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Finally Kay’s father ushered them all in the house they had been blocking the pavement with them self’s and luggage (they had a lot of it).
The girls told how they had all planned to come with Kay after the first week they all cried some more.
Kay’s father drove them all to the airport it was his way of saying ‘goodbye'.
It was easy to find the gate the girls had all booked there flights online and Kay already had hers. WE ARE READY, WE WERE OFF!
It was the second time Kay had flown this is a longer flight she was hoping for a nice cold beer to calm the nerves but the girls had other ideas, she was the designated driver. Ruth can drive, Cat can drive but when she went to ask them they all looked at each other threw glassy drunken eyes they all pointed at her as they were all downing there drinks peace handed Kay a bottle of water. Great!!!

America was and is busy, colourful, stuffy, humid, and BIG!
They all took a cab from the air port to the car hire place but when we got there the shop was shut.
What do they do now? The shop isn’t open till tomorrow they are all in trouble now well and truly they have got no were to stay Kay had a suggestion we could camp outside the shop but she got a very cold shoulder from the ladies, that will be a no then.
Peace tells us about this hostel she knows about and gets Ruth to Google it on her flashy new mobile we found what they needed then they asked some American’s were the hostel is and please could they point us in the direction they told them '2 blocks down there'.

3 hours later they all rocked up at the hostel it was nothing flashy but they didn’t care they just needed a bed for the night they all shared the girls slept very well they had all been drinking they were snoring there heads off, Kay on the other hand was wide awake, America is a very loud place.

9am the shop owner was a very typical American man who tried to charm his way in to more money. Ruth went into business mode and we just let her go mother hen yet again she made sure we got what we wanted and cheapish for America.
We wanted a car we could pay for on a monthly basis on my credit card, thanks to Ruth we got it and a full tank of gas as well.
Finally driving the girls have no idea were they are going they tried to read the maps but come on there 4 woman who haven’t got a clue, they will just ask directions how hard can it be?
The windows of the car are all open the music is blearing really loud all the girls are singing along to Cindy loupe’s 'girls just want to have fun'.
After a while they puller over to stretch our legs and to switch drivers cat was driving now. It’s never good when cat drives she thinks she owns the roads and she can go anywhere she wants and do anything she wants on the road that was until she had a wagon coming towards her they all realised they were on the wrong side of the road, Cat had to swerve to miss the wagon then drove into the oncoming traffic on the other side of the road she hit the gas really hard and they ended up in a bush. Cat was screaming so was Ruth; Peace was rather excited asking 'could we do it again that was so cool’?
Kay was just happy to be alive it was one of them moments when you get out the car and you kiss the ground hug every tree near you thank the lord you are alive.
Ruth took the keys off cat and told her she was never driving again, cat was still crying peace was rolling a cigarette and it was getting dark, they had done a lot of driving so they decided to call it a night set up camp opened a bottle of wine they had brought with them peace made a fire they all sat round it laughing together with plastic cups and wine they all heard a very loud crashing then a scratching sound at that point they got scared and jumped back in the car it was not good at all that car was not made to sleep in!
Morning came they were all had hangovers (yet again).
Ruth was the first to wake when she tried to move around, some how her boobs came to rest on the steering wheel which automatically sounded the horn, they all woke up very quickly but very startled.
Cat was in the passengers seat she has taken to wearing a hair net while asleep but forgot to put her hair into it and had it on just like a hat she looked so funny, Ruth tried to get out the car again she has massive boobs and when Kay drives she puts her seat forward she only has small legs it didn’t go so well when she tried to get out again.
“For fuck sake get a smaller pair of tits woman” says peace
“Deflate those tits” chirps in cat
“Move the fucking seat back you stupid cow my heads banging” Kay says

There was a slight tap on the passengers window they all looked around and standing outside was half of the village they all slowly got out the car squinting at the sun it was very bright and warm Everyone was staring at the girls, the girls court a glimpse of themselves in the car windows OMFG!!! What did they look like? They all started trying to sort what they looked like in the car windows.
They have no idea were they are. They had to break the silence with these people as usual all the girls nominated Kay.

