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Book online «The Lexal Affair by DM Arnold (grave mercy TXT) 📖». Author DM Arnold

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white hair. “Nykkyo!”


Andra smiled. “Good to see you from Earth, Nykkyo.”

Nyk tried to make out the objects in the background. “Where are you?”

“I'm at the palace on Lexal.”


“Yes -- you know my roommate at Vebinad Academy married the chancellor of Lexal. She's known here as Princess Janna.” Nyk nodded. “She heard about the incident with Zander and called me. It turned out she was on Floran with her husband for a meeting of the High Legislature. She invited me to visit Lexal and brought me here on the Lexalese chancellor's shuttle.”

“Andra -- I was led to believe your locator code had been deactivated.”

“Oh, no -- here in the palace, all the vidphones are screened -- to eliminate nuisance calls.” Nyk nodded in comprehension. “I put Senta's code on my access list -- and, of course, yours.” She turned from him. “Nykkyo -- here's someone I want you to meet. Janna!” She waved to someone in the distance.

Andra was joined by another woman with pale blue eyes and oat-straw white hair. She was wearing a gown and a jacket studded with tiny gems. Around her waist was a heavy, jewel-encrusted metallic belt with a large, jet-black cabochon in the buckle. Her hair was up, in a twist, and atop her head was an iridescent tiara.

“Janna, this is my good friend Nykkyo Kyhana. Nyk -- Princess Janna Wygann of Lexal.”

“Pleased to meet you, your highness,” Nyk replied.

“Call me Janna.”

Nyk regarded the two women. They resembled each other enough to be mistaken for identical twins. Janna was a bit taller and a bit lighter, Nyk thought -- but Andra was a bit prettier.

“I am delighted to make your acquaintance,” Janna continued. “Andra told me how you helped when Zander came to abduct her.”

“She exaggerates.”

“I think not.” She regarded Nyk through the circuit. “She told me you risked your life to save hers.”

“It was a collaborative effort -- she and I defeated Zander together.”

She glanced toward Andra. “What did I tell you?” Andra asked.

Janna smiled. “He's modest...” She nodded and turned back to the vidisplay. “Nykkyo, have you ever visited our colony?”

“Except for Earth, I've never been offworld.”

“Should you find yourself headed here, please call me.” Janna touched the vidisplay and a code appeared on Nyk's screen. “Here is my locator code.”

“I'm honored you'd share it with me.”

“I'd be honored to host you here at the palace. Send me your code and I'll place it on our access list.”

“I have his code, here,” Andra interjected.

“Good, then. Andra and I are Vebinad Academy sisters. A friend of hers is a friend of mine, and I'd like to meet you in person and thank you for helping my sister. Please make sure you do -- I'd be disappointed otherwise. Now, if you'll excuse me -- duty calls. Good day, Nykkyo.” Janna whispered into Andra's ear and left the room.

Nyk saved Janna's code in his directory. Andra returned to the vidphone. “I was worried,” Nyk said. “Illya Kronta from the Oversight Committee has been looking for you. He said you had disappeared.”

She rolled her eyes. “I got so tired of answering ExoAgency questions -- the same ones, over and over again. I needed to get away and when Janna invited me -- I leapt at the chance.”

“Do you want me to keep your whereabouts secret?”

She shook her head. “I don't see a reason for that. Tell them I'll answer any and all questions after I return from Lexal. I must be back on Floran before the next term at Sudal University starts.”

Nyk caught motion out of the corner of his eye. Suki was standing behind him, out of the digital camera's field-of-view. “THAT's Andra?” she whispered. Nyk nodded. She let out a soft whistle.

“Is that Sukiko?” Andra asked. “Sukiko -- Sukiko -- Andra is!”

Nyk grabbed Suki's forearm. She pulled away -- then relented and drew up a chair beside Nyk.

“Saluti Andra,” she said.

Andra smiled. “Ah -- Nykkyo you our tongue learn ... teach. Bone. Good. You beautiful. She beautiful, Nyk.”

