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Book online «An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Henry P. Talbot (good short books .TXT) 📖». Author Henry P. Talbot

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added to the main filtrate from the insoluble residue.] DETERMINATION OF FERRIC OXIDE AND ALUMINIUM OXIDE (WITH MANGANESE)

PROCEDURE.—To the filtrate from the insoluble residue add ammonium hydroxide until the solution just smells distinctly of ammonia, but do not add an excess. Then add 5 cc. of saturated bromine water (Note 1), and boil for five minutes. If the smell of ammonia has disappeared, again add ammonium hydroxide in slight excess, and 3 cc. of bromine water, and heat again for a few minutes. Finally add 10 cc. of ammonium chloride solution and keep the solution warm until it barely smells of ammonia; then filter promptly (Note 2). Wash the filter twice with hot water, then (after replacing the receiving beaker) pour through it 25 cc. of hot, dilute hydrochloric acid (one volume dilute HCl [sp. gr. 1.12] to five volumes water). A brown residue insoluble in the acid may be allowed to remain on the filter. Wash the filter five times with hot water, add to the filtrate ammonium hydroxide and bromine water as described above, and repeat the precipitation. Collect the precipitate on the filter already used, wash it free from chlorides with hot water, and ignite and weigh as described for ferric hydroxide on page 110. The residue after ignition consists of ferric oxide, alumina, and mangano-manganic oxide (Mn_{3}O_{4}), if manganese is present. These are commonly determined together (Note 3).

Calculate the percentage of the combined oxides in the limestone.

[Note 1: The addition of bromine water to the ammoniacal solutions serves to oxidize any ferrous hydroxide to ferric hydroxide and to precipitate manganese as MnO(OH)_{2}. The solution must contain not more than a bare excess of hydroxyl ions (ammonium hydroxide) when it is filtered, on account of the tendency of the aluminium hydroxide to redissolve.

The solution should not be strongly ammoniacal when the bromine is added, as strong ammonia reacts with the bromine, with the evolution of nitrogen.]

[Note 2: The precipitate produced by ammonium hydroxide and bromine should be filtered off promptly, since the alkaline solution absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, with consequent partial precipitation of the calcium as carbonate. This is possible even under the most favorable conditions, and for this reason the iron precipitate is redissolved and again precipitated to free it from calcium. When the precipitate is small, this reprecipitation may be omitted.]

[Note 3: In the absence of significant amounts of manganese the iron and aluminium may be separately determined by fusion of the mixed ignited precipitate, after weighing, with about ten times its weight of acid potassium sulphate, solution of the cold fused mass in water, and volumetric determination of the iron, as described on page 66. The aluminium is then determined by difference, after subtracting the weight of ferric oxide corresponding to the amount of iron found.

If a separate determination of the iron, aluminium, and manganese is desired, the mixed precipitate may be dissolved in acid before ignition, and the separation effected by special methods (see, for example, Fay, !Quantitative Analyses!, First Edition, pp. 15-19 and 23-27).]


PROCEDURE.—To the combined filtrates from the double precipitation of the hydroxides just described, add 5 cc. of dilute ammonium hydroxide (sp. gr. 0.96), and transfer the liquid to a 500 cc. graduated flask, washing out the beaker carefully. Cool to laboratory temperature, and fill the flask with distilled water until the lowest point of the meniscus is exactly level with the mark on the neck of the flask. Carefully remove any drops of water which are on the inside of the neck of the flask above the graduation by means of a strip of filter paper, make the solution uniform by pouring it out into a dry beaker and back into the flask several times. Measure off one fifth of this solution as follows (Note 1): Pour into a 100 cc. graduated flask about 10 cc. of the solution, shake the liquid thoroughly over the inner surface of the small flask, and pour it out. Repeat the same operation. Fill the 100 cc. flask until the lowest point of the meniscus is exactly level with the mark on its neck, remove any drops of solution from the upper part of the neck with filter paper, and pour the solution into a beaker (400-500 cc.). Wash out the flask with small quantities of water until it is clean, adding these to the 100 cc. of solution. When the duplicate portion of 100 cc. is measured out from the solution, remember that the flask must be rinsed out twice with that solution, as prescribed above, before the measurement is made. (A 100 cc. pipette may be used to measure out the aliquot portions, if preferred.)

