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Book online «The Lexal Affair by DM Arnold (grave mercy TXT) 📖». Author DM Arnold

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I'll check your blood chemistry in the morning. If it looks okay, you're free to return to New York.”

“That's it?”

“That's it.”

“I was afraid I'd have to return to the homeworld.”

Grynnya packed her equipment. “You may yet. Let's see how you make out here. That implant may make you groggy, so you should lie down. You and Sukiko can use the master bedroom. I insist.”

Nyk awoke to Suki stroking his face. “Bon'matina,” she said.

“Bon'matina.” He looked into her eyes. “Did I ever tell you how sexy you look pregnant?” He stroked her hair and kissed her lips.

She smiled. “That sounds more normal. Did you sleep all right?”


“No bad dreams?”

“None I can remember.”

“How do you feel? Do you still feel guilt?”

He nodded. “I hope I never stop feeling guilt for what I did. I hope I go to my death feeling guilt. If I ever stop, I'll know something inside me truly has died.”

“Grynnya's medication didn't help, then.”

“No, it's helping. I feel guilt, but I'm not consumed by it. I can push it aside now.” He sat up. “I feel odd -- loopy. Grynnya said she'd need to do some tests this morning, maybe she needs to adjust a dose or something.” He stood and Suki supported him. He slipped into a bathrobe.

“Let's try to get to the kitchen,” she said as she helped him walk.

Grynnya watched him walk in. “How's the patient?”

“A bit dizzy.”

“I'll get my kit.” She returned and obtained a blood sample. “Everything is nominal. You may need some time to adjust to the implant. Take it easy for a few days.”

“You're discharging me?” he asked.

“Do you feel up to flying?”

“I suppose. I have a pile of work to get to.”

“You're taking some time to relax. Doctor's orders.”

17 -- Not TOO Angry

Nyk sat in his office reviewing his email. Seymor walked in, closed the door and sat on the desk. “How are you doing, lad? Still having bad dreams?”

“Yes, but it's getting easier. I have another vidphone appointment with the psychomedic this afternoon.”

“Do you have time for lunch at Bronfmann's?”

Nyk headed down the block to the deli. “It was truly a delight to meet Sukiko,” Seymor said. “To be speaking to someone known to be an ancestor of the man who founded our world was quite an experience.”

“I'm pleased you two hit it off.”

“She spoke to me in our native tongue. I was skeptical when you told me your plans to live with her. Now, I'm sure it's the right thing.”

“She's practically an honorary Floran.” He stepped to the deli counter and ordered a pastrami sandwich.

Seymor pointed to Nyk's order. “Giving up on vegetarianism?”

“My time on Lexal cured me of that. I've learned to savor the local delicacies. Have you ever tried lagexeva?”

“I can't say I have.” Seymor glanced up at him. “I received a call from Kronta. Mykko Wygann would like to borrow you.”

“Borrow me?”

“Yes, Nyk -- he wants to use your services in negotiating with the Abo.” Nyk rolled his eyes. “Wygann has an idea to bring revenue into Lexal -- and, he'll need plenty to rebuild his colony.”

“Let me guess -- he wants to exploit the Abo for ecotourism.”

“Exactly, and he needs someone they trust and who speaks their language to negotiate terms. There are plenty of government high officials and upper- echelon bureaucrats who are tired of their annual vacations on Myataxya.”

“And, he thinks they'll pay big to rough it with the Abo? I know them, Seymor -- they want nothing more than to be left alone.”

“Wygann thinks such an arrangement would help both peoples.”

Nyk bit into his sandwich. “Wygann deserves reparations from Altia and T-Delta.”

“Speaking of which -- I was looking over some reports from the homeworld. The High Legislature has sent their strike force into its first action -- to root out the last of the independence cells on Altia. They're reconstituting the Altian legislature. The Deltans are scrambling to explain how materiel support for the Altian adventure originated on their colony. There's some serious spin control going on. If it turns out T-Delta's government sanctioned any of this -- it'll really start hitting the fan.”

“So we're seeing the first instance in our history of the HL sending a police force to control a colony.”

“It's the first time a colony's misbehaved badly enough to deserve it,” Seymor replied.

“What of Lexal?”

“The Lexalese senate has been making noises about independence. Wygann hasn't done anything to discourage such talk.”

“I've met Wygann,” Nyk said between bites of his sandwich. “He's the sort of man who's accustomed to getting his way. How would the HL react to that?”

“There's a big difference between a handful of malcontents on Altia stirring up trouble and colony-wide support for independence. It would put the HL into a terrible bind -- having to choose between the precedent of permitting a colony to go independent, or suppressing the popular will of the people. My guess is Wygann will strike a compromise. He'll propose greater autonomy for the colony while keeping ties with the hegemony.”

Nyk finished his sandwich, crumpled its paper wrapper into a ball and stuffed it into his empty soda cup. “Now, are we back to the potato crisis?”

“I understand the Agency has recruited someone they can train to be an exobotanist and send down here.”

“That'll be a few years yet,” Nyk said.

“A few Floran years. By the way, this candidate is someone you know.”

“Who do I know who'd be interested in becoming an ExoAgent?” He tossed his soda cup into the trash barrel. “We'd better get back. I have to get through those field reports.”

He accompanied Seymor to the office. Seymor put his arm around Nyk's shoulder. “Good to have you back, lad.”

Nyk stepped into his office and looked through his email. He spotted a telemessage from the Floran comm net, converted to email. He opened and read it.

Dear Nykkyo.

