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id="id02890">uniform blending

unimaginable bitterness

unimpassioned dignity

unimpeachable sentiment

unimpeded activity

uninstructed critic

uninterrupted process

unique personality

universal reprobation [reprobation = condemned to hell; severe disapproval]

unjust depreciation

unknown appellations [appellation = name, title, or designation]

unlettered laborer

unlikely contingency

unlimited opulence

unlucky dissembler

unmanly timidity

unmastered possibility.

unmeaning farce

unmeasured hostility

unmellowed dawn

unmelodious echoes

unmerciful plundering

unmingled consent

unmistakably fabulous

unmitigated gloom

unmixed astonishment

unmodified passion

unmurmuring sea

unnecessary platitudes

unnumbered thousands

unobtrusive deference

unostentatious display

unpalatable truth

unparalleled atrocities

unpardonable error

unphilosophical dreamer

unpleasant excrescence [excrescence = abnormal enlargement]

unprecedented advance

unprejudiced intelligence

unpretentious character

unprincipled violence

unprofitable craft

unpurchasable luxury

unqualified submission

unquenchable tenderness

unquestionable genius

unquestioning fate

unreasonable pretense

unreasoning distrust

unredeemable forfeit

unrefreshing sameness

unrelaxing emphasis

unrelenting spirit

unremembered winter

unremitting toil

unrepining sadness

unreproved admiration

unrequited love

unresentful disposition

unreserved assent

unresisted authority

unresolved exceptions

unresponsive gloom

unresting speed

unrestrained anger

unrestricted ease

unrivaled distinction

unruffled concord

unsatisfied yearning

unscrupulous adventurer

unseasonable apology

unseemly mirth

unselfish fidelity

unsettled trait

unshakable foundation

unshrinking determination

unslackened volubility [volubility = ready flow of speech; fluent]

unsophisticated youth

unsparing abuse

unspeakable delight

unspiritual tone

unspoiled goodness

unstinted praise

unsullied virtue

unsurpassed purity

unswerving integrity

untameable energy

unthinkable hypothesis

untiring energy

untold calamity

untoward circumstances [untoward = improper]

untrammeled expression

untrodden woodland

untroubled repose

untuneful phrase

untutored mind

unusual audacity

unutterable sadness

unvarnished feeling

unwarranted limitation

unwasting energies

unwavering allegiance

unwearied diligence

unwelcome alliance

unwieldy bulk

unwilling homage

unwittingly mingled

unwonted kindness [unwonted = unusual]

unworldly foolishness

unworthy alliance

unyielding nature

uproarious laughter

upstart pretensions

useless fripperies [fripperies = pretentious, showy]

utmost scorn


vacant stupidity

vacillating obedience

vacuous ease

vagabondish spirit

vagrant wandering

vaguely discursive

vain contemplation

vainglorious show

valid objection

valuable acquisition

valueless assertion

vampire tongue

vanished centuries

vantage ground

vapid generalities [vapid = lacking liveliness, interest; dull]

variable temperament

variegated career [variegated = varied]

vast advantage

veering purpose

vehement panting

veiled insolence

velvety lawn

venerable placidity

venomous passion

veracious journals [veracious = honest; truthful; accurate; precise]

verbal audacities

verbose manner

verdant hope

verifiable facts

veritable triumph

vernacular expression

vernal charm [vernal = resembling spring; fresh; youthful]

versatile grace

vexatious circumstances

vicarious virtue

vigilant sensibility

vigorous invective [invective = abusive language]

vile desecrater

villainous inconsistency

vindictive sentiment

violent agitation

virgin grace

virile leadership

virtual surrender

virtuous disdain

virulent prejudice

visible embarrassment

visionary dreamer

vital interpretation

vitiated taste [vitiated = reduce the value; corrupt morally]

vitriolic sneer

vivacious excitement

vivid portrayal

vociferous appeal

voiceless multitude

volatile fragrance

volcanic suddenness

voluble prose [voluble = ready flow of speech; fluent]

voluminous biography

voluntary relinquishment

voracious animosity

votive wreath

vulgar prosperity

vulnerable foe


wabbling enterprise [wabbling = wobbling]

waggishly sapient [sapient = wise]

