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Book online «And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (carter reed .txt) 📖». Author Justin Mader

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or rather you can say, a "Chapeau Claque", and a cane with ivory handle. But my first impression was completely wrong, even though I normally can judge very well people. His handshake was firm, his manner very friendly but firm. His voice was young, but with a slightly Greek accent. He also often used German technical terms for which there are quite English Synonyms and clearly exposed him as non-Americans. He introduced himself to me as Paul Schliemann before, as the grandson of the famous archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann.

Speaking expose, in the course of conversation it turned out namely, so at least then when I asked for his passport, that he was not really Paul Schliemann and in reality, he was not Heinrich Schliemann's grandson, but he was the son from Heinrichs second marriage, called Agamemnon Schliemann. He told me this circumstance so that he did not want to damage the good name of his mother's family with his research, because he was also the son of Sophia Engastromenos, the daughter of the famous and wealthy Greek businessman, and the niece of Bishop Theokletos Vimpos in Athens. He had therefore taken the name of a friend, so actually his nephew Paul Schliemann, who in turn was the son of originating from Heinrich Schliemanns first 'Russian' marriage Sergei Schliemann. Besides, he had always seen the name Agamemnon as dowdy and for his persona as inappropriate. He asked me therefore, it is always to be regarded as Paul Schliemann.

Finally, he dished me on an incredible story about an alleged Testament of Heinrich Schliemann, about his research in Egypt, Peru, Paris, St. Petersburg and Lhasaand finally his discovery that Atlantis had existed. He would be still not sure where and especially when Atlantis have existed, but that it did exist, he had not the slightest doubt. He also submitted evidence of all his statements. Of course, I did not believe him and knocked him off after all the tricks, with the eyes of a trained journalist, inconsistencies I could not find and I was not able to stalemate him. He always could table argumentative and definite facts.

To me it was basically no matter how right or wrong his statements were, mainly the sales figures of my newspaper increased, but I had certainly sought basic research on of this issue and protect me as a journalist. And since I have to say, everything where just right. All information about his family and his documents were consistent with his statements. So, I finally agreed to the first article even wrote personally and published it on 20 October 1912 in my newspaper 'The American'.

The response has been enormous. There were then many enthusiastic letters and inquiries about further revelations and also the sales figures rose to gigantic. But there was also a reaction that put me in fear.

Approximately three days after the publication of the article, two men dropped in the newsroom, solely by appearance, a cold frisson ran over the back of me. Both of them wore a black suit, a white shirt, black tie, black shoes, and had a black hat and dark sunglasses on. Both introduced as Mr. Smith and Smith and wanted necessarily to speak me personally. The peculiar was that both looked very similar, acted almost synchronously and never moved a muscle and did not decrease the sunglasses in the rather dark newsroom.

"Well, gentlemen, what is at stake?"

"Mr. Hearst, you have written the article about this Paul Schliemann?"


"Now we just wanted to inform you, that this Paul Schliemann is an impostor and his statements are totally false and far-fetched! …"

"... If you would now try to publish more articles about him, would have bad adverse knock-on effects to your newspaper! …"

"...You would make yours extremely ridiculous, and personally for your actions could have negative consequences! ..."

"...We urge you therefore to cooperate with us. And if you have received documents of this Schliemann, you need to supply us with this immediately!"

It was interesting to note each subsequent set was talk as in dialogue form and was pronounced by the other Smith, without however having interrupted the other, or to drop him off, as if their speech has already been agreed upon in advance and synchronized.

"Are you threatening me?", I asked dangerous, because those types I knew too well. Talk stupid and nothing behind it. I knew enough money behind my back to make me impressed by something. Besides, I had enough self-contacts with all hm ... 'families of New York', therefore the heck with it!

Apparently bored I turned in my editorial chair to the latest achievements of technology to which I could call my own recently. An infrared irradiation lamp. It could bring the freshness of summer with it into the room in the rather dark months of the year, saying, it conjures up a beautiful healthy, dark complexion on my face.

So, I put on my glasses and radiation turned on the device. When I turned around again, I began frantically to swallow. Both Smith frayed at once, so as if they were no longer able to maintain self-sustaining, they began as to twist in waves, got holes, as if a film exposed too long in a film projector to the projector lamp and then both dissolved. Then all of a sudden I saw behind them a little, not quite 1.5 meters’ tall gray figure with a large head and large eyes, but with long slender fingers that began tamper frantically on a technical device.

Suddenly the two Smith stabilized again and the gray figure disappeared. The whole thing lasted no two or three seconds, but I swear that I know what I saw there. Suddenly, the two stood on synchronously and said as if nothing had happened.

"So, Mr. Hearst, think about our proposal again...."

"... And think mainly the consequences that would involve a contravention by itself ..."

"... We have today more possibilities than you can imagine ..."

"... Even your 'friends' would not able to help you! ..."

"... And not a word to anyone else, even that could have consequences!"

Then they went out from the editorial offices without further words and left me sitting there with my mouth open. I also heard nothing further from them. And even if I did not want to follow their suggestion, I had no other options. Because Paul Schliemann I never saw again.

