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Book online «Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. by John Damocles Smith (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author John Damocles Smith

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Balter, I wish I knew what happened to Minos, electing him to The Quorum was nothing but a mistake. He's so different from the other Sires that it's a wonder how any

policy got approval."
"He is

nothing but a problem." Baltar breathed on his clenched hands.
"Exactly my thoughts Baltar. I may not have seen what goes on in any of your meetings, but, everyone knows that his ears have become more and more stubborn to the rest of The Council's. By the sound of what you told me, he ought to be replaced for the good of The Colonies."
"Replaced. Oh, dooo

I like the thought of that." Baltar replied, seemingly more to himself than Karibdis.

"Part #13 Anticipating The Inevitable."

-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.

-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival and Imperial Admiral Targeta.

-Joe Mignano as Darth Bruticus.

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

-Alex McKeel as Jedi Knight Orion Knight-Star.

-John Damocles Smith as Jedi Master Damocles.

"Destroy them all!!" Darth Shivilow shouted as crazily as she actually was. The first of the three double-saucer-shaped battle stations disappeared from the Death Star's main video panel.
Imperial Navy supreme commander, Admiral Targeta, awaited the three-minute recharge of it's ultimate weapon. All capital ships of Darth Bruticus' fleet concentrated fire upon the nearest from extreme range.
"Ha HAAA!!"

Shivilow shouted again and jumped up with her left fist held high as she witnessed the firepower of their 200 Star Destroyers utterly destroy the second one. Their surprise attack being all too successful.
Admiral Targeta transmitted to Lord Bruticus his updates of the attack. Droid Star Fighters commenced launching from the third. Readings on Targeta's monitor displayed the count-down timer for the next time the superlaser charged. The Admiral had no knowledge of what type of super weapons the droid battle station might possess-if any-therefore he took the precaution of ordering the fleet to ignore the fighters until they destroy it. The Death Star turrets will aim for the fighters.
Shivilow noticed something else upon her monitor.
"Admiral, more Droid Fighters detected from the planet's surface. Order a scan for bases."
"Yes, my Lady." And carried out his orders.
Despite how hardy the battle stations were, none of them were a match for the firepower of 200 Star Destroyers in over a minute.
"Grrrr-REAT work!!" came the next crazy shout from Shivilow.
With only the Droid Fighters left and eventually, the superlaser ready to fire once again, Admiral Targeta requested instructions as to what to do with the planetary base one of the crew located.
"My Lady, no planetary shield detected. Shall we fire the Death Star Laser?"
"No Admiral, there may be information for us about this sector of the galaxy. After we shoot down their fighters, take out their defenses with capital ships and dispatch AT-ATs to assist."
After The Empire captured the Battle Droid's Base, Darth Shivilow met with her troopers upon the surface, bringing along a team of protocol droids. Lord Bruticus himself arrived half-an-hour later. The dark lord loved the sight of the defeated battle droids lying everywhere. Not a single one left functioning. Who made them? They all appeared militant the way they functioned. If they were independent, how did they originate?
The lead protocol droid approached Darth Shivilow and she relayed it's news to her Master.
"Lord Bruticus, the droids have successfully deciphered the data we found."
"Did you find anything in relation to navigation and habitable planets?" He asked the very same droid his apprentice referred to.
"Yes sir, this way."
Shivilow scrolled through the catalogue of information organized by the protocol droids and her force senses intensified as soon as she saw diagrams of a prominent system of planets.
"It says, 'The Twelve Colonies Of Man' my Lord."
She let a breath out, still absorbed by the information discovered. "Apparently so." Still not quite sure.
The brutal one nodded, said in almost a hum:- "So, there are other beings like us in this universe."
Shivilow's force senses compelled her to enlarge images of one planet in particular. Bruticus felt it as well. Images of the planet from orbit and the pyramidal-shaped constructions covering much of the urban areas told the two what else could be found there. Not by the images themselves, but, through The Force.
"This world is called Caprica. That's where we must set course."
"Yes, my apprentice. And that is where The Rebels are located."

Aboard Commander Cain's private lounge within the Battlestar Pegasus,

the well-respected military genius analyzed the data Master Damocles presented to him with their holographic displays. Of all the Jedi, he came to their universe from the farthest date in time and therefore the only one familiar with The Death Star. A weapon Seaco Buroc, Delpa Gival, Admiral Chertoros and especially Orion Knight-Star would yet see in their personal futures. Commander Adama and Colonel Tigh were already familiar with The Empire's ultimate weapon through Seaco Buroc's lecture to their pilots. Learning of it's capabilities the first time was unsettling enough, it still felt the same to them seeing this a second time. Master Damocles completed showing footage of the superlaser in action, the very images taken by the Rebel fleet during their attempted destruction of it above the forest moon of Endor.
"That, I'm sure you could see, Commander Cain, is not the only danger The Death Star presents. According to our sources, it also has 15,000 turbolaser batteries, 15,000 heavy turbolaser batteries, 7,500 laser cannons, 5,000 Ion cannons, 768 tractor beam generators."
Commander Cain's hand covered his mouth in an analytical manner.
"Most formidable indeed. It's complement?"
"Again, according to our sources, 7,200 TIE Fighters of all models, 16 Capital ships and 3,600 Lambda-class shuttles and 2,480 GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats... but to be realistic, Commander, these figures are out of date. Our intelligence reports that it appears to be complete and has since been modified with even more turrets... so, I treat this information as the lowest estimates of it's armament and compliment." Then turned to Commander Adama and Colonel Tigh. "I suggest the task of taking out The Death Star should be assigned to Commander Cain, Adama."
"Agreed. If the Commander will accept this challenge." The still-standing Adama walked closer to his old comrade-in-arms already knowing he'd concur anyway.
"I can already think of something Master Damocles."
"Good..." Adama turned to Colonel Tigh after establishing Cain's assignment. "...Tigh, your report of the Basestar?"
Adama's second-in-command walked over to the viewing port where the battle station floated in space closely to The Pegasus

