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this is a small story about Mia who finda a doll, but doesn't know that it's got a horrible curse...

My names Leah. Leah Knight. My life is nothing but boring. But, one story changed all that.

Leah is a seventeen year old girl that all she does is pity herself, isolate herself in her room, and listen to music to escape her world. She thinks her life is worthless with having no friends caused by her shyness and quietness and falling for a guy that has no idea she even exists. Leah tries her best to get by the days with the same thing happening everyday. But, as soon as Leah makes a wish on a star and gets
an idea for her next story, her life with finally change.

Valerie never told her that she has never forgotten those unforgettable words Jessica said, "Valerie, you know since we were in our mothers' wombs we are already best friends."

A poem about 9/11, written entirely from actual closed caption descriptions of sounds from footage and dramatizations of 9/11.

The harder I tried the more my brain pulsed, there was only fire,” DEATH IS FREEDOM!!” that is all that keep coming back; over and over again. I could hear my heart beating rapidly in my chest, wanting to scream, “SHUT UP” at my head. Wanting the endless phrase to stop its haunting echo. The images of fire mingled with distorted faces tortured my mind, and crazed laughter chilling over my soul.

This story is for all that dream and ends in a nightmare...

Dream Coming True is a collection of three micro-short stories from Biswajit Ganguly. The stories relate to situations that come through night's sleep. These stories are fictional in nature. Each story's body equals 100 words that's why they are called drabbles.

it starts out with a blank lining of understory showing the mysterious figure that is so mysterious evern the story itself couldn't find a way to describe it.

The Peak was abuzz with activity when Lana arrived several hours later. During exercises, the government’s premier contingency operations compound in the Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee was populated only by maintenance crews and a few relaxed guards. She parked in her assigned spot and emerged from the car, startled by the scores of personnel already present. The gate guards were doubled, armed and wearing tactical gear, the perimeter lit by intense floodlights. Helicopters thumped in the distance while military patrols roared overhead.

This is the second, less traumatic version of the story. The back story to Tri-Colored Pastries we could call it. Or maybe even the preface. I'll leave that up to you.

this is a small story about Mia who finda a doll, but doesn't know that it's got a horrible curse...

My names Leah. Leah Knight. My life is nothing but boring. But, one story changed all that.

Leah is a seventeen year old girl that all she does is pity herself, isolate herself in her room, and listen to music to escape her world. She thinks her life is worthless with having no friends caused by her shyness and quietness and falling for a guy that has no idea she even exists. Leah tries her best to get by the days with the same thing happening everyday. But, as soon as Leah makes a wish on a star and gets
an idea for her next story, her life with finally change.

Valerie never told her that she has never forgotten those unforgettable words Jessica said, "Valerie, you know since we were in our mothers' wombs we are already best friends."

A poem about 9/11, written entirely from actual closed caption descriptions of sounds from footage and dramatizations of 9/11.

The harder I tried the more my brain pulsed, there was only fire,” DEATH IS FREEDOM!!” that is all that keep coming back; over and over again. I could hear my heart beating rapidly in my chest, wanting to scream, “SHUT UP” at my head. Wanting the endless phrase to stop its haunting echo. The images of fire mingled with distorted faces tortured my mind, and crazed laughter chilling over my soul.

This story is for all that dream and ends in a nightmare...

Dream Coming True is a collection of three micro-short stories from Biswajit Ganguly. The stories relate to situations that come through night's sleep. These stories are fictional in nature. Each story's body equals 100 words that's why they are called drabbles.

it starts out with a blank lining of understory showing the mysterious figure that is so mysterious evern the story itself couldn't find a way to describe it.

The Peak was abuzz with activity when Lana arrived several hours later. During exercises, the government’s premier contingency operations compound in the Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee was populated only by maintenance crews and a few relaxed guards. She parked in her assigned spot and emerged from the car, startled by the scores of personnel already present. The gate guards were doubled, armed and wearing tactical gear, the perimeter lit by intense floodlights. Helicopters thumped in the distance while military patrols roared overhead.

This is the second, less traumatic version of the story. The back story to Tri-Colored Pastries we could call it. Or maybe even the preface. I'll leave that up to you.