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21, it’s only illegal to buy under 18 in UK, you can still drink it in the home from the tender age of 5. I shudder at the thought of a 5 year old drinking a cold beer, and before I knew it my thoughts were back onto Rachel as I thought more into what to do about my birthday, unsure as to whether to hold a party or not. Before I realized it, it was the end of the day and the last bell signaled for us to leave.

“Will?” Ray’s voice peers from behind me. I shut my locker after already grabbing the things I need to take home.
“Ray, unusual to be speaking to your best mate in school?” I tried to sound normal but how could you be, what normal doesn’t speak to there mate in school.
“Dude, don’t be pissed you know my reasons, I don’t mix things, school isn’t socializing for me, it’s for -”
“You to build up your skills as much as possible.” I interrupted.
“It’s not like I got anything going for me so I have to put all my energy into sports and acting.”
“It’s OK seriously, what’s up anyway?”
We walk down the hall towards the exit.
“It’s Jamie, he wants to join our guild.”
“A newbie, no way.” I sound harsh, and this is going to seem arrogant but we have spent ages building up our guild to what it is now, three years of achievement and adding a newbie can seriously ruin that.
“Listen. He’s got no one else, I feel quite bad for him. Please, just give him a chance, were like strong as hell, if he messes up, we still win.”
“What if he messes up badly?” Now I know what Rachel meant, don’t say no straight away, think about.
“He’s learning from the best, he will be slow but he wont make major mistakes.”
“Stop blowing your own trumpet.” I laugh.
“Being the best I meant you, come on man, just give him a chance.”
We reach outside and it was pouring down with rain. I could feel the cold rain seep into my clothes quickly.
“Fine, give me a lift home and I’ll say yeah.”

My guild of six, is now a guild of seven, Me: Will Johnson, Ray Pallamino, Randeep Singh, Coleen Berlinger, Rachel Dunst, Brett Howard and now Jamie Krecziminski.

Inverse FAQ:

Does your Avatar need feeding?
Optional, you can choose to feed your character whenever you feel like, or you can have it as an official need for your character, for example, those living a ‘Inverse’ in ‘General World; would like it as realistic as possible, whereas those characters in the ‘Argon World’ food isn’t as obtainable, thus hunger is not needed. Same goes for toiletry needs.

Can you be healed in game?
Like many other games, healing is possible, but instead of clicking a button, you actually drink the potions to recover energy losses, magic and health. Just call the command and name of the item for example: ‘Inventory Energy Potion” and it will appear in your free hand or at your feet.

Chapter 2: A Minor Enemy

2057 April 15th - Two days till the incident.

The cafe was busy, full of different types of people and creatures from all over the Inverse world. It had a warm terra-cotta feeling to it with italian paintings and little bits of antiques. Me and Ray sat there scrutinizing the menu, Ice-creams, milkshakes, toasties and even the odd Health Cocktail, the best thing about Inverse, it all tastes amazing, and it looks like perfection, and you scoff down as much crap as possible and you will never gain weight or feel bloated (if you turned off the Food meter in Character Settings). The nice waitress came to our table, she was a computer personality, a character in Inverse who isn’t human controlled.
“Would you like to order?” She said in a perfect tone controlled english. Definitely a computer personality, her was too defined.
“Yeah, can we have the new york cheese cake and…” I said turning to Ray.
“Caesar Salad please” Ray said.
“Caesar salad? Seriously?” I said as the waitress went off behind the counter.
“What? I like the creamy cheese dressing.” He said defensively.
“Fair enough.”
I suddenly felt anxious waiting for the vampire to arrive. I don’t know why, this clan are beyond annoying. They seriously grate on me, with their constant “We will own you” messages and now sending newbies to poke at us even more. What the hell is there problem? Vampires have this certain reputation, for being mainly young and basically, stupid. Vampires were easy to kill, quick stake the heart, being a vampire you have to feed off other characters, which meant there hunger meter was always against them. Where as us don’t need to.

Were Nomads by the way. We do not have a specific world were attached to, no specific type of powers. We build our own strengths and weaknesses and buy and develop our own skills and powers. We do have our own house on an island out in the sea in the ‘General World’ you have to take a ship to the portlands, a set of exclusive islands for the rich, from ‘New New York City’ and fly four minutes from there. Portlands have a teleporting guard so that no one can enter the land, but it also affects us meaning we can’t teleport there, but it beats getting robbed. We have a reputable status among Inverse, not in all of it’s worlds of course, but not just anyone messes with us. Which obviously we were suspicious about these vampires, there just maybe puppets to a bigger plan. Being so reputable we are subject to such plots, with also the added bonus of being rich as hell in Inverse, spending the last four hours in the Inverse Multi World Market gaining almost four million in Cretchins (Inverse currency).

