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Book online «Make IT Real! by Sander R.B.E. Beals (ebook reader ink .TXT) 📖». Author Sander R.B.E. Beals

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of the object.

No doubt the brute force approach would be sufficient to open it, but then all hopes of ever closing it again would be out the window. I decide to take a more careful way into this problem. I engage a biological prowess that we inherited from our friends the dolphins: by bouncing sound waves off it, and analyzing the returned echoes, I soon see that one of the sides has two structures on the inside, that apparently hold together bottom and side. Their likeness is that of the internal hinges that used to be on kitchen cupboard doors in the 21st century. And apparently the capstone has some sort of sliding mechanism, which enables it to be depressed slightly. I push the capstone down, and latch my fingers onto the appearing edge of the hinging side. Slowly and carefully I pry it open, and it gives way just like it's supposed to.…..

That very moment, my lady calls. It is time for dinner, and I do not want to miss that! Apart from the fact I love all kinds of recipes, I also won't ever miss a chance to be with her, if she requests it.

Tonight's menu is pancakes, in various delicious flavors: we have them with sugar, sirup, cheese, and even synthesized bacon. Selina's final delight is an omelet Vesuvius: Deliciously cold ice cream, isolated by thick biscuits, and covered with whipped egg whites. In a moderate oven for a short while, just to get a light tan on the egg white. With half an egg shell in the top, you can fill it with some cognac and light it, to make your volcano complete.

Where she got this recipe? I told her, from a memory of my past incarnation born in 1963, who once read a magazine left lying around by his mother. Why the details of this memory stuck, while others seem not to? In fact every tiny detail is stored in the Akashic Records, it's just that you haven't yet reached the point where you will need them....

Together we cherish the magnificent dessert, sometimes feeding each other spoons full of the yummy ice cream. When I lean in to take a bite, my love quickly maneuvers the spoon to smear its contents on my nose. Not wanting to let dinner revert to an ordinary food fight, I wipe it clean, already scheming for an appropriate way to get even later......

Friday, March 19th, 2010, 10:11

I have this idea about the world I live in: despite evidence to the contrary, men are not the omnipotent rulers of the Universe they are made out to be. Not by themselves anyway! But a lot of them think they are, that they can get anything or anybody just by snapping their fingers. Looking at the big picture, I see influences of both males and females, working together for higher purposes, or even Cross Purposes, as Ronny James Dio used to sing. In fact, I'm only now beginning to pick up the deeper meaning of that album....

Just like the movie the Skulls was a flick about a male-dominated society that had its claws into the world's society, stories about 'secret' societies were there long before the movie industry. Did anyone see the Mists of Avalon, which spoke of a movement of women, even in the times of King Arthur? I figure they are still around, and their power isn't waning by a long shot. For me, male control has always been about wanting you to conform to them in order for them to accept you. Play in line, and they'll help you alright, because you belong in their camp. It is all about demarcation with these guys: what's mine isn't yours.

Ladies on the other hand do not rule, at least not in the male sense. They do not feel better than men, even though there might be reasons enough to believe this, Sure, there are women that do feel better, but they belong more in the male society. No, the women I'm talking about are subtle, work behind the scenes, but get things done in both camps because of their approach of crossing boundaries instead of marking them. They work with suitable men and women alike, and thus are even infiltrated into the male stronghold by means of many of the 'unwilling' members of the male society. Not that those guys ain't men, they just aren't 'typical' men. But then again nobody is just male or female. We all are an interesting mix, in a way in which we figured life would be fascinating.

Over time, I've had dealings with these Ladies of the Light, as I came to call them. Some seemed very normal, others feel very intense and have strange things happening around them. But none have ever turned out to be anything else than what they seemed to be from the start. No, not even Selina felt strange when the 'truth' came to light about her. It was as if that nature had always been in her radiance right from the start. These ladies feel cautious, sometimes way too cautious for my male nature. But then perhaps they do have a point, having been dealing with the world for quite a while. And usually their hints and tips aren't at all counter-intuitive. It's just that they are that: hints. No explicit advice, just Innuendo. Guess I still have to work on picking up on that, because I have the idea I'm missing quite a few....

