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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Secrets, Boys, and more secrets by Mo Mo Green (miss read books TXT) 📖

Book online «Secrets, Boys, and more secrets by Mo Mo Green (miss read books TXT) 📖». Author Mo Mo Green

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The Beginning of the Worst



I wake up like any normal day but today is not a normal. My name is Samantha Hollis, I am in 9th grade (you can call me Sam or Sammy) and today is the day before my 16th birthday. I’m so excited but my dad has been kinda off lately. My mom passed away a long time ago but I don't know how because my dad doesn't like talking about it. I walk down stairs to eat breakfast and see my dad sitting at the table reading the newspaper.        He smiled at me and I said “ hey dad hows it going?” 

He replies huskily “oh nothing out of the ordinary.” 

I looked at him and smiled sweetly before saying “ dad what do you have planned for tomorrow... you do remember its my birthday right?”

“Oh of course! Sweat heart how can I forget about my only child?”

I laughed at that and just turned away blushing. I liked the fact of being the only child because then I get spoiled but don't get me wrong, I am not one of those brats. He looked at me and sighed and said “ I want to go to dinner tonight and talk about some things, that I feel since your old enough you can know.” I shook my head yes and went up stairs to get dressed for school.

I put my hair in a ponytail and some cute jeans and a red shirt. After I put my shirt on I slid my red Vans on. I went outside and walked to school since I only live like three blocks away. When I got to school I found my best friend Natalie. She was waiting for me with what I could see in her eyes was gossip. I love Natalie but she loves gossip way to much. She came up and said 

“OMG! Have you seen the new kid? He is SOOOOO HOT!” 

I laughed  saying “Yes cause I so did not just walk into school not even a minute ago.” She just looked at me with smirk. It made me laugh even harder. The bell rang for first period and me Natalie said our good byes until second period. When I walked into my first period which was home room I saw the new kid and I guess you can say he is cute but not absolutely hot. All the girls seemed to drool over him, I guess because they would have a new toy now. 

I didn't pay attention for the rest of the day because I was wondering about tomorrow. When I got home, I made some pizza rolls( which are the BOMB!!) and watched t.v. My dad walked in saying “get dressed we are leaving in thirty!” I got up and walked to my room to get changed. I striped down and went and got a quick hot shower. When I got out I blowed dried my hair and put on a super cute black dress with black and silver heels and silver accessories. I don't really need make up because I like my skin which is nice and tan. I don't have very big boobs but they are nice but I can say I do have a nice ass. I walked down stairs just as my dad had finished getting done. He looked at me and smiled “ You look very beautiful sweet heart.”

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek before saying “ Thank you dad you look very nice yourself.”

He just looked at me and laughed as we walked out to his car. I was awkward so I decided to break it by asking “how was your day? Mine was ok but to be honest i wasn't paying that much attention”

He laughed again and said “ Me either but it’s ok. 

When we arrived at the restaurant we ordered and talk about our day some more. After a while he began to look nervous so I asked “ what is wrong dad? And didn't you have to talk to me about something?”

He just looked at me and smiled tightly before saying “ Yes baby girl I do and I'm not entirely sure your gonna like it so keep it open minded. Tomorrow you life is gonna change and I don't know how your gonna take that change.” Right before he continued the waiter kept coming up and interrupting us so after we ate we decide to leave. When we were in the car my dad kept quiet. I guess so we can talk more at home. We passed the cemetery mom was buried at and then all of a sudden my dad started swerving and all I remember is us flipping and seeing people around us, pulling my dad out of the car and all I could do was scream until I blacked out.

A New Life and A New Day

When I woke up there were bright lights everywhere and they were so not helping my headache. I looked around and seen an unfamilar girl siting on the chair in the corner. She looked up at me and said "Wow your awake! Well hey I'm Katherine but you can call me Kat. Your Uncle Blake asked me to sit in here while they go pack your stuff." I just looked at her like she was crazy and asked "Why would they be packing my stuff? I live with my dad." She immediatly got up and walked out. A few seconds later the nurse walked in.

"Hey your awake. How do you feel?." she said smiling.

"I'm fine but where is my dad?" She lost her smile at the question and I began to worry. Tears started filling my eyes and everything became blurry.

"I'm so sorry Samantha but the doctors did everything they could but your father lost to much blood and they didnt have anyone with his blood type. I'm so sorry sweaty." she said with a frown.

Tears started falling down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them.

The nurse walked out and Katherine came in she looked at me and gave me a hug "I'm sorry but I just couldn't tell you but lets change the subject. Kay?"

"Kay" I said with a weak smile.

"Well you know my name and your uncle Blake said your name is Samantha but anyways I go to Hearst High and your Uncle Blake said thats where you will be going now that you will be living with him and that's cool because then you could hangout with me and my friends." She said with a wide smile.

She continued talking "So do you have a boyfriend? I did but well his name was Jason and one day he had to go on some trip and we talked on the phone. Well one time we were talking and he sounded like he was in a rush and said he had to go, yeah I kinda got mad. Well he accidently called me and he left a voicemail saying another girls name and come to find out it was a bitch from our school named Harper."

I had a frown o my face and said " Wow now that is so messed up and whats up with dudes thinking they can just play us girls. And to your question no I don't have a boyfriend."

We laughed and my Uncle Blake and Aunt Karen walked in. They both ran up and hugged me before saying "Sweaty I'm sorry about what happened honestly but we can talk about it at home. The Doc said you can leave so are you ready to go?" I just looked down a my hands.

A few seconds later I said "Yeah I'm ready but when is dads funeral and how long have I been out?" Kat walked out, I guess because she didn't want to answer that and she just waved bye. 

"His funeral was two days ago and you have been out for about five days." He said with tears going down his face. There was an awkward silence so I just sat up and said "Well let's go home and get something to eat I'm starving." I said with a smile.

On the way to my new house I began thinking about how everything is gonna be different without my dad and tears started falling down my face again. I know life is gonna be didfferent but my dad wouldn't want me to grieve my whole life, so I have to pull it together. We pulled in the driveway and I helped my Uncle get my stuff out of the car while my Aunt Karen made dinner. After I got everything in th house and up to my room and began rearranging everything until dinner. We ate dinner and I went to walk out but my uncle grabbed my hand and handed me a book and said "Here I think your father would have wanted me to give this to you." I nodded my head and walked up to my room. I sat the book down on my table and decided to read it tomorrow because it was getting late and I had to start my first day at Hearst High.

Things just get weirder!

When I woke up the next day, I got in the shower and washed my hair, and shaved my beautiful tan legs. I looked in the mirror and notice my eyes were puffy from crying yesterday. I put on my skinny jeans with a tank top, sweatshirt, and some boots because I didn’t feel like getting all dressed up. I curled my hair and then walked out to the bus. When I walked on everyone was staring at me so I just decided to sit in the front of the bus. When the bus arrived at school, I got off first.

As I was walking through the hall I spotted Katherine and she wave me over. When I made it over to her she gave me a hug and introduced me to her friends. “This is Sarah and Ashely” They waved after she said their names, Ashely invited my to a party she was throwing this weekend. Ashely was short and had short brown hair. Sarah was tall, tan, and had brown hair also. They both said they had to go and I waved bye. “Hey Kat will you show

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