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Book online «Road To Somewhere by Kay Oldham (icecream ebook reader TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Kay Oldham

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them on short notice. Kay txt Polly who was still up asked her to come outside Kay had a surprise for her; Polly and Ryan live next door to granny and eddy also will still lives at home.
Polly arrived with 2 wine glasses and a bottle of white, Kay’s hero! they started by drinking they must have been making a bit of noise coz Ryan’s light came on and so did wills they didn’t care they were on there second bottle there 2 man party was in full swing on the beach.
Polly was telling Kay all about her sexy stuff her and Ryan got up to they exchanged stories and sex advice.
“Wow this is just paradise I never new it existed” says Kay
“Isn’t it something I can’t wait to get married on the beach?”
“I have something for you I drew it tonight and well I thought you might like to see your wedding dress”
Kay gave Polly the whole sketch book and sat back drinking she explained to her since she has came here she has not been able to stop drawing, then Polly got to her dress! She went deadly silent she was transfixed on the dress.
“It’s perfect"
“good ill make it tomorrow it will be perfect, you know all the girls will make it perfect for you but if they get too much tell them straight ok..! Now all we need is a fabric shop then were cooking”
“I’m so glad you crashed the car in this village”
They both started laughing and settled in next to each
“Polly where are we?”
They both fell asleep on the beach.

Ryan was standing in front of Polly, will was kneeling down next to Kay flipping threw her sketch book, Kay felt warm hands on the side of her face she slowly opened her eyes and waited for will to come into focus.
“You drew me” says will surprised
“You sat still long enough”
“You both fell asleep on the beach?”
“You hands are warm”
“Tea for you, coffee for Polly” says will handing up a nice mug
“Thank you” they say together
“Don’t look too far into the book Polly's wedding dress is in there I drew it last night for her”
“Don’t you dare look at my wedding dress I have a handover and you don’t want me going crazy on you do you?” says Polly trying to stand
“We need to go into town Polly I aren’t walking I have a hangover and I’m lazy we need to go to the fabric shop to make the dress”
“Will, will take you I don’t want to see a thing” says Ryan cuddling Polly
“Meet me at the car in an hour maybe 2; I want some sexy time with my baby.” says Polly pulling Ryan in the direction of home.

Will lifted Kay’s legs and sat in front of her then he put her legs round him so she was straddling him his hands were slowly gliding up her thighs and under her bum she slowly slid her arms around his neck she stared into his eyes and pulled him in for a kiss.
They had this long slow kiss, right there and then Kay new she loved him, nothing scared her this time she loved will. When they both pulled away from each other they looked into each others eyes and she saw the ocean in his, he has sea blue eyes. They then heard the great tunes of Polly.
“Hurry up you love birds I need a wedding dress made.”
“I need to brush my teeth and get ready see you in an hour at the car.”
Washed, teeth brushed, swimming in sea Blue Ocean eyes Kay floated to the car, the whole car journey her and will were giving each other sly smiles and sexy shy glances Kay blew him a kiss he went really shy he looked so cute Polly was too hung over to care.
In the fabric shop Polly was hard work she couldn’t make up her mind when she did she kept changing it Kay finally sent her and will to the cafe over the road to wait for her there she went on the look for some special fabric Kay finally chose Italian silk for the wedding dress and some little flowers and ribbon to match the headdress she put it all on the credit card who cares it was a wedding present as she was crossing the road Kay noticed a antiques shop she just have to go in, blame her dad, she finds an amazing broach like the necklace off the titanic ‘the heart of the ocean’ she just have to have it.
In the coffee shop she showed Polly the broach and tells her it’s going on the dress as well she also agreed it looks like the heart of the ocean.

Back at granny’s Kay wouldn’t let anyone see the fabric except granny she locked herself in granny’s piano playing room she had a day to make this dress Kay had to work my magic peace was making the button holes out of some cast off fabric and the brides flowers as well, Kay worked on the dress all day one of Polly’s friends lent them a half body mannequin she had to get this perfect.

