Author's e-books - fiction. Page - 22

In our online library you can read for free books by the author fiction. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

After Melinda returned from a trip to her sisters, she brings news that hurts William. William and Melinda were in love. Always together. Will this hurt there relationship? What baggage does she bring back? Will he put it aside or will it be the Last Goodbye?

Screams invaded the dark that was his consciousness. Crimson spatters invaded his mind. Violent shudders overcame him. Red was his color. And nothing was going to change that.

This is about how a freshman spent her valentines week trying to figure out who the secret valentine not hers but everybody’s one secret valentine.

It was not so easy for her but this is how she did it.


Araya-Dawn Warren has a secret destiny-one she could never have imagined...

Something has always felt slightly off in Araya-Dawn's life. She has never quite fit in at school.... or at home. When she meets a group of kids with unique talents. Araya-Dawn senses that everything she knows is about to change.
But she could never have guessed the truth- that she is the root of a centries old prophecy foretelling the war were Araya Dawn is the most valueable player. Now Araya Dawn will learn just how far she'll go to save someone she cares about, to stop a mysterious evil that is clawing its way out of her... and to find love with a man who would rather see her dead then to let her touch his icy heart.

I'm not normal. I don't know what I am. All I know is when I dream, its not me. I can do things that in real life, or what I think is real life, I can't. It scares me because I was always told that Dreams Are For When You're Sleeping...

Jasmine was never normal. She was the one who stayed in the corner and played with her self while the others played with there friends. She new as she got older that there was something about her, something unique and out of the ordinary. Every time she closed her eyes she was in a different world, a world where fairy tales weren't fairy tales, they were real, and hopes weren't hopes anymore and dreams weren't dreams. All little kids were innocent and believed in everything because there was no reason not to. This world wasn't just a dream, it was reality for Jasmine. If she got hurt in her dream she had the same bruise or scrap in the morning when she woke up. This second world she "dreamed" about almost seemed too good before something she couldn't control came into the picture... They told her that she is the prophet. They tell her that she is the one they have been waiting for. Jasmine doesn’t believe them. Why should she? She’s just a simple girl thats had the rough end of the stick most her life. They have been waiting for her and she is the only one who can save them. Who can let there be light... Read and see who “they” are and see what Jasmine is the prophet of...

I am standing on the balcony of the 23rd floor of the hotel and am about to jump. But before you judge me I want to tell you my story. I want to tell you how a normal man with a beautiful fiancee and a successful career has very logically come to this decision. But is it really my decision?

After you've heard my story I invite you to give your verdict and perhaps spare the life of a man who doesn't wish to be spared. What is your decision?

Short stories about bizarre mental health disorders. The mind is the most terrifying place of all!

When Ronda Wickford, the assistant manager of Brandenberg’s ShopRite Supermarket, inadvertently hires a middle-age man with a PhD in philosophy to run the fresh produce department, weird things begin to happen. As events unfold, she learns a thing or two about Wittgenstein’s linguistic theories, common decency and how to fix a leaky faucet.

After Melinda returned from a trip to her sisters, she brings news that hurts William. William and Melinda were in love. Always together. Will this hurt there relationship? What baggage does she bring back? Will he put it aside or will it be the Last Goodbye?

Screams invaded the dark that was his consciousness. Crimson spatters invaded his mind. Violent shudders overcame him. Red was his color. And nothing was going to change that.

This is about how a freshman spent her valentines week trying to figure out who the secret valentine not hers but everybody’s one secret valentine.

It was not so easy for her but this is how she did it.


Araya-Dawn Warren has a secret destiny-one she could never have imagined...

Something has always felt slightly off in Araya-Dawn's life. She has never quite fit in at school.... or at home. When she meets a group of kids with unique talents. Araya-Dawn senses that everything she knows is about to change.
But she could never have guessed the truth- that she is the root of a centries old prophecy foretelling the war were Araya Dawn is the most valueable player. Now Araya Dawn will learn just how far she'll go to save someone she cares about, to stop a mysterious evil that is clawing its way out of her... and to find love with a man who would rather see her dead then to let her touch his icy heart.

I'm not normal. I don't know what I am. All I know is when I dream, its not me. I can do things that in real life, or what I think is real life, I can't. It scares me because I was always told that Dreams Are For When You're Sleeping...

Jasmine was never normal. She was the one who stayed in the corner and played with her self while the others played with there friends. She new as she got older that there was something about her, something unique and out of the ordinary. Every time she closed her eyes she was in a different world, a world where fairy tales weren't fairy tales, they were real, and hopes weren't hopes anymore and dreams weren't dreams. All little kids were innocent and believed in everything because there was no reason not to. This world wasn't just a dream, it was reality for Jasmine. If she got hurt in her dream she had the same bruise or scrap in the morning when she woke up. This second world she "dreamed" about almost seemed too good before something she couldn't control came into the picture... They told her that she is the prophet. They tell her that she is the one they have been waiting for. Jasmine doesn’t believe them. Why should she? She’s just a simple girl thats had the rough end of the stick most her life. They have been waiting for her and she is the only one who can save them. Who can let there be light... Read and see who “they” are and see what Jasmine is the prophet of...

I am standing on the balcony of the 23rd floor of the hotel and am about to jump. But before you judge me I want to tell you my story. I want to tell you how a normal man with a beautiful fiancee and a successful career has very logically come to this decision. But is it really my decision?

After you've heard my story I invite you to give your verdict and perhaps spare the life of a man who doesn't wish to be spared. What is your decision?

Short stories about bizarre mental health disorders. The mind is the most terrifying place of all!

When Ronda Wickford, the assistant manager of Brandenberg’s ShopRite Supermarket, inadvertently hires a middle-age man with a PhD in philosophy to run the fresh produce department, weird things begin to happen. As events unfold, she learns a thing or two about Wittgenstein’s linguistic theories, common decency and how to fix a leaky faucet.