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Book online «Road To Somewhere by Kay Oldham (icecream ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Kay Oldham

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Over the next few days they all found out that granny and her family have lived here all there lives the garage has been passed threw the family as well it belonged to eddy’s granddad.

Will is a mechanic but he volunteers at the rescue centre for all animals he's 24 (a year older than Kay she noted mentally) oh and he is gorgeous. Ryan is a typical bloke takes after his dad proper grease monkey his fiancée is called Polly and there due to be married soon he is 32.
Eddy is divorced there mother left them for a better life he's happy he’s got his garage and his boys, granny is spectacular she has natural grey hair but looks younger than she is amazing lady heart full of love.
Over the next few days Kay found herself sketching, drawing, painting and designing this town had something about it that really inspired her.
its a whole new world here and she had no idea where they were still, granny had internet connection but she rarely used it coz it cost a fortune she said, the girls all agreed they would have one hour each every other day and they would pay for it, Ruth was almost crying she needed her work.
Kay had a few emails from business and updated her dad on everything, emptied the camera, posted pictures on twitter and face book to keep other family and friends up to date.
A few weeks into staying at granny and they had a storm when granny was coming back from town she was walking up the steep steps all of a sudden there was this almighty big gust of wind it knocked granny back down the steps followed by lightning, Kay ran down the steps the quickest she could fighting against the wind to help granny she was having a heart attack as well Kay called the ambulance and tried to keep the wind off her until the ambulance came she went to the hospital with her she never left her side. She couldn’t leave her. Kay had fallen asleep next to granny with her head in her arms, she woke to granny’s cool hands on her arm she had been there all night waiting for her to wake Kay was so scared. Her eyes were very heavy and sore.
“Your awake how r you feeling”
“I’m tired but I’m ok”
Kay “the hospital have phoned eddy they should be here soon I think, ill go before they get here you don’t want me interfering in family business. The girls will be picking me up in a bit.”
“Thank you - if you weren’t there I wouldn’t know what I would have done without you, you saved my life.”
Kay met the girls outside and went straight to granny’s she crawled into bed she was so tired.

Two years ago Kay’s nana was brutally murdered she got beat to death by some drunken thug to this day Kay has never dealt with it she refuse to if she did dealt with it, it would take over her and that scares her. Kay’s nana was her whole world. Her nana was the one who got her playing the piano when she was a child they always played it together. She miss’s her and granny reminds her of her nana. After Kay’s nana’s funeral she has never played since then she cried herself to sleep that night thinking about her nana.

Kay woke the next morning she had slept all day and all night, the smell of a fried breakfast was roaming in the air she was so hungry; Kay’s a vegetarian she hopes the girls told them? Everyone was round the table even granny she was home; they had placed an empty chair in between will and granny.
“Any juice spare” Kay asked quietly
“Give the girl some breakfast she looks awful” chirps in eddy
“Should you be home granny” Kay asked confused
“They said coz I was helped very quickly the heart attack was caught early I could go home they gave me a heart monitor to keep things in check so don’t worry I go for regular check ups now so I’m allowed home.” she beams

Breakfast was noisy with laughter and everyone was talking, cracking jokes, telling old stories. The girls talked about why they were travelling, during the course of breakfast will kept touching Kay’s hand trying to hold it, it felt nice they exchanged secret smiles it felt like every time they touched hands there was a electricity between them. Eddy with a face full of bacon raised his hands emptied his mouth then addressed the whole table.
“I just want to say thank you to Kay you got granny to the hospital and stayed with her all night you thought we didn’t know but the nurse told us how you wouldn’t leave her side.” said eddy very happily
Threw teary eyes they all raised there coffee, tea and juice cups and together everyone said 'TO KAY' Kay also raise her glass then said 'TO FAMILY'.
Granny asked them all if they could go to church with her, the girls have never been to church before. For granny they went and watched her play the piano threw the whole service, will had put his arm around Kay, Polly had joined them in the church she was a lot like peace.
Will had told Kay about every song granny played how she wrote them all herself then how she loves playing them you could see it in her face she loves playing. When she was playing she looked like Kay’s nana.

