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Book online «Make IT Real! by Sander R.B.E. Beals (ebook reader ink .TXT) 📖». Author Sander R.B.E. Beals

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That's me you know? I can mostly reason myself out of things, but the next bit is actually believing it will happen as I reason it out. And on this question, that is a state of mind that I have not yet reached.

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010, 08:12

Do I figure I'll make a difference? I feel we always have, but we never really imagined it yet: fantasy was exploding at the seams, and many thought it far out, but reality is catching up! Many of the concepts I thought nifty when I read about them in my youth, have materialized. And many more would have, would they not have been actively suppressed by certain influences inside our society.

I'm not naming names, because the guilt of it is not what I'm aiming for here, but it is estimated that there is a forty year lapse between what is technically possible, and what has been revealed to the general public. We're being held back, and for what reason?

An hour on Youtube will yield you the most exotic examples of this, like this video about Big Dog, who is actually more like a mechanical mule: carries loads of about its own weight, and walk on all fours like any quadruped. It even rebalances itself when you give it a shove designed to tip it over. Or what of a pocket PC the size of a somewhat corpulent ballpoint pen? It's all there, and just as 'ridiculous' as that idea by the Wright brothers to build something called an aeroplane. May I remind you that that little piece of history only happened a little over a century ago?

So yes, exciting times to live in, especially if we can overcome the seemingly negative stuff that's so adamantly being focused upon by our society. No specific culprit there, just us Light beings, not fully cooperating yet. Let me illustrate this with a little observation done in my very own bathroom, because great hints do pop up everywhere, if you have an open mind.....

My bathroom has a fluorescent type of light bulb, which has four U-shaped lighting elements. It hangs by the wires from the ceiling, completely unobstructed by anything that could possibly cast a shadow. So you figure it would give off a very even blanket of light all around it on the ceiling, right? Observation however shows us it doesn't: light and dark take turns in drawing a radial pattern on the white surface, with sixteen white and sixteen darker bands. Nothing to make shadows, so there really can be only one conclusion: the light makes the dark! Our minds may object to that idea, but if we've had physics in high school, we actually know it is so. Just brush up on your knowledge about something called Interference...

No matter which medium you're in, if there is more than one source, interference is the inescapable side effect, as long as cooperation is not being practiced fully. But there is only One Source, I hear you say, and you are right. It's just that we all need to fully remember that: that no matter who or what we are up against, it is all just another aspect of ourselves!

Realizing that will make you look at the perceived differences in another way, because what you abhor most about something is what you still feel strongly about in yourself. And changing the way you feel about yourself will often remedy a situation far more effectively than fighting the symptoms from the outside world that triggered them for you.

Having said that, and knowing that we are so much more than just the 3D beings that inhabit this 3D world, I'm not the guy who says you can't have fun out there. As a matter of fact, I'm going to have some myself, because it is now time to exercise my 'Android' body, like every Saturday....

4444AD, Day 297, 08:12, Liberator

The barely perceptible hum of the Liberator's displacement drives clings to the back of my mind. They are idling, ever since I told Haley to keep us in our current position yesterday. Now, after last night's exquisite dinner and a good night's rest, it is time to decide where we go from here.

Selina to my right looks at me with two big question marks in her deep dark vision detectors. It is obvious she's looking for me to come up with alternatives. I in turn look towards Haley for more info. Looking towards her would be tricky however, since the ship's computer is intricately linked into just about every part of the ship, like a nervous system in a humanoid body. To at least provide some semblance of personality, the designers have installed a holographic emitter in the control panel, which projects a pleasant, if somewhat exotic human head in front of us.

I address Haley, and ask her to bring us up to speed on the life signs within the current light year's distance. She pauses slightly, and then tells us: “No carbon-based entities here, but deliberate ordering in other chemicals reveals that intelligent life must at least have existed here at one time.”

“What is the general area of most order?”, I question her further. The viewport in front of me circles a light in the distance, as Haley says: “There it is, navigational subsystem has been notified and is ready to engage.” “Well then, let's get this show on the road!”, I give her the go ahead. “There are no roads to be detected here.”, Haley remarks in a questioning manner. She obviously hasn't picked up enough colloquialisms yet. Never mind, I'll teach her yet. I routinely talk to computers the way I talk to humans and androids, and calmly enlighten them when they express non-comprehension. That way, they become ever better communicators, and more pleasant to work with.

