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Book online «Make IT Real! by Sander R.B.E. Beals (ebook reader ink .TXT) 📖». Author Sander R.B.E. Beals

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moving to indicate she's swinging to some beat, not aware of the approaching silent Bugatti. I have no time to work out a detailed rescue plan now, have to bail out or the crash against that concrete wall will permanently disable my systems. I think myself to the right of the crash site, looking straight at it. But I've really cut it close: the moment my disorientation wears off, the car is already totally wrapped around the concrete, with no sign of my love.

I run towards the wreck, which does not really burn because of the absence of gasoline. But even with my scanners in all possible ranges of visible and invisible light, I cannot make heads or tails of the chaos. Did she get out, or will I have to build her a new body to allow her to come back to me?

“Weird boy, you should have looked inside yourself, then you'd have known I was safe”. Selina's hand touches my shoulder, and turns me around.

We hug for what seems like an eternity. A fleeting memory of me writing this story comes up from the back of my mind: Journey playing “Hopelessly in love with you”, just as I wrote about the hugging part. Figures....

Together we look at the completely obliterated Bugatti. “I guess it's time to put that lady in her grave”, Selina says. We notify the cleanup squad, and they tell us to walk to the other side of the track, well clear of the wreck and the debris distributed around it. I know what is going to happen: they will be directing one of their matter transformers to restore the area around the concrete wall to its pristine condition it had about an hour ago. Any excess matter will be dissolved into energy, and recycled for later use.

Sunday, March 21st, 2010, 10:17

Funny how I'm actually contemplating the building of that marble pyramid, just as soon as my self-designed home looks like it's going to be built. It's contents are not complete yet, but the cigar box is already standing on my desk, holding clues of its own about its role in the entire story.

The Sander of 4444AD hasn't talked about that yet, but it has labels on it, from the original cigar manufacturer. 'AGIO Succes' it says, both outside the box and inside. Now I'm not sure if AGIO is a word in English too, but in Holland it means the extra money someone pays to a company in order to get a share of it. 'Succes' I need not clarify, as it has just one 's' less than its English counterpart.

The combination of the two might mean in this case that since my granddad put his writing in it, so should I. And then the success will be the inevitable result. Not that my granddad actually knew that when he bought his box of cigars, probably for something like 50 cents. No, he just needed a smoke, but his higher self did know, and almost imperceptibly influenced him to buy that particular brand, knowing it would eventually wind up in the time capsule which his grandson would make.

Don't know if that makes any sense to you, but if All is connected, wouldn't it make sense then?

Or what to think of me coming up with the pyramid idea, while writing deciding that a 42 centimeter base would suffice, without even knowing what was going to be in it? Just now I figured I better check if the box would really fit the pyramid. And you know what? 42 centimeter base inside will be just enough for the box to be able to inhabit it at ground level!

4444AD, Day 233, 17:12, Home

Still a bit shaken from the crash, we arrive home. We definitely need some sort of distraction tonight, preferably together. “I Know!” Selina exclaims suddenly. “You figured you'd have to rebuild my body right? Why not do just that for your past self?” I look at her, a bit puzzled as to how she would pull that of without breaking the free will clause.

She hops onto the couch with me, and starts to explain it, all aglow at the brilliance of her little scheme. “We all know we can't really send entire lifeforms back in time yet, because that would have too much impact”, Selina starts. “but we also know energy and information can flow freely from past to future and back, because they are not limited by the illusion of time”. My mind is beginning to like the idea, for I can see where she's coming from. “So we tweak one of your past selves, to get my past self to fall for her?” She nods. “Shouldn't be too hard, because you know what he likes, and you love me, so it should be alright”. I just love that razor sharp mind of hers!

We eat first, then retire to the comfort of our bedroom to execute the plan. Selina already found a suitable self to play the part, and she tells me about the girl. Since I also can safely say I'm attracted to her, my past self will probably feel a similar way. The proverbial beauty for the beast, not that my past self of that era was so beastly. No, I'd come to terms with those more primordial urges way before that. But a beauty she is nonetheless. Pretty enough to be noticed by the guys that made a living out of photographing such ladies back then. No need to contact the past self, because my Selina is her higher or future self, which gives her plenty of authority in the matter. We review her past life through Selina's memories of it, and my knowledge of my past self. As we scan the years, we find what we expect: on numerous occasions, we almost met in that life, even before we actually physically would meet. Together we decide that Selina is going to break the ice, since my past self would just love that in a woman. And she is far more in touch with her higher self than I was back then. The initial meeting was a singe: we merely had her apply for a job with the same company that he was planning on working for quite some time, at least until his writing career took off.

