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Book online «And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (carter reed .txt) 📖». Author Justin Mader

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and blood," Tamara went between anger, "especially my people had to suffer under much difficulties!" "And you are simply evaporated and only now resurfaced after 70 years!" "Not quite, we very well received in the 50's of this planet with selected people contact and gave warnings about nuclear power, pollution and other 'dirty forms of energy', which Klakrrrak have spread regardless! But humanity would not listen to us, and the governments were in bondage to your race! So, we could only retreat and leave you the field!"

They both gave up nothing and the slugfest seemed still not finished. I was tired of it slowly. "As far as I see it, both of you are responsible here for misery and that ye mutually accuse that is guilty for the other side too. You accused you another offense and our planet goes down in the meantime!"

At first it was a bit quiet, then they both tried to rid me to go.

Till Tamara spoke up: "Cannot one of you make compromises? I believe that all of you bears some responsibility for this, our planet. Can you that what you have perpetrated upon our species, recoup? So, to put it simply, can you not work together and jointly simply help us?"

They looked at each other and finally felt after a long pause, in which they prized each other: "Now, at least we can try."

"We would can, ..."

"It might be possible to consult the tops of our government?"

"Yes, but who is it...?"

Oh dear, caught, that was one of our weak points, a unified government, we did not have!

"Well, to remain flexible, I would only to bring together the leaders of Russia, China and America!

They agreed, and two hours later, the representatives of the five major relevant parties sat together in the Cheyenne Mountains Complex. The Artusianer had played courier. On an oval conference table, they sat all together, the real rulers of this world, Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Weng Jiabao, Gohunda Sodrun and Schmlikkzzt, each with its advisory staff. Also, Schmlikkzzt had brought five members of his people. I sat in the team of Obama and Tamara in that of Putin.

Weng Jiabao, the Chinese Premier obviously had never seen a Artusianer or Klakrrrak personally because he looked very surprised to the representatives of this species. Where Smith naturally attracted much more attention by his exotic habitus. Putin did not show a surprise and I remarked to me that I wanted to interview Tamara later whether it had already been contacts between Smith and the Kreml.

"So, what options we have now?"

Smith stood up and spoke: "In principle, two. Plan A would be a commando raid to Atlantis, meaning a raid over the time barrier and includes a investigate and the seizure of foreign technology in the former colony of the Artusianer, vulgo Atlantis, to which they now no longer can remember. ... ", a blink and a tilted head showed the emotion that Smith harbored at the moment,

"... no matter.

On the one hand, this would have the advantage that we, if we are successful, would have to reckon with almost no losses.

But on the other hand, also the disadvantage that the research for this commando operation would be very extensive and require precise parameters, especially exact timing in the truest sense of the word. The documents of Paul Schliemann and Prof. George Turner would have to be accurately prepared and the preparations would take a long time, without having to knew of beforehand whether this is successful or not.

Then there is another major drawback, but, uh ...., never mind that.

Plan B provides a targeted attack of all our combined units, including the conservative, easily by us modified weapons systems, as well as the built to our specifications hybrid fighters as plasma triangles or Biefeld Brown Lippisch Delta fighters and the remaining Haunebu discs, as well as the Vril fighters, introduced by the Artusians and final our abuse ships. Primary these attacks need to be take place on light armored units of Quorx, including feeder vessels, so fast but large-scale losses of the enemy arise. So that they consider it as inefficient to continue the invasion attempt, and finally withdraws."

At that point, I raised me: "I think that Plan A is better, because I could understand the thoughts of my grandfather much more better. And I could afford it with this act amends. Plan A also therefore seems to me more sensible, since the total losses are lower and finally because by plan B the existence of the Quorxischen main ships is not taken into account."

A babble of voices rose and the line of reasoning went in the direction that they would not care who I could or wanted to apologize to my grandpa. However, they agreed to me, that after the expulsion of the Quorx they would quite envisaged such an expedition.

And ... the main argument: They all were militaries and could better deal with military-industrial material, as with archaeological and mythical, because for them Atlantis was still a myth and not a reality.

One noticed that the representatives of Artusianer and Klakrrrak already flirting partly with plan A, because it would create new (old) technology can record their technology cocktail again, without having to get involved too much, but ... somehow, they saw is a problem and eventually they agreed then for plan B. So, had taken a unanimous decision.

The following day launched the largest offensive of humanity. In the meantime, the big five had withdrawn, in the largest available but not particularly powerful fighting ship, a Haunebu III to monitoring the events from there.

Now, about 1,570.000 ships from the most diverse fabrications rushed to the feeder ships and to all minicars of the enemy stationed there. Since these vessels were all special extraterrestrial 'goodies' on board, the attack was initially a great success. The enemy was to be surprised in the beginning, to show some backlash, but after that it began to be tough and there were also massive losses in our own ranks, but the Quorx were mostly all destroyed despite their resistance. Even the still fleeing units were brought from heaven. Only a number of sample shots on the 60-km large units in orbit proved unsuccessful, but this was not planned in any case.

