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despoiled and destroyed

despondency and melancholy

despotism and coercion

destitution and misery

desultory and slipshod [desultory = haphazardly; random]

detached and isolated

determined and courageous

detestable and intolerable

development and culture

devoted and unwavering

dictatorial and insolent

diction and pronunciation

differences and disputes

difficult and arduous

diffidence and constraint

diffuseness and warmth

dignified and austere

digressive and wanton

dilatory and hesitating [dilatory = postpone or delay]

diligent and sedulous [sedulous = persevering ]

dim and distant

din and traffic

directed and controlled

disagreeable and painful

disappointed and abashed

disapprobation and condemnation [approbation = warm approval; praise]

disapproval and apprehension

discipline and development

discomfiture and degradation

disconcerted and dismayed

discontent and disquiet

discords and differences

discouraging and distressing

discovery and invention

discretion and moderation

disdain and mockery

disfigured and shapeless

disgrace and ruin

disgust and dismay

dishonor and ruin

disillusioned and ironical

disintegration and decay

disinterested and gracious

disjointed and voluble [voluble = fluent]

dislike and disdain

dislocation and chaos

dismay and apprehension

dispirit and discourage

disposition and power

disquietude and uneasiness

dissolute and hateful

dissolve and disappear

distant and diverse

distended and distorted

distinctive and appropriate

distinguishing and differentiating

distress and humiliation

distrust and aversion

disturbed and anxious

diverging and contracting

docile and obedient

dogma and ritual

dominant and permanent

dormant and subdued

doubt and trepidation

dramatic and sensational

drastic and revolutionary

dread and terror

dreams and ambitions

dreariness and desolation

dregs and sediments

drill and discipline

driveling and childish

drollery and ridicule

drooping and disconsolate

dubious and dangerous

dull and spiritless

dumb and nerveless

dupe and victim

duplicity and equivocation

dust and oblivion

duties and difficulties

dwarfed and obscured

dwindle and disappear


eagerness and ecstasy

earnestness and animation

ease and lightness

ebb and flow

eclectic and assimilated

edifying and enchanting

education and skill

effective and competent

efficiency and success

egotism and bigotry

elaboration and display

elation and delight

elegance and gentility

elementary and simple

elevate and ennoble

eligibility and suitableness

elongated and narrow

eloquent and expressive

elusive and exquisite

embarrassed and concerned

embittered and despairing

embodiment and actualization

emerged and flowered

eminent and remarkable

emoluments and honors [emoluments = compensation]

emotion and passion

emphasize and magnify

employment and profession

encouragement and stimulus

energy and activity

enfeebled and exhausted

enfold and enwrap

engulfed and buried

enjoyment and satisfaction

enlightenment and progress

enraptured and amazed

enriched and ennobled

enslave and dominate

enterprising and intelligent

entertaining and diverting

enthusiasm and zeal

enticing and alluring

entire and complete

environment and training

envy and despair

ephemeral and feeble [ephemeral = markedly short-lived]

episodes and interludes

epithet and description

equality and solidarity

equity and justice

erratic and confused

errors and infirmities

essential and predominating

estimable and agreeable

eternal and sublime

ethical and religious

ever and anon

evident and manifest

exactitude and completeness

exaggerate and distort

exaltation and enthusiasm

examination and comparison

examples and models

exasperations and paroxysms [paroxysms = outbursts of emotion or action]

excellent and worthy

exceptional and remarkable

excessive and unreasonable

excitable and irritable

exclusive and limited

excusable and justifiable

execration and defiance [execration = curse]

exertion and excitement

exhaustion and fatigue

exhibition and display

exhilarating and beneficial

exigency and requirement [exigency = urgent situation]

expansive and digressive

expediency and utility

expensive and unprofitable

experience and skill

experiment and explorations

expert and vigorous

explanation and elucidation

explore and examine

expressions and exclamations

expressive and effective

exquisite and powerful

extent and importance

extraordinary and unexpected

extravagant and grotesque

extreme and morbid

exuberant and infectious


fabulous and fabricated

facile and brilliant

facts and traditions

faculties and powers

faded and withered

failures and misadventures

faint and obscure

fair and impartial

faith and reverence

fallacy and danger

false and fugitive

fame and fortune

familiar and gracious

famous and foremost

fancies and sentiments

fanciful and chimerical [chimerical = highly improbable]