Polly and the family were sending a few invitation out to close friends and family, everyone had a job to do no one was stressed it was great, will was nervous he had to write a speech he came to Kay for help. She took 20 minutes out for food and to help will then back to work. Polly is a slave driver!
On the day of the wedding every one was nervous Ruth and cat were gathering everyone on the beach the sun was shining it was a good day, Polly was a bit panicky coz she never saw her dress until the morning of the wedding, peace had taken the button holes over to the men Polly cried over her flowers, cat and Ruth did her hair it was lovely half up half down with curls in Kay kicked every one out and revealed the dress to Polly she cried a bit more me and granny helped her get in to the dress it was a fragile thing granny was amazed what Kay had done with the dress, they clipped the head dress on to her head they didn’t want it falling off they also sorted the extra ribbons she had attached to the dress and the head dress Polly looked at her self in the mirror then started crying again happy tears, there was a knock at the door it was Polly’s little brother he was giving her away.
Kay gave her a big hug and attached the broach to the front of the dress Polly started crying again.
“You truly are amazing Kay you made all this happen” Polly says crying
“I will be outside taking pictures”
Kay and granny joined everyone outside there was a few minutes before she was due Kay got in some photos of everyone they all looked amazing Granny was playing the piano gently it was lovely to hear. Everyone was in pale light clothes the sun was shining.
None of them had shoes on! Granny started playing the tune she had written for the wedding it was light and sweet, Polly looked phenomenal.
she had an amazing big smile so did Ryan eddy was crying again, the actual wedding went perfect like clock work then the new married couple took a stroll down the beach Kay was taking photo’s but kept her distance thank god for zoom.
Everyone was watching the new married couple take a slow walk to wards were they wanted the photos taken Kay took a few with them two only intimate and personal ones then it was time for the whole family and friends photos the day was amazing.
“We did good ladies” Kay’s say to the girls
“Yes we did” peace says joining her
“No we did great” she shouts
“We should make this a full time thing!” says cat also joining them
“Gives me the camera Kay and get in with the girls I will take the picture you’re not in any” says granny
Polly wanted a whole picture of everyone when they all got in line Polly finally asked what fabric got used finally choose coz she thought it was silk.
“You really don’t want to know” reply’s Kay
“Come on tell me”
“You are wearing Italian silk with a diamond broach”
“I’m wearing diamonds?”
“Yep you are the broach is you present as well from all us girls”
Everyone was shocked, astonished faces staring at Kay. Polly started fretting over her dress Kay slowly walked over to will who was standing by him self on the edge he had a slight watery eyes, she stood next to him and put her hand in his pocket to hold his he kissed her on the head.

“Thank you, you really have made everything great for them” says will
“Will I love you” Kay blurts out
Suddenly will kisses Kay his arms go around her waist and she wraps her arms around his neck, they heard everyone cheer and start clapping for them
“Watch out we might have another wedding soon!” Ryan shouts
All of a sudden Ruth came running half way down the beach shouting “Kay your mum is on the phone something has happened to your dad come quick"
Kay ran as fast as she could into the house followed by the girls Polly and the others the conversation was a bit hazy but to the point.

“Kay is that you?” asks her mother
“Mum what happened to dad is he ok? Tell me he is still alive?”
“Your dads had a heart attack and its put him in a coma come home now”
“I will be on the next flight home!” Kay’s felt her heart break her dad is everything to her she’s a daddy’s girl; she also has to leave will and the family, this amazing place they had to come up with a plan and quick.
“me and peace are going back tonight you girls will stay enjoy the night and in a couple of days take the rental back then get a flight home.” says Kay
“I’m so sorry what if we came with you?” says Polly
“no you stay here and enjoy the rest of your night this is your wedding night I will be fine I will ring you and keep in touch and before you know it I will be back down bugging you all the girls are gunner take pictures of the party then give them to me and I will send everything to you in the post. I’m gunner miss you all very much, you knew I couldn’t stay forever Polly".
“I know I just didn’t want to think it, thank you for the wedding dress I could never have dreamed of anything like this”
“You both deserve this look after you’re self and the baby”.
“I have something to tell you ladies your car is fixed it has been for a while now, we just didn’t want you to leave I hope you’re not Mad.” said eddy
“Of course where not mad I’m glad you did it actually. I’m
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