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shivering and chattering

shocked and astonished

short and precarious

shreds and tatters

shrewd and diligent

shrill and piercing

shrinking and nervous

shy and subdued

significant and sinister

signs and tokens

silence and obscurity

similarities and resemblances

simple and straightforward

simpletons and nincompoops

sincerity and frankness

sinewy and active

skill and coolness

skulk and shirk

sleek and languid [languid = lacking energy or vitality; weak]

slight and precarious

slipshod and untidy

slothfulness and perversity

slow and sluggish

slumbering and unsuspected

small and hampered

smirched and tarnished

smoothness and artifice

sneering and sentimental

soberly and truthfully

softness and effeminacy

solemn and dramatic

solitary and idle

solitude and depression

sonorous and musical

sons and scions [scions = descendant or heir]

soporific and sodden [soporific = inducing sleep]

sordid and stupid

sorrow and lamentation

soulless and mindless

sovereign and independent

spacious and lofty

sparkling and spontaneous

spasmodic and hysterical

speedy and inevitable

spicy and pungent

spiritual and invisible

spiteful and sordid

splash and dash

splendor and glory

spontaneity and intensity

sportive and playful

sprightly and vigorous

spur and impulse

spurious and misleading

squalid and dismal [squalid = wretched, dirty, repulsive]

stare and gasp

stately and ponderous

statesmanship and character

staunch and influential

stay and solace

steadfast and resolute

steadily and patiently

stealthy and hostile

stern and unbending

stiff and cumbersome

stifling and venomous

still and translucent

stimulating and wholesome

stings and stimulants

stir and tumult

stolid and soulless

strain and struggle

strange and incomprehensible

stratagems and plots

strenuous and energetic

strictly and absolutely

strife and contention

striking and picturesque

strong and youthful

structure and organization

struggles and misgivings

studied and artificial

stunned and insensible

stupor and despair

sturdy and manly

style and temperament

suave and winning

sublime and aspiring

submission and patience

subordinate and dependent

substance and basis

subtle and elusive

suddenness and vehemence

suffering and desperation

suffused and transfigured

suggestions and stimulations

sullen and fierce

summarize and epitomize

sumptuous and aromatic

sunshine and smiles

superb and showy

supercilious and obstinate [supercilious = haughty disdain]

superficial and obvious

superfluous and impertinent

suppressed and restrained

surmises and suggestions

surprise and wonder

susceptibility and vulnerability

suspense and excitement

suspicion and innuendo [innuendo = indirect derogatory implication]

sustained and measured

sweet and wholesome

swelled and bloated

swift and stealthy

swoop and range

symbolism and imagery

sympathetic and consoling


taciturn and laconic [taciturn = untalkative] [laconic = terse]

tactful and conciliatory

talkative and effusive

tame and insipid

tangible and sufficient

tangled and shapeless

tardy and belated

tartness and contradiction

taste and elegance

tattle and babble

taunt and reproach

tawdry and penurious [tawdry = gaudy, cheap] [penurious = stingy]

tears and lamentations

tedious and trivial

temperament and taste

temperately and judiciously

tempest and violence

temporal and evanescent [evanescent = vanishing like vapor]

tenacity and coherence

tender and emotional

tense and straining

tentative and experimental

terrible and satanical

testiness and crabbedness

thankfulness and acknowledgment

theories and speculations

thorough and effective

threatening and formidable

thriftless and unenterprising

thrilling and vitalizing

ties and associations

time and opportunity

timid and vacillating

tiresome and laborious

tolerant and kindly

tone and treatment

topics and instances

tormented and tantalized

tortuous and twisted

tottering and hopeless

touched and thrilled

tractable and gracious

traditions and practises

training and temperament

tranquillity and benevolence

transfuse and irradiate

transitory and temporary

transparent and comprehensible

treacherous and cowardly

tremble and oscillate

trenchant and straightforward [trenchant = effective, and vigorous]

trials and tribulations

tricks and stratagems

trifling and doubtful

trite and commonplace

trivial and ridiculous

troublous and menacing

truisms and trivialities

trust and confidence

truth and righteousness

turbid and noise some

turgid and bombastic [turgid = excessively complex] [bombastic = pompous]

