Road To Somewhere by Kay Oldham (icecream ebook reader TXT) đź“–

- Author: Kay Oldham
Book online «Road To Somewhere by Kay Oldham (icecream ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Kay Oldham
As soon as they set down in the UK they both headed straight to the hospital where they were greeted by Kay’s mother who was a mess she expected the worse at this point, they were still dressed in there clothes from the wedding. They let Kay see her dad straight away the rest of the family were outside muttering to themselves, Kay’s dad was awake she was so relived her mother had been over doing it again he was never in a come.
“Hey sweetie you have a hell of a tan, you didn’t have to come back?” her dad says rather chirpy
“I had to come back, mum said you were in a coma but I’m glad you’re ok”
“Silly woman I was in recovery, tell me about your trip and this man.”
“Dad will and me are just friend’s there’s no relationship there we are oceans apart but I do have some great drawings!”
Kay showed her dad all the drawings peace and Kay filled him in on Polly’s wedding they had such a great laugh, after a few days dad was allowed to come home by this time the girls were home with a fixed car.
It didn’t take the girls long before they all got back to there old routines again, work, work, work, and work. Kay still had a broken heart!
Kay started painting again she had painted all night and after a few drinks she fell asleep in the paint. Over the next few weeks she worked on opening the gallery one last time with the theme being Georgia, oh and will’s sea blue eyes.
Kay developed all the wedding photos and made extra copies the girls gave her there photos from the after party, they had a great night. getting back to doing her stuff in the gallery was so easy she had done it a million times before, this time she did everything different this one was extra special it was about will and the family so it was special, the invitations were hand made the girls choose a sea blue back ground with fancy writing down the middle with a faded shell on them with fancy gold borders.
They rolled them up like a scroll and tied a ribbon round them individually, they sent invitations to granny and the family, Kay put in a personal note of I miss you all still and the photos.
To my family,
I miss you all so much my life feels empty now you’re all not there.
Polly I’m so sorry I couldn’t make the after party hope you had a great time. I hope you like the photos I have sent you everything even the drawing of the dress.
I am opening the gallery one last time I would love you to come all of you, the theme is Georgia!
I have enclosed your invitation please come.
Did I mention I miss you all?
Will I love you I’m sorry I dint get to explain things better?
Hope to see you all soon
Kay x
After the girls finished for the night Kay went to see her father and explained to him what her plan was (I don’t quiet know if she had one really or just decided it).
“Dad I am going to sell the gallery then move to Georgia lives near the beach” Kay blurted out to her father
“if that’s what you really want to do bunny you do it follow your dreams and your heart since you have been back I know you have had a few issues this place don’t fit you no more dose it I have noticed.” he replied cool
“Do you not mind that I want to move across the world and leave you all?”
“No bunny you do what makes you happy. Plus it will give me and excuse getting out and coming see you”
“I love you daddy”
At the developer’s office it was very elegant place Kay laid down her terms!
“Are you still interested in buying my gallery?” she asked
“Well of course we are. Have you finally come to see sense then and want to sell?”
“You’re a weasel. I want to see the manager or some one who knows how you give a bit of respect.”
“Hi there I’m the manager please excuse him he’s young and stupid follow me to my office please” said the manager
“these are my terms let me do one last gallery opening then a auction to sell my work this is your invitation to the opening night bring you wife if you have one, then give me a extra month to move out also I want double what you offered me when we first met for the building. Do we have a deal?” Kay asked folding her arms
“Double that’s a lot it’s not worth double” said the manager sitting back in his chair
“Oh well there’s more developers who want the gallery I might go see them. This is my whole life I’m not letting it go for free!” she started to get up
“You’re a stern business woman young lady; but I think we have a deal there.”
She has 2 months to get out the gallery as soon as she left the office she phoned granny it was good to hear her voice “granny is that you?” Kay asks excited
“Yes it’s me are you ok how’s you father?” asks granny
“He’s ok now he had a heart attack like you; I have some amazing news I need your help. Is the house next to you still for sale? Also the warehouse in town is that still for sale?”