wailing winds

wandering fancy

waning popularity

wanton butchery

warbling lute

warlike trappings

warning prophecy

warped purpose

warranted interference

wasteful prodigality

wavering courage

waxwork sex

wayward fancy

weakly imaginative

wearisome wordiness

wedded incompatibility

weighty argument

weird fascination

welcoming host

well-turned period

weltering current

whimsical touch

whirling confusion

whirring loom

whispering breeze

whistling winds

whited sepulcher

wholesome aspirations

wholly commendable

wicked ingratitude

wide signification

widespread acclaim

wild extravagance

willful waywardness

willing allegiance

willowy nothingness

wily antagonist

winding pilgrimage

windowless soul

winged fancies

winking stars

winning plaintiveness

winsome girlhood

wise dissertations

wistful entreaty

withering scorn

witnessing approval

witty expedient

wizard influence

woebegone countenance

woeful weariness

wolfish tendency

womanlike loveliness

wonderful affluence

wonted activity [wonted = usual]

wordy warfare

worthy achievement

wounded avarice

wrathful pugnacity

wretched effeminacy

wriggling disputant

writhing opponent


yawning space

yearning tenderness

yielding disposition

youthful ambition


zealous devotion

zigzag method

zoologically considered


abashed and ashamed

abhorrence and repulsion

abilities and attainments

abject and hopeless

ably and vigorously

abrupt and perilous

absolute and eternal

absorbed and occupied

abstinence and self-denial

abstract and metaphysical

absurd and impertinent

abundant and sustained

abuse and slander

accentual and rhythmic

accidental and temporary

accomplished and popular

accurate and illuminating

achievement and character

acquisition and possession

active and aggressive

actual and immediate

acute and painful

admirable and accomplished

adorned and amplified

adroitness and judgment

adventurous and prodigal

advice and assistance

affable and courteous

affectation and coquetry

affectionate and warm-hearted

affluent and exuberant

affright and abhorrence

agencies and influences

ages and generations

aggrandizement and plunder

agreeable and ingenuous

aggressive and sullen

aghast and incredulous

agility and briskness

agitate and control

agony and despair

aids and auxiliaries

aim and purpose

airy and frivolous

alarm and uneasiness

alert and unsparing

all and sundry

allegiance and fidelity

alone and undistracted

alterations and additions

amazement and admiration

ambiguity and disagreement

ambition and determination

amiable and unpretending

ample and admirable

amusing and clever

analytical and critical

anarchy and chaos

ancient and venerable

anecdote and reminiscence

anger and fury

anguish and hopelessness

animated and effective

anomalies and absurdities

antagonism and opposition

antipathies and distastes

antiquated and obsolete

anxiety and trepidation

apathy and torpor

apologetic and uneasy

appalling and devastating

apparent and palpable

appearance and surroundings

apprehensive and anxious

appropriate and eloquent

approve and admire

apt and novel

archness and vivacity [archness = inappropriate playfulness]

ardent and aspiring

argument and inference

arid and unprofitable

arrangement and combination

arrogant and overbearing

artificial and elaborate

artistic and literary

artlessness and urbanity

ashamed and speechless

aspects and phases

aspiring and triumphal

assiduity and success

assimilated and combined

assuaged and pacified

astonished and curious

astound and perplex

athletic and nimble

atonement and forgiveness

atrocious and abominable

attacks and intrigues

attention and respect

attitudes and expressions

attractiveness and ability

audacity and skill

august and splendid

austere and icy

available and capable

avarice and cruelty

avidity and earnestness [avidity = desire; craving]

awake and active

awe and reverence

awkwardness and crudity


babel and confusion

backbone and sinew

baffled and disappointed

balanced and forceful

barbarity and wickedness

bards and sages

base and unworthy

beam and blaze

bearing and address

beautiful and majestic

bedraggled and disappointed

befogged and stupefied

beliefs and practises

bellowing and shouting

benevolence and candor

benign and hopeful

bent and disposition

benumbed and powerless

bewildered and stupefied

bigots and blockheads

billing and cooing

birth and breeding

bite and sting

bits and scraps

bitter and disdainful

black and solitary

bland and ingenious

blasphemous and profane

bleak and unrelenting

blend and harmonize

blessing and benediction

blind and unreasoning

blundering and plundering

blurred and confused

bluster and vulgarity

boast and assertion

bold and haughty

bombast and egotism

bone and sinew

boundless and unlimited

bourgeois and snobbish

brag and chatter

bravado and cowardice

brave and chivalrous

breathless and reverential

brevity and condensation

bribery and corruption

brief and pithy

bright and vivacious

brilliancy and grace

brisk and enlivening

broad and deep

brooding and solemn

brutal and degrading

bulks and masses

bungling and trifling

businesslike and practicable

bustle and business


cajoled and bullied

calamity and sorrow

callous and impervious

calmness and composure

calumny and exaggeration
                   [calumny = maliciously lying to injure a reputation]

