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She might as well go with my blessing.”

“That girl has no consideration for the feelings of others.” She sipped her coffee. “I'll be worried sick while she's away in that ... awful, dangerous country.”

“Mom, it isn't dangerous.” Nyk heard Suki descending the stairs. “Turkey is a civilized country and one of our allies.” She walked into the kitchen, opened a cabinet and withdrew a box of soda crackers.

“There are many who'd challenge both those assertions.” Yasuko glanced at her plate. “Another saltines-and-ginger-ale breakfast? How are you going to deal with that over there?”

“I'm feeling better. By the time of the trip I should be over the morning-sickness phase.”

“What if you get over there and have ... complications?”

“They have doctors there...” Her mother rolled her eyes. “Mother! Why must you be so risk-adverse? Look at Nick -- he's not worried.”

“I wouldn't go that far,” Nyk replied.

“Then, why can't you see this is something I must do to advance my career? Nick at least sees that.”

“I might have carried you in my belly for only nine months, but you've been in my heart for twenty-seven years. Once you push that baby out and begin nurturing it -- then, you'll understand. I hope that child grows up and gives you the same kind of worry you've given us.” Yasuko stood behind Suki and put her hand on her shoulder. “I didn't mean that...”

“Congratulations, Mom -- you have top score in this round of 'You Can't Win.'” She chugged the remains of her ginger ale. “If you'll excuse me, I'll go get dressed.”

Nyk watched her mount the stairs to the apartment. “I'm sorry, but I didn't understand her last remark.”

“I'm afraid I put my foot in it. Sukiko knows she wasn't the easiest adolescent. I should never wish what she put us through on anyone.” Yasuko looked up toward the apartment. “Nick, please tell me you'd rather she didn't go.”

“I'd rather she didn't go.”

“Now, tell her you'd rather she didn't go.”

“I did. She's going anyway.”

“Just like I said -- no consideration for the feelings of others.”

“Yasuko, like it or not this is something she must do.” Nyk drained his coffee mug and set it in the sink. “I'll go pack my briefcase. We'll see you for dinner.” He headed toward the apartment.

Nyk held Suki's hand as they walked toward the bus stop. “It pains me to see you argue with your mother,” he said.

“That was no argument -- just a healthy discussion. I'm happy I can have healthy discussions with her.”

“She loves you. I can feel how much she loves you.”

“I know she does. I love her, too.” They reached the bus stop. “It wasn't too many years ago I wouldn't have been able to say that. Yes -- I'm happy with how my relationship with my mother has improved over the years. I wish it was like that with Daddy. Here's our bus.”

Nyk's intercom buzzed. “Yes, Jaquie?”

“A Yasuko Kyhana on two, Mr Kane.”

“Thanks... Hello, Yasuko?”

“Nick, I didn't want to say anything in front of Sukiko, but I thought last night I heard harsh words between you two -- and crying. I hope everything is all right.”

“Yes, Yasuko -- everything's fine. We had a misunderstanding, but everything's patched up.”

“She seemed so argumentative at breakfast.”

“She told me your exchange was nothing but a healthy discussion.”

“It felt like an argument to me. Are you sure everything's okay?”

“I'm sure. We talked and kissed and made up.”

“I'm relieved. After all these years, I'm accustomed to our arguments. I'd hate to see anything jeopardize what you two have together, though.”

Nyk hung up the phone. An incoming vidphone call signaled him. He glanced up to be sure the door to his office was closed, and then answered the call. He saw Illya Kronta. “Good day, Illya.”

“I received your telemessage. So, Andra is on Lexal. That explains the ID code trace -- those colonial shuttles have diplomatic immunity.”

“It also explains why you can't reach her on the vidphone -- her calls are being screened at the palace.”

“Nyk -- that young woman is in considerable trouble. The evidence she was involved in Zander's plot keeps mounting. Some now believe it extends even to the Ricin plot.”

“That's impossible -- she didn't even know Zander until afterward.”

