Author's e-books - End.... Page - 1

In our online library you can read for free books by the author End.... All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Have you ever wondered:
• Do Backsliders go to Hell?
• Can Names be Erased from the Book of Life?
• Will Sex with my Boyfriend or Girlfriend send me to Hell?
• Will Pornography or Lust send me to Hell?
• Will Drunkenness or Drugs send me to Hell?
These questions are seriously addressed in this book.
Don’t leave it to chance to find out at the moment of your death. Learn from the Bible what God says about these issues.

Testimonies of Hell For Unforgiveness. Included in this book are some real and frightening testimonies of people who saw people in Hell for unforgiveness. Also some people (even pastors and evangelists) who were almost cast into Hell for unforgiveness. It truly is more serious than you thought.

True maturity is to be in a childlike walk with Me, with a pure heart. True maturity is not religious knowledge. Your knowledge makes you self-righteous and this religious knowledge makes you blind. Because you are blind, you are trapped into pride,stubbornness,self-love and self-righteousness. Repent, for My judgment is coming to My house and it is coming now!

Jesus must have shocked the people of His day when He equated lust to ADULTERY! His actual words from Matthew 5:28-29 are:

"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed ADULTERY with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into HELL."

Please note the serious consequence of lust or mental adultery - which includes pornography. Immediately after verse 28 where Jesus equates lust to adultery He describes the consequence in verse 29. And the consequence is Hell itself. According to Jesus, who always tells the truth, if you lust you will end up in Hell ! Therefore, this sin must not be taken lightly, as many people do.

Have you ever wondered:
• Do Backsliders go to Hell?
• Can Names be Erased from the Book of Life?
• Will Sex with my Boyfriend or Girlfriend send me to Hell?
• Will Pornography or Lust send me to Hell?
• Will Drunkenness or Drugs send me to Hell?
These questions are seriously addressed in this book.
Don’t leave it to chance to find out at the moment of your death. Learn from the Bible what God says about these issues.

Testimonies of Hell For Unforgiveness. Included in this book are some real and frightening testimonies of people who saw people in Hell for unforgiveness. Also some people (even pastors and evangelists) who were almost cast into Hell for unforgiveness. It truly is more serious than you thought.

True maturity is to be in a childlike walk with Me, with a pure heart. True maturity is not religious knowledge. Your knowledge makes you self-righteous and this religious knowledge makes you blind. Because you are blind, you are trapped into pride,stubbornness,self-love and self-righteousness. Repent, for My judgment is coming to My house and it is coming now!

Jesus must have shocked the people of His day when He equated lust to ADULTERY! His actual words from Matthew 5:28-29 are:

"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed ADULTERY with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into HELL."

Please note the serious consequence of lust or mental adultery - which includes pornography. Immediately after verse 28 where Jesus equates lust to adultery He describes the consequence in verse 29. And the consequence is Hell itself. According to Jesus, who always tells the truth, if you lust you will end up in Hell ! Therefore, this sin must not be taken lightly, as many people do.