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remains on the moon, vacant.

Rita Repulsa

A feared sorceress, Rita attempts to conquer all in sight. After being released from a dumpster in which Zordon imprisoned her in a final battle, she tried to conquer Earth, with her crew. Rita had no luck however, being defeated by the Rangers time and time again. She was finally turned good by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space

. Later it was revealed she became the empress of all good magic referred to as the Mystic Mother in Power Rangers Mystic Force



Goldar is Rita's top warrior. He frequently accompanies monsters to Angel Grove, and holds his own against the Rangers. His wings were restored by Lord Zedd when he arrived on the moon. Goldar was destroyed by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space


Squatt and Baboo

Rita's two bumbling henchmen do their best to help their mistress in her war against the Rangers, but usually end up screwing up. Both were destroyed by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space



Finster was part magician, part scientist. He created Putties and monsters for Rita, along with the occasional technological device. Finster was very easy going and gentle by nature. He was destroyed by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space



Scorpina is a ruthless and cunning femme fatale who served on Rita's side since the time of the evil Green Ranger. She used a sword in combat, which doubled as a boomerang. When she grew in size to battle the Zords, she assumed a monstrous appearance. Scorpina's final fate after Countdown to Destruction

is unknown.

Lord Zedd

Disgusted at Rita's performance at attempting to conquer Earth, Zedd came to the Moon himself to get rid of Rita and do the job right himself, but would also be unsuccessful. Rita found her way back to the Moon, and placed Zedd under a love spell. The two got married, and continued to fail at world domination. Zedd was finally turned good, along with Rita, by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space

. He also received a human form.

Rito Revolto

Unwelcome by Zedd on the Moon Palace, Rito dropped in unannounced to pay a visit to his sister Rita. A bumbling idiot who couldn't get anything right since he destroyed the Thunderzords and the Rangers' powers, Rito is a constant annoyance to his brother-in-law Zedd, especially by calling him Ed. He brought to Zedd and Rita some Tengas and a Vampirus Monster as a wedding present. Rito was destroyed by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space


Master Vile

Master Vile is one of the universe's great evils. He paid a visit to his daughter Rita, and brought with him a special food which would enhance the Tengas' powers. He also created Globbor, an energy draining monster who absorbed Ninjor's energy and nearly defeated the Power Rangers. Master Vile also gained possession of the Zeo Crystal, which he lost to the Power Rangers when they raided the location the Zords were being kept after Globbor disabled them. Master Vile was destroyed by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space


Putty Patrol

Putties are the expendable warriors made of clay who are sent down to Earth to wear down the Rangers before a monster fight, as well as for sabotage and special missions. Rita's putties would take many different forms, including pumpkin head putties, ball handed putties, and football player putties. Using a powerful clay she found, she created super putties, which were significantly harder to defeat.

Z Putties

When Lord Zedd arrived, he brought with him the Z Putty Patrol, which were more powerful than any previous putties, and had to be hit in the Z spot to be destroyed.

Tenga Warriors

The Tengas are crow-like humanoid creatures sent down to Earth by Zedd and Rita to battle the Power Rangers. Tengas can fly long distances, and they are very strong and stubborn. When Master Vile came to the Moon, he brought a special food with him which was fed to the Tengas to enhance their strength and durability. Only with the metallic armor could these improved Tengas be defeated.


The evil sorcerer known as Lokar appears as a giant floating head. He helped Rita a couple of times during her earlier period of attempting to conquer Earth.


Cyclopsis was Goldar's own war Zord. It incapacitated and nearly destroyed the Dinozords, but eventually lost, getting destroyed itself.


Lord Zedd's enormous war machine, Serpentera was rarely used, since its gigantic size made it difficult to fuel. It was piloted by Goldar and Lord Zedd.

Serpentera was left buried on the moon, unused for years until remnants of the Machine Empire unearthed it. They equipped it with a neo-plutonium reactor, and plotted to use it to destroy Earth. As Serpentera made its way towards Earth, it was destroyed by Cole, the Red Wild Force Ranger, using the Wild Force Rider.