“Since you're our only pipeline to her, I was hoping you'd try to convince her to turn State's Evidence. It's the best way to minimize her possible exposure in this.”

“She's innocent, Illya.”

“Running away to Lexal isn't a very good way to demonstrate innocence.”

“I thought we were a free people, Illya. She had an opportunity to visit an old friend.”

“Do you mean her highness, Princess Janna of Lexal? The same ax'amfin witch who placed a crown on her own head? Doesn't this sound suspicious to you?”

“Suspicious? How?”

“First we have the fact of Andra's marriage to Zander.”

“She was chosen by Zander as part of his plot to destabilize Lexal -- chosen because she happens to be a dead ringer for Janna. He intended to use an illegal hypnotic to turn her into his zombie.”


“An Earth word -- his unwitting puppet.”

“I've heard that rather fantastic theory.”

“It's not fantastic, Illya. We used some of Zander's hypnotic when you questioned her in Sudal. You saw how it worked. Under its influence she'd do anything Zander instructed her to do. Andra was nothing more than an unwilling pawn.”

“Nyk, it wasn't my intent to debate you. I'm concerned you have some emotional involvement, here.”

“I do. Illya, I spent time with Andra and became fast friends with her. I don't believe her capable of the sort of intrigue you imply.”

Kronta planted his elbow on his desk and held his forehead. “What about the Rud Vadima link?”

“What about it?”

“Vadima is Wygann's assistant adjutant and he's known to have associated with Zander. It gives us a direct link between Wygann and the smugglers.”

“Vadima WAS his assistant, Illya -- according to Wygann's own statement, Vadima left his regime two plus years ago.”

Kronta drummed his fingers on the desk. “Nyk we are receiving reports that Wygann is arming Lexal.”

“Aren't the colonies permitted to develop defensive capabilities?”

“Yes -- it would be legal if and only if the technology were of Lexalese origin. The charter specifically prohibits importing weapons technology, and smuggling of Earth technology would be regarded as an even more serious violation.”

“What do you want me to do?” Nyk asked.

“I'd like you to use your influence with Andra to arrange an interview.”

“She's been interviewed -- ad nauseum.”

“But, not since we've pulled together the supporting evidence.”

“Andra said she'll answer all questions -- after she returns from Lexal.”

“By then, it may be too late.”

Nyk sighed. “I'll speak to her.” The vidphone session went dark.

He started a vidphone call, entering Andra's code. The initiator flashed and went black.

Nyk cancelled the call, and started another. Veska's image appeared on his screen. “Veska -- Dad...”

“Nykkyo -- son.”

“Dad, what do you know of the Lexal colony?”

“Lexal ... fifteen hundred lightyears distant ... founded on a twin planetary system orbiting a blue sun ... sister world Lexal Prime is uninhabitable ... our youngest, most distant, and with a population of 130 million, our second-smallest colony after Myataxya ... they've only had communications for the past ten years. Before that I had to schedule regular couriers.”

“What of Mykko Wygann?”

“Wygann was elected chancellor about five years ago. In no time, he had declared himself chancellor-for-life.”

“How does one declare oneself chancellor-for life?”

“I guess by saying, 'I am chancellor-for-life.' He has the support of the Lexalese Senate, which marches in lock-step with him -- with one exception, and that's Zygon Vellod.”

“Who's he?”

“The former chancellor. Wygann ousted him in the last general election - - right before declaring himself chancellor-for-life. Vellod didn't accept defeat gracefully and has been a thorn in Wygann's side ever since. He has a small but vocal band of followers. They make up Wygann's opposition, so to speak.

“In all fairness, Wygann is extremely popular. He's built Lexal into a strong, self- sufficient economy. There's a three-year waiting list to emigrate there -- assuming you can get on the list in the first place. Wygann screens all applicants. There's been talk of autonomy -- even independence. About two years ago, he expelled all Internal Affairs agents and replaced them with his own security force.”

“All of them?”

“Yes -- Anyone from Central Admin is persona-non-grata on Lexal.”