“Andra,” Suki replied, “you're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen.”

Andra smiled. “Sukiko ... umm ... Nykkyo and me amften are. Word amften ... know you?”

She looked sideways at Nyk. “Lovers, yes.”

“No -- not same on Earth -- different.” She pointed to herself. “Me he love. He me love...” She held up her thumb and forefinger. “...little.” She pointed at the camera. “You he love big...” She held her hands apart. “... much. I you lovers be ard ... want. I ... umm ... Nyk, konfidenka, es- ka?”

“Secret,” Nyk replied.

“Ji-ji. I him secret tell so you lovers be. I ... you me ... amfen ... friends be ... want.”

“What is she trying to say?” Suki asked.

“She wants you and me to be lovers.”

“I got that much... What secret?”

“Andra knew you and I weren't really related -- that you're not my two- hundred- times-plus-great-grandmother and therefore our relationship isn't incestuous. Senta discovered it and was keeping it from me, but Andra knew and she told me. She did so you and I needn't remain celibate.”

Suki gaped at him. “You mean...”

“Andra told me and then sent me to you to consummate our love.”

“Oh, Andra -- thank you ... denke.”

“She wants you as her friend.”

“Yes -- ji -- ni ... niva amfen es,” Suki replied.

Andra broke into a broad smile. “Bone -- xa mi plak ... me please.”

“Andra, how did you learn English like that?” Nyk asked.


“Kil Anglixa kom xa lernt-zi?”

“Zander me teach. You Sukiko Lingwa teach -- he me Anglixa teach. Now, must go. Good you meet, Sukiko. See you, Nykkyo.” The vidphone session terminated.

Nyk powered off the laptop and closed the case. “Let me get something straight,” Suki said. You and Andra were lovers.”

“No -- she and I ARE amften -- dear friends.”

“You slept together -- you made love.”

“I sleep only with dear friends or lovers.”

“But -- she loves you, Nykkyo -- I can tell she loves you.”

“Yes, I know she does. I feel a bit sorry for her.”

“She knew a secret. She knew if you knew you would come to me. Yet -- she told you, anyway. Why? Why would she do that? Why would she send you into my arms?”

“Because she loves me. You must understand the Floran approach to love, korlyta. True love is generous. Andra knew my happiness depended on you and I being reunited.”

“Could I do that? If I knew a secret that would send you into the arms of another -- could I tell you? Would I? I don't think so. Could you do that for me? Could you tell me something you knew would send me into the arms of another?”

“I could, and I would in an instant -- if I were convinced your happiness depended upon it.”

“You really could do that for me?”

“I do love you enough to give you up. I wouldn't be happy about it. I would hope, though, that you would leave room in your heart for a little love for me -- as I have a little love for her.”

“Oh, Nykkyo!” Her eyes filled.

“On my world, friends and lovers are one and the same. Our language doesn't have a word for friend -- we use the word for lover. The fact Andra and I are amften in no way diminishes the love you and I have -- rather, it strengthens it.”


“Because Andra wants you as her amfta, too. You won't find a more loyal friend.”

“I do like her. I'm willing to give this a try.”

He smiled. “That pleases me -- very much.”

“Was she really genetically engineered to look like that?”

“Yes -- she's an ax'amfin. Don't use that word in front of her -- it's not considered polite. Parents blessed with the right genes will work for years with genetic counselors to conceive a child with the desired traits. Then, they're taken from their families at puberty and put into special finishing schools where they're taught carriage, protocol and statecraft. Most end up as consorts to colonial or high government officials. Sometimes they're awarded to ordinary citizens in recognition of some accomplishment.”

Suki's eyes widened. “Awarding a ... a human being in recognition of some accomplishment? Nykkyo, I can't fathom your society endorsing such an institution.”

“It's one I loathe. It's like slavery, although an ax'amfin isn't a slave -- she's a free citizen with rights. They do have a great sense of duty. These girls do as they're told.”

“Are any ax'amfin men?”

“The finishing schools are not co-ed. I believe one exists to train men, but the demand is for the feminine variety. Even our women seem to prefer female ax'amfin companions.”