Dilute each of the measured portions to 250 cc. with distilled water, heat the whole to boiling, and add ammonium oxalate solution slowly in moderate excess, stirring well. Boil for two minutes; allow the precipitated calcium oxalate to settle for a half-hour, and decant through a filter. Test the filtrate for complete precipitation by adding a few cubic centimeters of the precipitant, allowing it to stand for fifteen minutes. If no precipitate forms, make the solution slightly acid with hydrochloric acid (Note 2); see that it is properly labeled and reserve it to be combined with the filtrate from the second calcium oxalate precipitation (Notes 3 and 4).

Redissolve the calcium oxalate in the beaker with warm hydrochloric acid, pouring the acid through the filter. Wash the filter five times with water, and finally pour through it aqueous ammonia. Dilute the solution to 250 cc., bring to boiling, and add 1 cc. ammonium oxalate solution (Note 5) and ammonia in slight excess; boil for two minutes, and set aside for a half-hour. Filter off the calcium oxalate upon the filter first used, and wash free from chlorides. The filtrate should be made barely acid with hydrochloric acid and combined with the filtrate from the first precipitation. Begin at once the evaporation of the solutions for the determination of magnesium as described below.

The precipitate of calcium oxalate may be converted into calcium oxide by ignition without previous drying. After burning the filter, it may be ignited for three quarters of an hour in a platinum crucible at the highest heat of the Bunsen or Tirrill burner, and finally for ten minutes at the blast lamp (Note 6). Repeat the heating over the blast lamp until the weight is constant. As the calcium oxide absorbs moisture from the air, it must (after cooling) be weighed as rapidly as possible.

The precipitate may, if preferred, be placed in a weighted porcelain crucible. After burning off the filter and heating for ten minutes the calcium precipitate may be converted into calcium sulphate by placing 2 cc. of dilute sulphuric acid in the crucible (cold), heating the covered crucible very cautiously over a low flame to drive off the excess of acid, and finally at redness to constant weight (Note 7).

From the weight of the oxide or sulphate, calculate the percentage of the calcium (Ca) in the limestone, remembering that only one fifth of the total solution is used for this determination.

[Note 1: If the calcium were precipitated from the entire solution, the quantity of the precipitate would be greater than could be properly treated. The solution is, therefore, diluted to a definite volume (500 cc.), and exactly one fifth (100 cc.) is measured off in a graduated flask or by means of a pipette.]

[Note 2: The filtrate from the calcium oxalate should be made slightly acid immediately after filtration, in order to avoid the solvent action of the alkaline liquid upon the glass.]

[Note 3: The accurate quantitative separation of calcium and magnesium as oxalates requires considerable care. The calcium precipitate usually carries down with it some magnesium, and this can best be removed by redissolving the precipitate after filtration, and reprecipitation in the presence of only the small amount of magnesium which was included in the first precipitate. When, however, the proportion of magnesium is not very large, the second precipitation of the calcium can usually be avoided by precipitating it from a rather dilute solution (800 cc. or so) and in the presence of a considerable excess of the precipitant, that is, rather more than enough to convert both the magnesium and calcium into oxalates.]

[Note 4: The ionic changes involved in the precipitation of calcium as oxalate are exceedingly simple, and the principles discussed in connection with the barium sulphate precipitation on page 113 also apply here. The reaction is

C_{2}O_{4}^{—} + Ca^{++} —> [CaC_{2}O_{4}].

