Johnny and Me by Ellie Smith (short books for teens txt) 📖

- Author: Ellie Smith
Book online «Johnny and Me by Ellie Smith (short books for teens txt) 📖». Author Ellie Smith
Johnny and Me
“Hello?” I asked
“Hello” the voice replied “I am different from you. And yet I’m very similar.”
“Who are you? And how is that possible?”
“Me? Why I am you”
“ its not it?”
“You tell me.. after all I’m you.”
Chapter 1- My background and We meet Nny
“Devi!!!! Get up now!”
Ugh I hate mornings. “Coming Mom!”
I hurried to get ready before she yelled at me again. As I came down the stairs the warm scents of pancakes and bacon welcomed me.
“Good morning, honey”
“Hey Mom” I replied “Why the big breakfast?”
Ya see mom never made much of anything save cereal or mac n’ cheese.“I didn’t make this silly” she replied.
“Well who did, breakfast fairies?” I mumbled through a mouth full of food.
“Your dad” she said with a smile. I nearly choked on my orange juice.
“Daddy..? for real! He’s back!?”
“Yes in fact he’s in his study” she said smiling at my joy.
I could hardly believe my ears, you see my dad left when I was three to join the war,but I always wrote him ,emailed him ,and texted him. He had been gone since I was three, I was 10 now. I ran to his study and sure enough there he stood. He looked even more handsome than the picture I had of him. Tears brimmed my eyes as I whispered “Daddy?”. He swept me up in his arms and we cried. It seemed like we hugged forever. He looked at me smiling and said “My little have grown so much my little girl...I’ve missed you so much.”
“I missed you to Daddy” I whispered in his ear.
Mom came in and Dad kissed her. I started crying.
“Whats wrong honey?” Mom asked.
“Nothing” I replied “I’m just happy we’re a family again.”
That was the happiest day of my life. Until HE came along.
~6 yrs. later~
“C’mon Squee!”
I yelled for my brother to come in the shack where we were forced to live. He came in cuddling his little stuffed bear he called Shmee.
“Where have you been!” I yelled.
“I just wanted to see Mommy and Daddy” he whimpered.
I sighed, ever since Mom and Dad died I had to take care of little Squee,they died when he was 1, he was 2 now. It had been almost a year since they died.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you. I just.. *sigh* you scared me, that’s all.. its getting late, go get ready for bed,k?”
“Okay” he said and climbed the stairs.I went up two minutes later and tucked him in bed.
“I love you Squee.” I whispered.
“I love you, Mommy.” he said.
I tried not to cry when he said that. I then realized I was all he had. He was my little brother but I treated him like my son. I fell asleep with these thoughts floating around in my head. I woke with a start. I looked at the clock 3:20 am. “Damn” I muttered. I walked down the hall to check on Squee to make sure he was okay. I looked in and he was wide awake and whimpering.
“What was that noise?” he asked shaking from the fear and cold.
I climbed in bed next to him and cradled him in my arms.
“I’m not sure kiddo.”
We sat in the dark for a few minutes before hearing it again. I took his hand as we walked down the hall to see what it was. We looked in the bathroom to find a strange looking man in there. He had wild black hair and he was as skinny as a rail. He didn’t look that old though. Maybe 19 or 20? I couldn’t be sure.
“WHERE THE FUCK IS THE BACTINE!!!!!!” he shouted.
I gasped and he turned around.
“Oh uh.. h-hello excuse me but do you know where the bactine is.. some of this blood is mine.”
I pointed to the cupboard above him.
“Ah perfect... damn that one really put up a fight. Scratched me up like a cat on crack.”
I couldn’t believe my ears.
“I can see that by your expression you know what I mean.” he hissed.
He looked down, “Who is this?” he asked picking up Squee’s little bear, Shmee.
“Um, thats Shmee...” a little voice replied next to me, “and I’m Squee.”
I was shocked, he never talked to strangers. I looked right at the strange man.
“I’m Devi , by the way, and who are you?”
“MY name is Johnny, but you can call me ‘ Nny’ for short.” he said as he bowed and shook my hand.
“Nice to meet you” I said dryly.
“The pleasure is mine” he replied with a smile that could have made any girl blush,not just me.
“I must leave now despite this pleasant talk, you can walk me out.”
And with that he walked down the hall. We followed. I don’t know why but I felt a strange connection with ‘Nny’. We walked him to the window he previously smashed.
“Uh.. sorry ‘bout the window, I saw it was locked. I don’t suggest you ever lock it again. It’s been nice talking to you but we’ll have plenty of time for that later” he said “after all we’re neighbors now.”