After service all of them went back to Ryan’s house with Polly leading the way with a spring in her step and a secret smile playing on her lips, she wanted to talk about the wedding with all the girls she said she wants some 'girly input and advice' her exact words were
“Well I can’t talk about my wedding dress with this bunch of grease monkeys can I?” says Polly with a little wink
Kay loved her straight away so did Ryan he told them about how they met which is so sweet, Polly had lived in the next village and was visiting some of her friends and her car broke down, Ryan took an immediate love to her.
“When I saw Polly out side the garage waiting for her car to be fixed I new right there and then I loved her she was the one I wanted to marry and have a family with she looked like a beautiful rainbow” says Ryan
“We have been together for 7 years now I have never been happier”
By this point they were all totally smitten with the love story, Ruth asked them if they had any plans to have children, they had plans alright. Polly beams Ryan goes all shy and then nicely recovers.
“We do have something to tell you all Polly is pregnant”
“Were all going to have a baby” shouts Polly Everyone is cheering sharing hugs and kisses.
“You’ll be a great uncle will”
“I can’t wait I’m so excited I want you to have a baby girl so I can spoil her” says will

“This will be my first great grandchild I can’t wait” says granny
They all looked at eddy he doesn’t seem to be taking the news really well instant panic sets in with us all, and then all of a sudden he starts crying
“I have always wanted to be a granddad” (then cry’s some more)
Ryan and eddy are hugging then joined by Polly then granny then will the girls have never seen a family with so much open love and devotion to each other. Kay feels a twang of jealously and has to turn away she wish’s she had that. Kay immediately picks up her camera started taking pictures of everyone keep the moment.
"Right guys I want you all to look this way and say GRANDAD!” shouts Kay

Ryan does a piercing whistle the girls recognise that whistle anywhere.
“Dose that whistle run in the family or is there a knack to it?” says Kay
“Polly and I have more news tell you and need all your lots help on this” chirps Ryan
“My family don’t know I’m pregnant and there firm believers in no sex before marriage”
“we have to be married before we can tell her parents so that’s why we are getting married in 3 days co there here in 5”
“3 days.....are you crazy?” shrieks Kay
“I’m gunner need a lot of help I don’t want nothing flashy just a small ceremony with my family and close friends on the beach, Kay I want you to be my photographer.”
“I’m all over it” says Kay
“The rest of you just help in any way you can please all hands on deck from now on we only got 3 days” says Polly
“Peace is amazing with flowers and things like that her and Kay are creative when they put there head together, Kay can design you wedding dress and make it if you don’t already have one? Cat hair and make up” cuts in Ruth
“That’s why we call her mother hen she takes charge of everything but what she dose have to remember is that it’s Polly and Ryan’s wedding!” says peace sarcastically
“It’s great you’re all my wedding planners” beams Polly
“Great I have to design and make a wedding dress in 3 days are you lot crazy? It really can’t be done! Dose this town have a fabric shop?”
“You can do it your amazing at everything you do and you’re very talented”
“Now you’re just crawling. Do we have any ideas, a plan?”
“No nothing"
“Right lets get to it we got to make a list of everything we can make and what we have to buy. Colour theme?”
“Sea blue and white” chirps in peace
“Amazing colours you are great at this”
“Hair and make up”
“I don’t wear make up so just hair”
“Cat we need designs”
“On it”
“Ill help” says Ruth excitedly
“I need to know what the men are wearing.”
“All men in white accept me who will be in light grey” Ryan says
“Who is giving you away? Who’s the best man? Do we have a vicar so you can actually be legally married? Get the rev over here quick” Kay says out loud
“I have something for you, you don’t have to use it but I’ve had it for years I used it at my own wedding” chirps in granny

Granny sets this box down on the table all the girls gather round eddy brings the beers for the boys the wine for the ladies. granny starts handing her wedding pictures round explaining her wedding she takes the head dress out then says she would love Polly to wear it at her wedding Polly has fallen in love with this head dress she turns to Kay asks if she could make a dress to match the head dress, anything is possible Kay says yes very confidentially. The head dress is like a hippie band it has a Celtic plait with small flowers and long ribbons down the back, it is gorgeous. Kay designed the dress that night, the rev agreed to marry
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