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Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie by Heather Ray (best color ereader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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/> "What do we do?" asked Tanya.

"Nothing yet," Tommy said, "He's not attacking her."

"Yet," Adam muttered.

"So tell me, my dear, how can Divatox help you achieve revenge? She couldn't even save her fiance from being destroyed. How can she defeat the Power Rangers?"

Kimberly rolled her eyes. "Please, Zedd,"

she muttered, "you haven't done too well yourself."

"Perhaps not," Zedd admitted, "Perhaps I need your help. If we work together as a team, we can vanquish the rangers, conquer Earth, and do whatever else you wish. I offer you the power to do whatever your cold heart may desire."


she asked, visibly interested in Zedd's proposal. In answer, Zedd unlatched the golden box. Within it sat a rather large red gemstone, about the size of a fist, cut in the shape of a heart.

"This is what I call the Heart of Darkness," he said, "I created it myself. It is a battery, more or less, filled with magical powers. With this, you can cast spells, create monsters and Putties, or do whatever other magical deed Divatox can only dream about! She can offer you promises, but I offer you the universe!"

"What's the catch?"

Kim asked darkly.

"No catch," he responded, rising to his feet, "Marry me, and this gemstone will be yours. And also will be the lives of the Power Rangers. Specifically, the Red and Pink Rangers."

After another moment, a small smile crossed Kimberly's face. Tommy's eyes widened with dread behind his helmet, as he once again approached her.

"Kim!" he called, "He's lying to you!! He doesn't love you! He doesn't even know how to feel love!"

"I don't need love,"

Kim snapped, "I can't love anymore, so why should I care? All that matters to me is power and revenge. And if Zedd can deliver it, why shouldn't I accept?"

"Kim please!" Tommy begged, stepping closer. Zedd thrust his staff again, freezing Tommy in place.

"Stop interfering!" Zedd hollered, "I want you conscious when you hear her reply. Well, my dear? Will you marry me?"


she said, "but only on one condition."

"What?" Zedd asked cautiously.

"That I don't have to wear that ridiculous brown dress you put me in last time,"

she said with a smile, "That polyester monstrosity was a fashion no-no."

Lord Zedd began to laugh triumphantly as Kimberly took the red gemstone out of the case. She held it in her fist tightly, and the red in her eyes increased in intensity. As she and Zedd slowly began to fade away, she blew a kiss at the paralyzed Red Ranger.

"Catch ya on the flipside,"

she called, as she vanished completely. The intimidating laughter of Lord Zedd still echoed in the chamber as the spell on Tommy faded. He collapsed onto the floor, and remained on his knees, looking up at the sky.


he screamed at the top of his voice. The other Turbo Rangers slowly approached him. Adam lay his hand consolingly on his friend's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Tommy," he said quietly.

"There was nothing we could have done," Kat said quietly, "She went of her own free will --"

"Kat, I am SICK

of hearing this crap!" Tommy suddenly yelled, surprising all of the rangers present, "She did not

go 'of her own free will'

! She's under a spell, dammit! And we failed

! We couldn't save her!!"

"She didn't want

to be saved!" Kat yelled back, "Get it through your thick skull! She's not going to just come back to you!"

"Guys," Tanya said, stepping between the Pink and Red Rangers, "you're not helping anything. Calm down."

"Tanya's right," said Adam, stepping away from the group and looking around, "we have to start thinking here. Kimberly came here for a reason, and it probably wasn't a benevolent one."

"You've got a point," said Tommy, rising to his feet, "we'd better check the place out. She may have left a surprise for us."

With that, the four rangers separated, each hurrying in opposite directions to search for whatever it is that Kimberly may have left behind.

Chapter Fifty-Four

As Lord Zedd and Kimberly materialized in the throne room of the Moon Palace, both Goldar and Rito bowed humbly. Kimberly looked around the throne room, nodding her head.

"I'm impressed,"

she said, "I don't think I've ever been in the throne room. Not while I was conscious, anyway."

"I'm glad you like it," said Zedd.

"So," said Rito, standing up, "what're ya gonna do with the girl, Ed?"

"I've decided that she will be our ally," Zedd answered, "Her hatred for the Power Rangers nearly equals my own."


