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but most likely, he had jumped to the wrong conclusion. Atrions brains are far superior to human minds but they still have the same kinds of flaws. Like jumping to conclusions. Zeke however had trained his senses from an even younger age than his counterpart had.
Psylix was just lucky in his escape, Zeke was aware. He had actually planned his escape with great haste. It was a black hole, a newborn black hole. The birth of the cosmic void was not born from nature but rather from minds of science.
It was in an effort to create a source of infinite power, but they botched it up. He did not know what they did to create it, nor did he care, just that they screwed up big time and the entire planet paid for it in full.
Now he was down in the ship hangar about to go out on a little joy ride. He had snuck this private ship onboard during the night when no one else was looking. This craft was his little project; even Orwen was oblivious of its existence.
His solitude he found to be a great stress relief and enjoyed going on joyrides in space. So he had built this craft in total secrecy. Unfortunately it was not yet really complete. It was basically just a shell that could fly and play music. He hadn't yet installed a targeting system or auto pilot or Navigator, meaning if he got lost.he would most likely remain lost.
Keeping all this in mind he usually kept his excursions short. He looked upon the ship with great selfsatisfaction.

Somie had been standing practically next to the ship as Zeke drove it outside. He watched Zeke until he flew out of sight. The crazy person had been sneaking around for some reason, Moumoru was calling him the whole time, so maybe he had just wanted to avoid being seen.
Suspicious goon-!
Gunfire and squealing tires and then silence. The silence was deep but then he heard voices. First, it was someone he had not heard before, and then Psylix said something. In an effort to focus his thoughts, he closed his eyes and concentrated on the distant voices.
The sound waves echoed from some distant source, and bounced off walls until finding its ways to his long and delicately tuned ears. His hypersensitive eardrums vibrated, picking up the words in near perfect clarity despite the fact that the source was nearly seven hundred feet away.
The background noise disagreed with the person's statement; there was just too much scuffling for him to be correct.
He was picking up many footsteps that were accompanied by the sounds of metal scraping metal. Just beyond those other noises, he picked up yet some more unidentifiable ambience.
He was not prepared for the sudden sharp cry that pierced his senses, knocking him clear out of the trance. The very moment when he heard the cry, his hearing was amplified almost a hundred times above normal levels. The screech drove into his brain and sent him drifting into a painful unconsciousness.

The small red ship somewhat resembled a submersible with wings and a seat that you could sit back in. Zeke popped the hatch open and slipped in just as he heard Moumoru calling for him. He guesstimated that he had another four maybe five minutes to get the thing started and out the hatch.
He jumped in and slid into the seat. Kicking the power box, it sprang to life. The gothic pilot flipped a switch and the cargo door opened revealing a nebula he didn't know by name.
It surprised him because he prided himself on his knowledge of the heavens. He knew the names of countless nebulae inhabiting the dark skies. Aquarius, Crab, Triffid, Rosette, Pleiades, and Veil were just some of the many he could name off the top of his head.
He glided the small craft out into the weightless environment and strapped his body down in place. As he moved he realized he was just on the other side of the astral cloud. It was indeed the Pleiades Nebula; it just was shaped differently from this angle.
The nebula resides within the constellation of Taurus and the stars he was able to see were named after the daughters of Atlas. With this knowledge, he was able to place his position relative to the Milky Way Galaxy. Almost four hundred light years away.
He grinned as the ship thrummed with life. He glided it around the Orion's hull. It was not until then that he realized just how large the ship really was.
Even bigger yet was the colony it was propped up against. The Orion could hold at least a hundred of Zeke's small ten by ten ship and the massive spherical colony could hold at least a thousand of the Orion.
He spun the ship into a roll intentionally and leveled it out only when his stomach wanted to heave. Unfortunately, he didn't stop the roll fast enough and his belly lurched.
He would never make it back to the ship it was a good five minutes back the other way. His only option was to bring the ship into the colony and land inside. He did not want to clean up the mess, so it was his only option.