candor and kindness

cant and hypocrisy [cant = hypocritically pious language]

capable and efficient

capacity and ability

capricious and unreasonable

career and occupation

cares and anxieties

carping and ungenerous

casual and transient

causes and circumstances

cautious and reticent

celebrated and praised

celerity and violence [celerity = swiftness of action]

ceremony and splendor

certain and verifiable

chafe and exasperate

chagrin and despondency

chance and opportunity

change and variety

chaos and confusion

character and temperament

characteristic and complete

charges and insinuations

charm and perfection

chaste and refined

cheap and convenient

checked and thwarted

cheerfulness and gaiety

cherish and guard

chief and paramount

chilled and stiffened

choleric and sanguine [choleric = easily angered; bad-tempered] [sanguine = cheerfully confident; optimistic]

churlishness and violence [churlish = boorish or vulgar]

citation and allusion

civility and communicativeness

civilized and cultured

clamorous and wild

claptrap and platitude

clarity and straightforwardness

classical and perspicuous [perspicuous = easy to understand]

clatter and clang

clear and decisive

cleverness and acuteness

clogged and dulled

clumsy and smudgy

coarse and grotesque

coaxed and threatened

coexistent and correlative

cogent and conclusive

cohesion and sequence

cold and unemotional

comely and vivacious

comfort and security

command and threaten

common and familiar

commotion and annoyance

compact and complete

comparison and discrimination

compass and power

competent and experienced

complaints and imprecations [imprecation = a curse]

complaisance and readiness

complete and permanent

complex and various

composure and gracefulness

comprehensive and accurate

compression and pregnancy

conceal and deny

conceit and impertinence

conceived and consummated

concentrated and intensified

conception and treatment

concern and wonder

concise and emphatic

concrete and definite

condemned and upbraided

conditions and limitations

confession and doubt

confidence and loyalty

confusion and dismay

congratulations and welcomings

connection and interdependence

conquered and transformed

conquest and acquisition

consciously and purposely

consistent and harmonious

conspicuous and impressive

conspired and contrived

constant and intimate

constructive and vital

contemn and decry [contemn = despise]

contempt and indignation

contentment and serenity

continuous and undeviating

contorted and fantastic

contradictions and inconsistencies

contrast and comparison

contrivance and disguise

conventional and limited

cool and indifferent

copiousness and vivacity

cordial and cheerful

corruption and decay

costly and gorgeous

counselor and guide

countless and indescribable

courage and endurance

courted and feted

courteous and sympathetic

coveted and deserved

coy and furtive

cramped and distorted

creative and inventive

credulity and ignorance

creeds and dogmas

crime and misdemeanor

crippled and maimed

crises and struggles

crisp and sparkling

critical and skeptical

crowded and jostled

crowned and sceptered

crude and primitive

cruel and rapacious

crumbling and shapeless

crushed and bewildered

cultured and refined

cumbrous and diffuse [cumbrous = cumbersome]

cunning and cruelty

curious and inexpressible

curved and channeled

customs and manners

cynical and contemptuous


dangers and pitfalls

daring and resolute

dark and starless

dart and quiver

dashing and careless

dates and details

dazzled and confounded

debased and demoralized

debilitating and futile

decencies and restraints

deception and cruelty

decided and definite

declamation and delivery

decline and decay

deductions and inferences

deep and subtle

deface and injure

defame and tarnish

deference and concession

defiant and antagonistic

deficient and unskilled

definite and memorable

deft and offensive

degraded and dishonored

deliberate and effective

delicate and lambent [lambent = effortlessly brilliant]

delight and consolation

delusion and trickery

demands and expectations

demeanor and conduct

demoralizing and enfeebling

denial and defense

dense and luminous

denunciations and censures

deplorable and baneful

depravity and frivolity

depressing and discouraging

depth and richness

derision and skepticism

described and classified

desecration and decay

designs and activities

desires and motives

desolation and wretchedness

despatch and resolution

desperation and defiance

despise and

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