Selina said she'd always been attracted to the shy types, even back then. Well, this guy kept his distance, but she could see he couldn't keep his eyes off her. It took only a few lines to get him to bite, but according to Selina her past self would have drawn out the contact, made it linger just for the fun of it. “Let's get her married”, Selina laughs, “and see if he can get past that hurdle” As she imagines doing so, her intentions meander through the eternal Now to make it so, and her memories of it change as she changes her mind.

I remember how he, from this new-found perspective, still couldn't keep his mind off her. Although they talk about inconsequential things, that won't threaten her past commitment, he couldn't help falling for her. But his cautious nature prevented him from taking rash action. As I remember that she will be leaving the company, I suggest to Selina that I wanted to take her picture back then. My lady loves it! She quickly spins a tale of confusion, with a nice twist. As she does, I watch in amazement, as she begins to transform right in front of me. And frankly, I can't say I'm not pleased with her new look: from what I see, she's allowed her body to take on the appearance of the past self that so deeply touched me back then......

Sunday, March 21st, 2010, Noon

Let's take vibrations: Whatever we observe, holds a certain relevance for us, even way before we consciously think about what we hear. Some music we hate, other music we love. And it takes only a few notes to decide that factor.

During my life this time, I've had a number of jobs. I usually work quite a distance from where I live, let's say within a two hour radius from where I live. That's roughly about 32000 square kilometers. Yet still, during my career, I've had three jobs in the same relatively small city, all with different companies. And that tends to make me wonder what the significance of that city might be to me.

First time was a company that literally bought me away from a boss I'd been working with for eleven years. Back then it was my first time in that city, so I wasn't really expecting something. During my second job there, I noticed something that connected place of work with love somehow: I ran into this American singer named Teedra Moses, whose very synchronistic album was called Complex Simplicity. It hit me like a bolt of lightning. I felt like that entire album had been handcrafted just for little old me. As if she was singing just directly to me, even though we never met....

Third time it became really clear, because that was where I met Selina. What was funny, was that Teedra and Selina have somewhat similar features, as if they could have been sisters....

But back to the vibration theme: have you ever noticed that when you put two guitars next to one another, and strum one string on the first one, the second one will have its corresponding string resonating along with the first one? This indicates that vibration is capable of transmitting information across time and space. In the case of the two guitars this would be prohibited if we were to remove the medium through which the sound vibration travels, the air. But what of electromagnetic vibrations? What is the medium then, and can it be removed? Maybe, but we can go one step further:

Experiments have shown that thought can go where electromagnetism dare not tread. Put a biological test subject into an electromagnetically shielded vault, which basically keeps out electromagnetism from outside, and vice versa. With a second person outside the vault, so they cannot see one another, instruct the outsider to think about making the person inside better from their ailment. Close observation of such a situation found that in the majority of cases, the person inside the cage was showing definite improvement the moment the outsider was told to engage in the experiment. Electrically and magnetically, nothing could have happened, yet the mere thought of making someone better traveled through the thick steel walls of the vault without any difficulty!

And where thoughts used to be focused on one's immediate surroundings in the earlier ages of mankind, evolution of both humanity and technology has made it as easy as apple pie to think of loved ones the world over. And you guessed it: just as you should only do unto others what you wouldn't mind being done to you, the same thing goes for thinking about others......

Another anecdote is in order, so bear with me on that: one day, I was on the train, and holding a digital camera in my lap. Some six meters away from me, this beautiful girl was sitting. I briefly considered stealthily taking her picture, because I just love beauty, but almost immediately decided against it because it wouldn't have been a clear shot anyway, at that distance. I wiped her from my mind, and continued on with life.

Some days later, I was out walking with my wife, when a car pulled over. The guy that got out was rather upset, because he said that his daughter had told him I'd sneakily taken her picture on the train the other day. Honestly I told him I had briefly considered it, seeing she was this beautiful, but that I eventually hadn't. That didn't quite calm him down, and both him and my own wife didn't seem to believe me. I even invited him to come home with me to inspect my

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