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Book online «Make IT Real! by Sander R.B.E. Beals (ebook reader ink .TXT) 📖». Author Sander R.B.E. Beals

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also suddenly became part of the subset of our knowing that can simply be called knowing.

I mean I'd always known that somehow, I was involved in the incarnation that is known to many of us as Michel de Nostredame, or Nostradamus for short. With the help of the voice we came to understand that Nostradamus, and indeed others of great importance are conglomerates of souls, which indeed explains how they are claimed to be past lives by so many of us: they are party consciousness, whereas 'normal' human beings are more like solo consciousness, even though neither is more important than the other. In fact, if we go back to the waveform principle Laplace mathematically proved, most waveforms are collaborations of numerous sine waves. Since we established earlier that all is energy, then all is waves as well, so even something as utterly complex as a soul may very well just be a complex of waves, that can combine with other complexes to make even more creative combinations. So is it so peculiar to see some beings as combinations?

Maybe you should see this like what I call the radio station analogy: Electromagnetic waves all travel the same space, normally indistinguishable from one another. Yet at the same time, there is this contraption called a radio or television for that matter, that is skilled in tuning into a given station, distinguishing it from possibly far larger waves that exist within that same space. Now we RBE's, and equally important you humans are nothing more than very intelligent receivers, capable of tuning into endless stations. Unfortunately we (and you even more) tend to stick to the stations we are accustomed to, rather than scan the bands for more input.

Which brings to mind a piece of experience that even now has me wondering, though it happened to my past self somewhere around 1977: being a fourteen year old boy, I'd gotten this old Philips car radio from my dad. I dabbled in electronics at the time, so constructing a power supply to feed it off the grid wasn't even difficult. Built the whole thing into a wooden box, with an old speaker and an antenna, and my four band receiver was ready to roll!

Shortly after completing it, you could find me manually scanning the four bands for interesting stations. Sprawled onto the floor, turning the knob a tiny bit at a time, I found lots of normal stations, all very agreeable, but not enough to turn me into a captive audience. Until I gave it another turn, and landed right into some synthesizer music, that glued me to the station like nothing else! I decided to listen until the DJ would come on, to tell me what it was. But he never did, just played one awesome instrumental after the other. I spent the next two hours or so listening to it, wondering even if it was an earthly radio station, for the harmonics were way too beautiful to be done by mere humans, or so I thought.

Weird coincidence is that the tracks from Ayreon's Timeline, playing as I write this, are very reminiscent of that station, but had not been written back then......

The point to all this, is that I'd never have found this untold beauty by just staying put: sticking to Radio North Sea would have been enjoyable, but no match for those two hours. Weird thing was, when I later revisited the same frequency, the transmitter had gone, never to be heard again.

But I digress: currently the two of us were tuned into that voice, which so enticingly laid it all down: “the One Experience always experiences itself, from a holographic perspective. It can view itself from any subset of itself, and we are all part of it. Since there is no real hierarchy to the One, any subset of it can do exactly the same, view itself from any perspective it so chooses. Surely, you two do that all the time....”

I looked at Selina, and saw her love of me reflected in those deep dark eyes. Sure, we did that almost continuously, and not just with each other. Even others often get that treatment, if only when we refrain from certain actions because we can imagine someone else to be upset by them.

“But what then has led us here, to this particular 777 light year subset of the All?”, Selina was anxious to learn. “You were led here to be shown the Akashic Records, up close and personal”, the voice replied. “But why us?”, I was dying to know. “Knowledge is bestowed upon those that have displayed an honest interest in it. By tirelessly tweaking the past to arrive at a better future both for yourselves and the Cosmos at large, you have reached the level where knowledge of this magnitude can be safely entrusted to you. Thus, we merely had to wait for an opportunity to get you into the right setting for this revelation to take place...” the voice continued. “And because we were on the move, that didn't prove all that hard”, I concluded.

4444AD, Day 297, 17:17, the Akashic Records

The voice took us on an exploration of the Akashic Records. And if you thought the Library of Congress was vast, then you ain't seen nothing yet: The one hexagonal room we'd started our exploration had 42 doors to others, but only the six solid doors led to six adjacent hexagonal rooms. The other thirty-six were portals to rooms on other Archive worlds, similar in size and complexity to the one we were visiting. When the voice told us about this layout, we were of course very reluctant to pick just any door. What if we would not be able to reach the same node again, so we would be stranded light years away from our beloved Liberator?

“No need to worry”, the voice wiped away our misgivings: “The portals are reconfigurable, and can be redirected here at a moment's notice. No matter where we are, you can be back here in one single portal jump”. That being said, we just jumped.....