Of course, I asked myself at all possible, ahem and impossible places. The only thing I was able to research was, that his yacht, which was moored in the docks, went by in a gigantic explosion in the next day. Whether he was still on the ship or not at that time, I could not bring in experience by my specific channels."

Tax Authority:

"The details of your experience with Paul Schliemann have no interest to us. But to whom you had sold the documents of this Paul Schliemann for profit and for which you have not paid all taxes?"


"Well, I have intensively spoken to him and had documents insight, but he has everything he showed to me also taken back! So, I have not taken any illegal artifacts tome, yet it sold to third parties, therefore I have no, as always, they constructed tax offenses committed!"

Tax Authority:

"OK, let's take this statement, together with your declaration of bankruptcy to the attention!
And no offense Mr. Hearst, it was an anonymous complaint, which we had to pursue unfortunately. And thank you for your cooperation."


William Randolph Hearst,

drawn on 24th February 1923

as witnesses:


George and Isabelle Turner


After the tax authority and Hearst's lawyer had gone, Mrs. Turner fell on Hearst's neck and thanked him sincerely.

"You're welcome," Hearst said, blinking to Isabelle Turner, "I am happy when I am get rid of these things, like this Owl bronze vase and its contents and these other things. As you can see, the possession of such things can prepare only difficulty. Good luck yet, maybe you can bring about even more in experience, but then I get the exclusive interview! ", he laughed.


2012 AD Cheyenne Mountain Complex five

"On behalf of the Artusianischen Federation we hereby grant you asylum. And the little gnome of a Klakrrrak there is accused of offenses against Artusianity, or humanity and hereby arrested." Smith tried to reach into his little bag, but the Artusian spoke dangerously slow: "Please Klakrrrak, please, try it only ...!", After which Smith flinched and slowly drew out his hand again.

Tamara then attempted to mediate and I shivered pleasantly when I saw her black hair shining in the sunlight .... "But I think we have to solve now greater problems! What do you mean by asylum and what did you mean by humanity in relation to Smith?"

I finally had to conclude that my shudder rather came not of Tamara’s black hair but of the grazing shot in my shoulder before I collapsed groaning. The blonde Long-haired caught me, looked at me and said: "All we can clarify in my ship. I therefore urge you to enter in as soon as possible, because even the Quorx will not wait as long. And about your ship, we'll take care of it!"

The interior of the shining ship now was so completely furnished unlike the Haunebu that had brought us here. From everywhere the luxury was jarring to us. Another alien took care of my wound and after care I felt no more pain. We also got a nutritious food and the commander finally joined to us.

"Now we can talk about everything undisturbed. Now to the explanation! Because this planet will not exist much longer, I offer you our planet Artusia for asylum. My name is protector Gohunda Sodrun and I'm the commander of this expedition of the Artusianischen federal." His black uniform, which contrasted greatly from his shoulder-length blond hair, shone in contrast to sober objectivity of the decoration of the ship.

"So, before you go on talking," now Tamara took the initiative, "I insist that Smith, meaning the Klarak ....... I mean this gray gnome, should be participating in our meeting!"

"So, if you absolutely insist ..."

As now Smith sat in our round, we saw that an incessant tension between the two species was in the air. While Sodrun watched the gnome skeptical and yet arrogantly from the side, Smith again began to distribute all pursed kisses, at least I had never seen him so far with such a pursed mouth Oval. "Well, I have to admit that our relationship with the Klakrrrak's not the best. The 'cooperation' between our peoples had always been characterized by mistrust, intrigue and hostile conflicts. Finally, your people had to suffer from the encroachments of Klakrrrak too!"

Seeing our questioning looks, he continued: "You know the numerous reports of kidnapping victims by extraterrestrials that was horrible for the victims by traumatizing tests and experiments that they have made with your people and with animals!"

"We have no one killed, all anesthetized and fitted with a post-hypnotic block, so that they could not remember anything, what would hurt her peace of mind!"

"Of course, that does not work always ..."

"We have all this done by vital interest for the survival of our species ..."

"I know you have a genetic problem with your genotype because you only can clone yourselves ..."

"... and I had the approval of the leading governments ..."

"... because you promised them technology in return..."

"... where we have delivering on our promises, unlike you, ..."

"... now, this were other times and other conditions ..."

"... yes, and the Nazis you have left high-technology weapons, unlike us, and now you try to act here as the moral high ground...!"

"Well, when we rediscovered the earth after our Great Depression, Germany was the most technologically advanced nation and in keeping with the directive of the Artusianischen Federal, we wanted to introduce them technologically at our level ..."

"We just have a different directive, namely that of non-interference!"

"... what ye course always kept ...but that the fact we are different precisely.

We are of the view that each species has the right to relief of life and comfort.

Furthermore, Germany was in the time we recorded the contact, a democratically leaded state and changes has not been looming on the horizon. But since we were able to detect the trend of political direction, we have set course straight away the transfer of technology!"

"And let mankind and also us alone in this misfortune!"

"But then, after all, you won in spite of our legacy!" "With a lot of sweat

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