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id="id04067">lethargy and sloth

levity and gaiety

liberal and ample

liberty and freedom

license and laxity

likely and plausible

limited and abbreviated

listless and inert

literal and exact

literary and artistic

lithe and sinewy

lively and poignant

loathsome and abject

lofty and sonorous [sonorous = producing a full, rich sound; impressive speech]

logical and consistent

loquacity and exuberance [loquacity = very talkative.]

loss and deterioration

loud and passionate

loving and reverential

low and groveling

loyal and devoted

lucidity and vividness

lucky and propitious [propitious = auspicious, favorable; kindly]

lucrative and advantageous

ludicrous and detestable

lugubrious and unfortunate [lugubrious = dismal, gloomy]

lukewarm and indifferent

lull and silence

luminous and keen

lure and captivate

lurid and fiery

luscious and lasting

luster and resplendence

lusty and big-sounding

luxury and pomp


madness and folly

magical and secret

magnificent and luxurious

majestic and imposing

malice and revenge

malignity and spitefulness

manifold and complex

manly and powerful

manner and conduct

marvels and mysteries

massive and compact

masterly and convincing

materialistic and sordid

maternal and filial

maudlin and grotesque [maudlin = tearfully sentimental]

maxims and morals

meager and bare

mean and debasing

meaning and significance

means and materials

mechanical and monotonous

meddling and muddling

meditative and sympathetic

meek and manageable

melody and softness

memorable and glorious

menace and superciliousness [superciliousness = haughty disdain]

merciful and chivalrous

merciless and unpitying

merit and virtue

mighty and majestic

mild and virtuous

mince and temporize

minds and memories

minuteness and fidelity

mirth and joviality

misdemeanors and improprieties

misery and degradation

misrepresented and reviled

misty and indefinite

mobile and expressive

mockery and imposture

moderate and cautious

modes and methods

modest and retiring

molding and upbuilding

momentary and languid [languid = lacking energy; weak]

momentous and appalling

monopoly and injustice

monotony and indecorum

monstrous and insupportable

moody and brooding

moral and religious

morbid and irritable

motionless and commanding

motives and aims

mud and mire

muddled and incoherent

murmurs and reproaches

muscularity and morality

mutable and fleeting

mute and insensate

mutilated and disfigured

muttering and murmuring

mutual and friendly

mysterious and incomprehensible

mystic and wonderful


nagging and squabbling

nameless and obscure

narrow and timorous

natural and spontaneous

nauseous and disgusting

neatness and propriety

necessarily and essentially

needs and demands

nefarious and malevolent

negations and contradictions

neglect and evade

negotiate and bargain

nerve and fiber

neutral and colorless

nicety and precision

nimble and airy

noble and powerful

nodding and blinking

noisy and scurrilous [scurrilous = vulgar, coarse, abusive language]

nonsense and absurdity

nooks and corners

notable and conspicuous

noted and distinguished

noteworthy and intelligible

notoriety and prominence

nourish and foster

novelty and freshness

novice and ignoramus

nucleus and beginning

nugatory and ineffectual [nugatory = no importance; trifling]

nullify and destroy

number and variety

numerous and important


oaths and revilings

obdurate and impenitent [obdurate = hardened in wrongdoing ] [impenitent = without remorse for sins]

obedient and dutious

obeisance and submission

objectionable and inexpedient

obligation and dependence

obliquity and hypocrisy

oblivious and insensible

obloquy and detraction [obloquy = abusive language]

obnoxious and odious

obscure and enigmatical

obsequies and panegyrics [obsequies = funeral rite] [panegyrics = elaborate praise]

obsequious and conciliating [obsequious = servile compliance; fawning]

observations and reflections

obstacles and disasters

obstinate and stupid

obstreperous and noisy [obstreperous = stubbornly defiant]

obtrusive and vulgar

obtuse and imbecile

obvious and palpable

occasional and contingent

occult and hidden

occupations and habits

odd and dismal

odious and oppressive

offensive and aggressive

official and authoritative

oily and servile

old and decrepit

ominous and untrustworthy

omnivorous and sordid

oneness and unity

onerous and perplexing

open and inviting

opinions and hypotheses

opportunism and inconsistency

opposite and discordant

oppressed and sullen

optimistic and reassuring

opulence and magnitude

oracular and occult [oracular = solemnly prophetic; obscure]

order and uniformity

organic and rational

organization and system

origin and discovery

original and attractive

ornate and variegated

ostensible and explicit

ostentatiousness and gaiety

outlines and appearances

outrageous and scandalous

overburdened and confused

overcome and vanquish

overstep and contravene

overt and unmistakable

overwearied and outworn

overworked and fagged [fagged = worked to exhaustion]


pains and penalties

painstaking and cumbersome

pale and anxious

palpable and plain

paltry and inglorious

pampered and petted

parade and display

parched and dry

partial and provisional

particularly and individually

parties and sects

passion and prejudice

passive and indifferent

pastimes and diversions

patent and pertinent

pathos and terror

patience and perseverance

patriotism and reverence

pattern and exemplar [exemplar = worthy of imitation]

peaks and pinnacles

pedagogue and pedant [pedant = exhibits learning or scholarship ostentatiously]

pedantries and affectations

pedigree and genealogy

peevishness and spleen

pellucid and crystal [pellucid = transparently clear]

penetrating and insidious

penned and planned

peppery and impetuous

perception and recognition

peremptorily and irrevocably [peremptorily = not allowing contradiction]