turmoil and shouting

twisted and perverted

type and forerunner

tyrant and oppressor


unaccountable and grotesque

unaffected and undaunted

unapproached and unapproachable

unassuming and unpretending

unchangeable and enduring

unconsciously and innocently

uncouth and barbarous

unctuous and irresistible [trenchant = insincere earnestness]

undeveloped and ignorant

undignified and futile

uneasiness and apprehension

uneducated and inexperienced

unfamiliar and distant

unfettered and vigorous

unforced and unchecked

unfortunate and unparalleled

unfounded and incredible

ungracious and reluctant

unhappiness and discomfort

unique and original

unity and completeness

unjust and ungrateful

unlimited and absolute

unnatural and harmful

unobserved and unsuspected

unobtrusive and tactful

unparalleled and inexhaustible

unpleasant and bewildering

unpopular and unimpressive

unprecedented and objectionable

unpremeditated and heartfelt

unpromising and scanty

unprotected and friendless

unreal and unsubstantial

unreasoning and uncompromising

unrecognized and unrewarded

unseemly and insufferable

unseen and unsuspected

unsmiling and critical

unswerving and unfaltering

unthinking and careless

untutored and infantine

unusual and unexpected

unuttered and unutterable

unwholesome and vile

upright and credible

uproar and confusion

upstart and braggart

urbanity and unction [unction = exaggerated earnestness]

utter and disastrous


vacillation and uncertainty

vague and indistinct

vain and profitless

validity and value

vanities and vices

vapory and chaotic

varied and animated

varnish and falsehood

vassals and inferiors

vast and superlative

vehement and clamorous

veiled and unreadable

venality and corruption

venerable and interesting

veracity and fidelity

verbally and literally

versatility and sympathy

vexation and anxiety

vibrating and sonorous

views and experiences

vigilant and inflexible

vigorous and graphic

violent and ill-balanced

virtuous and wise

virulence and invective [invective = abusive language]

visible and apparent

visionary and obscure

vistas and backgrounds

vital and vigorous

vitiate and poison [vitiate = reduce the value]

vituperation and abuse [vituperation = abusive language]

vivacious and agreeable

vivid and varied

void and nothingness

volatile and fiery

volubly and exuberantly [volubly = ready flow of speech]

volume and impetus

voluminous and varied

voluntarily and habitually

vulgar and artificial


wandering and erratic

wanton and unnecessary

war and revelry

warp and woof [warp = lengthwise threads]
                            [woof = crosswise threads]

wasteful and circuitous

waxing and waning

weak and perfidious

wealth and distinction

wearisome and dull

weighed and winnowed

weighty and dominant

weird and fantastic

wheezing and puffing

whims and inconsistencies

wholesome and beautiful

wholly and solely

wicked and malicious

widened and amplified

wild and irregular

wily and observant

winking and blinking

winning and unforced

wise and beneficent

wistful and dreamy

wit and jocularity [jocularity = given to joking]

withered and wan

woe and lamentation

wonder and delight

work and utility

worldly and ambitious

worth and excellence

wrath and menace

wretched and suppliant


yearning and eagerness

yielding and obedience

yoke and bondage

young and fragile

youthful and callow [callow = immature]


zeal and vehemence

zenith and climax

zest and freshness

zigzag and deviating


ability, humor, and perspicacity [perspicacity = perceptive]

abrupt, rough, and immoderate

abstruse, metaphysical, and idealistic

abundant, varied, and vigorous

accessible, knowable, and demonstrable

accomplished, inventive, and deft-fingered

accuracy, ease, and grace

acquire, classify, and arrange

action, incident, and interest

active, learned, and liberal

acts, activities, and aims

actual, stern, and pathetic

acuteness, honesty, and, fearlessness

addition, correction, and amplification

adventurous, eager, and afraid

affected, pedantic, and vain [pedantic = attention to detail or rules]

affluent, genial, and frank

aggressive, envious, and arrogant

agreeable, engaging, and delightful

air, woodland, and water

alarmed, anxious, and uneasy

alert, hopeful, and practical

amazement, resentment, and indignation

ambiguous, strange, and sinister

amiable, genial, and charitable

amusing, sympathetic, and interesting

ancient, subtle, and treacherous

annoyances, shifts, and inconveniences

anxious, fearful, and anticipative

appearance, conversation, and bearing

approbation, wealth, and power [approbation = warm approval; praise]

