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seven. He got off at Grand Central, proceeded to his waiting-spot and watched the trains for Suki. He didn't see her.

He waited 'til 5:30, then rode alone to Queens.

He walked into the house. “It's Nick, Yasuko,” he called to the rear of the house.

Suki's mother emerged from the kitchen. “Where's Sukiko?”

“I don't know. She didn't show up at our meeting-place.”

“Someone from NYU called this afternoon, looking for her. I'm worried, Nick.”

The door opened and Suki walked in. Nyk held her, pressed his lips to the top of her head and inhaled.

“Come, dinner's ready,” Yasuko said.

Nyk knelt beside Suki at the dining table. “Where were you this afternoon?” he asked. “I left voicemail for you.”

“I was at the museum,” she replied. “I hadn't realized it was so late and I wasn't near a phone.”

“You should have a cell phone,” Yasuko suggested. “Then, you could've called Nick and he wouldn't have had to waste his time waiting for you.”

“I don't think I waited more than fifteen minutes,” Nyk replied.

“George, why don't you and Sukiko look at cell phones this weekend?”

George looked up and squinted. “I'm already paying for two cell phones.”

“One of those you use in your work.”

“I still have to pay for it. If she wants a cell phone, she can buy one herself. She has an income.”

“It's not worth it for the amount of use I'd give it,” Suki said. “I'm saving my money for doctor's bills and for the baby.”

“I think it's a matter of safety,” Yasuko continued. “I know I'd feel better if she had a cell phone in her bag. That way, if she got into trouble...”

“Mom -- I've gone twenty-seven years without a cell phone and survived.”

“In this day and age...”

“For chrisake,” George interrupted, “cut her loose, will you? She's not a teenager any more. She can make up her own damned mind about what to have or not have in her bag.”

Yasuko looked down at her bowl.

“What were you doing at the museum?” Nyk asked.

“I had a meeting with Vlad.”

“Oh, in regards to your Turkey trip.”

“What Turkey trip?” her mother asked.

Suki rolled her eyes. “This summer -- I've been asked to help with a mini-dig in Turkey.”

“You can't be serious about going -- not in your condition.”

“Mom, pregnancy isn't a disease. My doctor gave me the okay.”

George glanced toward Nyk. You're permitting this?”

“I'm in no position to forbid it. I hold no authority over her.”

“Which is it, Daddy? Am I an adult who can make up my own mind or not?”

“What sort of dig is this?” George asked.

“They're building a hotel, and there's evidence of an old village on the site. We only have three weeks to get in there and see what we can find. Since it's not that important, archeologically, Vlad has arranged to bring some students from NYU and Pace. I'll mostly be supervising them.”

“What about your position at NYU?”

“I've agreed to write a paper, so I'll still be on the NYU payroll. And, the museum will pay my travel costs.”

“I'll never understand why you prefer that sort of work to a nice safe and sane office job.”

“When do you leave?” her mother asked.

“The first of June.”

“That's only a few weeks away!”

“I'll be fine,” Suki protested. “I'll be with Vlad. He speaks the language. I spent six months with him in Syria. I'm sure I'll survive Turkey.”

Nyk sat at the kitchen table. Suki stood beside her mother at the sink drying the dishes handed her. “I don't understand why your father would object to getting a cell phone for you,” she said.

“It's a matter of principal with him,” Suki replied.

“Should I offer to pay rent?” Nyk asked, “room and board?”

“Oh, no, Nick -- George would be offended. It costs nothing to have you two living in that apartment. We can't rent it out since there's no separate entrance. Four can live nearly as cheaply as two. We're delighted to have you here.”

“Daddy makes no sense,” Suki said. “He objects to the cost of a cell phone yet he'd turn down room and board. I never can predict what'll set him off. I hate having to walk on eggs whenever I'm around him.”

“How much does a cell phone cost?” Nyk asked.

“Thirty or forty dollars a month,” Yasuko replied.

Nyk pondered. “I can afford that. I'll buy a cell phone. I like the idea of you having one.”

Nyk lay in bed with his hands locked behind his head. Suki slipped out of her robe, turned sideways to him and ran her hands down her stomach. “I'm really showing, now.” She slid into bed and snuggled against him.

He kissed her forehead. “Care for some lovemaking?” he asked.

“I can't tonight,” she replied. “Not after this morning.”

“It's forgotten.”

“I haven't forgotten.” She squeezed him. “It'll take me some time to get over it. Tell me about your trip.”

Nyk rolled his eyes. “It was unbelievable. Seymor and I found Zander's place -- a hovel of a dilapidated house trailer. Inside we found a Floran girl he had smuggled here.”

“A girl? How old?”

“About nineteen Floran -- fourteen or fifteen Earth years. We surmise he was using her to perfect the mind-control he used on Andra. The poor thing -- alone in the middle of nowhere on a strange planet, not knowing the language. He got her addicted to something -- probably part of his plan to subjugate her.”

“What did you do with her?”

“I took her to Wisconsin, and turned her over to Floran authorities on the relay station. Seymor says they'll try to rehabilitate her, and I hope they can. She's a sweet kid. She had the worst time at the house -- a terrible nightmare and withdrawal. She claimed some ... pool of evil was stalking her.”

