Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Secrets, Boys, and more secrets by Mo Mo Green (miss read books TXT) 📖

Book online «Secrets, Boys, and more secrets by Mo Mo Green (miss read books TXT) 📖». Author Mo Mo Green

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articles on the accident. About how a tragic teen lost her father. With far more force than intended, I shut the computer down. I hated how everyone in the world could read those things and pity me. 

   Now, needing a new distraction, I showered, dressed in a tank top and cotton shorts and dried my hair. I studied myself in the mirror. I had dark circles under my eyes and my cheeks were hollowed. I looked breakable. The fairy tale made sense. 

        I stalked to my window to close my curtains because I knew I was in need of desperate sleep. No watching the forest tonight i told myself mentally. Before I could close the curtains my skin began to tingle and burn, the fine hairs on the back of my neck rose as if someone was watching me. I peered out frantically, there was no sign of Bridezilla. 

     I jerked the curtains shut but I didn't walk away, instead I stood watching through the crack. I saw movements, so I jerked the curtain open and zeroed in on the object. I thought I saw a tall muscled body dressed in black. I thought that body stopped, turned, and glowing violet eyes met mine.


     Will anything normal ever happen to me? I wondered as I waited for the bus to arrive at my stop the next morning. After maybe, or maybe not seeing Kyle I went to sleep. When the bus arrived, I guess I forgot to keep my head down because I spotted Justin Silverstone motioning my to come to the back. I couldn't leave him hanging or I would hurt his feelings so I walked back there. A girl who sat across from him was glaring at me as I sat in the seat with him.

  "Hi." He said with a smile.

  I just replied with a warm smile.

   He held out his hand and said. "I'm Justin."

I gave him another warm smile before saying "I know. You kinda made in impression at lunch the other day and the girls filled me in about you. But I'm Sam." "Oh. And by the way thanks for that distraction in Mr. Butthole's class on the first day."

      He laughed at that. "Well the way to get on his good side is to suck up and he will be yours all year."

   At that I couldn't hold back my laughter. "Like what?"

   He stayed quiet a bit before replying. "Dang, Mr Buttle. My brain hurts from information overland. Good job, dude."

    Again I went into a fit of laughter until I realized the bus was arriving at school. "Well thanks and it was good to officially me you, Justin."

   "You to." He said with a slight grin.

    I went to turn to leave but before I could Justin chimed in again "Wait um Sam are you going to Ashely's party on Saturday? If you are I was wondering if you would go with me."

   "Sure." I said while getting off.

   When I stepped off the bus I didn't go five steps without bumping into....guess who... Kyle. 

 I went to turn "I'm so--" Our gazes locked, and once again the world faded away. Only this time we didn't kiss, we..... fought?

       We had out backs pressed against each others and slowly monsters started to circle us. Each had matted hair that was falling out in chunks. Kyle held two broadswords and all I knew was that I was freaked out. "On my count go low." Kyle demanded.

   "One..." he said.


    "Three!" He yelled and I knew that was my cue to go low.

Kyle twirled the swords, slashing to monsters in the throats. He couldn't kill all of them on his own. I should...

    "Sam!" The world whooshed back into focus. We stood int he hallway, kids rather than monsters were walking around. Kyle was still in front me, holding me, and horror filled those beautiful eyes. His cheeks were fever flushed. Probably a mirror of mine.

     Horrified, we jerked away from each other, bother of us panting. 

     Kyle back away from me, one step,two. Thats when I noticed Kenzie had her arms around his waist and was tugging him back...back away from me.

      Justin came up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Are you ok?"

       I couldn't look away from Kyle. Was he frowning at me? Did he see the fight? If Why? What did any of this mean? Kyle caught a glimpse of Justin's actions and stopped moving away from us but took a step forward. He was scowling at Justin and his hands were curled into fists. Was he going to challenge Justin?

       I couldn't let that happened so I grabbed Justin's wrists and pulled him down the hall in the opposite direction, leaving Kyle behind.

      Justin turned to me. "Are you and Kyle dating?

    I thought I was gonna choke. "What? No."

    "Are you sure bec---"

 I cut him off before he could finish. "Yes I'm sure. But anyway I'm not going to make it to first block, I have to go."

     I rattled off my phone number to Justin so he could call me about details on going to the party and then left hims in the dust.

    I needed a distraction so I went to look for Kat.