Aboard the command Haunebu a triumph went through the ranks, sometimes even a bottle of champagne was opened, we had won, we had destroyed all the ships of the enemy, we had made new friends and the earth was free,




Then this happened, that no one had expected.

At the bow of all six major mega ships great door locks were opened and 500 meters’ thick pipe pushed out of each. Then an equally broad yellowish-red beam flashed out of it. But its goal was not in the ranks of our own spaceships. Not one of our ships was hit, but that was obviously not the intention of this action. All rays flashed through the Earth's atmosphere and found their goals in the unprotected ground of earth.

The yellow-red rays simply ate their way through the earth ground, without stopping to supply the beam with energy. Finally, it had obviously penetrated the crust and had advanced to the magma layer of the mantle. Sometimes earlier, as in the Yellowstone National Park, sometimes later like by the targeting of the Atlantic ridge, which of course caused gigantic tsunamis. Of course, all this had horrible effects on the Earth.

At first there were gigantic volcanic eruptions that ejects Magma far beyond the atmosphere. In addition, the force of the explosions could have been described by the volcanic exclusivity index value of 20th (VEI-20), if it had since been worthwhile. The flames walls spread a ring from anywhere and would, if it had time to do so, circle the globe three times. But far, far earlier, before this could happen, the outer and inner core of the Earth and all what was left of the earth was bursting apart, burst into billions of individual pieces that would form a new asteroid belt in a few hundred years ...

....... 6.9 billion people were killed.

If someone would have interested at this fact and it would have had a relevance whatsoever, it was


the evening of December 21, 2012, the predicted time where earth should be going down.

Time Flash!

11.632 BP Egypt six

Now I remembered almost all events. My name was Charles Turner and my partner was called Tamara Svetlana. The book provided us with a valuable bridge to refresh our memories and to underpin the importance of our mission.

The entire history about of the daughter and the commander of Pharaoh and the battle against the Atlantic army was only part of our cover identity. Likewise, the factor that there were large-scale swamps and jungle areas in Egypt, was part of this patch memory. As we now know from practical experience, the Nile delta was dry at this time in which we acted now and developed only partially. It was true that 11,600 years ago the Nile Delta was a swampy and basically a jungle, but this information came from the start-up phase of the operation, and at the time we knew it better, then it was simply not being updated.

That the situation was completely different in fact, was found by our experts until much later.
"Well my Tama", I smiled, "really I have to say 'Tamara', we come from a different time and a different place and were just displaced to this time."

"So it is Charles, we have to turn away a major threat at home, which is only possible at this time! We have been equipped with the most advanced weapons systems of our time, but in order to achieve what?"

"Now our commands are to find Atlantis, to investigate the best weapons technology of the Atlantean time, to steal it and then to go back again to our time!"

We smiled conspiratorially and then said in unison: "And what's so difficult in that, we do it blindfold!"

She kicked me softly in the ribs and smiled at me winning.

Of course, we knew that the task was actually almost impossible, a "Mission Impossible" quasi. With our modern technology, we would get all the peoples who lived in the run-up to Atlantis under control indeed, probably we could also keep the ordinary people of Atlantis itself at bay. Because we knew from the records of Plato and my grandfather that there where major technological differences between the 'ordinary people' and the 'Atlantic ruling class'. But the Atlantic upper class could be dangerous to us. But also, the lower class, because they eventually could overwhelm us by their sheer mass basically.

After all, we had only 230 but best trained Marines, with an equal number of assault rifles, grenade launchers, machine guns, Stinger missiles, and finally this, reminiscent of a Kris, peculiar daggers that were a weapon system of Quorx in reality. And further on Tamara and I had just certain skills that we knew now to use purposeful.

The next question that appeared, how much time we had probably lost by the attack of the robbers.

And the question where we were situated and in what direction we had to move on, was not clarified in full. The documents in the book contradicted each other in this point. On the one hand the writings said that Atlantis was in the West in the direction of the Pillars of Hercules, that means in Gibraltar today, on the other hand the writings said that the columns were to be found near the Bosporus, so we had to move to the north. Now what was true really?

In the evening, we sat around the campfire relaxed and I gave the Marines the latest information briefing.
But the food supply slowly aroused to a problem because of the involuntary stay. The last brought mutton halves had been exhausted, the last red wine ran down our throats. And the knowledge of an uncertain future left no mood for men.

In the next morning, the next troubles began. The writings showed that we had been deducted to the Sinai Peninsula in all likelihood, or better say should have been deducted there, then we quickly had to move to the north, while our Strangnesschock, whatever that was always, should overcome in about five months. But whether we were really deducted in practice at this point, however, that was not quite so sure.

This doubt intensified, after looking at

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