“I've had night terrors like that,” Suki replied. “Especially in a strange place -- I wake up in the wrong part of my sleep cycle and hear a funny noise or see unfamiliar lights. They can be quite vivid -- and quite frightening.”

“She was afraid to go back to sleep, so I had her get into bed with me and I held her until she calmed down.”

“You slept with her?”

“Yes -- I held her to calm her.”

“That's all you did? She's not another amften, is she?”

“Of course not. All I did was hold her.”

“That was plenty!” Suki pulled away from him. “Now, I see how it is -- sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, isn't it. You were so quick to forgive me this morning ... because you had done the very same thing.”

“She needed drugs and I didn't have any. She was terrified. You said you've been afraid in the dark.”

“Never so badly I needed a warm body.”

“I did what any Floran would've done.”

“No doubt -- all your free love -- free sex...”

“Suki -- Florans frequently share beds. We hate sleeping alone. Even casual acquaintances extend offers to sleep together -- and it's not necessarily sexual. Besides, I told her why we couldn't do anything.”

“Which was?”

“Because she was underage and we didn't know each other well enough. She accepted it and had a quiet night.”

“And, I suppose the fact you're already taken never came up?”

“A Floran wouldn't accept that as a reason.”

“It must've been real nice for you -- cuddling up to a pretty, blond and blue-eyed Floran girl -- a far sight better than what you have here -- fat, disgusting, pregnant... Was she naked? Was she?”

“Suki, get a grip on yourself. I have no feelings for Dyppa other than to help a frightened and misused girl get safely home, and in a way that didn't jeopardize our mission.” He reached for her.

She jerked away. “Don't touch me!” Tears streamed down her face. “You shouldn't have had her in bed with you. Now, I'm sorry I agreed to break up with Alice.”

“If I recall it was you insisting on doing that,” he replied.

She glowered at him, then grabbed her pillow. “You hate sleeping alone? Good -- I hope you have a miserable night!” she shouted and headed into the living room. Nyk laced his fingers behind his head and sighed. He could hear her sobbing.

He arose and walked to the living room. She was kneeling on the sofa with her arms draped across its back. He sat beside her. “Suki, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do anything to upset you. It won't happen again.” He stroked her hair. “I promise. I don't ever want to hurt you. Can you forgive me?”



“No.” She looked up at him. “I'm the one who's sorry -- for my foolish, irrational, jealous behavior. You're right -- you did nothing wrong -- you did what I would've done. I'm so ashamed of myself -- I don't know what got into me. Can you forgive me?”

“I've already forgiven you.” He stroked her back and she leaned against him. “Shall we kiss and make up?” He kissed her lips. “Now, come back to bed.”

She lay beside him. “I can't believe you still want me after my shameful behavior.”

“It's forgotten,” he said and kissed her lips. “Totally forgotten.” He lay beside her and stroked her cheek.

She brushed aside tears. “How can you forgive me so easily? How can you forget?”

“If you forgive but don't forget -- you haven't really forgiven, have you?” He kissed away her tears -- then kissed her eyelids. “Suki, I know how much abuse you've overcome -- how much you're still dealing with.” He kissed her lips. “You are a challenge -- but, nothing truly worth having comes easily. Now, let's get some sleep. I didn't get much last night.”

Suki caressed his hair. She slipped her hands behind his head, drew his face to hers and kissed him. He felt her breath on his face. Again she kissed him and he felt her tongue against his. He felt her hand caress his arm. She took his hand, kissed it and guided it to her breast.

“Are you sure?” Nyk asked. “I thought you said you couldn't.”

“I need it.”

Their kisses and caresses grew into vigorous foreplay. Suki urged him onto his back and lay atop him. He locked his legs with hers, and he could feel the muscles in her abdomen heave with her breathing.

She cradled his head in her hands and pressed her lips to his. Nyk caressed her shoulder blades, her skin moist with perspiration. She arched her back, gasped and panted. He clutched her around the small of her back, squeezed her against his body and closed his eyes. “Oh, Suki!” he grunted, released her and attempted to catch his breath. He stroked her cheek and gazed into her eyes. “Suki -- that ... that was phenomenal. I love you so much.” He felt warm drops on his face. “Now, what's wrong?”

She collapsed onto him, weeping. “Oh, Nykkyo -- I can't believe you want me!”

“Of course I want you.” He spoke tenderly. “We wouldn't have been able to do what we just did if I didn't love you and want you.”

“I know -- that's why I needed it. Oh, Nykkyo -- I'm such a mess. Please help me.”

He held her atop him, petting her hair and caressing her back. “It's all right -- I love you, and I'll never stop loving you.”

Her sobbing subsided and he felt her body relax. Her legs and arms twitched. Soon her lips parted and she was breathing regularly through her nose and mouth. She began to feel heavy on him, so he rolled to one side and slid from under her. She stirred for a moment and relaxed. He held her, closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep.

4 -- The Stray

Nyk sat at the kitchen table. Suki's mother placed a bowl of oatmeal before him. “Is Sukiko joining us for breakfast?”

“She said she'll be down.”

Yasuko sat across from him and picked up her coffee cup. “George and I are at a loss to understand how you could consent to this Turkey thing.”

Nyk shrugged. “It's something she needs to do, and she'll do it whether or not I consent.

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