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energetic, and high-minded

style, manner, and disposition

subtle, delicate, and refined

successful, energetic, and ingenious

sudden, vehement, and unfamed

suggestive, stimulating, and inspiring

sullen, silent, and disconsolate

suppliant, gentle, and submissive [suppliant = asking humbly]

surprise, admiration, and wonder

suspicious, restive, and untractable

swiftness, mobility, and penetrativeness

sympathy, service, and compassion


talent, scholarship, and refinement

tameness, monotony, and reserve

taste, feeling, and sentiment

tedious, painful, and distressing

temper, pride, and sensuality

temperament, character, and circumstance

temperate, sweet, and venerable

tenderness, loyalty, and devotion

terror, remorse, and shame

terseness, simplicity, and quaintness

theatrical, sensational, and demonstrative

thought, utterance, and action

threats, cries, and prayers

thrilling, dramatic, and picturesque

thwart, criticize, and embarrass

time, thought, and consideration

touched, strengthened, and transformed

tradition, prejudice, and stupidity

tragic, tremendous, and horrible

transparent, theatric, and insincere

treachery, envy, and selfishness

tremulous, soft, and bright [tremulous = trembling, quivering, shaking]

trial, discipline, and temptation

tricks, shufflings, and frauds

trivial, labored, and wearisome

true, lasting, and beneficial

tyranny, injustice, and extortion


ugly, scowling, and offensive

unbending, contemptuous, and scornful

unclean, shameful, and degrading

undecided, wavering, and cautious

unearthly, horrible, and obnoxious

uneasy, overstrained, and melancholy

unity, emphasis, and coherence

unmodulated, cold, and expressionless

unphilosophical, unsystematic, and discursive

unscrupulous, heartless, and hypocritical

unwholesome, bewildering, and unprofitable

unworldly, peaceable, and philosophical

upright, kind-hearted, and blameless

urgent, tumultuous, and incomprehensible


vague, impalpable, and incongruous

vanities, stupidities, and falsehoods

venerable, patriotic, and virtuous

verities, certainties, and realities

vigilant, inveterate, and unresting [inveterate = long established]

vigorous, subtle, and comprehensive

violent, sinister, and rebellious

virtue, genius, and charm

visionary, fraudulent, and empirical

vital, formidable, and dominant

vivid, comprehensible, and striking

vulgarity, ignorance, and misapprehension


waddling, perspiring, and breathless

want, worry, and woe

wasteful, indolent, and evasive

watchful, suspicious, and timid

wealth, position, and influence

wearied, despondent, and bewildered

weight, size, and solidity

well-proportioned, logical, and sane

whimsical, fantastic, and impracticable

wholesome, beautiful, and righteous

wicked, pernicious, and degrading

wild, confused, and dizzy

wilful, wanton, and deliberate

will, energy, and self-control

wisdom, patriotism, and justice

wit, fancy, and imagination

worthless, broken, and defeated

wretchedness, deformity, and malice

wrinkled, careworn, and pale


able, skilful, thorough, and genuine

absolute, complete, unqualified, and final

accurate, precise, exact, and truthful

active, alert, vigorous, and industrious

actual, positive, certain, and genuine

adequate, uniform, proportionate, and equitable

adventurous, fine, active, and gossipy

adverse, antagonistic, unfriendly, and hostile

advisable, advantageous, acceptable, and expedient

affable, diffident, humble, and mild

affectionate, tender, loving, and attached

affluent, opulent, abundant, and ample

allurements, pits, snares, and torments

anger, indignation, resentment, and rage

animate, impel, instigate, and embolden

animosity, malice, enmity, and hatred

annul, frustrate, reverse, and destroy

anxiety, caution, watchfulness, and solicitude

apparent, ostensible, plausible, and specious

appropriate, use, arrogate, and usurp [arrogate = claim without right; appropriate]

approval, enthusiasm, sympathy, and applause

aptitude, capacity, efficiency, and power

arbitrary, dictatorial, domineering, and imperious [imperious = arrogantly domineering or overbearing]

architecture, sculpture, painting, and poetry

ardent, impatient, keen, and vehement

argue, discuss, dispute, and prove

arrangement, place, time, and circumstance

art, science, knowledge, and culture

artful, wily, insincere, and disingenuous

artificial, soulless, hectic, and unreal

assemble, amass, accumulate, and acquire

assiduity, tenderness, industry, and vigilance [assiduity = persistent application]

