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Book online «And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (carter reed .txt) 📖». Author Justin Mader

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of this great continent, whose legend is alive in the world since time immemorial. I kept this secret material, since I intended to make it the basis for new research, which, as I think, as much as had been found important the discovery of hundreds of Troy.

1883 I found in the Louvre a collection of objects that were excavated in Tihuanaco in Central America. Among them I discovered potteries of exactly the same material and the same forms and objects of fossilized bones, line by line resembled those which I had found in the bronze vase from the treasures of Priam! This similarity cannot be a coincidence! Shape and decoration were too easy. It is beyond the scope of chance that two artists in such far-flung countries such as Central America and Crete two vases, and I only mention one of the articles, make with exactly the same shape and size, both of which have strange owl heads which both vases are arranged in exactly the same way.

The Central American vases bore no Phoenician characters, no writing of any kind. I rushed off to check my own articles and convinced me through tests and exhaustive research shows that the inscriptions were made by other hands after the articles themselves made were.

I secured pieces of similar things from Teotihuacán, and subjected to chemical and microscopic analysis. These tests proved conclusively that both the Central American vases as well which were manufactured by Troy from the same strange clay, and later I learned absolutely sure that neither the old nor Phoenicia is this clay in Central America.

The metal objects I let analyze because I could not tell what material they existed. The metal was unlike any I've ever seen. Chemical analysis showed that this material is made of platinum, aluminum and copper was an alloy that has never been discovered before in ancient finds and today is unknown.

Items so, that are absolutely identical and have a common source undoubtedly, have been found in such widely-separated areas. These items are not Phoenician, Mycenaean and not from Central America. What conclusion follows from this? That they both came from a common center of these two places. The inscription on the objects were at this center - Atlantis.

The fact that these objects enjoyed great respect, it is clear from the fact that they had been in the treasure of Priam and also from the special container in which they were found. Her character left me in no doubt that they were objects of sacred ceremonies and came from the same temple.

This extraordinary discovery and my failing health prompted me to advance my investigation faster. The Museum of St. Petersburg, I found one of the oldest existing papyrus scrolls. It was written in the reign of Pharaoh Sent (senedi) in the Second Dynasty, about 4571 years ago. It contained a description of how the Pharaoh put together an expedition to the West and sent out, should search for traces of the country Atlantis, from whence came 3350 years ago, the ancestors of the Egyptians, and brought all the wisdom of their native land in their hands. Another papyrus in the same museum, written by Manetho, refers to a period of 13,900 years of the legends of Atlantis. This papyrus adds this in the beginning of Egyptian history, which dates back about 16,000 years.

An inscription that I dug up the Lion Gate at Mycenae in Crete, mentioned that Misor which is ancestor of the inscription according to the Egyptians, the child of Taaut or Thoth was the god of the story, and Taaut had emigrated son 'of a priest of Atlantis' he who had fallen in love with the daughter of the King Kronos, had escaped and landed after many hikes in Egypt. He built the first temple in Saïs, and here he taught the wisdom of his native country. This full inscription is very important, and I have kept secret. You will find it in the papers.

One of the signs of my Trojan excavations also describes a medical treatment Egyptian priests, for many centuries was a connection between Crete and Egypt. It was about the removal of the cataract from an eye and an ulcer in the intestine by surgery. In a Spanish manuscript in Berlin I have read almost the same formula; the clerk she got from an Aztec priest in Mexico, and this priest had from an old Mayan manuscript.

When I pulled my conclusions, I realized that neither the Egyptians nor the Mayas who originated the civilization in Central America, were great navigator. They had no ships to cross the Atlantic and they did not do it. And yet, life and civilization of the Egyptians and Mayans each other so perfectly similar to that of a random not to think about here. In nature or in history, there are no such coincidences. The only possibility is, as the legend says that there is a connection between the two cultures was here that linked the so-called New World to the Old World. But there was a country where civilization was as high as ours, if not perhaps even higher, and flourished this country. The suburbs were the edge of the wilderness. That was Atlantis. From Atlantis colonies were established in Egypt and Central America.

The religion of the Egyptians was mainly a sun worship. Ra was the sun god of the Egyptians. The religion of the Mayans in Central America was also a sun religion. Ra-Na was the god of the ancient Peruvians!

My long archeological studies of various nations have proven that having all traces of her earliest childhood and first maturity. But I have been unable to find a raw or wild Egypt, or a rough, barbarous Maya race. Both nations were ready, skillful, strong even in its earliest periods and wise. I have never found a time when they did not have the skills to organize their work, digging canals, building roads, pyramids and temples, to irrigate the fields; and there was never a time when they knew nothing of medicine, astronomy, and the principles of a highly-organized government. Like the Mayans, as well as the Egyptians had monogamy, and cities and temples they built in the same style. They had a technical knowledge and skill, which is our contemporary engineers a mystery. Both nations had slaves and an intellectual class, but the class relations were cordial and human. The foundations of their government were the same way.