all followed him.
"The Mega-Pulsar Cannons still need time to repair, as for the hole we found, which Master Gival determined as been cut-out by lightsabre, that has been fully repaired."

the Mega-Pulsar Cannons be fully repaired, Colonel Tigh?"
"I'm confident they will be. There's enough resources inside the Basestar itself to repair the Pulsar Cannons many times over..." Tigh turned, smiled then added "...And thousands

of lightsabre holes. Whether if they're cut out by Bruticus, Shivilow or Draconis."
"I don't think it was Draconis." Orion Knight-Star added for the record. "I sense my twin Brother better than anyone else. The dark presence I felt there was from someone much

more powerful. Although I couldn't think of why Lord Bruticus would cut a hole in the hull like the way we found it."
"Perhaps it was a tactical manoeuvre..." Suggested Commander Cain. " could have been his plan to let his troops in, perhaps because it was not well defended in that section."
"Who knows." Colonel Tigh responded for everyone.

Count Baltar held a secret meeting of his own, one with the Commander of the Battlestar Solaria.

"But that weapon, I'm certain

he's seen the data we sent him and yet..." suddenly silent as he paced his way around the Commander's private quarters. "...yet he still wouldn't agree to launch the forces we need against that thing...

" His arms hit the air downward. His flare for the dramatic always there. " can destroy a whole Battlestar in one shot. Even a whole planet! Sire Minos is so stubborn and closed-minded that he'll probably only be persuaded once Caprica is blown out of existence along with our planetary defenses. We'll have nothing there to aid the fleet. Commander, you must do something

to persuade him to vote in favour of defensive action."
"Count Baltar, the admiralty has already tried, we still haven't given-up but I doubt there's anything we could do by protest."
Baltar clenched his fist without Solaria's

Commander seeing him.
"There is an alternative measure, that is... one I do not wish to mention to the admiralty."
Baltar's face turned quickly to meet the Commander's.
"Just what

are you suggesting?"

The next daily drill commenced as it had the past week-and-a-half since the Rebel alliance had arrived. Seaco Buroc lead all the Rebels and Colonials, each in their own starfighters. They flew under, through, over and around the captured Cylon Basestar. Both sides by then all too familiar with each side's terminology and names of manoeuvres. They then practiced their approaches against capital ships with the help of the Rebel fleet facing the Galactica.

Mixed teams of X-Wings, Colonial Vipers, Y-Wings, Colonial Bombers, A-Wings, B-Wings and others flying among Mon Calamari Cruisers, Nebulon-B Frigates, Corellian Corvettes and Rebel Transports alike. Laser turrets set to a non-lethal mode during the war games and computers keeping track of hits and misses.
Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc and the Rebel leaders received a broadcast from Colonel Tigh.
"This is the Galactica.

I have good news and bad news." Upon hearing those words, most wondered whether if Tigh meant both good and bad at the same time because of the way he voiced out his announcement. "I have just received word from President Adar that Sire Minos Darius has apparently been assassinated, depending on who replaces him, The Council Of Twelve may be able to vote in favour of mobilizing the Colonial fleet to aid The Rebel Alliance and the defense of Caprica. Investigation is in progress as we speak."

"Part #14 Coalition's Turning Point."

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival and Admiral Targeta.

-Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star and twin brother Sith Lord Draconis.

-John Damocles Smith as Jedi Master Damocles.

-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.

-Joe Mignano as Darth Bruticus.

"Buuurn Minos Buuurrrn." Lord Baltar said quietly in a low voice as he witnessed the bridge of the Battlestar Medusa

glow from the explosive fire within. Looking through the viewing port from Baltar's right stood Karibdis-who engineered the subtle, yet effective, plot. Baltar was not surprised that Karibdis-his pilot and top electronics expert-was able to think of a covert way to carry out his task and not have it traced back to him or anyone associated with him.
"Let's hope the bridge controls at Core Command can be repaired in time. We need all the help we could get."
The glowing within Medusa's

bridge faded to an almost uniform yellow as the fire within apparently commenced to become brought under control.
"Disregard what I said before, I must know, how did you do it?"
Karibdis answered with only the key details.
"I sent a technician to Core Command with a case of spare parts and told him that they are for an upgrade and must replace the existing parts in monitor alpha-12. I had shown him the electronics and tools first. Once I closed the case it armed the Solonite detonators inside the 'upgraded parts.' Only upon re-opening the case would the explosives be triggered. I made sure his executive officer called Sire Minos to the bridge and show him something on one of the neighbouring monitors so that he could be there at the same time as the technician."
"His XO wasn't aboard Medusa

"No, he was in his shuttle. I

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