Mine and Ray’s beeper went off in sync. The beeper is to tell us that we had one hour to go before being automatically logged out. A six-hour real-time limit is put onto every single player in Inverse, for health and safety of course, it’s a proven fact that when you play this game you can sleep for longer before your body naturally wakes you up, someone had slept playing this for p to 56 hours, naturally the limit was enforced to keep our physical bodies healthy.
“This bitch best hurry up.” Ray mumbled after switching off the beeper.
As soon as he switched it off, a tall woman with long blonde hair, bright red eyes and extremely pale skin sat down opposite us in the booth. She was a little younger than us, that’s if she used her own image, and not a custom.
“Guys.” she stated, widening her eyes, I couldn’t help but hold back a smile at the cliche tone of her voice. You gotta love the vampires, they provide some sort of entertainment at least. A young guy probably of the same age, again pale skin but with short spiky brown hair sat next to her. His face was so stereotypically harsh, like he was going to pounce at us any second… Twat.
“What the fuck do you want? And when do you want to be killed?” Ray said. I tried to silence his anger.
“What is your problem? Do you even know who your dealing with here?” I said.
The girl stared at us again, with a wide-eyed expression.
“I’m so hungry I want to eat them now.” Said in the cheesiest tone along with a manic laugh. Dear lord. Me and Ray could not stop laughing.
“Please take this meeting seriously, or were just going to leave.” I said after calming myself down, the guy obviously took our laughter as an insult judging by his expression, so he should.
“We want to battle you.” The guy spoke, in a more natural tone. Thank god someone here was semi-normal even if he is planning a suicide mission.
“Right, ok. When, where get this over with.”
“Sure thing, but why may I ask?” I was pretty sure their just cocky and want would like to think they could battle us for more than thirty seconds but you never know if they’re was some kind of coalition between them and another guild that held a grudge.
“Do you know what I am, I am vampire. If I suck your blood, I get to take your power and some of your gold.” The girl spoke, again in a tone that wanted to make me either punch her in the face or laugh.
“Yes we did know that.” Ray said imitated the tone and the wide-eyed expression.
“Well I am very hungry and you two smell so appeasing.” She spoke again, with a manic laugh.
“You can have my caesar salad if you want?” He said bursting into tears of laughter, pushing the plate towards her.
The guy stood up in a swift motion leading to Ray to stand up to squaring up to him face to face.
“You don’t get to insult us twice.” The guy said edging his face closer to Ray.
“I didn’t need to, you insult yourselves.
People around stare at the two, waiting for them to lash out on each other.
“Stop it!” I said, before more trouble started. We can’t fight in General World it’s against the rules, if we do, we can be banned for a certain amount of time. If this fight is happening tomorrow I want Ray there. Ray takes a step back, putting his hands up in surrender.
The guy locks his eyes on to me.
“You may be the patriarch of your guild but not of me.” What a cocky little shit.
“Go on then, punch me. See what happens.”
He stares at me for a while, probably more than he needed to as if he was trying to let me know he was contemplating. Like I’d care whether he was going to punch me or not, see why vampires have are laughed at? It’s all drama with them.

Him and the girl left leaving a napkin with a small note on it, just to prove my point further. Drama freaks. The note was a time and a place, their land in the Obturiness World, Kravoc country, Vassyl. Vassyl is their clan name, they are one of the richest of Vampires, and do have a good set of skills, but no where near to our level. Which makes me wonder, what was their game? Were they really just naive and getting too big for their boots? “I say we log out and come back to Inverse at 11:30 and go to our home and sleep there, so our avatars are fully rejuvenated. Also gives us extra time given the time-code.” I said to Ray as the ship departs from the New New York ports.
“Sure thing. Whats the time-code of Kravoc Country.”
I closed my eyes to bring up a menu of information, like that similar to when you pause a game. With Ray’s question in mind a page of information bursts into mind, it scrolls fast that I can’t keep up before stopping to a halt.
“Time-Code 5:1” I said as I open my eyes.
As world creators deemed the six hour time limit too small, Inverse introduced time-codes, a system were they can digitally speed up or slow down how fast it takes for an hour to pass. 5:1 means

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