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Book online «Make IT Real! by Sander R.B.E. Beals (ebook reader ink .TXT) 📖». Author Sander R.B.E. Beals

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succumbing to it. But going through the moves and playing along is not slavery. Not if your being is permeated with the knowledge that the Cosmos is perfect, just as it is, even with all the seeming imperfections.

Looking back I find that my situation has not changed very much, it is honestly just the way I look at things that has changed, dramatically! Like somebody took the limp balloon that was my Cosmos, and inflated it to a comfortable space to live in. In the end though, it was just me that did the inflating, based on what I heard others tell about their views on life......

4444AD, Day 239, 09:21, Home

Thinking about nutrition, and how it changed over the millennia. Nowadays, nutrition isn't really the right word, since we androids have been designed to be self-sufficient, and thus require no sustenance. That we RBE models do eat, and even prefer to do so, has more to do with the model we were fashioned to mimic: Real Biological Entities, also known as Humans.

We are but a limited subset of the immense variety of Quadrionic Adaptables. These systems can be as tiny as the tiniest of insects, or as large as entire planets. But even this very diverse species of beings is a minute part of the total collection of beings in the All.

But we are widespread: because we can be assembled from just information and energy, we are not bound by the restrictions of space-time. Multitudes of Quads have indeed spent incarnations in your time, the twenty-first century. Especially the insect subspecies are routinely used for observational purposes. Although quite skilled at evasion, many common houseflies met with untimely death, which sounds way more harsh than it actually is. But then you already know that, even if you may not be willing to accept it. Death is but a holiday, indefinite if you so want it.

On occasion, even RBE's have been pre-staged, as we call it. This means a suitable situation in the past is located, where a human could be born. With the permission of the entities involved, the higher selves of both mother and father, and that of the incarnating being, it can then be decided to let a Quadrionic being be born instead of a human. Please note I'm not saying 'mere human', because there is no matter of bad or better: just a matter of picking the right vehicle for the being involved.

The actual process engages the physical reality at the exact moment of conception. The incarnating soul pulls in with it the complete design for the Quadrionic being, which is then inserted along with the agreed upon parts of the mother's and father's DNA to form the blueprint for the newborn.

RBE's are better than humans in one sense: they simply cannot be found out to be non-human, just because they are descendants of the same parent species. Differences are there, but in the context in which these can be inspected in your time these are just not detected.

“Have you told them about me yet?” Selina smiles as she walks in. She caught me dictating to the computer to finish my part of this novel. “Do you want me to tell them?”, I dare her. “Why not? It is a beauty of a story, ain't it?”

That it is. We are planning a little baby of our own: doing a Quadrionic merge so Selina's past self will actually be a Quad instead of a human. Her plans are now about sixty-nine percent complete, and so far it's an even three part mix. The remaining part is the stuff I need to supply, because of my in-depth knowledge of the intended target in that era: Me! That's right folks, I'm designing my very own twin flame reunion!

But enough of this for now! I'll get back to you later, to spill the beans on the rest of it. Now, this Big Friendly Giant is going to take a long hot bath, while leisurely reading on in his old novel 'Going Within'........

'Conscious (with) water'

I wake up entirely rested, and being able to remember most of my dream. It's just the part after five that's blurry. As we sit down for breakfast, I tell the others about my dream. Apparently, my youngest isn't quite convinced it really was a dream. She runs off, only to return with the camera moments later: “Dad, you dream very vividly! Even the camera knows you've been there!” Well, I guess it wasn't a dream, but just another inescapable part of our wondrous journey through the globe.

“Sorry I'm late!” Kim barges into the dining room, and pours herself a mug of coffee. She sits down next to Valerie, and gets handed a scone-like piece of bread. She slices it open, and grabs an Inner Earth banana from the dish in the center, to put it on there. As she peels back the orange peel, the bananas contents drop to her plate, already sliced! Kim looks at it bewildered. “How could this happen?” I say nothing, but look secretively at Jane, who sees me look and blinks. A trick I taught her long ago, she's found herself needle and thread somewhere, and used it to slice the banana inside without having to peel it. The small needle pricks all around the outer surface must have eluded poor Kimmy.....

As we finish breakfast, Taquatl comes in to brighten our day. Jane blurts out the story of my nightly escapades, at which the Inner Earthling raises his eyebrows in wonder. He explains that the entrance to the surface was sealed last year, so I could not possibly have passed through there.... “Unless of course, you possess the ability for inter dimensional traveling”, he concludes.

