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their mother, who sits on the lounge chair right next to me. I'm confused, because given our current predicament, it would even be doubtful Selina would ever give birth again. But the dream is as clear as a crystal ceiling: two delightful ladies, growing up to be even more beautiful than their mother. Boy, does that mean I should start keeping the boys at bay right away?

Not bloody likely! These ladies may choose for themselves, without any interference from me, positive or negative.

Saturday, November 11th, 2011, 05:01

I wake up with a bad back ache, from lying crumpled up on a couch in the waiting room. I'd sent my neighbor home, after thanking him, and spent the night at the hospital, awaiting the end of the operation. I ask the nurse, and she picks up a phone to get me more information. “Just closing up”, she informs me, and takes me to the recovery room, where Selina will be parked the moment they're done with her. I'd asked, but I wasn't allowed to watch the operation.

When they wheel her in, she's still out like a light. I sit next to her, and accept the cup of coffee that the nurse offers me. Normally I would definitely have noticed someone like her, but Selina's arrival has totally shut down my beauty scanners, except where she is concerned.

It is just about getting light, when her lashes finally quiver and open. I kiss her forehead, and those lush, lovely lips. “Morning dear...”, I whisper. “Well, I guess they weren't the Righteous Twins”, Selina says. I tell her not to worry about that, there's more than enough time to get to that point. “How are you feeling?”, I ask. She smiles somewhat like a farmer with a tooth ache, as they say here in Holland: “This was worse than that 24 hour photo shoot! And at least then I had something to show for it”, is her witty answer. Seems like she hasn't lost her sense of humor yet. “Just as I was getting used to becoming a daddy again”, I softly speak to her. “Hey, don't worry”, Selina replies: “When you want to have something done right, you have to do it yourself. And a little birdy told me you will have few objections against that, am I right?” She smiles, and pulls me in for a long, passionate kiss.....


Funny how you can juggle concepts and come to very deep understanding just by using your feelings, your heart and your mind. Let's for one moment go from the assumption that All is One. That automatically has the consequence that any and all dualities become illusions, for they are part of the All, and so are also One. One of these dualities is Service to Self vs. Service to Others, but since Self and Others are also part of the All, they are also One, which simplifies things to just one concept: Service to One(Self). Thus, the Personal Gain issue often warned against in magic becomes null and void, because the boundaries between Self and Others fade.

Can we still know what to do? With no right and wrong, what is keeping me from raping just any pretty lady in the street? Simple, I do not feel comfortable or joyous when doing so. I've been taught not to go against free will, but with the distinction between me and others gone, the free will thing becomes just that: "not to go against free will, either others, or my very own".

And thus was born the idea that one should do whatever gives him or her joy, but without going against others free will. But as always, that will not be as restricting as it may seem. For if I am the All, and the All is Infinite, then any subset of it can be viewed as equally important. And who is to say, that others' free will is paramount to my own? Furthermore, since the All is Infinite, it has plenty of room to house all possible permutations of free wills, and still has room left. So ultimately, there is a reality out there where others' free will is perfectly coinciding with mine! Also numerous ones where this is not the case, but those are not what I'm interested in. In a sense, aren't most of us preferring a given set of free wills in others? We normal people tend to find realities where we find agreement, but shouldn't anybody be free to choose conflicting free wills around them if they so choose? Basically, only competitive people go for contests, while spectators may choose to witness the contest, but not participate. Yet others are totally non-competitive, and adhere to the saying of the late Scatman John: "How can someone win when winning means that someone loses?"

Doesn't that in effect perfectly describe the Personal Gain issue without adhering to dualistic attributes? Maybe that is what we are here to develop: a keen eye to discern win-win situations, that provide improvement for everyone. Just like me writing this particular chapter during work hours: am I stealing from my boss if I stick to writing this in the periods my computer makes me wait for certain results? Maybe, but is my crime still as bad as it seemed, if my novel eventually helps millions realize that Life can be greatly fulfilling, without all kinds of restrictions? In the end, do I have to be judged by anyone, even if that anyone is the All, and thus myself? I don't think so, Tim!

Speaking of TIM, now there's a game I used to be absolutely addicted to: the Incredible Machine. Each level presented a challenge, and sufficient resources to overcome it. It evoked creativity, because other than the outset and the intended outcome, nothing was fixed in this game. Nobody lost, even if you won, which made it perfect for my non-competitive nature.

But the Incredible Machine was more, for it was modeled after nature itself: All objects in the game responded realistically to impulses, and thus gave you potential to solve the puzzles. There were at least a hundred levels, some deemed nearly impossible. But all were great fun. Now Nature is very much like the Incredible Machine, in that it gives you options to solve its puzzles any way you like. But at the same time, the Cosmos has it's own solutions to the puzzles you give it, which are far more fantastic than we could ever imagine them to be. This novel has shown you some creative solutions which happened to me, for real. I'm sure that in your own life, if you honestly look close enough, you'll find similar mesmerizing possibilities, that you never would have thought of.

Which brings to mind a fellow student of mine: in programming class, he solved the assignment that the teacher gave us in a way which the teacher, skilled as he was, could not comprehend! That story is basically what happens over and over again, in both ways: the Cosmos surprises us with far out solutions, but we do the same with the challenges it gives us......

I suggest you make it a number one priority in your life to discover these possibilities, decide how they will make you most happy, and then act upon them, in whatever manner you see fit. I'm convinced that as long as you go for what makes you tick, you can't go wrong: Make It Real!


Publication Date: 05-02-2013

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