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Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie by Heather Ray (best color ereader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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releasing all his frustrations physically. On the other side of the gym, Katherine was silently stretching her limber body, preparing to practice her ballet routine. The trio glanced at both of their friends, and simultaneously released heavy sighs.

"This is such a nightmare," Adam whispered, "I can't believe all this is happening!"

"You said it," Rocky agreed, "Justin is still in critical condition, Kat and Tommy still aren't speaking to one another, there hasn't been hide nor hair of Zedd or Kimberly in days..."

"...and Zordon won't let us do a thing about it," Tanya sighed, "Yeah, this is murder. I mean, we know where Kimberly is, but we can't do a thing about it! I can't believe its against the Power Ranger Code to teleport up to the Moon to save Kim."

"Sometimes that rule about not escalating a battle is really unreasonable," Rocky said bitterly, "For Pete's sake! Kimberly's life is on the line!"

"That's just the problem," Adam said quietly, "It really isn't. Zedd asked her to marry him, and she agreed. He didn't take her forcibly, and so we have no reason to suspect that he may hurt her. Her life isn't in danger, so we can't go save her. She doesn't need saving."

"Her life may not be in need of saving," Tanya said, "but her soul is. Who knows what kind of corrupting influence he's having on her? How are we supposed to get her back when she keeps on slipping through our fingers?"

"One thing we need to do is restore group cohesion," Adam said, "Now that Justin is wounded, we're down to four. And with Tommy and Kat not speaking to each other, we are very vulnerable to attack from Zedd, Kimberly, or even Divatox."

"Things are really rough between them," Tanya said, "Tommy's torn up by the whole situation, and Katherine's certainly doubting his love for her. They need to talk and straighten things out, before the situation gets any worse."

"If they're going to talk," said Rocky, "someone's going to have to convince them to. Any volunteers?"

"I'll talk to Tommy, and you talk to Kat," said Adam, standing up, "Deal?"

"Deal," said Tanya, as they both walked to separate ends of the gym. Adam cautiously approached Tommy, and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, Tommy," he greeted.

"Hey," Tommy said flatly, wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead, "you got something to say?"

"Actually, I think you have something to say. To Katherine."

Tommy turned to his friend, eyeing him suspiciously. Adam continued.

"Tommy, you and Katherine have a relationship. I know its still budding, but its there. Now, this whole scenario with Kimberly has obviously been strenuous on all of us, especially you and Kat. But most specifically, its been strenuous on your relationship with Kat."

"I know," Tommy sighed, "I just...I don't know what I feel anymore. I mean, seeing Kim on Muiranthias revived feelings I really thought I'd put behind me. And seeing her like this -- consumed by hatred for me -- well, its tearing me up inside. I'd do anything for her, but I can't get through to her. And now, she's sided with Lord Zedd. And I know she doesn't love him. She is sacrificing happiness, love, and freedom...all to kill me."

"I can't say I understand what you're going through," Adam admitted, "but I can say I'm here for you, if you ever want to talk about it. Still, I really think Kat deserves to know what you're feeling. After all, you care about her, right?"

"Yes," Tommy said, "of course I do! Kat means a lot

to me!"

"Then I think she ought to know that, because lately, all she's heard from you are angry words. I understand you're not angry at Kat -- you're just venting your anger of the whole situation. But she may not know that."

"You''re right," Tommy said, picking up his towel and wiping his face, "I'd better talk to her."

Meanwhile, Katherine had her eyes closed, letting herself be washed away by the grace and beauty of the dance she performed.

"Kat," Tanya called, stepping onto the mat, "Talk to me."

Kat stopped her dance, and regarded her best friend for a moment. "What about?" she shrugged.

"About Tommy and Kimberly," Tanya said, getting directly to the point. Kat frowned slightly.

"I have nothing to say about them," she said flatly. Tanya rolled her eyes.

"Kat, I know you better than that! I know how much you love Tommy, and how much you care about Kim. She's your friend!"

"I know that," Kat snapped, "but still...I can't be so easy on her! I hated it when I kicked her in the face back on Muiranthias. It made me feel sick, but if I didn't, she would have pushed Tommy into the Lake of Fire! But instead of showing gratitude --"

"He yelled at you," Tanya recalled aloud.

"Exactly," Kat said coldly, "and the same thing the other day. If I didn't hit Kim with that arrow, she would have killed Tommy. Firing that arrow was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I knew that if I had been off by only a few inches, I could have killed her. But I did what I had to do, to save him. And still, he was angry with me. Its like he wants to die."

"Maybe, he just doesn't believe Kimberly could actually kill him," Tanya offered.

"I suppose," Kat nodded, "but he has to step into reality. Kimberly isn't evil, and I know that! But whatever evil is gripping her is very powerful, and I doubt his tender words will suddenly break the spell. That's what he's counting on! He keeps putting down his defenses, letting Kimberly beat him to a pulp, hoping that she'd come to her senses. But she won't. And I can't watch her kill him! I just can't."