But at the same time there is no need for me to worry: because no matter how many hints I miss, these lovely caretakers will stay on my case for as long as it takes me to get wherever I want to go. Yes, wherever I want to go! They are not interested in me becoming part of their group perse, because as such there is no 'group': All is One, so there is no need to join a group with which you are already intimately connected. And regardless of whatever group you think you're in, these ladies care without reservation. In fact, a lot of them are defectors, who are fed up with the control of the other groups. They have figured out that True Love isn't about being connected, it is about letting the other free to do or be whatever he or she chooses to be or do. Only then can Love be at its best!

But I'm afraid I still have a bit to learn in that area: even though I love my mystery lady, I still want her to end up with me. But does she really want to be with me? I left my writing at that, and returned to work, only to be later invited into contemplating the idea again. And as I did, I looked out the window onto the freeway, to find a very synchronistic event occurring: just at that very moment I asked myself: "Does she want to be with me?", a PROMISS truck passed my field of vision from right to left! Well, if that ain't a promise, I don't know what is......

Saturday, March 20th, 2010, 20:25

Can we ever be sure of why anything happens the way it happens? I met Leann because I 'needed' a good cause and some outdoor activity. But this morning when we cycled to it, she revealed to me that her boyfriend is a consciousness freak as well: always busy with the 'meaningful' side of Life. And as such, he suddenly became a lot more interesting....

For if he's that interested in this stuff, maybe he'll be a great sparring partner to bounce the concepts of this book off of. Like for instance this image of Reality, which has steadily been building in my mind, helped along by two visions in my recent past, like the past ten years or so.

The first one happened when I was at home, recovering from my very first manic episode. People may have called me ill, but I never really felt that way. That afternoon was one I still remember, at least the moments surrounding that vision: it was a sunny day, and I was indoors, deciding to go upstairs. As I mounted the stairs bound for the second floor, a crystal clear image suddenly overlaid my normal field of vision. Not troublesome in such a way that I did no longer see the stairs, but brilliantly more clear than my normal vision.

I took the last few steps, and just stood there on the landing. It's rather difficult to properly describe it, but it looked most like a close up shot of a sunlit field of soap bubbles: all spherical, transparent, and highlighted in the most brilliant flowing colors I'd ever seen. Bubbles were next to one another, as usual, but also inside one another. Despite the fact that the oily surface of the spheres seemed to move, the spheres themselves were not. My vision lasted like what felt to be about three minutes, not obstructing my view or even overshadowing it. But despite the fact I did notice some kids playing on the field outside, I definitely did not want to miss any of it!

In the days that followed I wrecked my mind as to the meaning of it all. But it wasn't until I finally sat down with the intent to figure it out, that the answer came to me. It wasn't a clear answer in the sense that it was loudly heard above any other possible answers. It was much more like a whisper that was slightly louder than the other possible answers, yet carried the mark of knowing: I came to the one meaning of this lovely sight to behold: I had been allowed a clear and non-ambiguous view of the static structure of the Cosmos!

And the weird part was I immediately saw the relevance of it: That's why System of a Down sang about the Bubble Jungle! Of course their view of it (as their name hints at) is a bit more down than mine, but not every bodies path is the same.

And it didn't stop at that. Several months later, maybe even a full year, I was contemplating a piece of physics which a good friend of mine has been busy with for most of his life. Trying to wrap my mind around the close interaction of electric and magnetic fields that showed the birth of a ball lightning, I have always had a quite visual mind, able to see stuff in multiple dimensions, and then to just envision my way into it.

But this time my video processor overloaded, or maybe not quite: maybe it just overshot, and gave me the next best image. I was blown away, as a highly dynamic field of intertwined, colorful strands wove its magic across my full field of vision. It was night, and because I had my eyes closed for the exercise, nothing could disturb it.

Describing it is best done with a few images, but since this medium does not include real images, I'll talk you through them. The first one is a smooth pond surface, with a few pebbles thrown in for good measure. You are all infinitely familiar with the resulting waveforms and the intricate mixing of the waves.

My vision was similar, but it felt like it included way more than the four dimensions of space-time. Also, the combined sine waves as Laplace taught us can create any waveform, was somehow also interwoven in the vision. And third, think of an image of cigar smoke in a closed room, where no wind exists, yet whirls and vortices still do.

At the same time though, this vision was way more! It radiated balance, no beginning and no end, the Eternal Now! This time though, I wasted no time torturing my mind about its origins, and its meaning: Immediately after it ended, I went inside myself, listening for the loudest whisper below the foreground noise: “the dynamic structure of the Cosmos”... I knew it!


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