perilous and shifting

permanent and unchangeable

permeate and purify

pernicious and malign

perplexity and confusion

persistent and reiterated

personal and specific

perspicuous and flowing [perspicuous = clearly expressed]

perturbed and restless

perverted and prejudicial

pessimistic and disenchanted

pestilence and famine

petted and indulged

pettiness and prudence

petulance and acrimony

pharisaical and bitter [pharisaical = hypocritically self-righteous and condemnatory]

pictorial and dramatic

picturesque and illustrative

pilgrim and crusader

pillage and demolish

piquant and palatable [piquant = agreeable pungent taste]

pith and brevity

pitiful and destitute

place and power

plagued and persecuted

plainness and severity

plaintive and mournful

plans and projects

plastic and ductile

plausibility and humbug

pleasant and pungent

pleasurable and wholesome

pliant and submissive

plot and verisimilitude

plunder and sacrilege

poetical and pastoral

pointless and ineffective

polite and elegant

political and sociological

pomp and pageantry

ponderous and unwieldy

poor and barren

possession and dominion

potent and prevailing

power and luxury

praise and commend

precedence and usage

precision and efficiency

preference and prejudice

pregnant and suggestive

prejudice and predilection [predilection = preference]

presence and address

present and tangible

prestige and authority

presumptuous and futile

pretentious and inept

pretty and enchanting

pride and indignation

primary and essential

priority and predominance

probity and candor [probity = integrity; uprightness]

prodigal and careless

profile and outline

profound and philosophical

profuse and tearful

prolix and tedious [prolix = prolonged; wordy]

prominence and importance

promise and performance

promptitude and dispatch

proneness and readiness

pronounced and diversified

proof and illustration

propensity and desire

proportion and consistency

propriety and delicacy

prostration and loss

protection and safety

protesting and repelling

protracted and fruitless

provincialism and vulgarity

prudent and sagacious [sagacious = keenly discerning]

puerile and sickly [puerile = immature; childish]

puffy and dissipated

puissant and vigorous [puissant = with power, might]

punctilious and severe [punctilious = precise; scrupulous]

purity and simplicity

purpose and intention

pusillanimous and petty [pusillanimous = cowardly]

puzzled and affected


quackery and incompetence

quaintness and oddity

qualities and gifts

quarrel and wrangle

queer and affected

querulous and plaintive [querulous = complaining; peevish]

quibble and fabricate

quickness and agility

quiet and unobtrusive

quintessential and nuclear [quintessential = perfect example]

quips and cranks

quirks and graces

quivering and fearful

quizzical and whimsical


racked and oppressed

racy and incisive

rage and apprehension

rank and learning

rant and gush

rapacity and villainy [rapacity = plundering]

rapidity and precision

rapt and silent

rapture and enthusiasm

rare and exquisite

rashness and heedlessness

ready and spontaneous

real and positive

realistic and effective

reasonable and practical

rebellion and disloyalty

rebuffs and anxieties

receptive and responsive

recognized and honored

recoil and reaction

reconciliation and peace

recondite and abstruse [recondite = concealed; hidden] [abstruse = difficult to understand]

reconnoiter and explore

recreation and amusement

rectitude and delicacy

redeeming and transforming

refined and dignified

refreshing and invigorating

regard and esteem

regret and remorse

regular and symmetrical

rejection and scorn

reliable and trustworthy

relief and redress [redress = set right; remedy]

remarkable and interesting

remorseful and sullen

remote and distant

rend and devastate

repellent and ungracious

repetition and reiteration

repress and silence

repugnance and aversion

repulsive and loathsome

resentment and indignation

reserve and coyness

resistless and implacable

resolution and effort

resonant and tuneful

resourceful and unscrupulous

respected and obeyed

responsibilities and burdens

restive and bored

restless and impatient

retaliation and revenge

reticence and repose

revered and cherished

reverses and disasters

revised and corrected

revolution and sedition [sedition = insurrection; rebellion]

rhapsodies and panegyrics [panegyrics = elaborate praise]

richness and fertility

ridicule and censure

right and praiseworthy

rigid and inexpressive

ripeness and plenitude

rivals and antagonists

roar and ring

robust and rugged

rococo and affected [rococo = elaborate ornamentation]

romantic and pathetic

rough and barren

roundabout and complicated

roused and stimulated

rude and fiery

rugged and inaccessible

rumors and impressions

rushing and gurgling

rust and disuse


sad and melancholy

sagacity and virtue [sagacity = farsighted; wise]

sane and simple

sarcastic and cruel

sayings and quibbles

scant and incidental

scattered and desultory [desultory = haphazard; random]

scenes and associations

scholastic and erudite [erudite = learned]

scientific and exact

scintillating and brilliant

scoffing and unbelief

scope and significance

scorched and shriveled

scorn and loathing

scrupulous and anxious

scrutiny and investigation

searching and irresistible

seared and scorched

secondary and subsidiary

secretive and furtive

sedate and serious

selfish and overbearing

sensational and trivial

senseless and unreasoning

sensibilities and emotions

sensitive and capricious

sententious and tiresome [sententious = pompous moralizing; terse and energetic]

sentiment and passion

serene and quiet

serious and studious

severe and saturnine [saturnine = melancholy or sullen]

shabbiness and vulgarity

shadowy and confused

shame and mortification

shams and hypocrisies

shaped and sculptured

sharp and vigorous

shelter and safeguard

shifts and

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