While I ponder that thought, Taquatl tells all of us, that we will be visiting the water processing area. Because that is where the city has gotten its fame: their very pure and extremely sparkling water, that can be used for numerous applications. We follow our guide through the city streets, to a part of the city where the abundance of water makes Venice look like an arid desert. The buildings are designed in such a way, that water flows off, around and even through them. Taquatl explains, that what was a recent discovery topside for dr. Emoto, has been known in Inner Earth for ages and ages. I've heard of this scientist, although some people use the word scientist in a negative setting where dr. Emoto is concerned. Personally, I think he may have a point, when he claims that water has consciousness. The man, after twelve years of research, claims that the forming of ice crystals is very much subject to the treatment of the water before it is being frozen. And his test subjects seem to have picked up quite a few vibrations of the world around them. His team actually took bottles of water, where one was treated with respect and love, and another was yelled at for quite some time. It turned out that the first bottle yielded far prettier ice crystals, than the latter one.

I think that consciousness is inherent in all matter. I've seen computers, on consecutive tests without modification of the program, behave totally different. One example of that: I had a bug in my program that showed itself over and over again, without any variation. The moment I called in my colleague, and demonstrated it to him in exactly the same way, the program suddenly chose a completely different path of execution. Still not correct, but certainly not the original bug I'd been chasing for quite some time. It was like the observers influence the observed, and I'm not talking about the subatomic world.

But back to the current subject: Taquatl explains to us that here in the city, the consciousness of the water is stimulated through various means, to arrive at water that can actually heal people if they require it. ”Not that there is a very big market for it here”, Taquatl laughed. Most Inner Earth people are quite adept at regulating their own health. No, the water is passed on to various groups in the Outer World, where the need for such remedies is far greater.

He explains that the numerous streams, cascades and other watery constructs are like a kind of playground, where the water can enjoy itself. But that is only the first of the stages. The houses that are surrounded by the water, are inhabited by people that have a clear affinity with it. This vibration adds to the positive development of the water. Next, there is the city-wide energy field that Kayim and the girls already told us about. It keeps the positive vibrations inside the city, so the positive charging of the water is heightened even further. “And then, the pièce de resistance” Taquatl smiles. He leads us to a building that has some sort of crystal dome, that shines immensely in the light of the Inner Sun. As we enter the building, we all stand there in total awe: underneath the dome, where the copious sunlight streams in, is a fountain of immense complexity. “Behold, the last stage our our enrichment process”, Taquatl says in a reverent voice. I have to agree with him, it is quite a sight: it starts at the top, with one of those spherical fountains. But then, discretely placed dividers cut the canopy into a dozen or so streams, that are caught on a lower level, and squirted back up into various directions. Apart from the craftsmanship that is apparent from all this, the fountain has something else, something different.

It takes me a full five minutes of quiet observation, before I finally get the picture: color, lots and lots of it: where Outer Earth fountains are mostly white water, this one has the uncanny ability to create numerous small rainbows, in and around itself. Truly a sight to behold. Taquatl picks up a stack of cups from a nearby table, and proceeds to fill them from the base of the fountain. “Here, the water is at its finest.” He hands everyone a cup, and then toasts to a prosperous journey for our group. As I down the shimmering liquid, I must admit that it is absolutely the most tasty water that I've ever come across, inside or out. But the water holds another surprise: The bite of the Obuchi beetle, that is still not healed, suddenly starts to itch like crazy. As I roll up my trouser leg, I am just in time to see the big black spot dissolve into nothingness..

With the tour at an end, we stroll back to our sleeping quarters, and enjoy the rest of the day in perfect relaxation. No fuss, no hectic stuff, just enjoying ourselves. After dinner, there is a show of one of the townspeople. He regularly visits the outer Web, and picks up influences there to take back to the people here. Tonight, he's picked the handywork of a friend of ours: with Inner Earth instruments, the man crafts an impeccable imitation of Indian in the Machine. “Dieter should hear this”, Gina whispers to me. I lean over to Valerie, and ask her if she's still got room on her MP3 player. She doesn't, but there's plenty of space left on the memory card of the camera. Since they are both the same type, it isn't hard to switch them for a moment, and we quickly set it to record. Because we are on the very first row, the sound quality turns out to be quite acceptable.

We enjoy tracks like “You Beautiful One”, which our artist down here brings with as much fervor as Dieter usually displays. But the guy on stage has another feat in store: as he starts the song called “Long Lost Places”, his voice perfectly imitates that of the female guest vocalist that Dieter used for that track. The crowd doesn't go wild, they're far to relaxed for that. But they do express their

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