Calcium oxalate is nearly insoluble in water, and only very slightly soluble in acetic acid, but is readily dissolved by the strong mineral acids. This behavior with acids is explained by the fact that oxalic acid is a stronger acid than acetic acid; when, therefore, the oxalate is brought into contact with the latter there is almost no tendency to diminish the concentration of C_{2}O_{4}^{—} ions by the formation of an acid less dissociated than the acetic acid itself, and practically no solvent action ensues. When a strong mineral acid is present, however, the ionization of the oxalic acid is much reduced by the high concentration of the H^{+} ions from the strong acid, the formation of the undissociated acid lessens the concentration of the C_{2}O_{4}^{—} ions in solution, more of the oxalate passes into solution to re-establish equilibrium, and this process repeats itself until all is dissolved.

The oxalate is immediately reprecipitated from such a solution on the addition of OH^{-} ions, which, by uniting with the H^{+} ions of the acids (both the mineral acid and the oxalic acid) to form water, leave the Ca^{++} and C_{2}O_{4}^{—} ions in the solution to recombine to form [CaC_{2}O_{4}], which is precipitated in the absence of the H^{+} ions. It is well at this point to add a small excess of C_{2}O_{4}^{—} ions in the form of ammonium oxalate to decrease the solubility of the precipitate.

The oxalate precipitate consists mainly of CaC_{2}O_{4}.H_{2}O when thrown down.]

[Note 5: The small quantity of ammonium oxalate solution is added before the second precipitation of the calcium oxalate to insure the presence of a slight excess of the reagent, which promotes the separation of the calcium compound.]

[Note 6: On ignition the calcium oxalate loses carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, leaving calcium oxide:

CaC_{2}O_{4}.H_{2}O —> CaO + CO_{2} + CO + H_{2}O.

For small weights of the oxalate (0.6 gram or less) this reaction may be brought about in a platinum crucible at the highest temperature of a Tirrill burner, but it is well to ignite larger quantities than this over the blast lamp until the weight is constant.]

[Note 7: The heat required to burn the filter, and that subsequently applied as described, will convert most of the calcium oxalate to calcium carbonate, which is changed to sulphate by the sulphuric acid. The reactions involved are

CaC_{2}O_{4} —> CaCO_{3} + CO,
CaCO_{3} + H_{2}SO_{4} —> CaSO_{4} + H_{2}O + CO_{2}.

If a porcelain crucible is employed for ignition, this conversion to sulphate is to be preferred, as a complete conversion to oxide is difficult to accomplish.]

[Note 8: The determination of the calcium may be completed volumetrically by washing the calcium oxalate precipitate from the filter into dilute sulphuric acid, warming, and titrating the liberated oxalic acid with a standard solution of potassium permanganate as described on page 72. When a considerable number of analyses are to be made, this procedure will save much of the time otherwise required for ignition and weighing.]


PROCEDURE.—Evaporate the acidified filtrates from the calcium precipitates until the salts begin to crystallize, but do !not! evaporate to dryness (Note 1). Dilute the solution cautiously until the salts are brought into solution, adding a little acid if the solution has evaporated to very small volume. The solution should be carefully examined at this point and must be filtered if a precipitate has appeared. Heat the clear solution to boiling; remove the burner and add 25 cc. of a solution of disodium phosphate. Then add slowly dilute ammonia (1 volume strong ammonia (sp. gr. 0.90) and 9 volumes water) as long as a precipitate continues to form. Finally, add a volume of concentrated ammonia (sp. gr. 0.90) equal to one third of the volume of the solution, and allow the whole to stand for about twelve hours.

Decant the solution through a filter, wash it with dilute ammonia water, proceeding as prescribed for the determination of phosphoric anhydride on page 122, including; the reprecipitation (Note 2), except that 3 cc. of disodium phosphate solution are added before the reprecipitation of the magnesium ammonium phosphate instead of the magnesia mixture there prescribed. From the weight of the pyrophosphate, calculate the percentage of magnesium oxide (MgO) in the sample of limestone. Remember that the pyrophosphate finally obtained is from one fifth of the original sample.

[Note 1:

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