apt, explicit, and communicative

ardent, undisciplined, and undirected

arrogance, conceit, and disdain

artificial, rhetorical, and mundane

artistic, progressive, and popular

aspirations, dreams, and devotions

assured, stern, and judicial

astonishment, apprehension, and horror

attainments, possessions, and character

attention, forbearance, and patience

attract, interest, and persuade

augmenting, furthering, and reenforcing

austere, calm, and somber

authority, leadership, and command

avarice, pride, and revenge

awakened, girded, and active

awe, reverence, and adoration

awkwardness, narrowness, and self-consciousness


barbarous, shapeless, and irregular

beautiful, graceful, and accomplished

beggar, thief, and impostor

belittling, personal, and selfish

birth, rank, and fortune

bitter, baleful, and venomous

bland, patient, and methodical

blessing, bestowing, and welcoming

blind, partial, and prejudiced

blithe, innocent, and free

bluster, swagger, and might

body, soul, and mind

boisterous, undignified, and vulgar

bold, original, and ingenious

bombastic, incongruous, and unsymmetrical

bountiful, exuberant, and luxurious

brain, energy, and enterprise

brave, authoritative, and confident

breadth, richness, and freshness

breathless, confused, and exhilarated

brief, isolated, and fragmentary

brilliancy, energy, and zeal

broad, spare, and athletic

broken, apologetic, and confused

brotherhood, humanity, and chivalry

brusqueness, rudeness, and self-assertion

brutish, repulsive, and terrible

busy, active, and toiling


calculated, logical, and dispassionate

calm, earnest, and genial

candor, integrity, and straightforwardness

capricious, perverse, and prejudiced

careful, reasoned, and courteous

cautious, prudent, and decisive

caviling, petulance, and discontent [caviling = finding trivial objections]

censured, slighted, and despised

certain, swift, and final

chance, doubt, and mutability

character, life, and aims

charitable, just, and true

charm, grace, and glory

cheerful, modest, and delicate

childish, discordant, and superfluous

chill, harden, and repel

circumstances, properties, and characteristics

civilized, mild, and humane

clear, cloudless, and serene

cleverness, independence, and originality

coarseness, violence, and cunning

coherent, interdependent, and logical

cold, cynical, and relentless

color, intensity, and vivacity

comfort, virtue, and happiness

comments, criticisms, and judgments

common, dull, and threadbare

compact, determinate, and engaging

conceited, commonplace, and uninspiring

conception, direction, and organization

confident, inflexible, and uncontrollable

conflict, confusion, and disintegration

confused, broken, and fragmentary

conscience, heart, and life

conscientious, clear-headed, and accurate

consistent, thoughtful, and steadfast

consoling, pacifying, and benign

constant, wise, and sympathetic

constitution, temperament, and habits

convince, convert, and reconstruct

copious, redundant, and involved

corroding, venomous, and malignant

corrupt, self-seeking, and dishonest

countenance, voice, and manner

country, lake, and mountain

courage, patience, and honesty

courteous, patient, and indefatigable

covetousness, selfishness, and ignorance

credulous, weak, and superstitious

crimes, follies, and misfortunes

crisp, emphatic, and powerful

crude, warped, and barren

cruelty, violence, and injustice

culture, growth, and progress

cunning, cruelty, and treachery

curious, fantastic, and charming


danger, difficulty, and hardship

darkness, doubt, and difficulty

dazzle, amaze, and overpower

deadly, silent, and inaccessible

deceitful, lazy, and dishonest

decent, respectable, and sensible

decisions, affirmations, and denials

deep, flexible, and melodious

defeated, discredited, and despised

deferential, conciliatory, and courteous

definite, tangible, and practicable

deftness, delicacy, and veracity

degraded, defeated, and emasculated

dejected, discouraged, and disappointed

deliberately, coolly, and methodically

delicate, mobile, and complex

delightful, witty, and sensible

denounced, persecuted, and reviled

dependent, subsidiary, and allied

depth, tenderness, and sublimity

desolated, impoverished, and embittered

despair, finality, and hopelessness

detailed, described, and explained

devastating, horrible, and irremediable

devout, gentle, and kindly

difficult, painful, and slow

digestion, circulation, and assimilation

dignity, solemnity, and responsibility

diligent, cautious, and painstaking

dingy, cumbersome, and depressing

directness, spontaneity, and simplicity

disciplined, drilled, and trained

discontent, revolt, and despair

discordant, coarse, and

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