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Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie by Heather Ray (best color ereader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Kat, Tanya, and Adam all circled the Viewing Globe, and watched as the hazy image took shape. All three gasped audibly when they saw Tommy sword-fighting with Kimberly.

"Kim!" said Adam in surprise, "She's back!"

"She's okay," said Tanya.

"Not quite," said Kat, a frown on her face, "Kimberly is still evil, and if she's still under the spell Maligore placed on her, she's super-strong, too! Look what she did to Justin!"

"Wait a minute," Adam argued, "there's no way for us to be sure Kim did that! There may be a monster in that plant!"

"When she was on Muiranthias, she was ready to kill any one of us," Kat reminded them, "I just wish you guys would realize that! Just look at Tommy! He's not even trying to fight back! He's just blocking her attacks, and he's even limping!"

"You're right," said Tanya, peering at the Viewing Globe more closely, "He's been wounded!"

"We'd better get over there," said Adam, "Shift into Turbo!"

Chapter Fifty-Two

The Turbo Rangers weren't the only ones watching the fight. On the Moon, Lord Zedd is standing on his balcony, thoroughly enjoying the battle taking place. He chuckled to himself as he saw Kimberly's sword slice through the material in Tommy's uniform, drawing blood from his chest.

"She's magnificent!" Zedd decided, "Just look at her! She's vicious, powerful, devious, spiteful...perfect


"So, what will you do, M'lord?" asked Goldar.

"Well, she's already under the power of an evil spell," Zedd said, stepping off the balcony, "so I won't need to place her under another one. Instead, I can adjust the gift I plan to give her. Presently, it was created to hold her under an evil spell, and also to grant her limited magical power of her own. Instead, I can grant her even more evil power! She will be nearly as powerful as myself! The perfect companion."

"Do you think that is wise?" Goldar asked, "What if she breaks the spell of evil she is now under? She may use her magic against you! You are still weak from expending all that energy recently."

"Don't worry," Zedd said, walking into his rest chamber, "she won't turn good. Look at her, Goldar. She's prepared to brutally murder the man she loved. I doubt she even knows how to love anymore. She will be the perfect bride."

"If you do not use a spell on her, how will you convince her to marry you?"

"I don't think that will be too difficult," said Lord Zedd, leaving the throne room.

Chapter Fifty-Three

Helplessly, the Red Turbo Ranger was thrown into the concrete wall. He managed to smash through the durable material, into the adjoining room, which contained viewscreens of the entire complex, and various devices monitoring the state of the radioactive elements that generate energy. He weakly rises to his feet, but the pain in his right thigh is seriously debilitating. Still, he manages to stand, and shakes off the wave of dizziness that strikes him.

I've gotta stay focused!

he thought, If I let my guard down, Kim'll kill me!!

Tommy crouched down and picked up his sword, and returned into the outer room, where Kimberly was waiting for him, her ruby eyes glowing with ire. He steadied himself, preparing for another vicious onslaught. No matter what, he refused to attack her.

My only chance is to convince her how much I care about her,

he reflected, watching his opponent carefully, She still thinks I abandoned her. If I can show her the truth, she may surrender, and let us help her break whatever spell Divatox has on her!


Kimberly uttered in a deep voice, "you're still on your feet, Red Ranger? I suppose your pride won't accept that you have been beaten by me, once the weakling that always relied upon you for safety? Well, times have changed, and so have I!"

Tommy then straightened, ignoring the pain in his thigh. He had reached a decision. Remaining still, he dropped his sword to the floor. Kimberly stared first at the fallen sword, and then back upon Tommy, who stood still with his hands in the air in a gesture of surrender.

"What do you think you're doing?"

she hissed.

"Kim, I won't fight you," he said sternly, taking off his helmet, "I can't. You'll have to kill me."

Kim raised an eyebrow, and then began to chuckle deeply. "Oh, I get it. You're trying to confuse me! Well, you tried it on Muiranthias, and it didn't work then. And, it won't work now!"

With that, Kimberly leapt at Tommy, her sword gripped tightly in her hand. She plowed into him, and straddled on top of him, pinning his arms to his side as he lay on his back. She sat on his chest, her sword pointed to his neck. She pressed it lightly against the white collar of his uniform. Tommy's face remained grim, his eyes focused on Kim's. She was grinning wickedly at him as she pressed the blade deeper into the collar, penetrating it partially.