“Is she an albino? She's very light.”

“She's as close to an albino as is found among my people. It's a rare trait, and a desirable one. Don't be fooled by her looks, Suki. The finishing schools pick not only the prettiest girls but the smartest ones, too. When it comes to brains versus beauty -- Andra has both.”

Nyk lay in Suki's bed with his fingers locked behind his head. She emerged from the bathroom in her short robe, brushing her hair. “What a day,” she said. “The excitement of the dig and meeting Andra. I never asked you how your day went.”

“There's much more to Seymor's operation than I imagined. My head is still spinning. I wonder how long it'll take me to assimilate it all. I do have my first assignment.”

“Which is?”

“Seymor and I are traveling to Oklahoma to sanitize the house Zander Baxa used.”


“Remove any Floran technology and return it to the homeworld.”

“You're going to Floran?”

“No -- from Oklahoma I fly to Wisconsin to return the shuttlecar to the relay station. Since I've been bumped upstairs and am now attached to the home office, I can't use it and Seymor doesn't want it sitting unattended. So, the shuttle and any of Zander's paraphernalia go to the relay station.”

“How will you get home?”

“Our Kansas City operative is scheduled to return from a vacation on Gamma-5. I'll hitch a ride to Earth with her and fly home.”

“How far away is the relay station?”

“Just outside Earth's heliopause -- about five billion miles.”

“See? Just like I said earlier. How can you object to me going to Turkey when you're going there?” Suki set down her brush, clipped her hair into a ponytail and slipped off her robe. She stood sideways to Nyk and ran her hands along her stomach. “Do I look any bigger?”

“I can't see a difference day-to-day.”

She slid into bed with him. He put his arm around her and she snuggled to him. “Mmm, this feels so good. Bon'noka, Nykkyo.”

Nyk walked with Seymor to the rental car lot and looked for the assigned stall. Seymor inserted the key into the door of a late-model Chrysler. Nyk slid into the passenger seat.

“You should consider learning to drive,” Seymor said. “If you can pilot a shuttlecar, you can drive one of these.”

“Navigating the streets of New York City seems impossible.”

“If you can master driving in New York, you can drive anywhere.” Seymor turned onto the highway. He handed a roadmap to Nyk. “Here -- you navigate. It's about an hour's drive from Tulsa.”

Nyk looked at the map and out the car window. The countryside grew empty as they headed from Tulsa. He could see rusted oil wells. Some were still in operation.

“What desolate country,” Seymor remarked.

“Floran's desolate. This is fascinating. I can see why Zander would pick this place to live. He could engage in just about any activity and no one would notice.”

The overcast began to thicken and raindrops splattered onto the windshield. Seymor activated the wipers. The smell of wet pavement seeped into the car.

Nyk regarded the roadmap. “We turn right in White Eagle,” he said.

“Coombs Road Extension is the address,” Seymor replied. “See if you can find it on the map.”

“I see Coombs Road but no Coombs Road Extension.” He showed the map to his boss.

Seymor turned onto a county trunk and located Coombs Road. He followed the narrow road until it terminated at another county trunk. “I think we're lost.”

“Let's ask directions at that country store we passed in town.”

Seymor turned the car around and headed in the direction they had come. He pulled up to a small country store.

Behind the counter was a large man in his mid thirties. He had a beard and long hair pulled into a ponytail. Seymor purchased a pack of chewing gum and paid with a five-dollar bill. “Excuse me, but could you direct us to Coombs Road Extension?”

The shop attendant eyed him. “Coombs Road Extension?”

“We're looking for Alexander Baxter's place.”

The man's eyes narrowed. “You cops?”

“I'm his boss,” Seymor replied. “Do you know him?”

“Yeah -- Alex comes around now and then. Haven't seen him in a few weeks. If you find him, remind him he has my spotting scope.”

“Spotting scope?” Nyk asked.

“About a year ago I met him at the shooting range. He was getting in some target practice. I ran into him quite a few times

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