He went full speed and flew straight into the narrow bay doors. He didn't even come to a full stop before he yanked off his safety belts and knocked the hatch open. He leaped out and landed on the ground outside. Zeke's stomach heaved again but this time he let it come, it came until he had tears in his eyes.
Glancing at the mess on the ground, he looked back at his ship and started laughing. If he knew that he would be harfing the moment he got out of his ship, he would of never even gotten in the damn thing.
Suddenly it something dawned on him. Where was everybody? As far as traffic went he had seen zilch, and there was no one around check fuel hoses or the coming and going populace.
With his back to the ship, he surveyed the empty place. Maybe he could swipe a few free parts from the abandoned spacecrafts. He would just figure out where everybody was later, it didn't concern him.yet.
Ah, there was a big ship, worthy of his stealing talents. It loomed in an arch over the massive road that split the port in two sections. Maybe he would finally get that frequency sniffer he had always wanted. It was big enough to be sure. Nevertheless, Geez, he thought, maybe just a little to big.
Next to it, he saw a more appealing target; he could actually tow this one back to the Orion. Once back, he could perform a clean sweep and replace all his old technology. He saw a tow winch and broke into a broad smile. That would make things just a tad easier.
He backed up towards toward his ship and stopped at the backside. Good thing, he thought, that he had the lucky foresight to have installed a tow winch on his own vehicle.
Kneeling down he whacked a square panel and it fell out of place revealing a line of metal rope wrapped around a metal cylinder. He uncoiled it and the walked toward the other ship.
He got about halfway before his guilty paranoia kicked in. He scanned the area again making sure no one was around. After seeing nothing new, he continued his short walk pulling the line.
Ninety feet of metal rope later, he hooked the D-clip onto the latch and pulled the rope tight. Upon further examination of the vessel, he saw that it was indeed a good choice.
Just from pressing his face against the dome, he was able to see that it had at least four onboard computers, several smaller devices he could not identify from sight alone, and a dead body with three large gaping holes in the chest.
Stunned he backed away and saw that the cargo door of the ship was wide open. Several pronounced dents ran up the center. He planted his face against the glass again and stared at the body, how long didn't know, but it seemed like an eternity. As he peered through the glass, he saw a spectacle usually only seen in horror movies unfold.
Behind the pilot seat occupied by the cadaver and green dinosaur shaped head rose into sight. A bony structure covered its beak-like mouth. As suddenly as 'it' appeared, it lunged itself at the glass.
The glass dome held but several cracks spider webbed across the surface. He had no doubt that if the glass had broken right then, he would have found himself in a situation sickeningly like the corpse he had just seen might have suffered. Not dawdling, he twisted back the other way and ran toward his ship.
Zeke nearly crapped his pants as he made the mad dash. He managed to make it little more than eighty feet before he heard the glass break and the beast fall out, landing on its face.
Because Zeke was so strong he was able to just jump the last fifteen feet, landing on the roof of the ship rolling, he quickly slid inside and slammed the seal shut. He twisted the rung again just to make sure it was shut.
Now sitting in the pilot seat he grabbed a quick breath before he felt the thump of something landing on top of his ship. Damn, the thing must be up there.
Flipping the switches to bring the ship back to life seemed to take forever. He could hear the heavy thing stepping back and forth on the roof. It started to attack the seal on the door; he could see it shaking in place.
Finally, the engines gunned to life, spitting out the blue flames that would send the craft flying forward. Just as the ship began to move, it jerked to a stop. Must be caught on something, he thought.
A wave of defeat rolled over him, the ship behind him, he was towing it. He had forgotten all about it, in the sudden appearance of that beast-thing, he didn't get the chance to release the clamps holding it in place.
He quickly did the math in his head. Ninety feet of steel rope, that should give him about hundred and eighty feet of free movement in any direction. That was unless he could tear the ship free from its clamps. The rope certainly was not going to snap.
Trying for the small chance that the clamps would let go, Zeke increased the thrust power. The beast on the roof slammed against the door again, its futile attempts had begun to warp
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