“Yes they both are why you moving here?”
“Yes I am! Can you get me both the numbers please ill give them a ring and see don’t tell any one it’s a big secret.”
Kay went back to her dads phoned the estate agents 3 hours later and a very big deposit Kay was the proud owner of the house and warehouse in Georgia, her dad lent her the deposit of course she will pay him back when the developers finalize there payment to her which is quiet a lot.
Kay did her grand opening one last time it was amazing loads of people turned up famous and business then just everyday people as well including the development manager and his wife On the opening night Kay revealed to everyone this would be the last opening.
“Ladies and gentlemen please can I have you attention thank you all for coming tonight it means a lot to me as I have some rather surprising news this is my last opening I have decided to sell the gallery to the developers I hope they show everyone what potential this building has, so without further a do I would like you all to please take a look around all the paintings are for sale in the auction next week, have a great night. Thank you.”
Later that night Kay took the girls upstairs and told them everything peace is moving with Kay but Ruth and cat have work but they did say it was an excuse for them to visit paradise more often.
The girls and Kay’s father helped her cart all the stuff to the auction everything she had ever painted, drawn, sculpted, created she was now selling it Kay was so happy coz it was selling for a lot of money but then she was getting rid of her amazing creations.
Weeks later Kay and peace were packing to head for there new lives, everything was being flew over and driven including them she didn’t have much stuff just a few paintings that didn’t sell a bit of gallery furniture peace had nothing as usual. It took a while to convince Kay’s mother to get everyone passports she wasn’t having it so when Kay told her she would pay half she agreed, tight woman. It was a long flight Kay’s father was so happy to be going she wanted him there with her. After the money from the developers finalized then all the money from the auction came threw Kay had quiet a bit she paid back her dad like she promised, shipping everyone all over there wasn’t as much as she had initially thought.
Kay and peace had bought a second hand truck that grant had reserved which they both loved Vintage is what they called the old girl Kay’s family trailed behind in there rental people carrier they all missed the village coz the removal van driver wasn’t looking were he was going they all did a u turn in the road very illegal as Kay’s mother kept pointing out.
They pulled up next to the house all three vehicles were blocking the road Kay’s family all piled out making rather a lot of noise and ran to the beach they fell in love instantly her and peace slowly followed them; peace tapped Kay on the shoulder gently and pointed in the direction of granny’s house they slowly walked together in the direction of granny’s house out on the porch was granny, Eddy, Ryan and Polly and Will.
“You didn’t tell me you lived on the beach you said near it!” says her dad rather loud
“Hi my name is Kay this is peace were your new neighbours and this is my family!” says Kay rather proud
Will immediately ran down the massive steps ran to Kay on the beach they collided quiet hard they just kissed and kissed a bit more. Kay whispered in his ear that she loved him and couldn’t bear to be without him anymore. Slowly coming down the steps was Ryan and Polly who was massive granny came over and handed me the keys. “Granny has been helping me I needed a connection this end Wow! Polly you massive”
“I’m having twins can you believe it” shouted Polly
“Twins Wow that’s a lot of shitty nappies and sleepless nights Right guys I want you to meet my family this is my mum and dad this is my brother, sister these are her 2 kids, you already know peace she is moving with me. Now this is granny, eddy, Ryan Polly and will.”
“This place is perfect.” dads interrupt
“It sure is dad and the people aren’t too bad either. Try granny’s lemonade she’s a prize winner with it.”
“Lemonade everyone” granny was right on cue
“Right let’s get unpacked First lets get the piano in, it’s older than any one here so be very careful with it, then we need the rest of the furniture or were sleeping on the beach.”
“her great granddad made the piano its what he did for a living restore pianos but this one has the family name on and over the years it has got passed down threw the family no one plays but Kay now when her nana was alive they played together, Kay gave up playing when her nana died.”
“Thanks dad, I hadn’t quiet got around to telling them that bit yet”
“Sorry let’s get these boxes moving before
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