"Why don't you tell Tommy all of this?" Tanya pushed, "I think he needs to know what you're feeling. He probably has no idea how much you care about him, and Kimberly."

"I...I guess..." Kat said, her voice weakening as something caught her eye. Tanya turned around, and saw Tommy jogging over to them, a weak smile on his face.

"Hey Kat," he said, "Hi, Tanya."

"Hello," both girls answered.

"Uh, Kat," he said, running his fingers through his chestnut hair, "I think...we should talk."

"You took the words right out of my mouth," Kat answered.

"Let's find someplace...quiet."

Kat nodded, and together the couple left the Youth Center. Rocky smiled as he saw Tommy and Katherine leave the Juice Bar together. "At least things are on the right track," he sighed. His eyes widened when he saw a stranger walk into the Juice Bar past Tommy and Kat. The stranger turned to look at Kat and Tommy for a moment, glancing at a piece of paper he had in his hand. The the stranger turned and looked directly at Rocky himself. Rocky turned away quickly from his gaze, but it was too late. The stranger recognized him, and walked over to his table. He stood above Rocky, and smiled.

"Hello," he said, "is anyone sitting here?"

"Well --" Rocky began, as the stranger sat down beside him.

"I'm Trevor Monroe," the stranger said, extending his hand, "and you must be Rocky DeSantos."

Rocky's eyes widened in shock. "How did you --"

Trevor smiled in reply, and lay the piece of paper he was holding on the table. It was a photograph of Rocky, Adam, Aisha, Tommy, Kimberly, and Billy. The names of all of them but Kimberly were written in marker just above their heads. After Rocky stared at the photo for awhile, he looked at Trevor questioningly.

"I take it you're a friend of Kim's," Rocky said, "She's the only one without a name beside her on the photo. That means you already know her."

"You're right," Trevor said, "Kimberly happens to be a very dear friend of mine. Very dear."

"Oookay..." Rocky said.

"...and she's disappeared," Trevor added, "I'm looking for her."

"Disappeared?" Rocky asked uncomfortably. Trevor closely studied Rocky's expression through suspicious eyes.

"Yes, she disappeared," Trevor said finally, "She came to Angel Grove about a month ago, and I haven't heard from her since she left Miami. I called all her family and friends, and no one's seen her. I figured the best place to start looking is here, since this is where she was supposed to be."

"Well, I guess that's a good idea," Rocky said, "but what does that have to do with me?"

"Kimberly was very close to her friends, especially the ones in this photo. Now, I figured you must have seen her since she got here. I figure you guys were the first ones she'd contact."

"That's an interesting hypothesis," Rocky said uncomfortably.

"I recognized Tommy leaving the restaurant when I got here," Trevor continued, "I almost talked to him, but then I figured he and Kimberly may not be on good terms. You, on the other hand, are still her friend. Have you seen her?"

"Can't say I have," Rocky said quickly. Trevor continued to stare at Rocky, which was making the latter extremely uncomfortable.

"If you haven't seen her, then do you know where she is?" Trevor pressed.

"Nope, sorry."

Trevor leaned a bit closer to Rocky. "You're lying to me," he said in a low voice. Rocky's eyes widened, as he looked at Adam and Tanya desperately. The pair noticed Rocky sitting beside a stranger, and briskly walked over to them.

"Excuse me," said Adam, drawing Trevor's attention, "but you're sitting in my seat."

"And you must be Adam," Trevor said, standing up and shaking the surprised young man's hand, "Its a pleasure to finally meet you. Kimberly's told me alot about you."

Trevor then glanced at Tanya, and studied her face curiously. "Uh...Aisha?"

"No," she said, almost coldly, "I'm Tanya."

"Sorry," he said, picking up the photograph that was on the table and showing it to them, "I figured that since you were with Kim's friends, you'd be Aisha."

"So, who are you exactly?" asked Adam, perplexed.

"Trevor Monroe. I'm a friend of Kim's."

"From Miami?" Tanya asked in surprise, "Why are you in California?"

"Kimberly's gone missing," Trevor said quietly, "and no one I've spoken to has seen her. I was betting that her friends may know something, but it looks like I was mistaken. Rocky here said he hasn't seen Kimberly at all. Have you?"

Tanya and Adam glanced at each other through the corners of their eyes. "No," they both said simultaneously. Trevor's grin fell.

"Well, I guess I've come to a dead end," Trevor sighed, glancing at the photo again, "Maybe I'll have better luck with Tommy. Do you guys know where he was heading?"

"Uh, he's pretty busy right now," Tanya said, "Maybe you can talk to him later."

"I suppose," Trevor said, picking up a napkin from the table and pulling out a pen from his pocket, "Here's my hotel room and phone number," he said, handing the sheet of paper to Adam, "If you hear anything from Kimberly, please let me know. There are dozens of people really worried about her. Thanks."

With that, Trevor shook each of their hands, and exited the Juice Bar. The three teens watched him go, as Adam glanced at the napkin.

"I feel bad," Rocky said finally, "I mean, he's obviously worried sick about Kimberly. And I'm sure tons of

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