Lepsius found the same sacred symbols in the ceremonies of the Egyptians as those of the Peruvians. Le Plongeon, the great French archeologist discovered in Yucatan Chichén Itzá in the figure of a god who was club-footed and had all the attributes of the great god Thoth of the Egyptians.

In the Egyptian and American pyramids the outside was covered with a thick layer of smooth, shiny cement of such strength as cannot make it our today's building professionals. Alexander von Humboldt was of the opinion, the pyramid of Choula is the same type as the temple of Jupiter Belus.

Both in America and in Egypt the pyramids were built in the same style. On both sides of the Atlantic, I have found the pyramids so that their four sides were created astronomically as the four arms of the cross and pointed in the same direction. In both, the line is through the center of the astronomical meridian. The construction with stairs and steps is the same, and in both cases the larger pyramids of the Sun are dedicated.


As Mr. Paul Schliemann, the grandson of Heinrich Schliemann expressed our editorial team, he finally came to this good advice and found in the collections of his grandfather, an owl headed vase, he broke up and got a white metal square some with figure drawings and in Phoenician writing the words exhibited at 'the Temple of the Transparent Walls'. Mr. Paul Schliemann then traveled through Mexico into other areas in Central America and Peru. In Chacuna valley he found other owl-headed vases in a cemetery without medals, but probably with 'amazing' inscriptions. The Pyramid of Teotihuacan there were medals without inscriptions. Paul Schliemann now stated that he had clear evidence on the location of the city of the 'Golden Gates' and two distinct reports of the Temple of Transparent Walls. He wondered whether the word was 'transparent' meant symbolically and there really a building had existed with transparent walls. The answer to this question, he did not know, but he said he could prove that the Phoenicians had learned the art of glassmaking from the people who lived beyond the Pillars of Hercules.

.. In Troanus Codex of the Maya, probably around 1500 BC emerged, including a cataclysmic disaster is described, which is said to have destroyed the mythical land of Mu:

"In the 6th annual Kau, on 11 Muluk month Zac, terrible earthquakes upscale took place, which lasted without interruption until 13 Chuen, the land of Mu was the victim, and it was lifted up two times, and suddenly it was over disappeared overnight. -the sea was continually agitated by volcanic forces (...) Unable to control the mighty convulsions faced, they sank with its 64 million inhabitants, 10,060 years before the writing of this book-."

On a temple inscription in Lhasa describes the following: "When the star Bal fell on the spot where now only sea and sky, since shook the seven cities with the Golden gates and their transparent temples trembled and shook like the leaves of a tree in storm. And behold, a flood of fire and smoke rose from the palaces. Fear and screams of the crowd filled the air. They sought refuge in their temples and cities. And the way Mu, the priest of Ra-Mu stood at and said to them, 'Did I say that not everything ahead?' And the men and women with their precious gems and shiny garments lamented: 'Mu, save us!' And Mu replied: 'You will die along with your male slaves and your wealth, and from your ashes, new nations if they forget that they are superior, not because of whom they were dependent, but because of what they said and did. On its own, so the same fate will befall them.' Flames and smoke choked the words of Mu. The land and the people were torn to pieces and swallowed in a few months from the depths."


A total of six years, Paul Schliemann has researched and dug until now in terms of his grandfather. He now believes it has provided all the evidence that was initially only individual samples and promised to publish a book about it. We are now proud to reprint excerpts from it. In the next issue, we will therefore continue this very interesting story.


But after this edition of the 'Americans' Paul Schliemann disappeared without a trace. Also, his ship located in the harbor was gone. Officially, he allegedly died in the subsequent World War. According to other official sources, a Paul Schliemann, however, has never existed.

Time Flash!

New York 1923 AD

Statutory Declaration

Issued on 15 February 1923 by

William Randolph Hearst,

Editor in chief and owner of American newspapers: "Chicago American," "ChicagoExaminer," "Boston American," "Los Angeles Examiner" and "New York American,"

in presence, of

George and Isabelle Turner (archeology experts),

as well as two other witnesses to the tax authority.

"I hereby certify that the data correspond to that of my secretary in subsequent written record of the truth, and contain nothing but the truth, so help me God!

Isabelle Turner:

"Mr. Hearst, it is true that you have known Paul Schliemann?"

"Now, as you look at it. So, I did not know him, but in October 1912 as far as I can remember, so to October 2nd round, a man encountered who called himself Paul Schliemann.

On this day, an approximately 34-year-old man walked into the editorial offices of the American. He claimed that he had in stock an incredible story that could reveal the greatest secret of all mankind. There I was personally in such sensational news, and my editors encouraged to publish such reports in my papers, they sent him directly to me because I was personally present on the editorial board of the New York American on that day in a random manner.

This man could be described as typically American Dandy, ie with gray frock coat with black cut edges, a black top hat,

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