“Hi..... Do you know were there’s a tow and a mechanic?” was Kay’s amazing opening line
(The man dose this almighty whistle which is very piercing) "Will get the tow truck we got travellers again.”
“Shit that was loud, Can you turn it down a few decibels”
“Head down that road there stop at the green sign I will meet you down there with your car.”
“Thank you sir Ladies the man said we have to meet him down there by the green sign.”
“Where are we?” says Ruth
“MY HAIR" screams cat "This town better have hair dressers.”
“Look where on the beach” says peace softly

Some how while driving at night they had drove over some ones front garden ending up on the beach crashed into a sand hill. No one is perfect... the beach was paradise. Clear blue water, sky’s are blue, red hot sun, warm sand, Heaven.
All of them were mesmerized by the view, glistening like a diamond. They didn’t realise the men had already hitched the car on the tow and were away with it,
“(the mechanic man dose his almighty whistle again) ladies the sea will still be there later on lets get your car looked at.”
The sea the precious
 “Let’s go ladies now!” he shouts again
Down at the garage 3 guys were looking at the car. The girls phoned the rental place the man just said you fix it and put the phone down, The men at the garage were lowering the car then waited for Kay to come back in the girls had took refuge on the grass out front while Kay went to see the mechanic.
“The rental place says we have to fix it our self’s. What is the damage?” Kay asked
“You have bent the axle buckled the front wheels not to mention the cosmetic damage.” he said bluntly
“How much” (I perched myself on the bonnet)
“About thousand dollars”
“Give me a moment got to check in with the girls.” A thousand dollars they could never afford that!

“We got a major problem were screwed.” Kay said slumping to the ground
“Explain....were screwed aren’t getting the point across.” peace says sarcastically
“the axel is bent the front wheels are buckled not to mention all the other little bits that will need doing to it, its gunner cost about a thousand dollars to fix the rental man says we have to fix the car our self’s coz were renting it on a monthly basis.”
“Well you defiantly explained that!” Eddy and the guys had come and joined us on the grass by now.

“We could get it down to 8 hundred dollars but that’s it. Sorry ladies.” says the mechanic
“We need the car girls or else were stuck here” says Ruth
“Yes I know we need it. 8 hundred it is.” Kay says deflating
“Its gunner takes a few weeks coz we have to order the parts then it will take a while to fit”
“Do you know any were we can stay for a while until the car gets fixed?” Kay ask
“I’m eddy these are my son's Ryan and will you can stay at my mothers she don’t mind taking people in.” says eddy kindly
“I’m Kay this is Ruth Cat and Peace. Why don’t you point us in the direction of were we are staying sir.”

They all unloaded the car the boys helped with all the bags you have to remember they are four women so you can imagine how much luggage they have. Since setting out on this quest which is what we call it they have not thought about work once. To get to the place they are staying they have to go up very steep steps, finally at the top they all collapse
“You have to be kidding me there’s got to be a better way up than that” says cat out of breath
“No it’s the only way up and down” says will with a smile
“I forgot to pack my spare lungs!” Kay gasps

When Kay said that everyone started laughing they all sat down on the decking. Granny was lovely she joined us with her famous lemonade.
She is amazing; she told them to call her granny. The girls took the bags into there designated rooms Kay reached for her sketch book and pens she just had the urge to draw she drew the sun set and the beach, she didn’t realise everyone was watching her. They all had astonishing looks on there faces they had never seen her do that before to her its natural thing being creative is what she does best. Granny sat next to her while she sketched Kay saw from the corner of her eye that granny was straining to see she moved closer for her, granny asked what they all did for a living Kay narrowed it down rather a lot. when Kay finally stopped sketching she finally looked around every one had settled in very nicely Ruth was talking to eddy about banking and business, peace was breading cats hair, Ryan went home, will was sat there staring at Kay with the most sexiest smile she had ever seen, she automatically felt very hot and no it wasn’t the
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