And with that he was gone. Squee looked at me and stated very plainly “I’m going to bed now” snuggled up in his bed and fell asleep. I smiled as I kissed his forehead and walked to my bedroom and fell asleep.
Chapter 2 - The Romance Begins
“Wake up!!! It’s SATURDAY!!!!”
I looked at the clock- 7:30.
“Ugh.. why so early” I opened my eyes to see little Squee’s face next to mine.
“How did you sleep kiddo?”
“OK I guess. Except for that man.” He got that scared look in his eyes again.
“It’s OK I don’t think he’ll bug us... what do you want for breakfast?” I asked trying to change the subject.
“I dunno” he replied.
“Well, we can go get a breakfast burrito at Taco Smell.” I said, I had to get him out of the house.
“OK!” he squealed.
“OK go get ready?” I smiled. He ran out and was down in five minutes.
“OK you ready bud?” I asked zipping his sweatshirt.
“Ya,can we go to the park to?” he asked.
“Hmm … well if you eat all your food maybe,k?”
“YAY!” he squealed. And with that we were out the door.
“Devi I wanna feed the ducks.”
“OK,here’s some bread.” We were having a blast. It was the best Saturday ever and then He came by.
“Look Devi, it’s that man again.” Squee whispered next to me.
“It’s OK kiddo, it’ll be OK.” He came up to us and seemed perfectly normal he had the same outfit as last night,minus the blood of course, and his hair was at least a little bit more organized. “Why hello there Squee.” He said with a smile then looked at me and nodded “Devi”
“Hello, Nny’’ I said mocking his greeting.
We starred at each other for at least a minute before Squee broke the silence by saying in the most innocent way possible, “Are you two gonna kith?” Before I could say anything he went to play with his new found friend.
I looked at Nny and smiled “ cute.”
He smiled and leaned in a little. “Yes quite”
O God no! Please not him.
“You seem nervous” he whispered leaning a little closer every word.
“N-no I ..its just..I never..I haven’t ..kissed” I stuttered.
“Well then no better time right?” he was right next to my lips,hands on my hips and his eyes partly closed.
I couldn’t help myself I leaned in and kissed him. I opened my eyes to see a tear fall and realized that he had never kissed either, no one loved one that is
I woke up the next morning with a feeling of being watched. When I opened my eyes I saw Nny holding a bunch of roses and a card. I smiled and he gave me a crooked grin.
“I wanted to thank you for the ..uh the ‘kith’ ” he said quoting Squee.
He looked shy and I wondered where the suave Nny went.
I looked at the floor and said “Ya I liked it to.”
We starred for a few minutes then he gave me the flowers and card,and just before we left he kissed my forehead and said “I think, but I’m not sure ,but I think I may be falling in love with you” and he was gone. I sat there with the flowers and the card and cried,but they were happy tears.
Squee came in and saw me crying and asked “Did he not like you back?”
I smiled and replied “No, he liked me back and I like him even more now.”
Squee smiled and stated that he was going to eat now. I smiled and we walked to the kitchen and we ate in silence, but it was a nice silence.
Chapter 3 - Truth Reveled
“I’m going to be gone for about an hour think you’ll be OK with Pepito?” I asked Squee.
I had been dating Nny for about a week now and Squee had made a new friend who I personally thought was well strange. He was about Squee’s age with a much larger vocabulary and horns sticking out of his head but maybe the motherly instinct were kicking in.
“Ya I’ll be OK. Pepito will defend me” he said with a smile.
“Well, OK. I love you.” I replied kissing his forehead and getting in the car with Nny.
As we drove away he waved and blew me a kiss. I smiled at his tiny innocence. I looked at Nny and noticed he was a little stressed.
“You OK, Nny?” I asked taking his hand in mine.
He loosened a little when I took his hand and smiled at me and said “I am now.”
I blushed and looked out the window.
Who would have thought that I would like him. Certainly not me, I wonder what Mom would say. Dad wouldn’t like him, but Mom may have. I miss them.
“We’re here” Nny announced. My mind jolted back to the present and got out of the car. We walked a ways to the top of the hill. I smiled at the simple beauty.
“I thought you’d like it.” he whispered.
“Like it? I love it!” I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him.
I laughed when he blushed. We sat on the hilltop and talked.
“Do you remember your parents?” he asked.
“I don’t remember much..I mean I remember my mother but Dad I only knew for a little bit. I met him a year before he died.”
“I’m sorry” he said “I shouldn’t have asked.”
“No its OK. I’m fine.” I replied. I suddenly had a flash back to how my parents died it came in so
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