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Book online «When A Bully Falls In Love by Valerie Sax (good books to read for women TXT) 📖». Author Valerie Sax

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Chapter 28: The silence under the moonlight


We reached the cottage where Zareena went to the room to take a rest while Aoife got engaged with Zach in the kitchen.
Yeah, he was excited, and so was she for the evening. 
Matt and I came out.
"Why did you bring her here?" I blurted.
"I didn't want to bring her with me. I was coming alone when she called me to pick her up. She called your mom the next day."
He replied.
I rolled my eyes as I knew my mom would have told her about our trip. 
"I think she is jealous of Aoife. Your changed behavior; she might have noticed." He added.
Yes, he was right. I could see the arrogance in her eyes towards Aoife. 
"Is there something going on between you and Aoife? She seems upset with you." He speculated.
"No, nothing is going on between us. She is a good innocent girl; we are just friends." I covered it up.
I didn't want to reveal anything as I was not sure about her feeling towards me. She turned our beautiful moment into a mistake. Is it?
How easily she hurts me?
I was lost in my thoughts as I wanted to tell her I never felt this before what I felt with her. How the hell she acted normal as nothing happened? 
 I wanted to stay calm before I talk to her, but there I saw her giggling with Zach.
"Aoife, I want to have a word with you," I growled, looking towards Zach.
"I am busy," She didn't even look at me.
I grabbed her hand in a tight fist and dragged her into the backyard.
"Xander, stop. You are creating a scene," She grumbled.
I didn't listen to her as I cornered her in the wooden wall, away from other people's sight.
"Xander, leave me," She growled.
"I don't give a damn to any of them. I don't care what they feel about me." I snarled looking, at her with a pissed voice.
He closed her eyes with anger.
"I do, I do care what people think of me." 
"What do you want from me?" 
"You think spending time with me was a mistake? Whatever happened was a mistake? I am nothing to you?" I gruffed.
She was quiet as she tried to control her anger.
I slammed the wooden wall beside her.
She got scared as she jerked her body with the sound.
"Answer me, Aoife," I wanted her to stop my pain that I was feeling at that time, but she didn't.
"I am not going to answer any of your stupid questions." She replied as her face was red with anger.
"Aoife, I want you to understand me," I grumbled in her ears as I rested my head on the wall beside her shoulder.
"There is nothing to understand about you. You are a ruthless, arrogant man who wanted everything according to his will. You never think about others. And yes, I felt nothing for you. Even if I felt I would not allow myself to be with a person like you. You are a heartless man who will never understand my feelings." she shrilled.
 I pressed my lips to control my anger at her.
"You are lying. You felt something for me." I gruffed.
Her eyes were wet.
"You wanted me as much as I wanted you at that moment.  If I would have, pushed you a bit more, you would have given yourself to me. I stopped. Otherwise you...,"
I murmured, looking at her.
Tears rolled over her eyes as I realized I did, a big mistake with these words. I wanted to say something, but it came out as something shitty.
"Yeah, you are right. Thank you for not fucking me..." The words choked in her throat.
I pulled my hair back as I jerked my body away from her. Yes, I did, a mistake.
"Aoife, I didn't mean to say...." I tried to make her understand.
She showed me her palm as she slapped her tears.
"Aoife...." What the hell? Why she doesn't understand my feelings.

"I hope you got all your answers." Her eyes were asking thousands of questions than her words.
Why are we hurting each other? Why the hell she thinks I will not understand her feeling? What is that I will not understand?
She pushed me as she walked inside.
I grabbed my jacket and went out to burst out my anger.


My mind shut down with his piercing words, it worked as a knife, and my heart bleeds without blood. Now, it was definitely my mistake.
I walked inside as I ran to my room. Zach called me, but I excused him for a break.
I made myself calm as I didn't want anybody to see me in this vulnerable state.
After some time with a broad smile, I prepared myself for the evening.
With a black dress and light makeup, I came down in front of other members.
They settled themselves in the backyard on the wooden tables.
Zoey and Clara placed the plates, wine  and cold drinks. Zach, as promised by him, was busy preparing barbeque things for us.
I directly went to him.
"Can I help you?" I requested.
"Sure, just flip them softly." He smiled.
I nodded my head.
Everyone was here except Xander. Well, I didn't want to know about him.
Clara passed the wine glass for Zach.
"Would you like to try?" He raised the wine glass towards me.
"Nope, not at all," It reminds me of Xander.
"Come on, open your mouth," He bought a juicy, soft, freshly barbequed chicken bite towards me.
I saw Xander entered the backyard as he scanned all of us.
There I found a bite in my mouth. I literally sucked Zach's finger as I didn't want to waste the taste on his fingertips.
"Ummmm...." A soft moan escaped from my mouth as the juice touched my tongue.
"It's out of this world. Zach, I love you for this," I licked my lips twice.
He was looking at my moans and my actions. Even he licked his finger after I did.
"It tastes good," he winked.
"Can I have one more bite with your hand," I grabbed his hand softly.
He smiled as he gave me another bite and raised his glass of wine towards me.
We enjoyed our evening with laughter and food, but whenever Xander and my eyes meet, we felt something strange.
I felt bad when Zareena gets cozy with him, and I tried to divert my mind towards Zach.
Well, the evening was over. We played cards, Pictionary.
It was an awesome evening. 
Everyone went to their room as tomorrow morning we have to leave.
I passed my goodnight as I didn't want to sleep.
Although everything looks fine from the outside, it's messy inside.
I pretended to be the brave girl who didn't get affected by anything. Honestly, I felt alone. I was missing my mom badly. When you are heartbroken, you only miss your mom or dad. I never saw my dad, but I knew where he lived.
I took my phone and went outside to sit beside the water stream.
It was dark and scary, but my situation was the worst.
It was full moon night, and the sight was filled with moonlight.

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