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Book online «Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. by John Damocles Smith (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author John Damocles Smith

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himself, even with any force energy he had left."
"And then what did you and Shivilow do?"
"We remained hidden and observed them. Skywalker helped carry him out and simply left. Vader was already dying, so there was no need to send Shivilow to kill him and we let Skywalker go because our priority was to use all my forces to hijack The Death Star...." paused and tapped the shaft of his glass in thought. " much as I wanted to deal with them it wasn't the time. That was our only chance to take the battle station."
"I understand how strange it must have felt, I can't get over the co-incidence of Shivilow being related to The Emperor and Skywalker to Vader. You were quite lucky to take the entire Death Star without needing to kill The Emperor and Vader. Since those two were so dangerous did it make it much easier to take it over?"
"I don't believe in luck, at least not in the literal sense of the word Ari'eshna. We used the Rebel fleet as a distraction for the Imperial forces on Palpatine's side to get to the battle station itself. Both sides were too busy with each other to bother with our side. The deaths of Palpatine and Vader did, however, enable me to convince most of Palpatine's Imperial fleet to side with me. One leader for an entire empire, and not two, is always better. United, the Imperial Fleet became stronger."
"You certainly did very well Bruticus." She finished her drink, Bruticus poured her some more and they kissed. "What happened to the Rebel fleet?"
"After we dropped our ground forces into The Death Star our ships were free to fire upon theirs'. They, of course, realized that they were overwhelmed so they aborted their attack. This left our side to finish off Palpatine's forces in orbit."
"What about the rebels on the forest moon?"
"They defeated Palpatine's ground forces, we were going to deal with them after the fleet and Death Star but they were long gone. The Rebel scums never came back so I suspect that they escaped in the ships they landed with or that Skywalker transported them after leaving The Death Star. We rebuilt the shield generator and took over it's construction."
"Shivilow just gave you reports of the latest stages of it's construction, and we're away from that shield generator, so how long until it's finished?"
"It's complete regarding the original designs, we're just modifying it internally and installing more launch bays for fighters and adding more turrets so that smaller enemy craft couldn't take out it's defenses as easily."
"You're quite an organized man my Lord." Then touched her glass to his and they kissed.
"Why thank you my dear Ari'eshna." They took drink again and Bruticus once again asked:- "Have I told you that you look most lovely in that Imperial Uniform my dear?"

Admiral Targeta saw Darth Shivilow storm into the bridge. It seemed too soon to deliver the reports to him and be back. She didn't look too pleased.
"I think it would be a while

before he even looks

at those reports Admiral."
"That makes two of us, my Lady." Targeta understood.
Still looking at the scanners in front of him, the Admiral could swear he could feel the pause from Shivilow. It seemed she had resigned from talking until he heard her say:- "Lord Bruticus has been unusually cheerful these last few days. I've seen him act happily before... but... not like... that!

I tell you Admiral, that Ari'eshna is no good for Lord Bruticus."

"Part #12 Covert Precautionary Measures."

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival.

-Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star.

-John Damocles Smith as Jedi Master Damocles.

With the use of the archival data from the Rebel flag ship, Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc gave the Colonial Warriors a detailed lecture of The Empire and their ships. The holographic display fascinating them because it differed from any technology they possessed. It was also easier for all the pilots within the lecture hall to understand the more minute three-dimensional details as the Jedi Leader enlarged key images. Many of the pilots wished they possessed such sophisticated holographic displays like the Rebels. The lecture being made easier for Seaco thanks to Lieutenant Sheba-who helped him and the Jedi-to understand the Colonial terminology they found confusing.
Captain Apollo took most interest in the Star Destroyers and compared it's armaments and details to that of their own Battlestars. Only Seaco Buroc's Jedi senses told him that Starbuck to the Captain's left was almost as interested as Apollo in the unfamiliar, arrowhead-shaped ships. The manner in which he sat with his leg crossed and smoked his fumarello made it impossible for anyone without force skills to tell whether if he wanted to be there or not.
Next to Starbuck sat Sheba of the Battlestar Pegasus.

Although this lecture was performed in front of the Galactica's

pilots, Seaco knew from Sheba herself that she was the Daughter of their Commander Cain and assigned her here as his representative. Sheba acted in every way as a professional pilot and representative, but she also paid a lot of attention to those mysterious Jedi. She had never met anyone like them with their powers and all, the intrigue she felt for them became attraction. During her time helping the Grand Jedi Master with Colonial terminology, she became attracted to Seaco the most. Shortly before the lecture, she invited him for a drink of ambrosa during her off-duty hours. Although he accepted, she would be disappointed later that night when he declined to see her again because a closer relationship would be impossible due to the fact that he was married. Something Sheba had not taken into account. She admired the Grand Jedi Master for being so understanding like the wise man he obviously was.
"Any final questions before this session ends?" Seaco asked the Colonial Warriors. Sheba readied herself because after the lecture, she would accompany the Jedi elsewhere.
Lieutenant Starbuck, raised the hand which didn't hold his fumarello.
"Aaahh, there's one thing you didn't tell us about this TIE Fighters Master Buroc."
Then pointed his forefinger and thumb out, clenched the rest of them to make the shape of a blaster out of his hand and moved it around the lecture hall.
"Where are they? They sound fun to knock out." Half the Colonial Warriors laughed at Starbuck's usual smart-aleck conduct.
Lieutenant Sheba followed Seaco, Delpa, Orion, Damocles and Admiral Chertoros after the Grand Jedi Master dismissed the lecture. Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galactica