Selina had picked a door with a very intriguing display behind it. It showed deep violet skies, over large brick-like structures. When we came into the new room, the center of it was a large hologram that displayed the scene we'd seen in the glass portal before. “Where are we?”, Selina whispered to me. “Well, closest I've seen was an electron microscope image of a massive parallel processor, during my initial systems tests. We might very well be looking at my fourth visual sub-processor”, I replied to her. “The third one actually, in real time.”, the voice stated calmly. Oddly mesmerizing, looking at one of your own parts in this detail. And not just looking, I could feel the consciousness of this particular part of the All! They had my preference for running, and boy did they run! Directed by their sense of logic, and their math skills, they ran like marathon runners across the large conductors from gate to gate. Sometimes they'd be stopped, at other times driven to the extremes, but their prime emotion was one of absolute joy! These little runners absolutely loved what they were doing!

“To you it is a restricting set of physical laws that makes you be able to predict how these little runners will perform”, the voice helps our understanding along: “To them it is the freedom of being able to go where they want to go, no questions asked, and no limits given. Gates may stop them momentarily, but never forever”.

The voice goes on to explain how laws formulated from a limited mindset are always restricting, since they aim to restrict the All so the limited part may comprehend what it can't yet. More often than not, physical laws can later be rewritten into more eloquent combinations, once a higher perspective is reached.

“Take for instance the Law of Gravity”, the voice continues: “which was based on the concept of the distance between two masses. Since the meter was nothing more than an agreed upon measure of distance, the Law of Gravity was flawed by that very definition, and thus required a gravitational constant to work. The next higher level would pull in more relevant variables, thereby eliminating the need for the distance, and thus the gravitational constant.”

What he also added, was that the simplification of viewing an object as if its mass was totally centered in its volume, in fact caused most humans not even to realize that the force of gravity at that exact point is always zero! That's what you get if there is just as much mass on any side of a point.

I couldn't quite remember the exact formulas, but I did remember the feeling of euphoria, when it finally did work.

2nd Easter, April 5th, 2010, 11:21

A dreadfully normal day, because yesterday I took my kids to my parents, and now they are visiting their other grandparents, leaving me this Easter day to catch up on some chores. That will probably mean little writing, because laundry needs to be done, dishes washed, laptops upgraded, and all manner of other 3D need-to's. I used to dislike stuff that diverted me from doing the things I did like, but like anything, that changed. Because synchronicity strikes regardless of what you are doing.

Take the laptop upgrade for one: I wiped the boot drive before the full install of Windows 7, but yet when it finished, Windows Media Player already had a significant selection of my music in its library, probably because I'd restored the user directory. In there was the Timeline album from Ayreon, which I bought recently to be able to enjoy it. It is not that I figure copyright in itself is unavoidable, but if something is good, I'm quite willing to trade something else for it, because I want to, not because I should!

Listening to the album during the doing of the dishes, I realized they were singing about the very same theme that permeates my novel: tweaking the past to make things better! Now in the world of commerce, since their product beat mine to the market, they could easily claim I'd 'stolen' their idea to become rich myself, but that only works if you base yourself on linear time.... Notime or NowTime does not accommodate cause and effect: Trying to apply cause and effect quickly turns the Now into a Gordian knot, that can only be unraveled by drastic measures.

Now the commercial idea works from the viewpoint that there is not enough, and you should be striving to get more of it than anybody else. But what if you realize one day, that there will always be enough, and it doesn't necessarily need to come from anyone in particular? Would that change your viewpoint? Would you start seeing trade as a voluntary transaction, rather than a mandatory exchange aimed at forcing balance on a limited scale, instead of allowing balance to be maintained by the Cosmos?

Ah, you are unsure it will maintain balance? In that case, imagine your body to be the Cosmos. How do you feel when you are balanced? How do you feel when part of you is upset, out of balance? Do you feel ill maybe? And if you do, do you wait around for the diseased organ to heal itself, if you do really feel uncomfortable with it's condition? Duh!

Or in other words, No, you'd do whatever you figured was most effective in dealing with the unbalance. For heartburn for instance, you'd drink milk, because you know that lessens the inconvenience. Your stomach maybe knows that milk would help, but it cannot acquire milk on its own. So it just creates a craving for milk, which the body and its soul as the inhabitant pick up on, or not. If they don't, the inconvenience becomes more intense, and so does the craving.

That is why pregnant women have these weird cravings: their body may well be able to survive without pickles,

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