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Book online «And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (carter reed .txt) 📖». Author Justin Mader

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our compasses. The coastline now turned namely after we had followed it a few days to the north-west, and at a time later to west-north-west. Were we about already in Asia Minor and now moved in the direction towards the Greek islands? This, however, disagree with the current coastline maps and the topography that lay before us. Although, as we know, all the states in our actual reality did not have to match to our maps, because cost-lines may be changed. But there was no sense to wait and we had to contact with the local people in this area in order to buy foods and information.

The people of the Amorites lived in a well-protected settlement and demanded exorbitant prices for food and information’s. And yes, the path to the west, the direction of Atlantis was right. We did have quite a bit of gold reserves with, but when this went on so, then we would simply cannot afford this campaign financially.

And that's good faith not always led to the goal, we observed a day's walk later.
As we already wanted to resign us from the bivouac, Tamara noticed with her senses, that a troop of more than 300 heavily armed horsemen approached us from behind from the direction of the leave settlement a day ago. The settlement residents had obviously noticed our large amounts of gold, which we carried with us and had either agreed with the beach robbers -our old enemies we had left in the desert at the time with a few foods simply- or even taken up arms to pick up the rich booty itself. Anyway, we were now warned.

Tamara and I organized the defense and our Marines immediately took positions. With our night vision equipment, we could see the riders already kilometers ride on the zoom level.
First, we tried attentively to make the opponents on the absurdity of their company with loudspeakers. The riders delayed at short notice, whether the 'supernatural voice', but then they attacked on anyway. When they were within 200 meters, reluctantly I gave the order of fire. I was at a loss for words, the whole thing ended with a massacre. Only few of the riders were able to escape the hail of fire.

When I saw to the battlefield, I felt sick and I felt more worse than any criminals, we had massacred all of them. And not the Marines had slaughtered all, no, I was wearing the full responsibility, because I had given them the orders to do so, I had butchered all them!

Cal. 5.56'' bullets against copper spears and wooden shields! The fact that the task that lay ahead of us, was much larger and involved a lot more, my conscience could not calm. After all, we should save all mankind, thus about 6.9 billion people, or make it possible that they could live at all.

As the sun rose the next day blood red, that matched to the view which was offered to our eyes, we were able to overlook the battlefield. The plane was covered all over with corpses of riders and horses. I could not bear it in spite of training and had to ease behind a bush. Even Tamara could not stop my tears for a long time. The least we could have buried them under the sand of the eternal desert, even if it cost us another three days more.

But apparently at this time there was still the power of the strongest. As we advanced in the next few days to another settlement, the gates were opened and the people gave us food, refreshments and new information voluntarily and without demanding anything in return from us. On the contrary, they looked at us submissive and bowed to us, as if we were gods.
Tamara could finally win the trust of a slave and testified that we were after the massacre as 'Yunanpos' what means 'fair children of Poseidon' and which was a kind of elite troops in the Atlantic army. We learned that the inhabitants of the villages and towns were very glad that these wild riders of the desert where no longer existent, because they all had terrorized residents for decades. The other villagers were now devoted to us, because we certainly do not embody the image of revenge gods.

And so, we were able to obtain confirmation that we were on the right track, the Pillars of Hercules had always been located in the west of the Sinai, the villagers said.

??? But how could that be???

The tips of the magnetic needles of our compasses all showed towards the desert, that means to the north and the coast of the Mediterranean, however, showed from the Sinai clear to the West and further on to the South. Was the magnetic north pole in this time not in the north, but in the East? Or worse, does Earth rotating at this time to a completely different axis? In this new situation, we had to accustom us, because it meant a big change in our considerations, particularly in the Star Navigation at night.

So, the priest in Sais was just right with his indication that Atlantis 'was in the West', like Paul Schliemann that Atlantis was beyond the Bosporus, so in the Black Sea.

However, this did not match to all of our cards, or at least they should be rotated approximately 90 degrees to the left. The North Pole had to be situated in thus roughly east Siberia, about the Alleuten and the south pole about off the west coast of South America, west of Chile.

Important, however was, that we now had to progressed rapidly. That's why we bought about 200 additional horses and camels in the next village in order to can replace them constantly. Thus, we were able to penetrate the day and night for 'the West'. The Star navigation was a bit more difficult because we had to carry our computers an intermediate step.

However, after about a month ago we had reached the headland of Uluburun, southeast of Kaş in Asia Minor. Now we had to turn to the North...,

... no, we had to turn directly to the West, to cross Asia Minor in the center and reach the coast of the Black Sea in opposite of Atlantis.