fantastic and meretricious [meretricious = plausible but false]

fascination and awe

fashion and frivolity

fastidious and exacting

fatigued and careworn

faults and delusions

favors and kindnesses

fear and bewilderment

feasible and practical

feebleness and folly

feeling and passion

felicitous and exquisite

ferocious and mercenary

fertility and vigor

fervor and simplicity

feverishly and furiously

fickle and uncertain

fidelity and zeal

fierce and menacing

fiery and controversial

final and irreversible

finish and completeness

firm and decisive

first and foremost

fitful and capricious

fitting and appropriate

fixity and finality

flaming and mendacious [mendacious = lying; untruthful]

flare and flicker

flatness and insipidity

flattery and toadyism

flexible and spontaneous

flickering and ambiguous

flighty and impetuous

flippant and contemptuous

florid and healthy [florid = ornate; flowery]

flotsam and jetsam

flow and fullness

flowery and figurative

fluctuating and transitory

fluency and flippancy

fluttering and restless

focus and concentrate

fogs and complications

foibles and follies

foiled and defeated

folly and indecorum

fools and underlings

force and effectiveness

formal and cold

formidable and profound

formlessness and exaggeration

fortitude and perseverance

foul and ominous

fragile and pale

fragments and morsels

fragrance and beauty

frailties and absurdities

frank and genial

free and independent

frequent and poignant

freshness and fragrance

fretful and timorous

friend and benefactor

frigid and pompous

frivolous and empty

froth and effervescence

frustrated and confounded

fuddled and contradictory

full and sonorous

fumbling and blundering

fuming and bustling

fun and satire

function and aim

fundamental and necessary

furrowed and ragged

furtive and illusive

fury and madness

fussing and fuming

futile and untrustworthy


gaiety and grace

gallant and proud

galling and humiliating

gaunt and ghastly

gay and genial

general and universal

generosity and prodigality

generous and humane

genial and refreshing

genius and reputation

gentle and amiable

genuine and infectious

germ and root

gesticulation and emphasis [gesticulation = deliberate, vigorous motion or gesture]

ghastly and inconceivable

gifts and graces

gigantic and portentous

glamour and fascination

glare and pretension

glib and loquacious [loquacious = very talkative]

glitter and glamour

gloomy and morose

glorious and gorgeous

glowing and exaggerated

glum and grim

goodness and rectitude

goodwill and merriment

gorgeousness and splendor

gossiping and grumbling

govern and overrule

grace and dignity

gracious and generous

gradual and progressive

graft and dishonesty

grand and sublime

grandeur and massiveness

grandiose and oracular [oracular = solemnly prophetic; obscure]

graphic and gorgeous

gratification and enjoyment

gratitude and generosity

gratuitous and ungracious

grave and stately

graveyards and solitudes

greatness and stability

greed and covetousness

grief and remorse

grim and sullen

grimaces and gesticulations

grope and fumble

grossness and brutality

grotesque and monstrous

grouped and combined

growth and development

guesses and fancies

guidance and inspiration

gush and hysteria

gusto and effect


habits and humors

habitual and intuitive

hackneyed and tawdry

haggard and pale

handsome and amiable

haphazard and dangerous

happiness and pleasantness

harass and pursue

hard and unsparing

hardships and indignities

harmony and beauty

harsh and austere

hasty and unwarranted

hateful and loathsome

haughtiness and arrogance

hauteur and disdain [hauteur = arrogance]

hazard and peril

hazy and indefinite

headstrong and foolish

healthy and vigorous

hearth and shrine

heartless and hypocritical

heat and impatience

heaviness and weariness

hecklings and interruptions

hectic and pitiful

heretics and schismatics

heritage and privilege

heroism and wisdom

hesitation and irresolution

hideous and grotesque

high and conscientious

hilarity and mirth

hints and suggestions

history and tradition

hither and thither

hoarse and rumbling

hobbies and eccentricities

hollowness and unreality

holy and prayerful

homeliness and simplicity

honestly and confessedly

honors and emoluments [emoluments = compensation]