Kimberly said, gazing into the Heart of Darkness, "it exceeds


"Wow," Rito said, "what happened to her


"My eyes have been opened,"

she answered, her eyes flashing red, "and I've realized how utterly worthless

friends are. So I've left it all behind in a search for something greater."

"Revenge and power," Zedd finished for her. He then turned to Rito.

"Rito, prepare the guestroom for our new ally to stay in."

"Sure thing, Ed!" called Rito, hurrying out of the throne room. Zedd then turned to Kimberly.

"Rito doesn't yet know that I have divorced his sister," he explained.

"I kinda figured that out,"

Kim said, "I get the idea. Mum's the word."

Then, Kimberly walked over to the balcony, and gazed out at the barren wasteland that is the Earth's moon.

"Breath-taking scenery,"

she commented sarcastically.

"Once we conquer Earth, I shall move my palace onto the planet," he promised, "Where would you prefer? The Rocky Mountains? Brazilian rainforest? African savanah? Lake Geneva?"


she said, "Actually, I think we should put the palace in the crater that used to be Angel Grove. Speaking of which..."

She walked over to Rita's old Repulsascope, and tried to focus it.

"What are you doing?" Zedd chuckled.

"Trying to see the Power Rangers!"

she said, her voice tainted with frustration, "How does this stupid thing work?"

"Don't bother," he said, taking her hand and guiding her to the balcony, "The Heart of Darkness gives you powers much like my own. That includes telescopic vision."

"What do you mean?"

she inquired.

"Well, when I spy on Earth, I don't use a telescope, or any other gadget. I merely gaze at what I want to look at."


"Focus your eyes towards Earth," he explained, pointing with his finger, "Angel Grove is in this direction. Oh, and hold onto the Heart of Darkness tightly."

Kimberly clutched the ruby in her hand, and followed Zedd's direction. Soon, she saw the Angel Grove Nuclear Power Plant as clearly as she would if she was standing there. "Amazing,"

she said quietly.

"You will be able to see whatever you wish, so long as it isn't protected by magic barriers, like the Power Chamber," Zedd explained, "Of course, you will not be able to hear anything. What are you looking for, my dear?"

"I placed one of Divatox's detonators in that complex,"

she explained, searching the plant, "and it's about to go off. Any minute now..."

Finally, she found a Power Ranger. It was the Red Ranger, and he had a device in his hands. Her smile quickly fell as she saw him run up to the detonator, pick it up, and run outside of the plant with it. He put it on top of a small racecar, which drove the detonator clear from anything it can damage.


she screamed, "I almost had them!!"

"Don't worry," Zedd said, placing his hands on her shoulders, "we'll have a lifetime together to plan out the rangers' destruction. Besides, we have more important things to do."

"Such as?"

"Preparing our wedding."

Chapter Fifty-Five

In Miami Florida, a young man hangs up his telephone angrily. His aqua blue eyes narrow as he dials another phone number, one that was as familiar as his own. He tapped his foot impatiently as the phone rang.

^Hello?^ came a female voice.

"Hey, Renee," he said, "It's Trevor."

^Any luck?^

"Absolutely none," he sighed, glancing out his apartment window, "I called Caroline, after we finally found her phone number in Paris, and she hasn't heard anything from Kimberly. This is so frustrating!"

^Well, what do we do now?^

"I've come to a decision," he said sternly, "Kimberly vanished three weeks ago, and no one's heard from her. She never checked into her hotel in Angel Grove, and she didn't contact any of the relatives we could reach, and its nearly impossible to find her friends. They never seem to be home, for goodness sake! I've decided to go to California."

^What are you going to do there?^

she asked him, ^Trev, you're not

a detective!^

"I realize that," he said, "but I love her. I have to do something!"

^Is there anything I can do to help?^

"Actually, there is. Do you know if Kim has any photographs of her Angel Grove friends?"


"In order to hunt them down, I'll need to know what they look like."

Chapter Fifty-Six

A few days later, in the Gym and Juice Bar, Tanya, Rocky, and Adam are sitting in silence, sipping at their sodas. Across the room, Tommy was fiercely pounding the sawdust out of the hanging punching bag,

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