Now everywhere where we arrived, we were greeted jubilantly because we had shown us as friendly and competent in spite of the initial massacre, especially to the common people. From now on we had to made us no worries and we learned by now that the political power relations in Atlantis were also not as clear and pink, as originally presented so by Plato. There was a real break between the different kingdoms, a gap that widened increasingly. We were even referred to as the 'big regulators', which should compensate for the voltage differences and would equilibrate everything again, but that was just only the wishful thinking by the common people.

And because of this we realized it only when it was almost too late. Again, Tamara first noticed it, then our radar operator. All of the sudden there were at least 20 discus-shaped flying objects in the sky.

We had attracted all our kaftans and Fez over the uniforms again and formed a defensive ring inconspicuous. The Stingers were ready and if we were fortunate, we could see and shoot down the discus, when it mattered. But then it stepped out quickly. One of these discusses came down and a blond, blue-eyed beauty came up to us.

"Now stranger, we are watching you for a long time. We know that you do not belong here and you operate technologically at a much higher level than other ordinary people here. We have a task for you, which could be quite lucrative for you. But if you should try to put up a fight, ... your chemical weapons would have no chance against our Warp cannons and nothing would also align to our protective shields. So, approval of you, yours 'Yunanpos', or 'Greeks'? The weapons you must not give away!"

When I nodded after a panoramic view to my soldiers, she continued: "I am Highprotekor Commander Anata Snofu, so then to a good cooperation."

Time Flash!

1915 AD Gallipoli one

Report George Turner:

It was actually all in all a crazy idea. So, both my own and that of the "First Lord of the Admiralty," Winston Churchill.

But my boy you have to understand my decision. I wanted to explore new countries and continents, would tear the world a hole, would set up a new highlight to archeology, like Heinrich Schliemann it had successfully brought to.

I just had started my archeology study and thus also my studies on the history of art, the art of 'Near Eastern Archaeology', when my PhD supervisor suggesting me to gain practical experience by participating in one or more excavations. The typology, with which one deals with the classification of objects, I had enjoyed already sufficiently and to be honest, I already had aversions to this monotonous work in dusty dark cellars. That is why the proposal did not come inconvenient to me and I really wanted to be there during the excavations of Troy. As I knew Schliemann had driven only one major groove into the layers and all that contained left and right he had completely ignored, especially Troy VI and VII were virtually unexplored. There was thus a rich field of activity.

I already had made contact to the American ambassador in Ankara and had secured me a excavation site in Troy. As I heard, there was a cheap way from London to Ankara and then further on to Çanakkale and finally Tevfikiye, to come to the excavation sites in Turkey. That's why I set sails to London. What I did not noticed as an Americans was, that in the meantime here the 1st World War had broken out and had deteriorated the relations between England and Turkey more and more. But absolutely I had to go from London to the Dardanelles. When I asked the roommate of my little abode in London, how I could go to the Dardanelles as fast as possible, they laughed at me, and submitted to me the sarcastic proposal to join the Royal Navy, because the navy would go down to the Dardanelles and would shellac and deplume the Turkey, the 'sick man on Bosporus'.

Although this proposal was not serious, of course, I would soon have to resort to this straw. Because, as I found out my father had stopped all further payments for my studies. He said I should come home and learn something "more sensible" as archeology and perhaps take over his bakery one day. Now I stood alone in Great Britain, had no money for rent and food and wanted down to the Dardanelles. So sooner said than done, anyway for this operation the Royal Navy was looking for volunteers. And I, as a 21-year old was raring to go and sought adventure. If I announce myself as a volunteer, I would see foreign lands and even got money for it. An offer I could not refuse. I wanted to experience something that I wanted to go out in the world to start a crusade and to improve the world. What war was, I did not know and had quite different ideas about it.

A little later the "First Lord of the Admiralty," Winston Churchill, submit his plans for a naval attack on the Dardanelles and suggested that the British there would carry out a large landing operations. Minister for War Lord Kitchener appointed General Sir Ian Hamilton as commander of the expeditionary force, which should perform the operation. By the fact that Turkey joined increasingly to the side of the Central Powers -Germany, Austria, Italy-, the supplies for the Russian troops was been interrupted by the Allies. Therefore, Churchill was planning an attack on the Gallipoli Peninsula.

The Spearheading should be formed by the somewhat older battleships of the British and French. Another reason why the volunteer rate was relatively low. Because when a sailor joined the Navy as a volunteer, then he wanted to go to the new weapon systems like the battleships HMS King George V, HMS Colossus, or HMS Bellerophon.

Me, however, they put into the 'old' HMS Irresistible, a ship of the Formidable-class, which already had been put into service in 1908. With its four

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