My treatment is going well. I've been drug-free since that time on Earth. It hasn't been easy -- some days I didn't think I'd make it, but I've kept with it. I wanted to tell you because I thought you'd be proud of me. In a few days they'll let me go live with my mother. She's now amfin to a gentleman with a house in Altropolis -- he's an assistant to a member of the new Altian senate. He has two other amfinen, but I think Mom is his favorite. He's used his influence to help me.

Now for the big news -- I've been accepted for ExoAgency training. Once I'm done with my treatment, I'll be off to the Agency training center in Floran City. I suppose you know what that's all about. In the meantime, I'm catching up on my studies and am taking a course on exobotany. I hope I'm good enough to make the cut -- so I can make use of that course.

So, the next few years of my life are mapped out. I don't know if I'll be able to keep that date, Nykkyo. I think of you and how you helped me, and I hope our paths do cross again.

Thanks for everything -- Dyppa.

Nyk stepped into Seymor's office and sat on his desk. “I received a nice note from Dyppa.”

“So did I.”

“It puts it all into perspective -- and it finally gives us closure on this Zander business.”

“How do you mean?” Seymor asked.

“Zander's plotting wrecked some lives -- but, it also turned some around. Andra has been accepted into the Sudal University Sea Research Center, and she tells me she's happier than she's been her whole life. Dyppa's turned her life around, too.”

“It wouldn't have happened without your involvement, lad.”

“Yes -- I realize that. It's all part of the path Destiny is tracing for me. This will give me some material for my afternoon vidphone call. In the meantime -- I have some items falling under my domain of responsibility to deal with.”

Nyk carried his briefcase and walked, holding hands, with Suki from the bus stop. He climbed to the apartment, unpacked the laptop computer and plugged it in. Suki stepped into the bedroom to change her clothes.

The vidphone indicator flashed and Nyk answered the call. “Nykkyo, I'm finally home!” Andra exclaimed. “Do you want to see my scar?”

“Sure.” She lifted her tunic and showed her abdomen to the vidphone camera. “That doesn't look bad at all. In time, it'll hardly be noticeable.”

“Aahhn and his team did a good job. I was sure I'd end up with a second navel.”

“I like little scars. They're testimonies to overcoming adversity. How are you feeling?”

“I'm still a bit sore, and a bit weak. But, otherwise well. And look...” She held the backs of her hands to the camera. “I'm no longer green!”

Suki came from the bedroom brushing her hair. “Who are you talking to?”

“To Andra.”

“There is Sukiko?” Andra asked. “Hello Sukiko!”

“Saluti, Andra. Kil fet-zi?” Suki asked as she stepped around the table and looked into the screen.

“Good. Good. I good. Home from ... Nyk, hopitala es-ka?”


“Ji-ji. I home from hospital am.” She lifted her tunic again and pointed to her scar. “Me shot, but I okay am.”

Suki looked at Nyk. “Andra was shot?”

“Nykkyo and me ... big adventure have.” Andra looked up and waved. “Company here is. Zi dev ziven!”

Nyk saw Janna step beside Andra. Her hair was down and clipped into a ponytail, and she was wearing a Floran tunic without lifxarpa. “Hello, Nykkyo.”

He replied in his native tongue. “Janna -- good to see you.”

“Who's that?” Suki asked. “She looks like Andra's twin!”

“That's Princess Janna Wygann, wife of and consort to the chancellor of the Lexal colony. Check out the crest tattoo on her arm.”

“Since the palace is being rebuilt, I decided to come here -- to get out of the way, and to help Andra recuperate. And, to give her this.” She opened a box, removed a medallion and held it to the camera. Nyk recognized the design as the Lexalese colonial emblem. “This is the Lexalese Medal of Honor -- our highest award.”

“What's she saying?” Suki asked. “I can't follow.”

“Janna was Andra's roommate in school. She came to help her convalesce and to give her that award. It's the Lexalese medal of honor -- their highest.”

“What did Andra do to deserve that?”

Janna slipped the medallion around Andra's neck. “I have one for you, too,” she said holding another box to the vidphone camera.

“Thanks, Janna.” Nyk replied.

“I've also given one to Nayva's parents.”

Suki stared into the screen. “Was that your name on the other box?” She eyed Nyk.

“This is a lovely house, Nyk. I like it very much. Mykkoin loves playing on the beach. I may take all my vacations here.”

“You're welcome any time.”

“What else is she saying?”

“She likes the house and so does Mykkoin.”

“Who's Mykkoin?”

“Her son. He's about two or three Earth years -- an adorable child.”

“Nykkyo, Andra and I are wondering -- how did you know my belt contained a shield?”

“It was too bulky for fashion alone. During our vidphone conversation when Mykkoin startled you -- you reached for it.”

“You're an excellent observer. Our arms-master assured us no one would suspect. You must come to Lexal to receive our thanks in person. Come after the palace is reconstructed.”

“Yes. To Lexal go you must,” Andra added. “Kon li Sukiko pren-li vave?”

“Ji-ji!” Janna replied.

“See? You, too, Sukiko come. To Lexal come. It very pretty world is. We now go must. Good bye, Sukiko.”

“Bon'taka, Andra. Bon'taka Janna,” Suki said.

“Bon'taka Nykkyo ky Sukiko!” Janna and Andra slipped their arms around each other and waved as the session terminated.

Suki looked at Nyk. “It's obvious you haven't told me the whole story about what happened while I was in Turkey. Who shot Andra? Why are there two of ... those women at your house now? What's Lexal? And -- what was your name doing on that medal?”

“I told you. It's one of our colony planets -- about seventeen hundred lightyears away.”

“How does Lexal fit into this?”

“Well -- Andra was visiting Janna there. Some questions about Zander's smuggling came up and Illya Kronta asked me to go there and bring Andra home.”

“You were worried about me going to Turkey,

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