“He can do that and get away with it?”

“Wygann apparently can.”

“What of his wife?”

“Princess Janna -- an ax'amfin witch ... fond of imperial trappings. She's the real power behind the throne, so I've heard. I've even heard she's the one who convinced Wygann to cancel elections and declare himself chancellor-for-life. They have a son about three years old -- Mykko, Junior. They call him Mykkoin. She can't be any older than Andra.”

“Andra's twenty-eight Floran years.”

“Exactly -- how did Wygann get a birth license issued to someone under thirty? I guess when you're chancellor-for-life, you get your own way.”

“Veska, how do you know so much?”

“A great many come through this transit platform. I can speak only to a fraction of a fraction of them, but that's still a big number.”

The vidphone session went dark. Nyk drummed his fingers against the desk; then scanned through his directory of locator codes. He opened another vidphone window on his laptop. Soon he saw the image of a blond woman in a long gown and heavy belt. She had answered the call from a room lined with embroidered white draperies and iridescent chandeliers. An ornate canopy bed was in the background. Nyk could see the Lexalese colonial insignia carved into the footboard, and light glittered off beaded curtains.

His eye was caught by an elaborate tattoo on her right deltoid. It appeared identical to the design in the footboard, but with another emblem worked into the center. This he surmised was the Wygann family moniker. The pattern was rendered in a bright purple instead of the black ordinarily used for marriage crests.

“Nykkyo -- a surprise hearing from you so soon.”

“Princess -- please forgive the intrusion. I hope it's not an imposition...”

“Call me Janna, Nyk. It's no imposition. I'm always happy to hear from one of my friends -- and peers.”


“A friend of Andra is a friend of mine, and I regard all my friends as peers. Call whenever you wish to talk.”

Nyk smiled. “I've been trying to contact Andra about some homeworld issues. It appears my friendship with her has put me into the position of a go- between. It's not one with which I'm comfortable.”

“Andra and I have just come from the armory and are changing for dinner. She may be on her way to the dining room as we speak.”


“Yes -- She was teaching me to shoot. Andra is an amazing young woman.”

“You don't need to tell me that. Teaching you to shoot what -- a firearm?”

“Yes -- Mykko thought it wise I should know how to defend myself. Our arms- master planned to train me, but Andra offered and I accepted. We enjoyed ourselves. She's quite good.”

“It's ... come to my attention Andra learned during a stint on Earth.”

“She's told me a bit about her stay there -- how nearly everyone she saw carried weapons. She's concerned for your safety, Nykkyo -- we both hope you know how to defend yourself.”

“I assure you that's not the case in the corner of Earth where I'm stationed. Would you mind showing me your firearm?”

“I don't see why not...” She opened a drawer and removed a bulky device with a handle set at the center. She held it to the vidphone camera and turned it so Nyk could see it from different angles. “Here is the thumb-trigger. Here's the fuel cell.”

She pointed to a compartment in the handle. “Here's the pellet magazine.” She opened the compartment and tapped out a metallic sphere. “This is a round -- a 12 millimetre sphere of depleted uranium, cladded with a steel shell.” She replaced the round and closed the compartment. From another drawer she withdrew a metal cylinder. “This is the safety key. The gun won't operate unless it's in place.” She returned the key to the cabinet. “With Mykkoin around, I keep the gun and the key separated.” He watched her return the pistol to the drawer.

“How many on your world carry arms?” Nyk asked.

“Only our security forces or other authorized officials. I guess I qualify as an authorized official.”

Nyk pondered a moment. “Janna, what can you tell me of Rud Vadima?”

“Vadima was Mykko's assistant adjutant. He was a loyal supporter and a good friend -- destined for grand things in our administration. Then, about two and a half Floran years ago, he disappeared.”


“Vanished -- without a trace. We have no idea what happened to him.”

Nyk caught some motion in the corner of the vidphone screen. Startled, Janna turned toward it with her hand over the black gem in her belt. The door opened and a little, blond boy ran in, followed

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