"I'm going to enjoy watching the life seep out of those 'charming'

hazel eyes of yours,"

she whispered quietly. Tommy didn't resist at all as he felt the blade press against his skin. But before Kimberly could break the skin of his neck, a well-aimed arrow streaked at her, grazing her shoulder. Kimberly shrieked in pain, dropping the sword and clutching her wound. She fell off of Tommy and rose to her feet, glaring at the source of the arrow menacingly. The Pink Turbo Ranger held Windfire high, with another arrow ready to fly. The Yellow and Green Rangers stood at either side of her, both looking at her in surprise.

"You were supposed to get her attention!" Adam said.

"And I did," Kat said flatly, "If I didn't hit her, she would have killed Tommy before any of us could have done a thing. Now, step away from Tommy, Kimberly. Believe it or not, I don't want to hurt you. But, unlike Tommy, I will do so if I need to."

Kimberly glanced down at her black glove, and saw it moistened with her own blood. She then put on a calm demeanor as Tanya helped Tommy to his feet.

"Are you okay?" she asked, handing him his helmet. He nodded mutely, fingering his neck. His eyes locked with Kimberly's, expressing hurt and shock.


she said, cocking her head, "I told you I'd kill you! You really thought your sweet words would win me over? I've learned my lesson a long time ago!"

"Kim, please," he tried once more, "Let us help you!"

"Save your breath,"

Kat said coldly, "Obviously, the only way we're gonna be able to bring Kimberly back to the Power Chamber for observation is unconscious."

Tommy frowned at the Pink Turbo Ranger, pulling his helmet back in place. Kimberly took a step back as the four Turbo Rangers advanced, all holding their weapons.

Suddenly, a cloud of thick red smoke appeared between them. Everyone jumped in surprise as the smoke faded, and the form of Lord Zedd appeared. In one hand, he was holding his silver sceptor. In the other, he carried a small golden jewelry box. He chuckled as both Kimberly and the Turbo Rangers immediately fell into defensive stances.

"I'm sorry I'm late to the party," he said, facing the rangers, "but I really wanted to see Kimberly finally finish the Red Ranger for good. Too bad his pet Kitty-Kat interfered when she did."

"What are you doing here, Zedd?!" Tommy barked angrily, "I thought you high-tailed it when the Machine Empire arrived!"

"Well, Rita insisted that we go visit her father for awhile. It didn't take me long to get bored there, so I divorced Rita, and came back to Earth. I then destroyed the Machine Empire. That's why you haven't seen Mondo around in so long."

The Turbo Rangers regarded Zedd, completely perplexed. "Why would you help us?" Tanya asked.

Zedd laughed deeply. "I didn't. I just wanted them out of the way. They would have surely disrupted my plans."

"And what would those be?"

asked Kimberly, her arms folded over her chest. Zedd then turned to her, and his visor flashed. Kim's eyes widened, and she stepped back cautiously from the Emperor of Evil.

"Stay away from her, Zedd!" Tommy hollered, running towards him. But Lord Zedd rose his silver staff into the air, and suddenly, Tommy was flung back by an invisible force, crashing into the other rangers. Zedd then returned his attention to his target.

"It's funny you should ask about my plans," he said, still approaching her, "for you see, you are a major element in them."

"Why would I have anything

to do with you


she asked him, "After all, you nearly killed me when you stole my

Power Coin!"

"That was Rita's idea," Zedd scoffed, "She was always jealous of you. I, on the other hand, never wanted anything bad to befall you. I have a proposition for you."

Kimberly's eyebrow rose when Zedd suddenly lowered to one knee before her. He held up the golden chest, offering it to her.

"Marry me."

The Turbo Rangers remained in stunned silence as they absorbed what was happening before them. After a few seconds, Kimberly's confused and shocked expression melted, as a smile crossed her face. At first, she merely snickered. But not long after, she was laughing hysterically, throwing her head back and clutching her sides. Zedd patiently waited until she regained control.

"Why...why on Earth would I ever...consent to marrying YOU


she asked between gasps for air.

"Because together, the universe shall be ours!" he answered, "Kimberly, what is the one thing you desire most in all the universe?"

Kimberly's smile fell as she tapped her chin pensively. "Revenge,"

she said finally, assurance in her tone.

"As I expected. Now, you joined Divatox's crew because she offered you revenge against the Power Rangers, for betraying you. Am I correct?"


Kim said simply. Behind Zedd, the Turbo Rangers stood their ground.

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