wanted to speak to the Rebel Alliance leaders. As the representative of her Father-Commander Cain-Sheba was to take part in the meeting.
Upon entering his private lounge, the Rebel alliance saw that Commander Adama was a mature man with a full head of grey hair and black eyebrows. For the Rebels, it was impossible to determine how old the Commander was ever since learning that most colonials lived much longer than they did, but references to him suggested he was between 120 and 130 years of age (or yahren

in Colonial terminology.) Unlike the troublesome Sire Minos from The Quorum Of Twelve, Adama seemed wise, very practical in action and very realistic in assessing the situation. As the two sides talked, it seemed his diplomatic skills exceeded even that of Seaco Buroc's own.
Commander Adama called this secret meeting with The Rebel Alliance leaders mainly to discuss plans to muster as many Colonial forces as they could to readily aid the Rebel fleet at short notice. Watching the two sides was the head of The Ministry Of Sorgarn Research, who stood virtually silent.
"What would happen if we amass a fleet without Sire Minos' vote in The Quorum?" Seaco asked after Adama's initial speech.
"Unfortunately... Sire Minos Darius has strong ties with the military, himself being a retired Commander. They cannot launch without his approval even with a majority vote from The Council. The military hierarchy would likely be divided if we proceed without his vote, which I fear, would never come."
"We understand Commander. The way he verbally attacked us and our force skills told us that there is no

way to convince him otherwise. Had be been in our dimension, he would have witnessed the way The Empire conducted their operations throughout our Galaxy." Seaco Buroc spoke for the other three Jedi and Admiral Chertoros.
"Rebel leaders, there may be one chance of hope. I've arranged a meeting with a good friend of mine Commander Cain. He's a very well-respected leader and has served with distinction in his service within The Colonial Fleet. We shall all meet with him within five centares. I'll inform you when he arrives." By then the Rebels understood that the term "centar" is analogous to their "hour."
With the meeting adjourned, the rebel leaders moved out to retire to their guest quarters after a long day's work of lecturing.
Lieutenant Sheba waited until the Jedi and Admiral split up. Only Delpa Gival and Master Damocles were left, and the latter was about to open the door to his quarters.
"Master Damocles..." Sheba said, Delpa Gival turned around but sensed she wanted a private conversation and continued four doors down to his temporary quarters. "... Master Buroc mentioned during today's training lecture that you're a strategist."
"That's right Lieutenant. Military strategy is one of the skills I studied as part of my Jedi training."
"As soon as Seaco mentioned it, that interested me. You see, my Father, Commander Cain is a military genius and I think you two would work well together."
"I look forward to meeting him."
"Master Damocles, I know he'll be arriving soon, but, I'd like to show you a few recordings of his tactics if you're interested."
"I'd like that very much." He replied and followed Sheba down the corridor.
"So,... I don't know what you have back where you all came from, but here, we have a drink called Ambrosa. Have you tasted it yet?"
"Not yet, but Master Buroc told me it's quite nice."
"Well, if you like you may have some with me while we watch the recordings."
Delpa Gival had opened his door and looked to his left, seeing Damocles and Sheba walking much farther down the corridor in conversation. He wasn't surprised, it was just as he thought regarding her wish for a private conversation. The Grand Jedi Master closed the door.

Baltar boarded his shuttle and simply dropped his weight onto his seat.
"What's wrong now?" Karibdis-Baltar's pilot and top electronics expert-understood just by looking at him that the meeting had been much more serious than it had been for a long time.
"This is a unique situation Karibdis, it's too highly classified to even talk about. What I can say is that Caprica will be attacked and naturally we need to organize a defense."
"Attacked? Those damn Cylons will be coming at us and they're not allowing a defense?" The surprised pilot asked and then pressed the turbo button on the joystick to launch the shuttle.
"It's not against Cylons, it's by forces not of the Cyrannus Galaxy. The problem is that damn Sire Minos!

Our sources tell us that they're conquerors and yet Minos insists upon diplomacy."
Karibdis changed the shuttle's course toward Baltar's battlestar.
"They sound worse than the Cylons-whoever you're not allowed to talk about."
Baltars' hands came together, fingers in between each other as he leaned forward.
"Ooohh those forces concern me greatly with what I've been told of them. There will be literally nothing left of Caprica if we fail..." Then his temper intensified. "...but that Sire Minos... those forces are capable of obliterating a whole planet and yet he insists upon dialogue!

Baltar heard Karibdis breathe out in shock at the mention of obliterating a whole planet.

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