assurance, persuasion, fidelity, and loyalty

attention, effort, diligence, and assiduity [assiduity = persistent application]

august, magnanimous, important, and distinguished

authoritative, independent, arbitrary, and supreme

avaricious, grasping, miserly, and parsimonious [parsimonious = excessively frugal]

aversion, dislike, hatred, and repugnance


bad, vicious, unwholesome, and distressing

babble, prate, chatter, and prattle

barbarous, brutal, inhuman, and cruel

base, cowardly, abject, and hideous

battle, defeat, frustrate, and ruin

bearing, deportment, manner, and behavior

beg, entreat, implore, and supplicate

beliefs, doctrines, ceremonies, and practices

boorish, clownish, rude, and uncultivated

boundless, immeasurable, unlimited, and infinite

bravery, courage, fearlessness, and confidence

breadth, knowledge, vision, and power

brilliant, beautiful, elegant, and faithful

broaden, enlarge, extend, and augment

business, profession, occupation, and vocation


candid, sincere, familiar, and ingenuous

captious, petulant, peevish, and splenetic [captious = point out trivial faults]

cautious, discreet, considerate, and provident

certain, confident, positive, and unquestionable

chagrin, vexation, irritation, and mortification

character, disposition, temperament, and reputation

charm, fascinate, bewitch, and captivate

cheap, inexpensive, inferior, and common

cheer, animate, vivify, and exhilarate [vivify = bring life to]

chiefly, particularly, principally, and especially

childhood, youth, manhood, and age

circumstance, condition, environment, and surroundings

claim, grab, trick, and compel

clean, fastidious, frugal, and refined

clear, distinct, obvious, and intelligible

clumsy, crawling, snobbish, and comfort-loving

coarse, gross, offensive, and nauseous

coax, flatter, wheedle, and persuade

cogitate, contemplate, meditate, and ponder

cold, frigid, unfeeling, and stoical

commanding, authoritative, imperative, and peremptory [peremptory = ending all debate or action]

compassion, goodwill, admiration, and enthusiasm

confirm, establish, sustain, and strengthen

conform, submit, obey, and satisfy

confuse, distort, involve, and misinterpret

consistent, congruous, firm, and harmonious

cool, collected, calm, and self-possessed

copious, commanding, sonorous, and emotional

cowardly, timid, shrinking, and timorous

crazy, absurd, nonsensical, and preposterous

crude, rough, jagged, and pitiless


daring, cordial, discerning, and optimistic

darkness, dimness, dulness, and blackness

deadly, destructive, fatal, and implacable

deceit, delusion, treachery, and sham

deep, abstruse, learned, and profound

deficient, inadequate, scanty, and incomplete

define, explain, determine, and circumscribe

degrade, defame, humble, and debase

delicacy, daintiness, tact, and refinement

delicious, sweet, palatable, and delightful

democracy, equality, justice, and freedom

deny, dismiss, exclude, and repudiate

deprive, dispossess, divest, and despoil

describe, delineate, depict, and characterize

designed, contrived, planned, and executed

desperate, extreme, wreckless, and irremediable

despicable, abject, servile, and worthless

destructive, detrimental, deleterious, and subversive

desultory, discursive, loose, and unmethodical [desultory = disconnected: haphazard]

detestable, abominable, horrible, and hideous

developed, revealed, measured, and tested

difference, disagreement, discord, and estrangement

difficult, arduous, intricate, and perplexing

diffuse, discursive, rambling, and wordy

diligence, attention, industry, and assiduity [assiduity = persistent application]