hooted and mobbed

hopes and prospects

horror and ghastliness

hospitality and magnificence

hubbub and confusion

huge and unwieldy

humane and sympathetic

humility and devoutness

humors and singularities

hurry and bustle

hushed and still

husks and phantoms

hypocrisy and impudence


ideas and achievements

idle and presumptuous

ignoble and shabby

ignominy and misfortune

ignorance and superstition

illiterate and unfit

ill-tempered and unjust

illuminative and suggestive

illustrative and typical

images and impressions

imagination and memory

imbitter and exasperate

imitators and disciples

immature and unpromising

immediate and instantaneous

immensity and intricacy

imminent and terrible

immovable and unchangeable

impalpable and spiritual

impassioned and energetic

impatient and restless

imperfection and fallibility

imperil and destroy

imperious and ruthless [imperious = arrogantly domineering]

impertinent and personal

impinging and inexorable

implacable and destructive

important and formidable

imposed and enforced

impossibilities and absurdities

impressible and plastic

improvement and progress

imprudent and thoughtless

impulse and indignation

inaccessible and audacious

inactive and supine

inadequate and misleading

inapplicable and alien

inarticulate and confused

inborn and native

incensed and alarmed

inchoate and tentative [inchoate = imperfectly formed]

incoherent and inconclusive

incompetence and ignorance

incomplete and erroneous

incongruity and absurdity

inconvenient and troublesome

incorrigible and irrepressible

incredulous and mortified

indefatigable and irresistible

indefinite and vague

independent and democratic

indifference and brevity

indigence and obscurity

indignation and chagrin

indirectly and unconsciously

indispensable and irreplaceable

indistinct and misty

indolence and indifference

indomitable and dogged

indorsed and applauded

indulge and cherish

industrious and vigilant

ineffective and bungling

inert and uncertain

inevitable and assured

inexhaustible and indomitable

inexperienced and timid

infallible and disdainful

inference and suggestion

infinite and eternal

inflexible and unchanging

influence and authority

informed and competent

ingenious and eloquent

ingratitude and cruelty

inharmonious and irregular

injustice and inhumanity

innocence and fidelity

innuendo and suggestion

inopportune and futile

insanely and blindly

inscrutable and perplexing

insecurity and precariousness

insensibly and graciously

insignificant and transitory

insincere and worthless

insipid and silly

insistent and incongruous

insolence and absurdity

inspiring and animating

instant and momentous

instinctive and rational

insulted and thwarted

intangible and indefinable

integral and indestructible

integrity and honor

intelligence and insight

intense and overpowering

intentness and interest

interesting and engrossing

intimate and familiar

intolerant and bumptious [bumptious = loudly assertive; pushy]

intractable and untameable

intricate and endless

intrusive and unmannerly

intuitive and axiomatic

invasion and aggression

invective and innuendo [invective = abusive language]

investigation and research

invidious and painful [invidious = rousing ill will, animosity]

inviolate and unscathed

invisible and silent

involuntary and automatic

irksome and distasteful

irrational and excessive

irregular and intermittent

irreligious and immoral

irremediable and eternal

irrepressible and insistent

irreverence and ingratitude

irritable and churlish [churlish = boorish or vulgar]

isolated and detached


jabber and chatter

jagged and multifarious

jargon and absurdity

jaundiced and jealous

jeer and scoff

jeopardy and instability

jests and sarcasms

jocular and vivacious

jostle and stumble

joy and felicity

jubilant and boastful

judgment and discretion

judicious and acute

juggled and manipulated

jumble and confuse

juncture and circumstance

jurisdiction and authority

justice and virtue

juvenile and budding


keen and pertinacious [pertinacious = stubbornly persistent]

kind and forbearing

kindle and intensify

kindred and analogous

kingly and autocratic

knavish and tyrannical

knowledge and conviction

known and recognized


labor and drudgery

lame and impotent

lamentable and depressing

languid and indifferent

large and opulent

lassitude and languor [languor = dreamy, lazy mood]

latent and lifeless

latitude and scope

laudable and deserving

laughable and grotesque

lavish and wasteful

lawlessness and violence

laxity and forbearance

laziness and profligacy

leafage and fruitage

learning and austerity

legends and traditions

legitimate and logical

leisure and tranquillity

lengthy and diffuse

lenient and sympathetic

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