    I found Sarah. "Hey Sarah have you seen Kat?"

      She looked up from her locker and replied. "No she had to do stuff but she there is gonna be a change in plans tonight and that to not go to the game and she will pick you up later today." 

     I gave her a smile. "Thanks." And with that I walked away.

    As Iw as walking down the hall I heard footsteps behind me. A hard arm wrapped around my waist. I curled up my fists, ready to do some damage to whoever it was. But it was only Kyle and for some strange reason that finally calmed me.

      He forcefully switched my direction. "This way. You and I are gonna talk."

Chapter 7

Kyle ushered me outside, through the sunny parking lot that is now devoid of witnesses and into a Jeep Wrangler. 

   I looked over at him. The principle, Dr. Wright will.." 

   "She won't care that we're gone." He interjected.

   "Ok.. So where are you taking me."

 He ignored my question and cranked up the radio. I really wouldn't be scared of were he was taking me because all I wanted to do was talk about what has been happening. 

     Since he wanted to play the quiet game, I decided to study his face. he had a slight bump in his nose, as if he'd broken it more than once. His bruised jaw has faded. His chin jutted stubbornly, and I felt sorry for anyone who has challenged him.

    After about ten minutes he turned the radio down and glanced at me. "So that boy Justin."

    I gave him a confused look after he didn't continue. "Yeah, what about him?"

   He popped his jaw. "Are you dating him?"

    Like for real. He asked the same thing about me and Kyle. If you ever spoke to a guy at Hearst High, it's like picking out wedding bands.

     "No I'm not. Why do you care, anyway?" I said even though secretly I wanted him to care. But if you translated that into guy code it would be saying 'you want to date me. please I'm begging you to.'

    Thankfully he ignored the question. "How did you get home yesterday?"

    "I walked." I stated.

    He gave me looks that were all kinds of dirty. "Don't you ever do that again, do you hear me? Those woods are dangerous."

    For a moment all I could do was sputter. "Wow I think it's so adorable that you think you can boss me around. And how did you know that I went through the woods? For all you knew I could have lived behind the school."

    "You don't" He said with confidence.

    Ok my curiosity took over me, so I had to ask. "Were you in my back yard last night?"

    A beat of silence then. "Yes."

   He cranked the music back up. I wanted to turn it down but instead I acted like Mrs. Manners like my father would have wanted. 

      After a while of driving, we pulled up into a twenty four hour grocery store. He was quiet for a minute and then said "I'm giving you my number." He turned and faced me. "If you ever need a ride from school, call or text me, I'll make sure you taken care of."

     I was stunned. I mean this ultra bad boy from Hearst High was offering to chauffeur me. ME. The weird girl with the staring problem.

    "Okay?" He insisted. "Got it?"

      "Well I had a ride," I explained. "I chose not to take it."

      He looked at me with dark expression and it made me shutter. "First, that's all you have to say to me."

  I just looked at him. "Well yeah." I mean what did he expect. 'Omg that's the sweetest thing you could ever say and I fell like I'm dancing on stars.' Well those words will never come out my mouth. Not even in a million years. 

     "Second, why didn't you take it?"

    "I wanted to walk." I said.

   "Well you better not walk again."

   "Or what?" I asked smirking. I honestly wanted to know.

     He was a total animal or make that manimal when he snarled.

   "Has anyone ever told you that your the most frustrating person in the world, or have they all been to polite?"

   "Hey!" I said slapping his arm."

   He rattled off his number so I had to forget what I was saying to program it in my phone. "Now give me your number."

  I had to wait a second for his words to sink in. "But Kyle, I don't have a car, so I won't be able to give you a ride. So theres no point.."

 He cut me off of course. "Are you trying to tick me off? Give me your number."

   Ok now I'm peeved. Why is he bing rude all the time? "Ask nicely."

 "Nicely," KYle gritted out.

    "Well how can I resist that." I said getting annoyed now. I wanted to give him a bogus number just to prove my point but... well... honestly I wanted him to call me. Even though I don't know what we would talk about. I rattled off my numbers.

    "Stay put." He demanded and he got out the car and walked around to.. help me out. Wow I didn't think he knew any manners. I'm shocked. "Tell me your not gonna be this difficult the whole day." He said.

      "I guess we will have to find out together then. Won't we." I said smirking. I felt his warm skin against mine and I liked it, even

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