disagreement, discrepancy, difference, and divergence

disconsolate, desolate, pessimistic, and impossible

discrimination, acuteness, insight, and judgment

disgust, distaste, loathing, and abhorrence

dissatisfied, rebellious, unsettled, and satirical

distinct, definite, clear, and obvious

distinguished, glorious, illustrious, and eminent

disturbed, shaken, distressed, and bewildered

docile, tractable, compliant, and teachable

dogmatic, bigoted, libelous, and unsympathizing

doubt, indecision, suspense, and perplexity

dread, disgust, repugnance, and dreariness

dreary, dispirited, unhappy, and peevish

dry, lifeless, tiresome, and uninteresting

dubious, equivocal, fluctuating, and uncertain

dull, heavy, painstaking, and conscientious


earth, air, stars, and sea

efficient, forcible, adequate, and potent

emaciated, scraggy, meager, and attenuated

endless, ceaseless, immutable, and imperishable

energy, eagerness, earnestness, and enthusiasm

enhance, exalt, elevate, and intensify

enormous, base, prodigious, and colossal

enrage, incense, infuriate, and exasperate

enthusiasm, devotion, intensity, and zeal

envy, discontent, deception, and ignorance

equitable, reasonable, just, and honest

equivocal, uncertain, cloudy, and ambiguous

eradicate, extirpate, exterminate, and annihilate [extirpate = pull up by the roots]

erroneous, faulty, inaccurate, and inexact

eternal, unchangeable, unerring, and intelligent

evil, misfortune, corruption, and disaster

exacting, suspicious, irritable, and wayward

exalt, dignify, elevate, and extol

examination, inquiry, scrutiny, and research

exceed, outdo, surpass, and transcend

exceptional, uncommon, abnormal, and extraordinary

excitement, distraction, diversion, and stimulation

exhaustive, thorough, radical, and complete

expend, dissipate, waste, and squander


facile, showy, cheap, and superficial

faithful, truthful, loyal, and trustworthy

fame, distinction, dignity, and honor

fanatic, enthusiast, visionary, and zealot

fanciful, unreal, fantastic, and grotesque

fancy, humor, vagary, and caprice [vagary = extravagant or erratic notion or action]

fashion, practise, habit, and usage

fastidious, proud, gracious, and poised

fate, fortune, contingency, and opportunity

fatuous, dreamy, moony, and impracticable

fear, timidity, cowardice, and pusillanimity

feeble, languid, timid, and irresolute

ferocious, restive, savage, and uncultivated

fervent, enthusiastic, anxious, and zealous

fiction, fancy, falsehood, and fabrication

fine, fragile, delicate, and dainty

firmness, steadfastness, stability, and tenacity

flash, flame, flare, and glare

flat, insipid, tame, and monotonous

fluctuating, hesitating, vacillating, and oscillating

folly, foolishness, imbecility, and fatuity

foolhardy, hasty, adventurous, and reckless

fop, coxcomb, puppy, and jackanapes [jackanapes = conceited person]

force, vigor, power, and energy

formal, precise, stiff, and methodical

fortunate, happy, prosperous, and successful

fragile, frail, brittle, and delicate

freedom, familiarity, liberty, and independence

frightful, fearful, direful, and dreadful

frivolous, trifling, petty, and childish

fruitful, fertile, prolific, and productive

fruitless, vain, trivial, and foolish

frustrate, defeat, disappoint, and thwart

fully, completely, abundantly, and perfectly

furious, impetuous, boisterous, and vehement


gaiety, merriment, joy, and hilarity

gallant, ardent, fearless, and self-sacrificing

garnish, embellish, beautify, and decorate

generous, candid, easy, and independent

genius, intellect, aptitude, and capacity

genteel, refined, polished, and well-bred

gentle, persuasive, affective, and simple

genuine, true, unaffected, and sincere

ghastly, grim, shocking, and hideous

gibe, mock, taunt, and jeer

giddy, fickle, flighty, and thoughtless

gleam, glimmer, glance, and glitter

gloomy, dismal, dark, and dejected

glorious, noble, exalted, and resplendent

glut, gorge, cloy, and satiate [cloy = too filling, rich, or sweet]

good, safe, venerable, and solid

government, law, order, and organization

grand, stately, dignified, and pompous

grave, contemplative, reserved, and profound

great, joyous, strong, and triumphant

greed, avarice, covetousness, and cupidity

gross, academic, vulgar, and indiscriminate


habit, custom, method, and fashion

handsome, exquisite, brilliant, and accomplished

harmless, innocent, innocuous, and inoffensive

harmony, order, sublimity, and beauty

harsh, discordant, disagreeable, and ungracious

hasty, superficial, impatient, and desultory [desultory = disconnected: haphazard]

healed, soothed, consoled, and assuaged

healthy, hale, sound, and wholesome

heavy, sluggish, dejected, and crushing

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