Hydro Hog

Hydro Hog is the Alien Rangers' arch enemy. Lord Zedd summoned him to Earth to help him defeat the Alien Rangers by draining the Earth's water supply with his power of evaporation. Hydro Hog was destroyed by the Alien Rangers.

Villains of the Galaxy Rangers

Scorpius' base of operations was the organic vessel known as the Scorpion Stinger. It was capable of firing blasts from its tail. The Scorpion Stinger was destroyed when it crashed onto a moon during battle with the Rangers.


Scorpius came from a rift in space to follow the Power Rangers and steal their Quasar Sabers, and later to obtain the Lights of Orion. He was destroyed in a battle with the Rangers, when he believed they were holding his daughter captive.


Princess Trakeena is Scorpius' malicious and scheming daughter. She loyally serves her father, but would step on any ally to make herself look better. She fled her father's side when he tried to force her into a cocoon. She instead opted for training, and commanded the Scorpion Stinger in the pursuit of vengeance against the Red Ranger. She ended up using the coccoon to merge with Deviot, and later to turn into a monster, and was seemingly destroyed in battle against Red Ranger.

Trakeena resurfaced much later, her face scarred by the battle, and sought to take out her vengeance by destroying Earth. She captured humans and drained their life force, but her plan was ultimately sabotaged by Olympius, turning her into an enormous, gruesome monster, which was destroyed by the Lightspeed and Galaxy Rangers.


Furio could not pull the Quasar Sabers out of the stone for his master, and would stop at nothing to get back at those who snatched them out from right under him. While searching for the Lights of Orion in a cave, he was confronted by Leo, and self-destructed to try and take out the Red Ranger once and for all.

Sting Wingers

These insect-like warriors have sickles for hands, and can fly with wings on their backs. Trakeena's entire supply of Sting Wingers was exhausted when she sent them with bombs strapped on to destroy Terra Venture and the Rangers.


Treacheron is Magna Defender's arch rival, and one of Scorpius' generals. He defeated him and threw him into a chasm 3,000 years ago. Treacheron fights with the sword, and honor, of a samurai. He was destroyed in battle to the death against Leo, in an attempt to regain his honor after being framed as a traitor.


Deviot is a power hungry traitor, who serves only his own needs. He offered his services as Scorpius' general, but used the position to set up Scorpius' death and try to take the power of his cocoon. When Trakeena returned, he served under her, and unsuccessfully tried to get her killed. Deviot gained a new form when he harnessed the power of the Galaxy book, but was defeated by the Rangers. He was later absorbed by Trakeena when the two entered the cocoon, but his evil influence was apparent in this new entity.

When Deviot recited a chant from the Galaxy Book, he was transported along with Terra Venture into the Lost Galaxy, where he hooked up with Captain Mutiny and his crew. The power of the Galaxy Book deformed Deviot, but he regained his looks by draining a monster's power. Upon returning to the Scorpion Stinger, he merged with Trakeena by forcing her with him into the coccoon. His consciousness was lost, but his power and evil influence lived on in the new Trakeena.


Trakeena met Villamax at the Onyx Tavern, when he saved her from being attacked by a few patrons. He then trained her to become a powerful and skilled warrior, worthy of being her father's successor. Villamax is an honorable warrior who keeps his word, and loyally serves and protects his princess. When Trakeena absorbed Deviot, she was changed, and Villamax was destroyed when he defied her.


Kegler is Villamax's old, waddling sidekick. His scatterbrained nature makes him seem unsuspecting, but he gains useful information for Villamax. He was last know to be on the Scorpion Stinger when it crashed on one of Mirinoi's moons. It is unknown if he survived.

Psycho Rangers

Deviot got his hands on the keycards in which the Space Rangers trapped the digitized Psycho Rangers. He materialized the data, and sent the Psycho Rangers down to Terra Venture to capture the Galaxy Rangers. With the help of the Space Rangers, the Galaxy Rangers were able to defeat and destroy the Psycho Rangers.

Captain Mutiny and his crew gathered in a floating castle which could fly through space, and

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