“By the way, Haley, in which elements did you detect this highly ordered state?”, I ask her to get back on track. “Mostly silicon and selenium, and less pronounced orderings in germanium and beryllium.”, Haley answers in her most helpful intonation. Although no doubt technically perfect, her answer does not immediately trigger full understanding in me. “Hey Haley, are you telling us we're en route to something that most resembles a gigantic computer?”, Selina nails it down for me. Yep, that's it: all elements mentioned are semiconductors, except for the Beryllium. This is used in its oxidized form as a heat conductor.

I question Haley about our destination some more, because planet-size computers aren't exactly everyday occurrences. “Just how large is our destination?”, I continue. “Relative to Earths size, this would be about forty-two times larger, and fully utilized: there are no areas where ordering is less intense, it's like one big planet-sized cityscape”, Haley volunteers. “Estimated time of arrival?”, I conclude my query. “Around five hours, thirty-seven minutes, seventeen seconds....” “Thanks Haley”, I interrupt her: “that's precise enough”.

At least that gives me a possibility to leave Selina in peace for a while, and to maybe finish Denisa's present at last.....

'the Shake-up'

Having left the girls at home, and having agreed to talk about the future later tonight, I return to Goethe Lane. Finally I will have some time alone again, doing just my own stuff. I pick up the mail from behind the front door, but there are no really relevant messages: just the standard bills, that will be paid as soon as I get paid, which was last Wednesday by the way. So, with a pot of coffee I set myself to the task. No problems there, half an hour and I'm done.

Next, the book. I'm not willing to start writing just yet, but what I can do is the front cover. I look at the picture of the girls on my desk, and decide to take that as the base image. They look a little younger there, but it'll just have to do. I think of them as the Goddesses they are (we all are by the way, but maybe I'll explain that later), and picture them emerging behind our lovely planet. I use Altavista Image Search to find a suitable one, mostly selecting on what looks good, instead of the area of Earth that is actually on there. When I finally find one that has the right appearance, and a contrasting timed exposure of the night sky as a backdrop, I put the lot together. Only after I've also put in the lettering, the synchronicity of it all strikes me right between the eyes:

The globe shows Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea. Our story starts in Egypt. And apart from the girls, there is a third member of our family on the cover. Can you find him?

If not, look at the bottom right corner of the page. Two dark eyes, a wet nose? Yep, It's Macho.

With the cover page done, I make myself something to eat. Baked potatoes, with mayonnaise, long time since I had those. Easy on the salt, otherwise it won't taste as great. While eating, I browse across my site, and reread our adventures as I saw them. It occurs to me that even topside, I haven't had the low battery warning from the laptop. And I've already been working nonstop for about four hours. Guess that new battery is as good as any, or better!

I decide to take a shower, to clear my head. Sure, it's not as refreshing as the sonic showers of Inner Earth, but it'll have to do. Because there is nothing noteworthy in a guy showering, let's fast forward a little: Dressed again, I return to the girls' home, which is only three hundred meters away. Tonight will be decided how to go on from here.

As the door is opened for me, a familiar ball of fur bounces out to greet me. Macho is the first of the family dogs, from a time back when we had no idea at all about how to raise a dog. As a result, the beige poodle is a bit of a rebel: barks at people, although in the friendliest of ways, and is very clear when it comes to claiming affection: he just jumps onto your lap. The little fellow is totally unlike Bruno, the second dog in the girls' home. He's a brown Labrador, that is as well-behaved as Macho is rebellious. Hard to believe that two such different dogs can live in the same home, but they do.

We settle in the garden, because the weather is awfully nice for this time of year. Valerie breaks the ice by putting a bombshell on the table: “I want to go back, can't stand to be without Kayim”. She always has been convinced that speaking your mind is the best course of action. Her mother is obviously having second thoughts about it. On the one hand she can relate to not wanting to be without the love of your life, having found William when our marriage ended. On the other hand she feels like she would be losing a child. And it's not like she could be visiting her every week. Well, actually she probably could, but it still doesn't feel right to her. William reminds her that Valerie is already sixteen, and would probably move out at eighteen anyway. “Couldn't Kayim move up here?”, she suggests. At that moment, my cell phone beeps, twice. I take it out to check the message, and see the sender as being Gina. “Must be important”, I think, “she normally does her messages by E-mail”. I punch up the message, and it tells me to “Check CNN, Urgent!”

I alert the others, and we all go in together, to see where the fire is. The wide screen TV starts at cartoon network, but Jane quickly punches the right channel code into the controller. “New facts surfaced yesterday, that validated all the conspiracy talk about 9/11 at once. It seems a video has been discovered, that brags about how the whole disaster was initiated from the inside. The commentator of the show is

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