into the classroom. I wrapped my fingers around Kyle's wrist and lowered his arm. I didn't return my place because I was flushed against Kyle, I couldn't bring myself to move. "Yes I have been in a fight." Remember ing his question. Even though the fight was with my dad when he was training me self defense. 

    He raised an eye brow. "In a fistfight?"

     "Is there any other kind?" I couldn't bite that question.

    "Many kinds. So who did you fight?"

   "No one you'd know." I said mimicking his answer earlier. If i told him my dad he would think he let me win. 

    I was so distracted by his beautiful eyes and how that violet was my new favorite color.


  I cut off my gaze. "Yeah?" 

   He raised his eyebrow again. "I asked if you'r last name was Hollis."

   "Oh yeah it is." I said blushing.

  "Was your dad Phillip Hollis and your mom Miranda Hollis?"

   I looked at my feet at the question. "Yeah that's my dad but I don't remember my mom. She past away when I was younger. How did you know that?" 

   He must of sensed my sadness. "Oh my dad went to school with them."

     Before he could ask anymore questions I said. "Thanks for the heads up about your girlfriend. We should probably say goodbye now." 

   He gave a stiff nod "Fine. But just so you know Mackenzie isn't my girlfriend." 

    After that I strode into the classroom and didn't stop to look back.

   When the last bell rang I went out to look for Kat. She wanted to know every detail. I gave it all to her and she just laughed.

    "Ok you so need flirting lessons but I know now isn't the time. Let's go get some coffee."

    Suddenly I heard angels sing. "I would so love that."

       We walked to her car but when I walked up to it everything started to spin. I could only here cars beeping theirs horns and people yelling and zooming by in their cars. I don't know what happened but I couldn't get in the car with Kat. I just had a feeling something was gonna happen. And I started thinking about the wreck with my dad and I didn't want to put Kat in the same position. I could only stare in horror.

    "Sam are you ok?" Kat asked worried.

    "I can't." I said looking at her concerned face. I spun around and ran. I heard her calling after me and I seen Dr. Wright our principle and she was yelling for me to. I just kept running. I ran straight into the bathroom (for boys). I just sat in there and cried.

    I didn't want to call Aunt Karen so I just decided to walk home. Yeah so no cars would e involved. And besides I needed the exercise. 

     As I walked it started raining and I knew I would be soaked to the bone when I got home. But everyone would be safe and thats all that mattered.


Chapter 6

My Aunt Karen came home early today and I wasn't there. She got worried and called my phone a dozen times. So dinner tonight was a horrible tense affair. I knew if I would have answered she would have insisted on coming to get me and I couldn't have that.

        "What is the point of having a phone if your not going to use it?" She muttered at the dinner table.

        "I did use it." I said before sneezing again. I'm surprised I haven't blown the thing off by now. 

     "Oh umm Sam have you read that book I gave you?" My Uncle Blake asked.

   "No I haven't got around to it. I will try and read it tonight." I said honestly. "Matter of fact I will go do it now. But can I ask yall something?"

        My Uncle Blake had a confused look on his face "Sure anything."

     I looked down at the table. "What was my mom like?"

    My Uncle cleared his throat. "Oh umm didn't your dad talk to you about this stuff?"

    "No he didn't like talking about it."

    My Uncle grabbed my Aunts hand and looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. "Your mom was amazing. She was sorta shy but when she started dating your father, it was like she became a new person. She love hanging out with Karen and then she got pregnant with you. She was so excited, especially when she found out you were a girl. After she had you, it was like her life was accomplished."

    I looked up at him. "How did she die?" 

   He looked down. "I think you should read that book. I pretty sure it will explain everything and answer all your questions."

   And with that I turned around and took my dishes to the sink. I walked up to my room and got the book down from my closet. Reverently I cracked the book open and began reading the first page.

     'The battle has begun. Evil is here, it is real, and if we aren't careful, we'll be consumed by it. But it doesn't have to be that way. We can win. But too many people are ignorant of the truth and without the truth, we will perish.

        What is the truth? We are spirit beings, those spirits our source of power, and we have a soul....or our logic and emotions, and we live in a body. Evil lurks in that spiritual realm. Some people can see it while they're still in their body. Most cannot.'

    As I reached in the closet to pull something else out my phone beeped. I dropped the book and got on my bed to read the text.


 Kat: WTF happened 2 U 2day? A load of dill wrap, that's what!


Me: Sorry. Went mental.


Kat: Oh. Your dad. I get it now. U ok?


Me: Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for understanding.


Kat: Good. So check this. I ran in2 Kyle after U ditched me.


Me: What!? And??


Kat: He went after U 2. I take it he din't find U either?

      Wow I didn't think he would have went after me. Why would he? I stood and walked to my window. The storm had passed and the sky had cleared. The sun was starting to set.

Me: He didn't


Kat: 2 bad. I think he would have offered U a ride w/him. Bet U would have been all over THAT. :)

      Maybe.Yes. No. Definitely not. I would have turned him down. I didn't want to put him in danger. How would someone like Kyle handle rejection? Would he have talked me into accepting or just throw me over his shoulder and carry me to his car.

Kat: Or maybe I should say, U would have been all over HIM?


Me: NO way!


Kat: Good girl. Make him work 4 it. Oh! Game tomorrow & party on Sat. I have an idea Cole will show up 2 both just 2 C U. See ya!


Me: Really?

No response.


Still nothing.

Me: We will have serious beef 2morrow!

Again nothing..

      Distraction time. Sighing, I logged onto my computer, searching for any and all references to Kyle Holland. During this ensuing hour, I learned Kyle does not have a Facebook or twitter page. 

    I got bored so I decided to search up my name and see what people could learn about me. First thing to pop up was the

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